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When Should You Deviate From the Mediterranean Climate?

You mastered the art of creating a Mediterranean climate for your indoor cannabis cultivation. But don’t let your plants get too comfortable because several scenarios require deviating from the norm. Mediterranean climate is great for growing cannabis seeds, but it may not always be the most optimal climate setting, depending on the progress of your plant. Here are the top seven reasons growers should consider changing the climate in their cannabis setup.


1. Growing different strains or seed types

Change the climate in your grow setup when the Mediterranean climate isn’t optimal for your seed type. Amsterdam Genetics provides many types of cannabis seeds that grow better in different climates.

Genetics plays a role in the kinds of climate in which certain strains grow best. For example, Indica-dominant cannabis seeds can handle cooler temperatures and less intense sunlight. Autoflower cannabis seeds perform best with shorter cycles, unlike the longer growing seasons typical in the Mediterranean.


2. Moving your cultivation indoors

Cultivators in regions of the world with a Mediterranean climate can experience the natural effects of the environment. Growing cannabis outdoors benefits from natural sunlight and weather patterns. Leaving this ideal climate can be daunting. However, moving your home cultivation indoors will change how you’re used to growing cannabis.

Cannabis grow setups can be adapted to have a Mediterranean climate. Stay flexible during your cultivation because maintaining the climate throughout the plant life cycle will require lots of attention. Slight deviations from the typical Mediterranean climate will still be ok for growing the same cannabis seeds you used outdoors.


3. It’s too difficult to maintain

Attention is the love language for cannabis plants. Daily attention is recommended to ensure your plant gets the resources it needs to grow, keep your grow space clean, adjust your setup, and do many more tasks. Using the Mediterranean climate to grow cannabis requires lots of warm temperatures and lots of sunlight through the vegetative stage before cooling the temperatures and altering the light cycle during the flowering stage.

If you don’t have automation built into your cultivation setup, you’re signing up for lots of manual work. Deviate from having a proper Mediterranean climate to take some of the load off. Sticking with a generally warm climate with fewer adjustments throughout the growth cycle will still yield great results for your crop.


4. The cannabis plant shows signs of stress/disease

Achieving the Mediterranean climate in your setup isn’t an exact science. This climate has a range of temperatures, humidity levels, and sunlight. Using the Mediterranean climate involves keeping your climate zone in the general range. Cultivators will know if their plant is growing optimally by examining its health. Maintain the environment for healthy plants, but be prepared to deviate from the Mediterranean climate if you spot signs of stress or disease. Common issues with the Mediterranean climate are burnt leaves due to too much sun, dry soil due to low humidity and high heat, and mould if the humidity is too high during the flowering stage.


5. It’s too expensive

Getting the perfect climate for growing cannabis doesn’t come without its costs. Maintaining a grow setup to an exact temperature requires special equipment, monitors, and automated tools. After purchasing these tools, growers must also consider the cost of using them. Maintaining an 18-hour light schedule, running fans, and dehumidifiers takes lots of energy.

If you don’t have the budget to create the Mediterranean climate, use a more cost-efficient climate setup.


6. External influences

Similar to external factors when growing cannabis outdoors, indoor growers have a list of uncontrollable scenarios that can affect your crop.

Temperatures are sensitive, and they can even impact inside your grow tent if the changes are drastic enough. Constantly monitor your setup to ensure temperatures remain at the correct levels. If the weather gets too hot or cold outside, it can shift the climate. Deviate from your typical climate settings to account for the external factors. While your new settings may be different, the cannabis plant will still feel like it’s in the right Mediterranean climate.


7. Gain more expertise in cultivation

The Mediterranean climate is one of the best for beginners growing cannabis. Most cannabis seeds grow great in the warm, sunny environment. Use it as a starting point in your cultivation journey before venturing away from your climate zone comfort zone.

Test your cultivation skills to create unique effects by altering the climates. Creating colder-than-usual temperatures can create more trichomes by tricking cannabis plants into thinking it’s the end of the season. Increasing the number of dark hours in your light cycle can cause plants to turn purple due to decreased levels of photosynthesis.

As you develop into a master grower, you’ll learn several other climate manipulation hacks to inspire unique grows.

Using our premium cannabis seeds will help you grow strong, resilient plants suitable for a range of climates. So, even if you have to deviate from the ideal climates, you will still get a good harvest. Shop our seeds today!

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