All posts by Amsterdam Genetics

thcv cannabis seeds amsterdam genetics

THCV In Cannabis: Unique Benefits

Every cannabinoid in marijuana plants has its own unique properties, and taken together, that’s quite the collection: over 100 have been discovered so far. Together, they produce the particular effects that have made cannabis so popular, including the recent spike in attention from medical researchers. Most cannabis enthusiasts know the best-studied cannabinoids to some extent, including THC, CBD, CBN, and CBG. A less familiar cannabinoid with every bit as much potential, though, is THCV. This compound has some psychoactive qualities of its own, although interestingly, it does not cause the craving for food that its near-twin THC produces. On top of that, THCV cannabis appears to hold some unique medical advantages, too. High time for an in-depth look!

How Does THCV Affect Cannabis?

Looking at the many compounds that marijuana contains, we find a long series of abbreviations, each of which is a distinct cannabinoid with its own combination of properties. Some are famous, but most are still quite obscure. THCV ranks among the latter kind. The abbreviation is similar to THC, yet even though the letters appear to correspond, THCV is still an altogether different substance.

THCV is an active cannabis component, although it occurs in much smaller quantities than CBD or THC, for example. Nonetheless, THCV adds its own unique effects to the mix, subtle as these may be. And just like other cannabinoids, THCV produces certain effects that alter in the presence of other cannabis compounds, compared to its effects in isolated circumstances. This phenomenon is know as the entourage effect. Moreover, THCV appears promising in its potential medical applications, too.


Cannabis thcv effects

THCV In African Cannabis Strains?

After THCV was discovered in 1971, it was predominantly used for forensic purposes for quite some time. The reason for this peculiar use was the observation that high THCV concentrations mainly occurred in African marijuana strains. Consequently, the compound was used to determine whether confiscated weed came from abroad or from domestic growers. Fortunately, the tide is turning when it comes to cannabis policy. These days, the world is more interested in the medical potential of tetrahydrocannabivarin than in its judicial applications.

The Advantages Of THCV Cannabis

The specific effects of THCV are hard to distinguish from the overall cannabis high even for experienced connoisseurs. Still, this cannabinoid has some unique properties that could offer very real medical potential. Below, you’ll find a summary of the what we’ve discovered so far.

Suppresses Appetite

A well-known property of THC is its tendency to spark a strong craving for food known as ‘the munchies’. This is in fact why THC is used to treat people who lose too much weight. THCV, by contrast, produces the exact opposite effect, reducing appetite instead of stimulating it. This is due to THCV’s tendency to suppress the CB1 receptors of our endocannabinoid system (ECS). That means THCV has implications for people interested in losing weight. The best candidates are strains that are rich in THCV as well as in CBD, since this cannabinoid can also help keep our appetite in check.

Thcv cannabis munchies
The munchies…

Positive Effects On Diabetes

THCV might also prove to e effective against diabetes. Scientists tested the compound on mice and noticed how it improved cell receptiveness to insulin as well as helping control blood sugar levels. THCV reduces glucose tolerance. Researchers now suspect that THCV could be important for finding new diabetes treatments.

Potential Of THCV For Parkinson’s Disease

Similarly to several of its fellow cannabinoids, THCV has antioxidant properties. It activates CB2 receptors while blocking their CB1 counterparts. Scientists think that this could make THCV useful in the fight against Parkinson’s disease. THCV might help dampen symptoms such as tremors, and slow down the decay of brain tissue.

ecs cannabinoïden

Analgesic And Anti-Inflammatory Effects

THCV’s propensity to activate CB2 receptors also enables it to help reduce inflammation. That makes it a promising candidate as an anti-inflammatory agent for use against a range of painful conditions.

THCV And Anxiety

Anxiety and anxiety disorders present another potential area for useful THCV applications. Research indicates that THCV may help reduce or even prevent episodes of anxiety. Most of the research conducted in this regard comes from Israel. Local scientists have determined that this cannabinoid is particularly effective by its capacity to suppress the sense of panic sparked by our innate fight-or-flight response. This evolutionary mechanism kicks in whenever we experience stressful situations, or when we feel threatened. This implies that people diagnosed with PTSD or other anxiety disorders may really stand to benefit from treatment based on THCV cannabis.

Can You Get High From THCV?

THCV and THC are very similar substances; even at the molecular level. That begs the question: can people get high from THCV, too? The answer is more complicated than you might expect. At low dosages, THCV does not produce a noticeable high effect. This compound is a CB1 antagonist that blocs these receptors. Similarly to CBD, THCV can counter the effects of THC and limit the high it produces.

thcv marijuana seeds

Effects Of Cannabis With THC And THCV

At higher dosages, however, THCV starts to paint a different picture. At this point, the compound starts to change into a CB1 agonist. That turns the formerly non-psychoactive cannabinoid into a high-producing compound with stimulating properties while maintaining a level head. Furthermore, THCV works faster than THC, which makes for a fast-onset high that fades quickly, too.

THCV Cannabis In Practice

Anyone using cannabis, whether medicinally or recreationally, stands to benefit from the properties of THCV. Most strains contain only minute quantities of THCV, although some hold more than others. The two Amsterdam Genetics THCV cannabis strains below allow any grower to make the most out of this special compound.

Sadly, studies into this cannabinoid are still few and far between. It will take some time before the first actual THCV-based medicines are ready for use. Of course, that doesn’t mean you can’t profit from the combined benefits of all the cannabinoids we know so far. Our blogs tell you more about which strains, cannabinoids, and other compounds are best to use for issues like stress, anxiety, fatigue, or pain, for instance.

Top THCV Strain #1: Amazing Haze

One Amsterdam Genetics strain that stands out for exceptional THCV levels is Amazing Haze. This potent sativa weed variant is widely appreciated for its cerebral effects both from a medicinal and a recreational perspective. Its effects are strongly brain-oriented, which becomes apparent in an uplifting, energetic, and pretty clear-headed buzz. An approximate THC level of 24% undoubtedly plays a part here, but the contribution of up to .5% THCV must also be substantial.

Interesting food for thought is THCV’s potential for dampening the sometimes intense mental activation that sativas can bring. That could make a THCV-rich sativa strain useful even for anxiety control. For non-medical connoisseurs, though, an activating high without the fridge-clearing tendencies can be an equally attractive prospect.

Amazing Haze

Top THCV Strain #2: Dutch Duchess

In contrast to Amazing Haze, Dutch Duchess Homegrown cannabis seeds are a THCV source from the indica end of the spectrum. These kush genetics make THCV rates of up to .2% a very real possibility. The immediate THC and THCV experience goes hand in hand with more physical (entourage) effects here. Moreover, Dutch Duchess genetics pair THCV with substantial CBN content. This culminates in a cannabinoid profile varied enough to produce a satisfied, relaxed high that can work wonders both for improved sleep and for profoundly chill evenings.

Dutch Duchess thcv cannabis seeds
Dutch Duchess

The Amsterdam Genetics collection holds carefully cultivated marijuana seeds for any taste and individual need. That means even cannabis growers looking for rare cannabinoids like THCV will find the best seeds for their next grow project here!


cbg cannabis

Why CBG In Cannabis Is Important

Anyone who uses cannabis, be it for recreational or medical reasons, consumes much more than just the celebrity cannabinoids THC and CBD. All in all, cannabis contains more than one hundred different cannabinoids. One of the less familiar ones that is rapidly becoming more popular is CBG (cannabigerol). Although CBG is not very prominent in weed percentage-wise, it does convey some important and unique characteristics to its effects. Recent research has shed new light on the power and potential of CBG. Below, you’ll learn why CBG may be far more useful than its cannabis prominence would suggest.

CBG, THC, And CBD In Cannabis

CBG is just one of a whole cornucopia of cannabis plant compounds. Weed is a natural product in which all the ingredients express their combined effects together. Moreover, these compounds influence each other’s effects by means of the entourage effect. That makes it very difficult, at least for now, to detect the specific effects of CBG when trying any one cannabis strain. The amounts are just too small. Scientists are able to isolate these individual substances, however, clearing the way for research into particular CBG properties.

In contrast to THC, CBG does not have psychoactive qualities. That invokes comparisons with its cannabinoid sibling CBD. Interestingly though, CBD does appear capable of directly affecting the endocannabinoid system (ECS) – a trait shared with THC, even if CBG affects other receptors than THC does.

endocannabinoid system cbd thc high

Medical Potential Of CBG

The positive effects of CBG in cannabis overlap with those of CBD to some extent. Similarly to CBD, CBG is likely to offer anti-inflammatory and antibacterial possibilities. It is in fact very promising as an antibiotic that could be a new weapon against MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus), a bacteria that resists treatment with regular antibiotics. This resistance obviously makes MRSA infections dangerous, and so it would be a real leap froward if CBG would help us treat them. For now, this cannabinoid appears about as effective against MRSA as vancomycine.

How Does CBG Affect The Cannabis High?

In addition to the promising future CBG seems to have from a medical point of view, the compound is interesting from a recreational cannabis perspective, too. Even though cannabigerol does not have psychotropic qualities of itself, it can nonetheless affect the experience in its own particular ways.

Dampens The High Produced By THC

Even if experiencing a high may be precisely why someone uses cannabis in the first place, many people turn to marijuana for its potential health benefits instead. These people are generally less interested in the cannabis high, or they may prefer to avoid it altogether. Interestingly, CBG is capable of reducing the psychotropic effects of THC. This mental aspect of the high experience is due to THC’s ability to bind to CB1 and CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoid system, in which CB1 receptors in the brain are responsible for the mental high effects. CBG, however, is a CB1 antagonist, which means it can reduce the receptors’ responsiveness to THC. This means that high CBG weed strains will produce a less powerful high than strains with the same level of THC and less CBG (leaving the effects of CBD out of the equation for simplicity’s sake).

Counters Anxiety, Fear, And Paranoia Caused By THC

One of THC’s most inconvenient effects is its potential to cause fear, anxiety, and paranoia. Even though cannabis can help counter anxiety in certain cases, it can also make matters worse. High THC strains appear particularly likely to trigger anxiety symptoms. On the positive side, CBG appears able to counter this effect. This could be due in part to CBG’s ability to increase production of the neurotransmitter anandamide, known for its soothing, relaxing influence.

CBG In Cannabis Can Improve Moods

Even today, the effects of CBG are still partly shrouded in mystery – as are some of THC’s effects, for that matter. In all honesty, we still have limited understanding of how our brain works – let alone of how cannabinoids affect these workings. Why, for instance, does CBG not produce mind-altering effects while THC does? After all, either cannabinoid can bind to both CB1 and CB2 receptors. The present scientific consensus is that CBG has lower affinity for certain receptors, preventing the cannabinoid from flooding them. This would prevent changes to perception and consciousness similar to those produced by THC.

Despite the stark differences in effects, however, CBG does have real effects on mood. At high dosages, CBG can produce sensations of euphoria and deep relaxation. These can amount to a real mood booster, resulting in feelings of contention and wellbeing. This is actually part of the reason why CBG is under investigation as a potential treatment for depression. So even though CBG does not produce an actual high, it can definitely help people feel happier and more cheerful.

Full Spectrum CBG Oil

cbg olie full spectrum

Even for the most experienced growers, CBG is a very tricky cannabinoid to harvest in any useful quantities. That was precisely why cannabigerol used to be so expensive for a very long time: it just takes a huge batch of marijuana to to produce any useful CBG yields. Fortunately, these days we have an affordable alternative in the form of Full Spectrum CBG Oil. This oil is derived from specially cultivated cannabis plants that contain hardly any THC while producing exceptional levels of CBG instead. That way, anyone is free to experience the benefits of this cannabis compound without growing the crops.

For everyone who does fancy growing weed for maximum CBG content, we’ve summed up some of our main sources of plant-based cannabigerol below.

Amsterdam Genetics CBG Cannabis Seeds

Although CBG is only found in low concentrations in regular cannabis, its potential for health and recreation looks promising nonetheless. It also appears that young specimens of certain cannabis strains contain more CBG than usual. That may enable growers to cultivate strains with more CBG in the near future.

Tangerine G13 cannabis seeds CBG

Currently, it can be hard to find good, stable genetics with above-average cannabigerol percentages. In the Amsterdam Genetics seeds collection, however, you’ll find strains such as Tangerine G13 and Pineapple Kush, which can produce up to 2% CBG under the right grow conditions. Paired with the grower knowhow you’ll find in our grow blogs, these CBG strains are certainly worth a shot; even if you’re not just looking for maximum CBG potential.

Pineapple Kush marijuana seeds CBG

As this blog proves yet again, the world of cannabis plants is a fascinating place. Did you know, for instance, what terpenes and flavonoids in marijuana can do for your health? These cannabis compounds have fascinating health potential too, as you’ll learn by exploring all our blogs.




cannabidiol hennepolie huid

CBD In Cannabis Seeds And Supplements

At Amsterdam genetics, you can order the finest CBD products ranging from high-grade, pure CBD Oil to specially cultivated CBD cannabis seeds. Read all about the secrets and possibilities of cannabidiol in this blog, and explore the hugely popular cannabinoid that will not get you high.

CBD And The Active Components Of Cannabis

Cannabis is a special plant to growers and connoisseurs alike. This is mainly due to the active components found in marijuana plants and the effects these compounds produce. For most people, cannabis readily evokes the notion of getting ‘high’ or ‘stoned’. This supposedly ‘mind-altering’ or psychotropic effect is chiefly caused by the substance tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), despite the parts played by a range of other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. Whereas THC may still be the world’s most famous cannabinoid, another hemp plant component is rapidly becoming more popular. This rising star on the cannabis firmament is known as cannabidiol, or CBD.

The Effect Of CBD In Cannabis

CBD in cannabis is often claimed to be non-psychoactive, but strictly speaking, that is not entirely accurate. The compound does in fact influence the psyche, as it does the body; what CBD doesn’t do, however, is affect our perception or experience of time, as the ‘high’ effect of THC can. CBD could be labelled non-psychotropic instead of non-psychoactive. In fact, CBD can even limit the effects of the other cannabis compounds, or counter them entirely. No matter how we call it, though, many people are mainly interested in CBD for its potential health benefits. Since it was first discovered by chemist Roger Adams in 1940, scientists have been mapping an expanding range of possible medicinal applications for cannabidiol.

cannabidiol hemp oil
Natural hemp oil extracts

CBD Is Not Medicine, But A Cannabis Based Supplement

Let’s start out by stating that officially, CBD can not be labelled a medicine. Although a few manufacturers do use synthetic variants of the compound for medicinal applications, CBD drawn from hemp (a low-THC type of cannabis plant) can only be labelled a dietary supplement. Consequently, you are unlikely to get a doctor’s prescription for CBD products. Instead, the best way to obtain CBD supplements is through reliable, renowned online distributors such as Amsterdam Genetics.

The Health Potential Of Cannabidiol

Incredible as it may sound, researchers keep discovering new CBD applications almost on a monthly basis. This is largely because CBD from cannabis is very similar to the endocannabinoids produced by our own body. This similarity allows cannabidiol to interact with our endocannabinoid system (ECS). This is a crucial system that safeguards the body’s natural state of balance (homeostasis). Other plant-based phytocannabinoids, including THC, can interact with the ECS in their own ways; but they usually do so using other cell receptors than those used by CBD.

endocannabinoid system
CB1 and CB2 receptors of the ECS.

The endocannabinoids system partly consists of CB1 receptors, which are manly found throughout the central nervous system. These interact easily with THC, which explains the substance’s psychotropic effects on the cannabis high. CBD, by contrast, chiefly works with the ECS’s CB2 receptors connected to many of the body’s vital systems, including the nervous system for good measure. CB2 receptors are found in the skin, the digestive tract, the immune system, our hormonal glands, the muscles, and the cardiovascular system, for example. The widespread presence of the ECS allows CBD to affect a broad range of critical health aspects; at least in theory. Increasingly, people use CBD from cannabis or hemp plants for:

  • Anti-inflammatory potential;
  • Pain control;
  • Muscle recovery after intense exertion;
  • Anxiety and stress;
  • Low moods and depression;
  • Sleeping problems;
  • And more besides.

CBD: A Cannabis Supplement Without Side Effects?

In addition to the applications mentioned above, CBD is used for many chronic conditions for which no regular treatment is available (yet), including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease. Definitive clinical evidence for its effectiveness is not yet available; if even because current studies are notoriously time-consuming affairs. Nonetheless, many people try CBD partly because of the near complete lack of side-effects associated with this natural compound. This makes CBD an interesting alternative to existing medication with undesirable side-effects, including drugs prescribed for depression, anxiety disorders, or arthritis, for example. CBD is known to sometimes interact with certain medication, however; so we always advise consulting your doctor before trying CBD for yourself. Still, these side-effects are very limited in scope and scale, making CBD cannabis supplements an interesting natural alternative for increasing numbers of people.

cbd cannabis oil

CBD: More Potential Than One Blog Can Describe

There is so much to say about the effects and possibilities of CBD, that we will have to cover these in more detail in separate blogs. These include discussions of whether CBD is safe to use for children and even pets; how CBD can influence the effects of THC, and how CBD supplements could help us handle problems such as epilepsy, stress, and hormonal issues such as PMS and menopause. Keep a close eye on our CBD blogs for the latest information, studies, and discoveries.

CBD Will Not Make You High

CBD Oil is a natural hemp product that will not get you high or stoned. That means it is safe to use if you’re going to work or school; even if you’re taking the car to get there. In fact, the effects of cannabidiol can even counter a (too strong) THC high. That makes it all the more interesting to mix CBD cannabis with THC-rich strains to achieve the precise intended effect.

A Choice Of CBD Supplements

Our web shop offers a broad selection of high-grade CBD supplements to suit any use and taste. From Full Spectrum CBD Oil and CBG Oil to CBD Gummies, Tablets, Coffee Beans, and Chocolate: there’s a product to match any preference and any lifestyle. The CBD experts at SupMedi keep ensuring the highest product standards and purity based on strict laboratory testing and quality controls. Their efforts guarantee that at Amsterdam Genetics, you get nothing but the very best in CBD supplements.

cbd cannabis blue monkey marijuana seeds
Blue Monkey CBD

Growing CBD Cannabis Seeds

For anyone who prefers to grow their own prime CBD genetics, we have our specially cultivated CBD cannabis seeds ready and waiting. These CBD seeds give every grower the opportunity to grow pure and natural CBD strains with THC/CBD ratios of up to 1:35. Our Blue Monkey CBD genetics are highly suited for both indoor and outdoor growing; even in Northern European conditions with their high resistance to fungus and pleasantly short flowering times. At potential yields of up to 500g/m², a personal grow of CBD marijuana seeds is interesting for anyone – especially using our educational grow blogs full of grow tips and instructions.





























kush cannabis seeds

What Is Kush Cannabis, Exactly?

A quick glance at the Amsterdam Genetics cannabis seeds catalogue reveals a dizzying array of fancy strain names. Tasty choices of words like Choco, Tangerine, Cake, and Lemon spark the appetite, and abbreviations like AK-020 instantly get the imagination going. But what about those kushy names like AK OG Kush or Kosher Tangie Kush? Exotic as the word ‘kush’ might sound, many people are at a loss to its meaning and origins. That is exactly why this blog explores the what, the how, and the why of Kush cannabis genetics!

Kush As A Category Of Cannabis Genetics

As you probably know, there are thousands of different cannabis strains, each with its own name that can be just as awe-inspiring as it can be puzzling and mystifying. Marijuana variants can be ordered along different lines, according to personal preference: there is no single ‘correct’ way of classifying all the strains we have today. Instead of the popular distinction between ‘sativa’ and ‘indica’ strains, we can choose to label certain types of weed as kush strains. Some of these are obvious choices, such as the famous OG Kush classic at the root of many modern strains or our very own Pineapple Kush, but it is often hard to tell just where the class of kush genetics ends.

At the end of the day, hundreds of different weed strains can be linked to Kush origins, and the number grows every year due to ongoing crossbreeding efforts. So with that out of the way, let’s try to figure out what unites all of these delicious and fascinating kush cannabis genetics.

The History Of Kush Cannabis

In essence, Kush is a geographic name rather than a weed category. The Hindu Kush is a mountainous region that crosses present-day India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. The name is has disputed roots, but Hindu Kush is thought to denote ‘Killer of Hindus’ due to the many Hindu slaves that perished while crossing these mountains long ago. The Hindu Kush is one of the areas where the first original cannabis strains evolved in nature, as early occupants of the region soon discovered to their advantage.

hindu kush cannabis history
The Hindu Kush mountains where it all began…

In the 20th century, hippie travellers stumbled upon the local weed strains of the Hindu Kush region. In a rare moment of clarity, some of them decided to bring some Kush cannabis genetics back with them as they returned to Europe and the US. As cannabis kept becoming more popular in the west from the Sixties onwards, many growers learned to appreciate the properties typical of these early kush strains, and started to experiment with them to create their own crossbred types of weed. The result is obvious in our online collection of top quality cannabis seeds: Kush genetics have struck a chord with growers and connoisseurs – and they’re obviously here to stay!

Effects Of Kush Weed

Kush cannabis strains have a reputation for containing strong genetics that produce potent highs and heavy, sedative stoned experiences. Although that is certainly true for some of our heavy-hitting kush greats like Magic OG Kush or Milkshake Kush Autoflower seeds, there are just too many kushes around the world today to justify such a crude classification. We can make a few general observations, however, as long as you remember to take any kush claims with a healthy pinch of salt.

Kush cannabis strains usually lean towards the indica side of the cannabis family tree. Accordingly, they often produce more of a physical bodybuzz stoned effect than many other weed types. Any grower looking for weed seeds with relaxing, calming effects and muscle relief ought to keep an eye out for genuine kush genetics.

best autoflower weed amsterdam genetics
Milkshake Kush

Body Buzz, Stress Relief, And Couchlock

The relaxing effect of a true kush is mainly felt in the body as opposed to the mind, even though many experts recommend kush cannabis for meditative purposes. Our Kosher Tangie Kush is in fact our top recommendation for stress relief, providing a wonderful balance of THC and CBG cannabinoids aided by a great terpene profile.

Broadly speaking, kush strains are often sedative in the high they bring, with euphoric effects and a knack for introspective moods. They are also famous for producing couchlock; the sense of apathy and unwillingness to ever get off that comfy couch. Experienced consumers recommend kush weed for evening-time use, as they can seriously undercut motivation for doing pretty much anything but vegging out.

Kush Cannabis Appearance

Today’s innumerable strains are a tapestry of interwoven genetics, making it very hard to link kush strains to any single set of outward appearances. On top of that, grow practices determine how any plant will look to considerable extent. Very generally speaking, however, kush plants tend to be dark green in appearance, with short, broad plant growth patterns and compact, dark green buds that display bright orange to coppery brown pistils while flowering. Some of the most famous kush strains even tend to turn purple in the right conditions, though modern kush hybrids often do not. This kush profile does seem to overlap with some of the main traits of cannabis indica genetics associated with kush weed, in contrast to properties usually ascribed to sativa variants.

purple kush cannabis
Some kush strains tend to grow gloriously purple.

How To Grow Kush Strains

Kush cannabis seeds are generally not that hard to manage, even for inexperienced growers. This is another (overly) broad generalisation though, so always check an individual (kush) strain’s grow characteristics to determine the best approach. Throwing caution aside, however, many growers appreciate kush cannabis strains for their hardiness, compact stature, and relatively short flowering times.

Strain hunters, breeders, and geneticists are known to be rather fond of using original kush genetics; or at least, strains that come close to the legendary original landraces found in the Hindu Kush. This is due to their reputation for robustness, which is explained by their evolutionary background. The mountainsides of the Kush region are a harsh and unforgiving habitat with brutal winters and short summers. Any plant able to survive there has to be tough and resilient to the weather and threats like fungus and pests – including eager hippie hikers, that is. This makes ‘genuine’ kush genetics highly sought after for breeding back some original ruggedness into today’s often over-hybridised strains. Grow a true kush in any garden or tent and you’ll experience just what we mean.

Our Greatest Kush Cannabis Seeds

So now that you know something about the origins and traits typically associated with kush strains, here’s a quick glance at our best Amsterdam Genetics Kush cannabis seeds.

Top Kush Seeds #1: Spicebomb

Just to prove that a name is just a name, or top Amsterdam Genetics Kush cannabis seeds carry the strikingly unkushy name of Spicebomb! Don’t worry though, as these beauties are loaded with distinctly kushy genetics. Inside, OG Kush x Kosher Tangie Kush parent strains make the history and future of kush cannabis meet. The result is not just a dazzlingly full-flavoured explosion of spices, but also an intense and thoroughly relaxing body buzz that will have any stressed out connoisseur smiling contently for hours and hours.

spicebomb marijuana seeds
Spicebomb has a seriously kushy loadout…

Top Kush Seeds #2: AK Choco Kush

Our second greatest kush strain would have to be AK Choco Kush, although we’ll admit the competition is fierce looking at our full list of kush genetics. It’s largely a matter of taste, but we are just too proud of this successful merger between classically kushy genetics and our long-time champion White Choco strain. What’s more, AK Choco Kush seeds are a joy to grow, with plenty of medical and recreational potential to offer for anyone interested in harvesting their very own kush crop!

ak choco kush cannabis seeds
A big bush of AK Choco Kush!

Getting To Work With Kush Cannabis Genetics

So there you go – you’re fully up to speed on the current state of kush cannabis genetics. As you can see, our seeds vault contains enough great genetics tracking their origins to the slopes of the Hindu Kush mountains. Whether you’re looking for classic heritage or innovative kush hybrids, we have the finest seeds waiting for any grower. So why not dig in and try some original cannabis history in real life?

delta-8-thc cannabis

Delta-8-THC And Its Properties

Studies keep revealing new insights into the fascinating potential of the cannabis plant. The species produces a plethora of valuable compounds that can help us improve or maintain our health. Many people are familiar with THC, but in fact, we should call the substance delta-9-THC. This is the cannabinoid responsible for the cannabis high experience. In addition to this delta-9-terahydrocannabinol, we also know delta-8-THC. Although this compound is quite similar to delta-9, it has different characteristics. It may prove an ally in the ongoing battle against cancer, and it could help improve appetite. Nonetheless, its psychotropic effects are less intense. This blog discusses the properties and potential uses of delta-8-THC.

Delta-9-THC And Delta-8-THC

Not long ago, marijuana plants were the subject of constant scepticism. To most people, this was simply a strange herb that could get people high. Put bluntly, weed was a bad influence that ought to be banned altogether. Fortunately, public opinion has shifted in recent years, and that is for the better. As soon as you look beyond the surface of cannabis, you’ll learn that this plant is simply brimming with useful natural compounds. Research keeps revealing new ways in which cannabis can contribute to our good health.

THC and CBD are the two best-known compounds to be found in cannabis. Many others exist. However, and basic knowledge of the uses of these cannabinoids can be very useful; whether for medical reasons or for recreational purposes. THC tetrahydrocannabinol is the cannabinoid producing the high associated with weed. Initially labelled Δ-9-THC, the delta symbol “Δ“ is the letter D in the Greek alphabet. As it turns out, several types of THC exist; but they don’t all share the psychotropic impact of their delta-9 version.

Δ8 And Δ9 THC: One Cannabinoid, Two Isomers

The different types of THC are also called isomers. These are all highly similar, with similar molecular structures and the same number of atoms per molecule. However, since these molecules are connected in slightly different ways, every isomer has a slightly different shape. The somewhat more obscure delta-8-THC isomer differs from delta-9 in a number of critical ways. That opens up interesting avenues of research into its recreational uses as well as its medicinal potential.


What Are The Differences Between Delta-9-THC And Delta-8-THC?

If you mention THC, people usually associate the name with stories about weed and getting high. Cannabis plants reveal a far more complicated and nuanced picture, however. As it turns out, there’s THC, and then there’s THC. We can distinguish various types of THC isomers. Below, you’ll read more about the differences between Δ9 and Δ8 THC.

Firstly, there is a difference in the extent to which either compound is psychoactive. Delta-9-THC has strong affinity for binding to CB1 receptors of our endocannabinoid system, which explains its strong psychoactive properties. Delta-8-THC is less capable of binding to these CB1 receptors, due to differences in chemical structure. The connections between CB1 receptors and delta-8 molecules is weak. Sure enough, you can still get high from delta-8-THC, but the effect will be different. Delta-9-THC produces the familiar potent buzz; delta-8 invokes a milder type of euphoria instead. The mind remains clear while the body relaxes. It appears as if delta-8 does not impair mental performance.

Whereas delta-9-THC is one of the most common cannabinoids found in marijuana, delta-8-THC is far less prevalent. Colas contain just about 1% delta-8 on average. On the other hand, delta-9 is less stable than delta-8. It oxidizes more easily, which turns delta-9-THC into the cannabinoid CBN (cannabinol). Chemically speaking, delta-8-THC is more stable, resulting in less rapid deterioration that enables it to remain in cannabis flowers longer.

Possible Applications Of Delta-8-THC

Even though delta-8 was discovered as early as 1975, the compound has not been studied extensively at all. Research conducted by the National Cancer Institute back in those early days already demonstrated that delta-8 can have anxiolytic, neuroprotective, sedative and antiemetic effects.

delta-8-thc onderzoek

Potential Effects On Cancer

It appears that delta-8 may be capable of countering certain processes involved in cancer pathology. Several studies have investigated this potential. Oral administration of delta-8-THC appeared to limit lung tumour growth; in-vitro trials showed 40-60% reduction. Mice administered different dosages of delta-8-THC turned out to live longer than control group animals.

Δ-8-THC As An Antiemetic

Research also demonstrated that delta-8-THC may be an effective anti-emetic, or anti-nausea agent, when used for children undergoing cancer treatment. The cannabinoid appeared to help prevent vomiting. Vomiting was completely prevented in a total of 480 tumour treatments. Delta-8 was administered 2 hours prior to treatment, and then every 6 hours over a 24-hour period. Obviously, this helped the young patients cope better with the side-effects of their treatment, which adds to the evidence of delta-8’s potential positive health benefits.

In addition to its anti-emetic properties, delta-8-THC can also help improve appetite.


Stimulates Appetite

In addition to its anti-emetic properties, delta-8-THC can also help improve appetite. In one study in which mice were given delta-8-THC, animals were fed during 2.5-hour time slots for either 9 or 50 days. The mice in the nine-day experiment receiving delta-8 turned out to eat 16% more than the control group. The research team expects delta-8 to be a good candidate for treatment of eating disorders and weight problems.

Positive Effect On Activity And Cognition

The study mentioned above revealed another highly interesting positive delta-8-THC effect. In addition to the increase in appetite, the mice in the delta-8 group became more active, too. What’s more, the researchers also noticed improvement in their cognitive performance. As it turns out, this THC variant has several wholly different effects on the brain than the cannabinoid that gets us high. It seems as though delta-8-THC has a whole lot in store for us – pretty amazing for a compound that’s been present in all our cannabis strains for so many years!

cannabis thc delta-8

Delta-8-THC From The Best Amsterdam Genetics Cannabis Seeds

As we mentioned earlier, we still don’t know much about the potential of delta-8-THC. Research is still underway, but the possibilities seem promising nonetheless. We obviously still have a lot to learn about the cannabis plant. If you’re not done expanding your own cannabis knowledge just like us, we have a lot more to tell you about the uses of cannabis. You could explore the many potential applications of weed, for instance, including treatment of fatigue, chronic pain, anxiety, migraine and headaches, depression, or stress. Perhaps growing medicinal cannabis is right up your street? In our online catalogue, you’ll find the best genetics packed in specially cultivated cannabis seeds of the very highest quality. Our grow blogs are designed to see any grower off to a good start; so whether it’s for recreational or medicinal purposes, ordering Amsterdam Genetics cannabis seeds is always the fastest route to the best natural results!

Check Out Our Collection


Cannabis Edibles vs smoking weed

Cannabis Edibles VS Smoking Weed – What’s The Difference?

Is it better to make edibles out of cannabis, or is smoking weed the better choice? Cannabis is known for its psychoactive effect, which is caused by THC (tetra-hydrocannabinol). This psychoactive cannabinoid affects the brain, which then causes a high. However, the way in which we consume cannabis makes quite a lot of difference on its effects. Both the intensity of the high and the speed at which THC affects the brain are different for smoking marijuana and eating cannabis edibles. That’s useful knowledge, so this blog explores all the differences between edible and combustible cannabis. We also explain how growers can determine the taste and effects of their own cannabis edibles.

How THC Transforms In The Body

The difference between the effects of THC when smoked or eaten as a cannabis edible is due to the distinct ways in which the cannabinoid is absorbed by the body. Smoking involves inhaling THC, which directs it to the lungs. From there, it enters the bloodstream as it makes its way to the brain, where the psychoactive effects occur. This is where it passes the blood-brain barrier, making its effects felt almost immediately. On average, the first effects of a smoked cannabis high can be felt within 5 to 15 minutes after inhalation. This is when blood THC levels are highest. The effects of cannabis gradually decrease over the course of the following two hours.

cannabis edibles smoking

Eating edibles triggers a different chain of events. THC follows the edible down into the stomach, from where the gastrointestinal tract takes the cannabinoid to the liver for processing. Here, THC, which should actually be called delta-9-THC, is converted into 11-hydroxy-THC. This chemical transformation explains why cannabis edibles cause different high effects then smoked cannabis. 11-hydroxy-THC has a more powerful psychoactive effect than delta-9-THC, and its high feels different, too.

Edibles VS Smoking Cannabis: Slower Onset, Long Lasting Effect

Two major differences set cannabis edibles apart from smoking. First off, edibles take much longer before they make their effects felt. Since ingested cannabinoids have to pass through the stomach and liver before reaching the brain, it takes 1 to 2 hours on average before their influence becomes apparent. Once the THC arrives at its destination, however, the effects can last for 6 to 10 hours. That is considerably longer than the effects of smoking cannabis: this is important to keep in mind for anyone interested in trying edibles!

Smoking Cannabis And Edibles: Decarboxylating THC

THC in cannabis plants is not directly available for use by the human body. That means eating raw weed is pointless; there would be no psychoactive effect whatsoever. Humans are unable to digest the fibrous material of these plants, but more importantly, any THC preent would not enter the bloodstream in a form that we can use. That is why the plant material needs to be decarboxylated first. This biochemical process is based on heating. As temperature rises, molecules of the cannabinoid THCA (THC-acid) release an acid component (COOH), which turns THCA into THC. This process also occurs when weed is smoked, because the heating involved in combustion aturns THCA into THC that can be absorbed by the body.

Anyone interested in making their own edibles will need to decarb their weed first. The trick is doing it in such a way that the cannabinoids are not destroyed in the process. Our special blog on decarboxylating cannabis explains how to do just that.

The Right Dosage For Cannabis Edibles And Smoking

Knowing and sticking to the right dosage is critically important; both for smoking and for eating cannabis edibles. Consuming too much can make the high too intense, or cause a bad trip. On the other hand, consuming too little will fail to produce the intended effect, which is generally not what people are after, either.

Smoking cannabis allows for fairly accurate dosing of cannabinoids and their intended effect. Smoking produces noticeable effects fairly quickly, which makes it easier to adjust the intensity and duration of the high. If the effect is less than intended, a few more inhalations are always an option; yet if it’s stronger than expected, putting the joint away is always an option. That makes determining the right dosage relatively easy, even for less experienced consumers.

Dosing Cannabis Edibles

Cannabis edibles can be much more difficult to dose. As mentioned above, the effects of THC will take at least an hour to make themselves felt. That creates a well-known cannabis pitfall: impatient consumers will tend to take another bite too soon, because they think the edible is not working properly. However, taking that extra bite involves a serious risk of ingesting too much, which can easily cause bad trips. This is obviously not a desirable situation; especially when you consider how long the effects of cannabis edibles can last.

cannabis edibles smoking baking
Never take too much at once!

So if you plan to eat cannabis edibles, always be very careful. Keep in mind that it can take quite some time before THC makes itself felt. Start out with small doses, simply by taking just a few small bites. Wait for at least an hour and then determine whether you’re feeling any effects yet. If you don’t feel any THC effects, you can take a few more bites. This is the best way to prevent literally biting off more than you can chew. Here’s a pro tip: always make sure you have some tasty snacks nearby – something other than cannabis edibles that is, without THC. This is a good way to resist the temptation to gobble up the rest of that edible and regretting it later!

Tip For Growers: Using Trim In The Kitchen

Making cannabis edibles is not that hard, as long as you have decarboxylated cannabis at hand. This can be turned into edible basics like cannabutter, which can then be used to make batter for cake or muffins, for instance. From that point, inventing your personal recipes for cannabis edibles becomes a piece of cake – pun intended. There’s plenty of sites full of cannabis recipes out there if you’re looking for inspiration.

cannabis edibles healthy smoking

If anything, growing your own cannabis makes cooking up edibles even easier. Decarbing harvested buds is a great starting point for cannabis cuisine. Growers aiming to make the most out of their plants can even use leftover cannabis trim to process into edibles. The ‘sugar leaves’ that remain after trimming the harvest contain too much chlorophyll and too little THC to be suited for smoking. Still, they are perfectly suited to make an easy batch of cannabis edibles.

Which Strains Make The Best Edibles?

Of course, we all know that the perfect cannabis strain is a matter of taste. Nonetheless, choosing which strain to grow for your cannabis edibles is a big factor in the taste and effect of the final result. THC content is a major part of the impact, but other cannabinoids like CBD have a part to play, too. The taste of your edibles largely depends on which terpenes are present in the strain you use – apart from the sugar, cinnamon, or chocolate on your list of ingredients, of course. Terpenes are organic compounds that determine the taste of weed, although they are found throughout the entire plant kingdom. Some of the best-known terpenes and their flavours are:

Pinene: smells like pine trees and conveys a herbal flavour. You’ll also find pinene in rosemary and basil. Magic OG Kush is a high-pinene AG strain ready to order from our seeds catalogue.

Caryophyllene: this terpene extends an exciting, spicy taste and scent to cannabis that is bound to affect the flavour of edibles. Our classic Super Silver Haze seeds are a good example of a caryophyllene-rich Amsterdam Genetics strain.

Limonene: as the name of this terpene probably gave away already, limonene smells and tastes of lime and other citrus fruits. A dash of Lemon Haze or Lemon Ice in a cannabis edible is bound to add a fresh, funky twist to the recipe due to the high limonene content of these strains.

terpenes amsterdam genetics seeds

Edibles, Smoking, And Medicinal Cannabis

An important part of the cannabis edibles fanbase consists of people who use marijuana for medical reasons. Medicinal cannabis can be consumed for a wide range of conditions and symptoms, including chronic pain, stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue, or migraine.

Many people who use cannabis for medical reasons prefer edibles over smoking. Finding the right edibles can be a real source of relief, even if only because smoking is bad for your lungs. That is a considerable drawback even for healthy people, but for certain conditions, smoking simply isn’t an option. That makes cannabis edibles a wonderful alternative.

eat weed bake muffins

Growing cannabis for medicinal edibles is a bit more complicated than your average grow, though. This is mainly because of high standards in terms of hygiene, consistency, and continuity, but you can read all about this in our dedicated medicinal cannabis grow blog. For now, though, at least you know that cannabis edibles can be great solution for non-smokers, both for medical and recreational purposes.

CBD Edibles: Tasty And Healthy Without The High

If you don’t feel like making your own cannabis edibles, then perhaps our delicious, wholesome, and ready-to-eat CBD edibles are your best choice. CBD edibles contain cannabidiol but no THC. That means they will not get you high, while they still convey all the potential health benefits of CBD. How about some CBD Gummies with lovely fruit flavours, or our delicious CBD Coffee and Chocolate with CBD? For anyone interested in baking their own CBD edibles, we have our Blue Monkey CBD seeds waiting. These will let you make the very best CBD cannabis edibles full of potential for a healthy, balanced lifestyle, without the psychoactive effects of high THC strains.

cbd coffee edibles

The Amsterdam genetics product range has something to offer for anyone. It is up to you to decide which you prefer: growing, smoking, making edibles, or ordering them ready-made from our web store. Whatever you decide, however, our prime quality cannabis seeds and good-to-go CBD edibles are your best guarantee of using only the finest ingredients that nature can offer!



Companion Planting

Companion Planting: Best Cannabis Neighbours

More equals better, at least, that’s what many growers think. So anyone growing cannabis outdoor wants as many plants per square metre as possible, to make optimum use of available space. But did you know that you can make your weed plants thrive by planting other species next to, or even in between your cannabis crop? This approach, known as companion planting or intercropping, holds surprising benefits for cannabis growers. Here are some great neighbours for your marijuana plants, bringing properties that can boost your grow. They can enrich the soil or help keep pests at bay. As farmers know, diversity can be profitable. Your cannabis plants will be all the better for it, while you enjoy a gorgeous sea of fresh herbs and wild flowers.

Cannabis Companion Planting: Marijuana Neighbours

Combined planting or intercropping denotes mixing species of herbs, flowers, and other plants together with your original crop of choice. The idea itself is ancient: farmers soon noticed how certain species have traits that are useful for other species. Such companion crops can be said to grow symbiotically, in this case with cannabis, offering many advantages while doing so.

Even though the concept of companion planting has been around since the dawn of agriculture, growing vegetables, fruit, and even cannabis has shifted to a monoculture approach. You’ll notice this the minute you travel to the countryside: endless fields of corn and potatoes, as far as the eye can see. In recent years, however, farmers have rediscovered the proven benefits of mixed culture or combined planting. Acres and acres of land with just one crop are highly vulnerable to disease, pests, and weather extremes. Moreover, monoculture depletes the soil at record pace.

outdoor grow marijuana intercropping
Cannabis really benefits from having the right neighbours around.

Plats allowed to grow in symbiosis with other species enjoy all sorts of advantages over monoculture crops. These advantages pertain not just to regular farmers: they hold true for marijuana growers as well. Cannabis companion planting involves specific neighbour plants selected for their useful traits. Benefits of cannabis companion planting include:

  • Greater biodiversity;
  • Attracting useful insects and other animals;
  • Repelling harmful insects and pests;
  • Enriching the soil (through nitrogen, for instance).

The Advantages Of Cannabis Companion Planting

Once growers plant their cannabis seeds in the soil, they can benefit from adding a few useful neighbours to their crop of choice. This is especially true for outdoor grows, but even indoor growers can make clever use of companion planting for better cannabis harvests. Marijuana intercropping can be a major improvement in the following ways:

Protecting Marijuana Plants Against Pests

Adding the right neighbours can be a source of protecting for cannabis plants. Certain insects and pests can wreak havoc on any grow. Some herbs, however, secrete certain aromas that can help repel such threats. These aromas are usually associated with terpenes similar to the ones cannabis plants use to protect themselves. Growers can also decide to surround their weed with herbs that are particularly attractive to specific pests instead. If done right, these companions will serve as a decoys, distracting harmful critters from fragile cannabis seedlings by offering a tastier alternative. This is a very eco-friendly pest control technique that uses the power of nature to your advantage.

cannabis companion planting
Ladybugs are homicidal aphid killing maniacs. Use the right plants to attract them!

Promoting Biodiversity

As mentioned, monocultures are very fragile systems, but on top of that, they degrade and deplete the habitat of all plants. By planting a diversity of species, biodiversity increases, promoting the overall health of the entire growing environment. Several different species of flowers are likely to attract more insect species in turn, while further improving the environment for soil microbes. That will provide a solid basis for strong, healthy cannabis plants.

Healthy Soil And Nutrients

Soil health is key to growing strong, healthy marijuana. Soil is living matter, occupied by microbial colonies that break down organic matter. When these microbes eventually die, they provide nutrients in turn for reintroduction into the soil ecosystem. Some microbes also help keep nitrogen levels balanced. This explains how plants contribute to soil health and the vitality of the cannabis plants grown on that soil.

Companion Planting: Best Cannabis Neighbours

Below, you will find a summary of useful combined cannabis planting allies. This list is far from exhaustive, though: nature is infinitely complex and surprisingly sophisticated, so feel free to explore and find other useful marijuana neighbours!

Repelling Harmful Insects By Intercropping


Most people know basil as the aromatic herb used in Italian cuisine. However, growers can make great use of them to protect cannabis plants against mites, aphids, and whitefly. Basil also helps keep mosquitoes at bay as an added bonus; plus you’ll have fresh leaves to add to your homemade pasta sauce. On the other hand, basil can attract useful insects, too.

basil cannabis companion planting
Basil – a tasty companion herb!


Planting lavender near your cannabis grow is a great idea. This plant, known for its wonderful, soothing scent, is perfect for attracting pollinator insects. Lavender also helps repel mice, ticks, moths, and fleas.

Lavender intercropping


Garlic is not just very healthy for humans; it also helps guard the health of cannabis grows. Garlic is an absolute must to help against spider mites. You can use tie-rips to add the garlic and hang them to your plant. This plant can also repel maggots, slugs, and snails, for instance. Don’t be afraid you’ll be smoking Garlic kush, as the smell won’t effect your weed flavor.

garlic and cannabis
Garlic and cannabis to help against spider mites!

Attracting Useful Insects By Combined Cannabis Growing


Not all insects are pests; far from it, actually. Cannabis growers ought to welcome useful insect species to their gardens, greenhouses, or even grow rooms. Try planting dill among your marijuana grow; it is known to attract predator insects (like ladybugs, ichneumon wasps, and hoverflies) that actually prey on pest insect species like aphids. Dill also attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies – plus it’s great on fried fish or grilled lamb!

hoverfly against weed pestss
Attracting hoverflies and certain wasp species is a good strategy against pests.


Geraniums do more than adding a classic flowery look to your garden; they’re also great cannabis companion plants. Geranium actually attracts insects that can threaten your harvest. If these insects decide to attack your geraniums instead, they’ll be less of a problem for the local weed population. The oil produced by geraniums is also known to repel harmful insects such as spider mites – a real grower’s nightmare you’d best avoid.

marijuana protection

Cannabis Companion Plants For Nitrogen Balance


The roots of these pretty cannabis companion plants emit substances that feed nitrogen binding bacteria. For added companion growing effect, yarrow also attracts useful insect species.

yarrow cannabis companion planting
Yarrow, pretty in any garden.


Everyone knows the bright yellow flowers of the dandelion. Most people consider dandelion a weed – they’re actually quite hard to keep out of your garden – and yet, they can be highly instrumental allies to marijuana growers. Its taproot can dig deep down into the soil, bringing minerals to the surface that would be hard to access for cannabis plants otherwise. What’s more, if you leave dandelions on your compost heap (without flowers), they’ll be a great nitrogen source for next year’s grow.

Companion Planting – Using Natural Allies For Cannabis Growers

Finding the right neighbours for a marijuana grow can hold many advantages. Soil nutrient availability increases, useful insects arrive to help keep pests at bay, and harmful insects are discouraged and distracted by smart plant allies. Best of all, growers get (nearly) all of that aid for free, without any pesticides or other artificial interventions…

amsterdam genetics seeds
Enjoy the natural excellence of Amsterdam Genetics seeds!

Cannabis companion planting makes gardens more diverse, helps increase biodiversity, and provides a fresh supply of kitchen herbs as well! All in all, you’ll see the benefits of these friendly neighbours in healthier marijuana grows that may even get you better yields. Best of all, you’ll help your plant without harming the environment, no matter which top-quality marijuana genetics you’re protecting. If you’re interested in learning more about eco-friendly tips to keep pests at bay, be sure to check out our other grow blogs. You’ll find out how to keep snails and slugs from munching away at your plants, how to stop fungi like bud rot and mildew, and many more useful grower tips besides!








cannabis top 3

Top 3 Autoflower Strains

Amsterdam Genetics has developed a wonderful selection of unique, world-class autoflower cannabis seeds. Autoflowering cannabis seeds offer ease of growing, fast results, and glorious harvests. Has the outdoor growing season moved past its peak? Our Top 3 Autoflower strains give any grower the chance to squeeze in that extra grow with prime genetics!

The Very Best Autoflowering Cannabis Strains By Amsterdam Genetics

For anyone looking to grab some extra plants before we head for the winter season, this is the moment to make your move. Grab your growing gear and make maximum use of the quality contained in our top 3 autoflowering cannabis strains. For those unfamiliar with the concept: autoflowers are a special brand of cannabis plants. The start to flower by themselves – automatically, that is. They don’t care about seasonal influences like other (photoperiod) plants. This allows them to flower – and allows you to harvest – after the peak of the summer season has passed. How convenient!

best autoflower cannabis
Prepare For A Lovely Autumn…

This ensures you’ll have a budding, blooming, and booming plant even outside of the regular grow season. Isn’t that just brilliant? You bet it is! Let’s grab our top 3 autoflowers for a quick look at your options.


Autoflower Top 3 #1: Milkshake Kush Auto

Meet our very own Milkshake Kush Autoflower! Containing a smashing 19% THC and producing copious yields, this autoflower is perfectly suited for less experienced growers. The strain has its origins in a combination of AK47 and Choco Kush, crossbred with a ruderalis strain.

milkshake kush

Milkshake Kush Autoflower is a high-velocity, low-maintenance strain. This makes it a great cannabis plant for beginners and veterans alike, especially when the season is drawing to a close. Its flavour and aroma are as spicy as you can expect from a kush. The special twist? The kush effects are topped off by a delightfully subtle sweet taste of fudge. Grab a cup of hot cocoa and you’re all set for autumn! These seeds produce short-haired plants sprouting buds jam-packed with trichomes.

If you play your cards right, you’re heading for a guaranteed white Christmas this year…

Explore Milkshake Kush Auto


Autoflower Top 3 #2: White Choco Auto

Looking to add that ultimate sprinkle of happiness to your life? Planning to head for autumn with a broad smile on your face? If so, we highly recommend our White Choco Autoflower! This strain has absolutely earned its rightful place in our Top 3 Autoflower ranking.

white choco autoflower

White Choco Autoflower is an easy-going, easy-growing high-class autoflowering variant of our most wanted strain: White Choco. This carefully balanced indica / sariva hybrid created by crossing the immensely potent White Russian and the marvelously tasty Chocolope strains. Dutch coffeeshops simply can’t store enough of this fabulous strain to meet customer demand. White Choco is still one of our most popular strains. Ever. Period.

You can hardly go wrong with White Choco Autoflower. That holds for taste, effects, and for growing convenience. In ten weeks, you could be collecting your harvest in your own mud-covered clutches… So what are you waiting for?


Explore White Choco Auto


Autoflower Top 3 #3: Choco Kush Auto

Coming in third,but still an Olympic medalist in our Top 3 Autoflower leader board, is our Choco Kush Autoflower. Are you looking for something that stands out from the rest? Our Choco Kush Autoflower strain may be just your kind of plant!

Choco Kush top 3 autoflower cannabis seeds

This superior Choco Kush Auto is the very first autoflowering strain developed by Amsterdam Genetics. Apart from White Choco Autoflower, this is the only autoflowering crossbreed in the world to embody our White Choco genes. These seeds produce plants that start their flowering cycle regardless of light cycles. That results in fully completed flowering within 60 to 65 days of germination. Before you know it, your Choco Kush Autoflowers will be ready for a bountiful harvest. You can bet you’re in for a wonderful autumn if you act right now!

The main effects of this strain include stress reduction and a happy, cheerful mood. These qualities are compounded by a silver lining of relaxed euphoria. Sounds like a fine way to spend your evenings, don’t you agree?

Explore Choco Kush Auto


More Great Autoflowers To Explore

Now, of course, classifying weed is largely a matter of taste. Our Top 3 Autoflower Strains don’t necessarily have to be a growers personal favorites. That’s perfectly fine! If these three winners don’t include your personal champion, don’t worry. We have a few other fine candidates following closely behind these three medalists. Do check out our other pair of excellent autoflower strains: Blue Amnesia Autoflower and AK-020 Autoflower.

Top 3 autoflower strains


bang voor cannabis

Fear, Cannabis, And Anxiety Disorders: Our Best Strains

Can cannabis help people handle fear, phobias, and anxiety? Anyone who regularly deals with anxiety knows how it can be a decisively negative influence on life. Anxiety is not easy to control. If anxiety and fear are omnipresent, permeating into every aspect of everyday affairs, they may amount to an anxiety disorder. Cannabis is known to have soothing, calming effects, and this is why some people use it to reduce feelings of anxiety. On the other hand, some people indicate that (too much) cannabis makes them feel anxious and panicked instead. So what can this plant do for anxiety? In this blog, we explore the possibilities of controlling anxiety and associated disorders with weed.

How Anxiety Can Dominate Your Life

We all experience anxiety; most people do so on a regular basis. A certain level of anxiety is perfectly normal when you are moving to a new home, starting a new job, or have an important test coming up. Sure, the anxiety comes with a sense of insecurity, and the associated tension is not a pleasant sensation. However, these levels of anxiety can help boost motivation and increase your will to succeed. They will not keep you from living your life the way you want to. In case of an anxiety disorder, though, the sense of anxious dread is a constant, and it usually keeps you from doing the things you would like to do.

If you are suffering from anxiety disorders, you will refrain from doing certain things. You tend to avoid activities that generate anxiety; even if these are things you would enjoy doing otherwise. Even everyday activities that are perfectly normal for other people can become too much: entering an elevator, talking to strangers, or even leaving the house can become nearly impossible. For most people, such anxieties only grow worse over time if left unchecked.

anxiety cannabis disorders
We all feel anxious at times, but anxiety disorders can dominate your life if left unchecked.

Various types of anxiety disorders exist, including:

  • Panic disorder: People suffering from panic disorder are suddenly overcome by panic attacks. This can be complicated further when the fear of having another panic attack becomes a source of anxiety of itself;
  • Phobia: A specific situation, activity, or object triggers excessive, irrational fear and anxiety;
  • Social anxiety disorder: Involves extreme fears of specific social events, such as being judged by other people;
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD): Constant repetition of irrational thoughts cause repeated fixed behaviour patterns;
  • Separation anxiety: The fear of being abandoned by others, or of leaving familiar settings such as the home;
  • Hypochondria: Anxiety about threats to personal health;
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Fear and anxiety triggered by past traumatic experience.

Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety

Anxiety is a uniquely personal experience. We all feel it in different ways; both in terms of intensity and in the ways it expresses itself. A common experience for many people facing anxiety is a perceived loss of control. Physical symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Increased heart rate;
  • Rapid breathing;
  • Restlessness;
  • Difficulty concentrating;
  • Sleeping problems.

How Cannabis Could Help Control Anxiety

No matter how you look at it, anxiety is an experience most of us would rather avoid altogether. And perhaps there are ways to do just that. Especially in case of anxiety disorders, the anxiety is triggered by things that shouldn’t be a cause for concern at all. Even though you know this is true, however, your anxiety keeps getting the better of you, time and time again. Indeed, anxiety is a complicated affair.

growing marijuana for anxiety disorders

Cannabis has quite a bit of potential to help us deal with anxiety. However, that potential is not simply a matter of smoking some weed or eating some edibles to get rid of anxiety just like that. Anxiety is complex; but so is cannabis. Whatever works for one person may be completely ineffective for the next. As you have seen, anxieties come in all shapes and sizes, and every cannabis strain produces different effects for different people. On top of that, our fears and anxieties tend to evolve over the years, which suggest any treatment (whether with cannabis, regular medication, or otherwise) should adapt as well. In addition, there are situations in which cannabis can increase your sense of anxiety rather than help you control it. That makes it very difficult to pinpoint exactly how cannabis can help any individual person overcome their uniquely individual anxieties.

Caution: Cannabis Can Also Make Anxiety Worse

Anxiety and anxiety disorders are complex phenomena, as are the effects of marijuana. That’s why you need to be very cautious if you plan to use cannabis to control your anxiety. Weed is actually a double-edged sword when it comes to anxiety, since it can either help keep them under control, or make them worse instead. The reason for this ambivalence is the multitude of active ingredients found in cannabis plants, each with their own specific effects. That’s all the more reason for you to find out exactly which strain produces the best effects for your individual circumstances.

How Cannabinoids And The ECS Interact

The complex relationship between marijuana and anxiety is due to the way cannabis interacts with the body, and with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in particular. The ECS is an intricate system of receptors, extending all throughout the body. It is connected with vital organs and tissues such as the brain, the skin, the immune system, digestive tract, and many more besides. The endocannabinoid system tries to maintain optimal balance within the body, called homeostasis. The human body produces its own supply of endocannabinoids (‘internal cannabinoids’) that are capable of interacting with the ECS. Occasionally, though, endocannabinoid production stagnates, and that is when cannabis may come in handy. Cannabis can affect our body and mind because the phytocannabinoids (‘plant cannabinoids’) produced by marijuana plants can interact with the ECS in the same way.

the entourage effect
Interactions between cannabis ingredients may help control anxiety.

Our ECS helps determine how we handle our anxiety, fear, and stress to considerable extent. The system regulates how you respond to certain stressors. This explains why cannabis can help people control anxiety. Specific cannabinoids can sensitize or desensitize the receptors of our nerve cells, making them more or less responsive to certain stimuli. Nonetheless, predicting just how THC and weed’s other active compounds affect any person’s individual receptors is still a highly complex affair.

How To Pick The Right Cannabis Strain Against Anxiety

Studies demonstrate that certain types of cannabis work better than others when it comes to controlling anxiety. Yet every person responds to such strains in slightly different ways. That makes it all the more important to find the strain that works best for you. If you are just starting to explore how weed might help you overcome anxiety, it is best to try small doses first. That allows you to accurately assess the effects, and it helps avoid the feelings of fear, anxiety, and paranoia that too much THC can cause. Unfortunately, it is impossible to specify anyone’s ideal personal dosage, but the right cannabis knowledge and some common sense will help you on your way. The first step is to pick top quality cannabis seeds – and you’ve come to the right place for that!

cannabis anxiety medical marijuana seeds

Be Honest About Cannabis: To Yourself And To Professionals

If you are seeing a doctor or therapist for your anxiety, always notify them of your plans to try cannabis for your problems and ask for frank advice. We are all about responsible cannabis use, and an open, transparent relationship with (medical) professionals should always be part of that. Avoid cannabis becoming a taboo in your efforts to get rid of anxiety, because that will only make matters worse. If you feel that a certain marijuana strain doesn’t get you the results you’re looking for, it is better to just stop using it. You can always try another one at a later stage.

Cannabis With CBD And THC Against Anxiety

The cannabinoids generated by cannabis produce a wide diversity of effects throughout the human body (including the brain). Strains with more CBD appear to be effective in treating anxiety, although in certain cases, THC seems more successful, mainly due to the stress-relieving potential of its psychoactive effects. As a consequence, finding out what works in your particular situation can be quite an odyssey. If you intend to use cannabis to treat your anxiety, you’ll find plenty of high quality genetics in our web shop. All strains contain THC and CBD in varying ratios. We also have special CBD marijuana seeds in our collection, with buds that contain more CBD than THC, rather than the other way around.

Cannabis anxiety

As mentioned above, THC (tetra-hydrocannabinol) is not the only cannabinoid that can help reduce anxiety. Non-psychoactive cannabinoids such as CBD (cannabidiol) appear effective against anxiety, too. The same applies to cannabis with high levels of CBG (cannabigerol). In certain cases, however, THC works best against anxiety precisely because its psychoactive effects can help reduce stress. Besides cannabinoids, cannabis contains a host of other organic compounds, including terpenes and flavonoids, that can influence the effects of THC and CBD through the entourage effect. That makes it quite an expedition to find out exactly what works best for your personal situation. Don’t worry, though – we’re here to help you on your way.

CBD And CBG Supplements

At Amsterdam Genetics, you’ll find more than just marijuana seeds to grow your own cannabis against anxiety. Our web shop also offers special CBD and CBG supplements without THC that will not get you high. Both our CBD Oil and CBG Oil produce various soothing effects that could help you keep your anxiety in check. Besides oil, CBD is also available as CBD Tablets and edibles such as delicious fruit-flavoured CBD Gummies. The main advantage these supplements provide is their non-psychoactive effect, allowing you to take them at work or in traffic. That makes them worth a try for anyone dealing with anxiety disorders while leading an active, busy life.

cbd oil for anxiety disorders
Both CBD Oil and CBG Oil have potential against anxiety.

Dosage Is Crucial!

Scientific studies demonstrate that both CBD and THC may help mitigate anxiety and anxiety disorders. All these findings did underscore, however, that the right dosage and proportions of these cannabinoids can make all the difference.

Dosing THC

THC works best against anxiety at low doses. In higher concentrations, it can actually aggravate feelings of anxiety instead, depending on personal factors such as THC tolerance. That supports the idea of looking for low-THC strains, somewhere in the 10-15% range at most. More experienced cannabis consumers can opt for higher THC strains, but novices are encouraged to keep it modest. Of course, you can also dose the amount of THC you consume by using small quantities of cannabis at a time. This is an important piece of advice, though: too much THC at once can trigger feelings of panic and paranoia. That’s something you definitely don’t want if you’re already dealing with an anxiety disorder!

Dosing CBD

CBD works differently against anxiety and anxiety disorders than THC does. This compound has soothing effects, but these do not work by the same interactions with the ECS as those of THC. It appears that CBD-rich strains can reduce feelings of anxiety and panic in two ways. On the one hand, they have their own effect on the emotions that that contribute to anxiety. On the other hand, CBD can moderate the sense of panic induced by consumption of (too much) THC. That makes special CBD cannabis strains like Blue Monkey CBD all the more interesting when it comes to anxiety disorders. Be cautious, however, because these strains do contain relatively small quantities of THC in addition to their CBD content. This would still cause a high, so don’t just get in the car after using it, and don’t take it right before you go to work.

terpenes amsterdam genetics seeds
Terpenes have their own part to play in controlling anxiety with cannabis.

Cannabis Terpenes And Their Effect On Anxiety

Apart from cannabinoids, cannabis contains many more compounds, some of which have their own particular influence on feelings of anxiety and panic. Of these compounds, terpenes are the most important. They are aromatic substances that determine a strain’s taste and scent, but they can also subtly influence the way cannabinoids effect our system. Although that doesn’t necessarily make your search for the perfect anxiety strain any easier, it does provide some additional options worth exploring. Our special terpene blogs tell you more about specific terpenes and their qualities, including myrcene, humulene, limonene, and caryophyllene.

Over one hundred different terpenes have been identified in cannabis samples so far, and we are bound to discover more as research progresses. That makes for a dazzling array of subtle added effects and nuances, but two terpenes stand out when it comes to the ability to modulate anxiety.

Limonene is associated with citrus aromas found in strains such as our Lemon Haze or Lemongrass genetics, for instance. Limonene can activate brain cell receptors that increase our natural production of dopamine. Dopamine is capable of regulating feelings of anxiety, which makes limonene an interesting terpene to look out for in cannabis strains against anxiety issues and disorders.

Caryophyllene is another anti-anxiety terpene to look out for. It is recognizable by its spicy scent, and strains that have a fiery touch in their aroma usually contain higher concentrations of caryophyllene. Studies have demonstrated that caryophyllene has anxiolytic properties: after experiencing stress, mice showed less anxiety in their responses after receiving caryophyllene.

Sativa Dominant Strains

Crudely stated, all marijuana strains can be divided into two categories: cannabis indica and cannabis sativa. Most strains available to grow or purchase today are combinations of both types: these are called hybrid strains. An important general distinction between sativa and indica weed strains is that sativas tend to focus their effects on the brain, while indicas often concentrate their influence throughout the body. Since anxiety and anxiety disorders usually present themselves in terms of mental problems, the obvious course of action would seem to zoom in on strains containing loads of sativa genetics.

sativa wiet straatvrees dwangstoornis ocd

Indica Dominant Strains

Still, we would be mistaken to overlook the other main branch of the cannabis family tree. These are the so-called cannabis indica strains, generally available as indica-dominant variants. Again, we are riding roughshod over the nuances here, but inidcas can be said to focus their effects more on the body than on the brain. That can be very helpful for certain anxiety disorders, as so-called biofeedback (signals received from within your own body) can aggravate your sense of panic and anxiety. If, for instance, a certain indica strain can help you relax your body, it can help to relieve tense and cramped feelings. This in turn can help break the chain of effects that make you anxiety worse.

AG Cannabis Strains Against Anxiety And Anxiety Disorders

The Amsterdam Genetics seeds catalogue contains dozens of strains for home growing. Some of these are particularly interesting for use against anxiety, both because of their THC and CBD content and for the terpenes they produce. Our special Grow Blogs contain everything a grower needs to easily grow cannabis at home, for a personal supply of medical marijuana. That way, there is no need to rely on dispensaries or other third parties to grow medicinal weed against anxiety disorders, even by fully organic means. Moreover, home grown cannabis ordered from a premium seeds supplier is more consistent in its effects than your average strain obtained from other sources, granting greater control over the factors that determine effectiveness against anxiety.

Below, we provide three examples of cannabis seeds fit to grow for anti-anxiety purposes. Keep in mind, however, that the perfect strain against anxiety can be different for everyone: it may take some time and investigation to pinpoint the perfect marijuana seeds for PTSD, OCD, or any other specific anxiety disorder.

AG Anxiety Strain 1: Blue Monkey CBD

Blue Monkey CBD is our purest CBD cannabis strain. Its CBD : THC ratio in harvestable buds is about 35 : 1. That results in a highly interesting cannabinoid profile for countering the symptoms of anxiety. The main advantage of the Blue Monkey profile is CBD’s potential to counter the psychoactive effects of THC, on top of its own potential against anxiety symptoms. This can help prevent panic and paranoia in case of overconsumption.

blue monkey cbd anxiety cannabis seeds

AG Anxiety Strain 2: Lemon Ice

Lemon Ice seeds contain a considerable load of sativa genetics. The effect of this strain is activating and uplifting, culminating in a cheerful to euphoric brain buzz. The specific high can help anxious thoughts at bay and prevent a spiral of panic from setting in. The downside of this sativa, however, is its comparatively high THC percentage. That makes it all the more important to keep Lemon Ice dosages low, especially for people who are just starting out.

Lemon Ice cannabis against anxiety

AG Anxiety strain 3: Blue Magic

Blue Magic cannabis seeds present growers with a firm, steady 90% indica strain. The associated high is much more body-oriented, particularly in its relaxing effects. Blue Magic is definitely worth a shot for anyone kept awake at night by anxiety. The strain’s terpene profile is capable of further expanding its soothing potential, chiefly because of caryophyllene and linalool content.

blue magic cannabis angst

Weed And Anxiety: Treat Them Responsibly!

As you now know more about the relationship between cannabis, anxiety, and anxiety disorders, it is up to you to act responsibly upon that knowledge. Anxiety disorders are serious conditions that deserve serious attention. Remember that weed is no miracle cure for any condition whatsoever. If anxieties (threaten to) dictate your life, always reach out for professional support. Your doctor or GP can be a good starting point.

Anyone interested in trying cannabis to treat anxiety will find high quality seeds in our web store. Every strain contains THC, CBD, and a host of terpenes in varying proportions. If you are getting counselling from a therapist, always notify them that you intend to try cannabis and ask them for advice. If you or your therapist, counsellor, or doctor get the feeling that a specific cannabis strain is not getting you positive results, it’s best to stop using it. You can always try another one at a later stage.

grow cannabis against anxiety

Of course, it is wonderful if growing cannabis seeds turns out to help you deal with your anxieties, but even then, having a bit of external support from a professional is always a good idea. Feel free to make the most out of our seeds collection to improve your mental well-being, but make sure to keep talking about your anxiety as you do so. Only the right combination of good counselling, the right lifestyle, and – who knows – the perfect cannabis seeds will put and keep you on top of your anxieties in a responsible way!





watering plants

Grow Guide 5: Watering Cannabis And Adding Nutrients

If you’re anything like us here at Amsterdam Genetics, you’ve probably been wondering how Sista Mary and her Skyrocket triplets are doing. Well, rest assured: all four of them are in great shape. You may recall how all three cannabis plants had advanced well past their seedling stage. The first topping session was successful, promoting lateral growth and restraining the ladies’ tendency to skyrocket upwards. We pick up a few weeks after we last had a look, in the peaceful back garden where the Tale of three Skyrocket girls unfolds.

thc sistaz skyrocket outdoor
THC Sistaz family portrait

Coping With Dutch Weather

As the Dutch summer proceeds, the weather has been a bit of a mixed blessing here. The first months were bountiful in sunshine, which was great to spark that first spurt of growth. During the previous episode of Sista Mary’s Grow Guide, just around Summer Solstice, the sunny days made way for a few weeks of heavy downpours. Of course, developing plants need plenty of water, so all this rain was basically good news. The potting soil and compost mix in their mortar tubs still held enough nutrients to keep the girls fed. With an occasional spot of sunshine, there was hardly any need for watering, and adding fertilizer was not necessary. However, Dutch weather being as unpredictable as it is, the mini monsoon was followed by a serious dry spell with scorching 30+ degree temperatures. Time for Sista Mary to switch no a new gardening regime!

lollipopping cannabis

Tops And Lollipops

The girls had recovered well from the first round of topping, so another trimming session seemed safe. Topping a second time will make your plants even broader, with more extra budding potential. However, you should only do this if you’re sure the plants have recovered completely from the first cutting, or you’ll stress them too much. The THC Sistaz seemed in fine shape, so another round of topping followed. Then, the plants were ‘lollipopped’. This involves trimming away the lowest branches of the plant, giving them more of a ‘lollipop’ shape than their natural ‘Christmas tree’ look. Lollipopping is a matter of efficiency, really. The lower branches have leaves that use up energy for their growth; all that energy will go to the upper branches and their future colas if you trim away the bottom leaves.

Lollipopped plant
Trimming away the lower branches, or ‘lollipopping’, redirects energy to the upper branches and their buds.

Summer Vibez For The THC Sistaz

The copious rainfall of the past weeks has boosted the growth of the Sistaz with impressive effect. All three of them have developed into strong adolescent plants, advanced well into the vegetative stage. They have plenty of firm side branches, healthy green fan leaves, and as far as anyone can tell, a full root system underneath the straw covering the soil to counter evaporation. That’s just as well, because outdoor growers need resilient plants to cope with changes in the weather. When the first few hot days turned into a full-scale heatwave, they needed all the strength they had in them to hang on.

Plenty Of Water And A Bit Of Timing

Of course, baking heat can easily dry out the soil you have in your pots or tubs, because the sun and hot air can reach all around their surface. That makes pot plants more vulnerable to dehydration than plants with their feet firmly in the soil. This meant watering the plants at least once a day; preferably twice. Just remember to water them early in the morning or around sunset. If you don’t, water left on the leaves can act like a prism, enabling the scorching sun to ‘burn’ the leaves. Simply test the moisture level by sticking your finger into the dirt – you’ll know when it’s too dry if no soil clings to your finger. Also, cannabis plants like to be watered after the soil has gone almost dry. Try not to water already damp soil, but wait a little longer until they get dry feet.


No matter how much rain you get, in the vegetative phase of the cannabis life cycle, water alone is not enough. Nutrients are just as crucial as sunlight in allowing the plants to grow. That’s why you could op for added nutrients at this stage if you’re not sure your soil has enough nutes left. You can use special products, or you can go old school like Sista Mary prefers. In her case, having a few chickens around the house and drinking plenty of coffee does the trick. Well, actually, you’ll need to save up the used ground coffee beans and chicken manure. This is a great mix containing lots of precious nitrogen that your plants need. Collect the leftovers and droppings, but allow them to dry out completely over a few days. If you don’t, the urea in the manure releases ammonia, which will damage the plant’s cells. Adding dry manure like this is better than using liquid nutrition in wet conditions. Damp soil can’t absorb the nutrients as easily when they come in liquid form.

cannabis nutrient chicken manure
“Who you callin’ chickensh*t?”

Yellow Leaf Checks

A bit of the coffee and chickensh*t mix was added regularly to the soil, mixing it gently into the top layer and then putting the straw heat shield back into place. You can tell your plant needs NPP nutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium) when the leaves turn yellowish before flowering sets in. There are other causes for yellow leaves, though: check for too much or too little water first. If that seems okay, use a pH meter to see if your soil is too acidic or too alkaline. If that’s okay too, add some nutrients. You plants will love you for it and reward you with fat buds in a month or two.

thc sistaz yellow leaves
The leaves are a bit too yellow here.

BoomBoom Spray

Either it’s the dry weather, the stress of topping and lollipopping, or some other unknown factor, but the THC Sistaz still had somewhat yellow leaves after receiving the chicken and coffee diet. Sista Mary decided to step up the nitrogen administration by using a few squeezes of BoomBoom Spray. This special weed fertilizer spray is completely organic. It has the benefit of being absorbed directly by the leaves for easy application. That does come with a warning, though: only spray before sunrise or after sunset to avoid frying those precious leaves!

THC sistaz boomboom spray
Hilda still looking a bit pale

THC Sistaz Ready For The Flowering Stage

The BoomBoom Spray, the chickensh*t, and the loving care of Sista Mary did the trick: all three Sistaz are now looking fit as a fiddle again. It’s a matter of keeping a close watch on nutrient and water levels from here. Apart from that, the wait is on for the first signs of the flowering stage to emerge. By that time, the nutrients they need will change. We will discuss that in the next episode of Sista Mary’s Grow guide, however, as the Dutch summer proceeds to august and then on to that long-awaited harvesting time….

skyrocket cannabis outdoor
Theresa back in healthy green condition, ready for flowering!