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Q3 tasting like an expoert

Tasting Like an Expert: Tips for Appreciating Cannabis

Let’s be honest—growers have a unique way of appreciating cannabis compared to those who only consume it. There’s something about seeing your seed develop into buds and the intricate process that makes us have an intimate attachment to them before we even consume our harvest.

While growing is the first stage, consumption is always the tale-tell sign of whether it was worth the wait. Whether you’re a seasoned grower or a beginner nearing the end of your first grow, this blog will help you enjoy your yield even more.


How Cannabis Gets Its Taste and Smell

From the chemical composition to the perceived effects on our senses, all cannabis strains are different. Many of these differences are attributed to the various compounds within each plant. Terpenes are one of the most popularly studied compounds responsible for giving each a unique taste and smell. With approximately 200 different terpenes found across all cannabis plants, various combinations of them can lead to vastly different results in how they smell, taste, and affect our bodies when consumed.

Many consumers strictly focus on how much THC is in a particular strain. However, terpenes and other compounds in each plant interact with each other and compounds in our bodies in a phenomenon called the entourage effect that can vary for each person. Selecting the perfect terpene profile when choosing a strain to grow can significantly increase the effects of it once consumed.

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Tips for Appreciating Cannabis

Browse any of our cannabis seeds online, and you’ll get a comprehensive breakdown of the taste and aroma to expect from each strain. Successful home grows will yield similar results. However, it’s up to you to actually experience these diverse strain characteristics. The trick is developing your sense of smell and taste to maximize appreciating cannabis strains as they are truly meant to be enjoyed.

Here are a few tips on getting the most out of your grow:


Tip 1: Know what aromas and tastes to look for

Weed connoisseurs can take a blindfold and give an accurate description of different cannabis strains put before them. Before calling yourself an expert, you should know what to look for in your strain and train yourself to recognize those exact flavour profiles and scent notes.

Knowing the most popular terpenes in cannabis is an excellent place to start for recognizing the taste and smell. For example, Myrcene is one of the leading terpenes found in all strains, such as out FatKid’s Cake and  AK-OG Kush. You can recognize it by the earthy or herbal scent in your buds and a spicy flavour when consumed. Limonene is another common terpene popular in strains like Pineapple Kush and Lemon Haze. As the name suggests, it delivers a taste and scent likened to citrus and fruit. Learn about the most common terpenes here.


Tip 2: Using the Right Tools to Maximize Taste

The worst thing you can do as a grower is not using the right tools to taste the delicious strains you worked so hard for. Don’t let your harvest go to waste by consuming it effectively to get the full flavour profile with every hit.

The cleaner your consumption method, the more flavour you’ll experience. Some of the best tools for consuming cannabis for taste are glass pieces and vaporizers. These minimize combustion, leaving more of the pure terpenes to reach your body once inhaled. Things to keep in mind for these tools are maintaining clean pieces to avoid cross-contamination of strains and monitoring the heat levels of your vaporizer to prevent overheating the terpenes.

Rolling papers are one of the most common ways to consume cannabis. To maximize flavour with these, use flavourless papers and don’t mix with tobacco.

Consuming cannabis via edibles will often mask the pure natural flavour of a strain due to other ingredients used when baking. However, you can utilize different weed flavours and their terpenes to enhance your edibles—think of it as an additional seasoning! For example, using the Choco Kush Autoflower strain in brownies will pair well due to the strain’s chocolate flavour profile.

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Tip 3: Practice Mindful Consumption to Engage All Your Senses

The art of consuming cannabis like an expert means using all of your senses during the consumption process. This slow, mindful way of consuming leads to appreciating cannabis for more than just how high it gets you, but also the flavour, smell, look, and feel. Even your sense of hearing can be effective since the sound of snapping stems can mean overly dry buds, which reduces the flavour.

Read here for our guide to tasting cannabis like a connoisseur.


Tip 4: Create a Suitable Tasting Environment

Did you know where you consume cannabis can affect how you taste it? Since tasting weed engages all of your senses, the best environments are those that cater to each of them. For example, well-ventilated rooms can help you focus on the smell of your cannabis without other scent interference. Also, rooms with bright lights will help with examining your strain for trichomes and other features that enhance their effect.

If you find your homegrow not meeting your expectations for the taste once harvested, there are several techniques you can implement at different stages that can help improve it for the next grow. These can range anywhere from adjusting your grow environment, modifying your dry and cure process, and more. 

As always, starting with the best cannabis seeds is essential to achieving the flavourful buds you desire. We offer top-quality seeds that you can order online and provide details of each strain before you buy to know precisely what to expect from your grow. Browse our seeds today to see what cannabis flavour you’ll be excited to try next.

View Our Best Selling Strains


wietzaadjes binnen kweken

Growing Cannabis Outdoors: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re considering growing cannabis outdoors, you might think it’s quite challenging and that you need to have a green thumb. However, virtually anyone can start cultivating weed outside. Cannabis is a sturdy plant that requires minimal care. In fact, you can follow a simple step-by-step plan, letting the cannabis plants do the heavy lifting and reward you with a generous harvest.

Introduction to Outdoor Cannabis Growing

Perhaps you’ve contemplated growing cannabis outdoors and would like to give it a try. Many believe it requires extensive knowledge about plants and demands a lot of time and effort. But the truth is, you can make outdoor cannabis growing as simple or as complex as you wish.

For beginners, it’s advisable to keep things straightforward. Weed is a resilient plant. All it needs are water, sunlight, and nutritious soil. It’s not hard to provide these essentials. The Dutch climate often supplies everything cannabis requires, whether you grow it on a balcony or in a garden.

Typically, there’s no need for additional nutrients, especially for novice growers. Opt for rich potting soil or garden soil, ensuring the plants receive all the necessary nutrients. Initially, pruning or training isn’t essential, but if desired, you can gently remove old leaves or trim the plants, ensuring they get adequate light and fresh air.

Growing cannabis outdoors can sometimes seem challenging because there’s a lot to monitor. Maintaining a cultivation diary can provide insights into the entire process. Should something go awry, you can review your notes and make improvements next time.

Want more insights on outdoor cannabis growing? Read on for a comprehensive list of helpful tips to get started.

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Basic Principles of Outdoor Cultivation for the Upcoming Season

If you’re planning to cultivate cannabis outside, you have some crucial decisions ahead. As previously mentioned, weed isn’t demanding. However, deciding on the best location for your plants and choosing between planting in the ground or pots is essential.

If you have a garden, you can sow your seeds directly into the ground or use pots. Both methods have pros and cons. Direct sowing benefits from a rich soil ecosystem and offers roots ample room to spread. However, once planted, they’re immobile.

Using pots offers flexibility, enabling relocation if needed (to shelter from wind or maximize sunlight). You’ll also have greater control over growth. Consider the space available in your garden or balcony, and decide if you value the mobility of pots or if your garden is perfect for direct sowing.

When you’ve decided, follow some basic steps to determine the best planting spot. Ideal locations for cannabis plants have ample sunlight, easy water access, and fertile soil. If you plant in your garden, choose a sunny spot. Make sure it’s easily accessible for watering, and assess the soil quality. If the soil isn’t ideal, you can enrich it with extra garden soil or nutrients.

Once the seeds are in the soil, it’s exciting to watch for the first green shoots. Cannabis plants undergo various growth stages, each having specific needs.

The first stage is the seedling phase (lasting 2-3 weeks), followed by the vegetative phase where plants grow vigorously. Lastly, there’s the flowering phase, which lasts 6-8 weeks, during which the buds form and can eventually be harvested. Proper harvesting timing is crucial. Monitor the trichomes and the color of the pistils.

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Maintaining a Successful Growing Cannabis Outdoor

Before it’s time to harvest, naturally, you’ll want to take good care of your plants. When growing cannabis outdoors in Dutch conditions, rainfall might provide ample water. However, this isn’t always the case: it’s essential to administer the ideal amount of water, which can vary depending on the growth phase.

Seedlings require less water than plants in the growth phase, and during the flowering stage, they need the most. Both under-watering and over-watering can harm your plants. With a few helpful pointers, you’ll know what to watch out for when watering. For instance, only water when the top layer of soil is dry, and observe your plants for signs of thirst or excess water (like yellow or drooping leaves).

For beginners aiming to get a bit more from their outdoor grow, implementing pruning and training techniques can be beneficial. Such methods can aid cannabis plants in becoming larger, stronger, and yield a higher harvest.

Various methods are available. Some are tailored for experienced growers, so you might want to steer clear of those initially. You can start with basic pruning: removing wilted leaves so that more energy goes to healthy ones.

Low Stress Training involves directing growth by bending branches. Topping, another technique, entails cutting off the main stem. This encourages side branches to grow more vigorously. All pruning techniques aim to offer better control over the canopy, growth, and the distribution of light, air, and nutrients.

It’s also crucial, for successful growing cannabis outside, to keep a close eye on your plants. While cannabis is resilient, neglect can lead to issues, and you might realize too late that something’s amiss.

Regularly inspecting your garden or balcony helps in early detection and management of problems like diseases or pests. Examine the buds and leaves for signs of fungi, insects (such as mites or spider mites), or nutrient deficiencies.

If you spot an issue, intervention is key. Insects, for instance, can be combated with natural predators or organic pesticides. Plants affected by fungus should be pruned and isolated from healthy ones.

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The Impact of Weather on Your Cannabis Grow

Weather is notorious for its unpredictability. Even though cannabis is quite resilient, it’s important to protect your plants against excessive heat or cold.

In high temperatures, cannabis can suffer from heat stress. Leaves might curl up, and buds might not be as dense. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to support your plants during hot spells. Water them more frequently and occasionally mist the leaves for extra cooling. Guard the roots (especially for potted plants) and provide additional shade with a shade cloth.

If you frequently experience hot summers, it could be wise to base your choice of seeds on that fact. Choose seeds that are resilient to high temperatures; often, seeds from the Haze family are suitable.

Conversely, you might encounter cold weather during summer. When temperatures drop, your plants’ growth may be stunted. They might not uptake nutrients efficiently, which can adversely affect bud formation.

Try to shield your plants from drastic temperature changes. If it suddenly turns cold, using heat mats can keep the roots warm. Mulch can also serve as protection against the cold. Keep seedlings indoors if it’s too chilly for them. If your plants are potted, move them to a sunny spot or bring them indoors.

Of course, this isn’t an option for plants in the ground. If cold springs or summers are frequent where you live, considering greenhouse cultivation might be a good choice. While it’s a substantial investment, a greenhouse allows you to cultivate cannabis outdoors all year round.

Weather significantly influences outdoor cannabis cultivation. If you’re keen on learning how to grow cannabis outdoors, consider these 10 tips:

  1. Choose the right cannabis strain.
  2. Plan your growing season carefully.
  3. Pay attention to soil quality.
  4. Water and feed on time.
  5. Guard plants from wind and sun.
  6. Inspect plants for pests and diseases.
  7. Employ pruning and training techniques.
  8. Have an action plan for sudden weather shifts.
  9. Harvest at the right time.
  10. Develop a care schedule.

We’re here for you this coming season

If you’re contemplating growing cannabis outdoors, it all begins with the seeds. You’ll want high-quality seeds, of course. Amsterdam Genetics is renowned for its continuous development and for providing customers with reliable quality seeds. For years, the company has been pioneering autoflowering, feminized, and medicinal cannabis seeds.

They always strive to stay attuned to societal needs, including the impacts of climate change. Whether you’re in search of high-CBD seeds or seeds resistant to heat or cold, Amsterdam Genetics has you covered. Their expert, enthusiastic team consists of passionate cannabis aficionados.

When selecting the best seeds, it’s recommended to consider the changing climate. Given the cooler tendencies in the Netherlands, opting for an Indica strain might be best. These strains originate from mountainous regions and are better equipped to handle cold than Sativas. They also flower faster, allowing you to harvest before autumn’s chill sets in.

But climate change also makes weather more unpredictable. Autoflowering varieties are another excellent choice: they have a much shorter growth and flowering phase and bloom regardless of light patterns, enabling earlier yearly harvests.

Climate change necessitates proactive adaptation. Protect your plants from extreme weather, perhaps using shade cloths, strategically positioning pots, employing wind barriers, watering strategies, or practicing companion planting.

Fortunately, there are many ways to adapt and ensure a bountiful harvest despite the unpredictable weather. However, if you encounter issues or have queries about growing cannabis outdoor, you can always reach out to us. We have a wealth of knowledge and experience and are eager to assist. Let us know if you need guidance. You can always contact us.

Check Out Our Best Selling Strains


feiten en fabels over wiet

Myths About Weed: The Truth Behind Myths & Facts

 There’s a lot of wild talk out there when it comes to growing weed. We try to debunk some of the main marijuana myths and hand you some solid facts about cannabis instead. That way, even if we don’t improve your growing accuracy, at least we’ll boost your cannabis trivia knowledge to help impress your friends at parties!

Uncovering The Facts About Cannabis

For centuries, all information related to cannabis consumption and cultivation was shrouded in a haze of mystery by default. Legal constraints, popular myth, and the ill-conceived international war on drugs all contributed to an overall sense of obscurity and taboo on all things dank and skunky. 

We see it as our responsibility to help debunk some of the greatest and most persistent myths about cannabis. You will notice that many of these myths appear to be politically motivated somehow, probably intended to scare people away from a plant that has been praised, consumed, and enjoyed for millennia.

So without further ado, here are three persistent myths about weed, along with the relevant facts about cannabis to set the record straight.

Popular Myths About Weed: Death By Weed?

For decades, since long before the arrival of the internet in fact, there have been rumours about so-called “death by weed”, suggesting that consuming cannabis can actually kill you. This is an established marijuana myth, as there have never been reports about anyone dying from weed, period. For as long as we know, the total cases of cannabis deaths per year has been zero. 

Even though any substance – including water and oxygen – will become toxic and even fatal at some point depending on overall volume ingested, there is just no way anyone could smoke or munch themselves to death. The sheer amount of cannabis, THC, or any other of its constituent cannabinoids required for a fatal dose would be too enormous to consume in a single session, or even a single day. As a matter of fact, our own physiology would prevent us from ever taking and toking so much: we would pass out on the floor long before death by weed became even remotely possible.

Kosher Choco Kush

Some claim that even if this is true (which it is), consuming cannabis could cause severe brain damage that would be severely crippling if not entirely lethal. This is yet another clear example of pervasive myths about weed. Studies have demonstrated that even though cannabis can cause short term effects on memory, attention, and emotional states, these effects have never been proven to cause permanent brain damage.

The opposite could actually be one of the most positive facts about cannabis instead: various cannabis compounds are being studied for their potential merits in treating various brain conditions, including presently incurable neuropathology such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease!

Is Weed a Gateway Drug?

Another popular myth about cannabis is closely linked to the Gateway Drug Theory, also called Stepping Stone Theory by some. This theory suggests that use of relatively harmless substances like cannabis increases the likelihood of people switching to ‘harder’ and more harmful drugs such as heroin or amphetamines, for instance. 

Multiple studies have demonstrated that this hypothesis is incorrect. Even if certain statistics show correlations between use of cannabis and use of other (illegal) substances, the theory is overly simplistic and ignores various social, biological, and political mechanisms at work.

Just like other myths about weed, including the lazy stoner stereotype discussed below, the Gateway Drug Theory should be consigned to a history marked by the unfounded persecution of people enjoying the recreational and medicinal potential of a plant that has been with us for ages – and which is likely to outlast our species with casual ease.

The gateway drug model could still apply to other substances, even if it is merely a myth when it comes to cannabis. The recent opioid crisis, for instance, has given rise to speculation that synthetic (prescription drug) opiates like fentanyl could act as a gateway towards abuse of other opiates such as heroin. Interestingly, medicinal cannabis has been suggested as an alternative for the abundance of opiates prescribed by doctors today. 

cannabis dokter
Read more about Cannabis And Medication here!

So in addition to the fact that cannabis addiction is a hotly contended topic to say the least, weed could even help stop addiction epidemics that cost many thousands of lives every year. 

So is weed a gateway drug? Science says it isn’t, and the opposite may in fact be closer to the truth. Perhaps it is time we added some new cannabis facts to replace some old myths about weed: marijuana could actually be a gateway towards safe and natural pain relief, instead of the stepping stone conservative pundits have long claimed it to be…

Facts And Myths About Weed: The Lazy Stoner Stereotype

Of the many myths about weed, few have been so prominently highlighted in popular culture as the lazy stoner stereotype. Media caricatures of cannabis consumers generally portray some sort of scruffy, lazy numbskull interested only in cartoons and the inside of the fridge. If you feel the whole thing once more smacks of propaganda in the war on drugs, that’s because you’re right – in part at least.

We will be the first to admit that cannabis ingredients such as THC can make anyone feel relaxed to the point of lethargy, especially the type of heavy bodybuzz associated with strong indica weed strains. This is hardly the whole story, however: there are many types of cannabis that produce entirely different effects. 

Various sativa-heavy strains are bred, grown, and consumed specifically for the energizing, uplifting highs they produce. If you want an example, try one of our refreshing hazy sativa strains such as Lemon Haze seeds. 

lemon haze

The type of high that debunks the lazy stoner stereotype is often fuelled not just by cannabinoids like THC or CBD, but by a whole auxiliary army of terpenes and other organic compounds such as flavonoids. Linalool, for instance, is just one example of an uplifting terpene, which is also found in lavender. Caryophyllene is another fine example, and the list goes on with over 100 different terpenes currently identified in weed strains.

The complex biochemical interplay that causes your high is a nuanced and delicate affair that involves dozens of different substances. Did you know, for instance, that cannabinoids can mutually influence, boost, or dampen each other’s mental and physical effects? Terpenes and flavonoids have the same ability, commonly known as the entourage effect. 

Click to read more about The Entourage Effect!

Today’s cannabis market offers such a staggering variety of strains that the old and speculative lazy stoner stereotype is definitely headed for the scrapyard. We have plenty of uplifting, mood-improving, creativity-inspiring and fatigue-busting strains to prove our point – and that’s a well-established cannabis fact that nobody can deny! 

cannabis trend 2023

Cannabis Trend 2023 Forecast

As we rush headlong into a new year, the world around us keeps changing at dazzling speed. No matter how you look at it, last year brought plenty of new cannabis trends and challenges for weed lovers and entrepreneurs. We like to look ahead rather than over our shoulder, though. Let’s take a moment to figure out what 2023 may have in store for the planet and its global cannabis capital Amsterdam.

More Research Results Than Ever

Here at Amsterdam Genetics, we love a bit of science every now and then; especially when it’s about cannabis and its many positive effects. Last year saw of new studies being published, and from this perspective, 2023 is looking bright. As more and more US states and countries around the globe warm up to legalisation, academic restrictions are lifted and research teams get new opportunities to study the enigmatic plants that we hold so dear.

Although the majority of studies tend to focus on medical aspects of cannabis use, a major cannabis trend 2023 may bring is the shift towards recreational weed science. Legal sales are skyrocketing and breeding efforts have mushroom in North America. Serious breeders increasingly employ scientists to investigate and improve the quality of their wares. One of the most important cannabis trends for 2023, then, could be a surge of new insights into what makes weed so enjoyable at the molecular and psychological levels.

Innovations in genetics are also likely to make an ever-greater impact on consumer weed in the near future. We don’t necessarily mean GMO crops, though: improved crossbreeding techniques, scores of new talented breeders expanding hybrid possibilities, and other sector developments are bound to direct new cannabis industry trends this year.

cannabis trends science

How Do You Spell Weed In German?

This year could also see a new wave of legalisation roll over the European continent. Germany is set to ratify sweeping new cannabis legislation, opening up a huge market potential both for domestic entrepreneurs and for neighbouring countries such as our own. The Germans could be overtaken by the Czechs, however, as the Czech Republic is speeding towards its own cannabis moment right now. Meanwhile, developments on the use of medicinal marijuana are on the horizon both in the UK and France, so 2023 is looking bright for millions of European consumers!

We should add a bit of tragic Dutch news here in all honesty, as our national ‘weed experiment’ just doesn’t seem to kick off. Legal difficulties, political hesitancy and logistics issues keep popping up. If we’re not careful, we could become the laughing stock of the continent very soon – let’s hope this year will see us make some headway there…

International Cannabis Trends For 2023

Zooming out to a planetary perspective, Asia surprised many an unsuspecting afficionado last year as Thailand suddenly opened up its entire underground cannabis sector and legalised weed at staggering speed. Who knows which neighbouring countries might follow suit in 2023? We’ve got our bags packed and ready just in case there’s new tropical paradises allowing more green onto the scene…

In the US, meanwhile, the legalisation boom is causing some unexpected spinoff effects. The recent boom in sales and productivity has caused prices to plummet. That’s a bit of a mixed bag, then, as consumers will rejoice at having to pay fewer bucks for their buds while investors grow hesitant and dispensaries are forced to send newly recruited staff home.

The recent push to make New York cannabis capital of the United States is running into some issues of its own, meanwhile. A surge in characteristic Big Apple entrepreneurship made a jolly mess of early attempts at orderly liberalisation efforts, but new attempts at establishing order are underway. We will be tracking these NY and US cannabis industry trends throughout 2023, just to keep you up to speed.

cannabis climate change

Could Cannabis Help Save The Planet?

Here’s some really bright news when it comes to 2023 cannabis trends: hemp has such great potential for CO2 absorption that it may prove very useful in tackling the climate crisis. According to researchers, trapping CO2 in hemp plants and then using their fibres in sustainable consumer goods and building materials could act as a cannabis carbon sink that could make a substantial difference in climate change figures. Even though smoking weed will simply release any trapped CO2 back into the atmosphere, we are happy to see that our favourite plant could be Smell The Latest Cannabis Trend?

It’s a cannabis trend that’s been going on for a while, but this year will see the definitive breakthrough of terpene profiles as the defining feature of new cannabis strains. A growing vanguard of cannabis connoisseurs uses the myriad fragrances of fresh buds to guide their consumption and growing decisions.

Long-standing and increasingly obsolete consumer criteria such as sativa/indica percentages are being abandoned by breeders and gourmet cannabis lovers alike. Terpenes, the natural aromatic compounds that make up every strain’s unique terpene profile and fingerprint scent, are set to become an even more important cannabis industry trend this year than they already were. Time to brush up your terp knowledge and develop a nose for prime weed!

Terpenes do more than just smell good, though: they subtly affect your high, evoking emotional and cognitive effects that add depth and even determine how you enjoy your favourite flower through the entourage effect. To help you sniff out the ultimate cannabis aroma and flavour, we will be releasing some exceptionally fragrant new strains of our own this season!

Using your nose to find your perfect match in cannabis seeds is just one possible approach, though. Looking at the composition of a strain’s cannabinoid profile beyond THC alone is getting more important, too. Always remember, however, that finding your ideal crop depends on your personal preferences and growing conditions, too. We have a quick guide on picking your unique match in weed genetics waiting for you to help you schedule your grows in 2023 for maximum joy and efficiency.

cannabis trend 2023

Hot Genetics For Hotter Weather

There’s no denying that climate change is having an impact on outdoor and indoor cannabis growing around the globe. The climate crisis almost looks like a separate cannabis trend 2023 seems poised to bring.

Energy expenses went through the roof last year, making power saving and insulation tips top priorities for many in-house gardeners. Meanwhile, it seems likely that we have a long summer with record-shattering heatwaves up ahead, especially since the El Niño weather pattern appears set to return and add up to ongoing global warming effects.

Growing marijuana out in the garden or on the balcony may become problematic both in temperate and warm climate zones. We may have some hard decisions up ahead this outdoor season.

Cannabis seeds with good resistance to heat stress and drought are bound to become more prominent. Adjusting watering schedules may be necessary. Don’t sweat it yet, though – if you need some more useful tips on protecting your weed against the heat, we have you and your canopy covered.

Stay Tuned For The Latest Cannabis Trends In 2023

So with the weather forecast in order, we are about to wrap up our review of all the big 2023 cannabis industry trends. We can’t wait to find out what the future has in store for the growing communities around the world.

We will be sharing all the major developments and emerging cannabis trends as the year progresses. Subscribing to our newsletter is a great way to stay in the loop, and to be the first to know about all the latest tips, techniques, seeds, and special offers.

Whatever you do, make sure to use any cannabis trends to your advantage by growing the finest seeds our Amsterdam expert breeders can come up with. We have some great new genetics heading your way, so save some space in that grow tent or greenhouse to produce some great cannabis developments of your own this year!


cannabis in de uk

Cannabis In The UK

Despite the desire for independence marked by Brexit, as far as cannabis is concerned, the United Kingdom seems to be following the European trend of progressive legalization. British phlegm seems to prevail over repressive policy by raising public awareness and relaxing criminal law in some cases.  Where do the Brits stand on cannabis legalization? This blog takes you across the Channel to decipher the current status of cannabis in the UK.

Medicinal Cannabis In The UK

Since 2018, citizens have (in theory) been legally allowed to use medical cannabis in the UK for specific conditions such as multiple sclerosis and epilepsy. However, in practice it is a different story; in 2018, only 3 children with epilepsy were able to receive a prescription for cannabis-based treatment from the NHS.

Access to cannabis products such as Sativex appears quite restricted due to Kafkaesque legal stipulations. And the most disturbing is that patients who can afford to pay for a private prescription are more likely to benefit from medicinal cannabis legalization. However, some citizen initiatives have helped to unblock a bogged-down situation to allow cancer patients or children with epilepsy to benefit from the virtues of medicinal cannabis.

cannabis in the uk

Consumer Power

The case of Andrew Baines in 2020, a patient himself, who illegally grew and supplied cannabis to a hundred patients who were unable to obtain it through the official medical channel, comes to mind. At the time of his arrest for growing 30 plants and distributing a Class B drug, he was loudly defended and supported by all the patients he had helped and the media chorus.

In the end, Baines got off with a symbolic sentence: six months of community service which is the lowest of the lowest sentence you can get in the UK. This verdict sends a very clear message that medical legalization should be an effective measure of helping patients and not an abstract political or philosophical idea.

In another redemptive ‘scandal’, the action of Charlotte Caldwell, the mother of a child with epilepsy, led to a change in cannabis prescription laws. After the authorities confiscated her son’s medical cannabis at Heathrow airport, Charlotte Caldwell sued to change the law. She won the case, allowing free access to cannabis-based medicines for severely epileptic children. This case was largely exposed in the media and showed that pressure can help to bend the tendency in a desirable direction.

british weed laws

It is worth noting that, although there is a UK-wide medical education program on cannabis for healthcare professionals, it is not officially considered as medicine and should not be promoted as such. Many doctors fear losing their license and prefer to avoid prescribing a cannabis product (Sativex, Nabilone, or Epidiolex) despite the ‘legalization’ of its medicinal use.

However, the struggle continues in the British Parliament to make it easier to prescribe cannabis-based medicines to patients who need them. The compassion and sense of justice evoked by the media and public opinion should soon improve the prescription and information on cannabis in the UK for specific treatments, possibly clearing the way for unnecessary legal hustle.

British CBD And Hemp

Hemp, the raw material of the British Isles for centuries, is of course legal, and CBD oil (at a maximum level of 0.2% THC) is freely available as it is throughout Europe. The first CBD event organized by the Hemp Industries Association (HIA) took place in London in June 2019. Many producers and manufacturers of hemp products, such as clothing and cosmetics, were present to celebrate this market revival of a traditional product. Events like this bode well for the future of the hemp industry, a plant-based material that fits in with current back-to-nature trends.

And as a typically eccentric English anecdote, a young socially aware lawyer reportedly decided to swap his traditional horsehair wig for a hemp wig to defend animal rights. We can safely say that the new uses of hemp are still surprising and can ingeniously give a twist to established traditions.

Weed growing britain

The Delicate Case For Recreational Cannabis In The UK

Although the UK law on cannabis use is still restrictive, it seems that decriminalization is on the agenda. The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, seems to be looking into the matter very seriously to find a modus vivendi that would allow especially young people not to be penalized as consumers of small quantities. He has even traveled to the United States, to California in particular, to learn from the American model of legalizing recreational cannabis production, distribution, and consumption and to identify the possible pitfalls and dangers of such a decision.

Of course, it is best not to possess too much cannabis in the event of a police check in the UK, as production and trafficking are considered a serious breach of the law. The larger the quantity, the more obvious the repeat offenses or suspicions of involvement in the black market, and the more likely you are to end up in prison for many years. Casual users are rarely penalized, however, and are subject to a warning or a £90 fine.

english cannabis law

Production, Export, And Distribution Of Cannabis In The UK

Paradoxically, although production of cannabis in the UK is prohibited, England is the world’s largest exporter of illegal weed, and one wonders by what miracle… Despite a production average of more than 100 tons/year of cannabis in the UK for medicinal or scientific use, the public concerned sees only a tiny fraction of it.

Analyzing all this contradictory data one can only look for the error without finding it. Licenses for the authorization of cannabis cultivation are granted sparingly, but we might wonder whether this is not an attempt to gradually bring reality into line with fiction or vice versa. The country is largely divided about legalizing recreational cannabis and there are political issues at stake, no doubt.

However, the British are not without a sense of humor and have unexpected and sometimes shocking ways of effecting change. At the end of August 2022, we noticed the spontaneous eruption of wild advertising (4x3m) in the London Underground for an illegal platform to buy cannabis online. This kind of bold and fun provocation can only generate a sense of “why not” in the mind of users and potential defenders of legalised cannabis in the UK. And the future will tell us the result of that kind of activism for the good cause.

cannabis in the uk

God Save The King

Since the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and the accession of King Charles to the throne, one can legitimately wonder what the trend will be for the legalization or decriminalization of cannabis in the UK. A new era is beginning and although the UK Cannabis Social Clubs (UKCSC) are growing in number and becoming more vocal, it is still difficult to predict anything in a nation on the move.

If you live in the UK and perhaps have the honor of having been granted a legal license to grow medicinal cannabis, discover at once our seeds collection in our online shop to order the noble genetics of our own Dutch monarchy (the House of Green; not of Orange, mind you) and make sure you own the right kind of green pedigree. And of course, do not forget to check our grow blogs to master the secret science of weed gardening!

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Cannabis In Germany

How does the German cannabis scene work, and what are the current prospects of of growing and consuming legal cannabis in Germany? This blog explores where the country is headed, weed-wise, as well as explaining the current situation when it comes to laws and legislation on hemp and cannabis in Germany.

The Steady Rise Of Cannabis In Germany

The legalization of cannabis in Germany has been moving slowly but surely since 2017 when the prescription of medicinal cannabis was allowed. And if the early signs are anything to go by, we should soon see this European country join the many nations where cannabis is fully legal.

Recreational use of marijuana and its large-scale cultivation should even be the subject of a set of laws by the end of 2022. Germany’s smooth transition to a truly green economy is underway, but as we will explain below, there are still some major hurdles to be taken before we can enjoy and grow legal cannabis in Germany.

german weed legal

Medicinal Cannabis In Germany

Germany with 82 million inhabitants is the largest market on the continent and the largest importer of cannabis in the world. About 128,000 people each year are currently prescribed cannabis-based medicines or cannabis flowers in Germany.

The physician prescribes cannabis or its derivatives such as Sativex, Dronabinol, and Nabilone, only to patients for whom conventional treatments do not work. The “negative” image of cannabis as a psychotropic and illicit drug with its adverse consequences is still prevalent in the German medical community. This is one of the reasons why doctors are often reluctant to choose this alternative.

However, cannabis is for instance indicated and prescribed for symptoms such as depression, chronic pain, migraine, and anorexia. Reimbursed by most insurance companies and exclusively distributed in pharmacies, medicinal cannabis prescription is increasing by 40% every year. And of course, this craze for the therapeutic benefits of weed inspires those who like to consume cannabis for pleasure.

cannabis in germany

Legalization Of Recreational Cannabis In Germany

Historically, cannabis is a plant that has always been part of the Germanic landscape. According to archaeological evidence, in ancient times, cannabis was a highly respected plant and used in rituals and for medicinal purposes. And yet, today, even if CBD is fully legal as it is throughout Europe, the recreational use of cannabis is dividing the public opinion among German citizens.

The democratization of medicinal cannabis on German territory has not been enough to convince those who are against legalization. Indeed, a large majority of conservative Germans (63%) and especially the dominant party (Christian Democratic Union) are against a lax attitude towards the consumption and cultivation of cannabis. The “opponents” are looking for “safety first” and prioritize the protection of minors regarding cannabis consumption. And they are irrevocably not in favor of the legalization of recreational cannabis.

Penalties For Use And Possession Of Cannabis In Germany

Although cannabis is the most frequently seized drug in Germany among young populations, possession for personal use is rarely punished. Consumption that is subject to a fine is considered a criminal act that is recorded in the criminal record of the person penalized. However, it can be said without undue optimism that there is a good chance that these repressive measures will disappear in the near future.

cannabis in germany

How Likely Is A 2022 Legalization Of Cannabis In Germany?

Burkhard Blienert, the federal government’s commissioner for addiction and drug issues announced in June 2022, that a plan to legalize cannabis will be presented before the end of 2022. A series of hearings of more than 200 experts in addiction, medicine, and law is currently taking place to set up the legislation for the project.

Unlike the Netherlands, where the sale of cannabis in coffee shops preceded the legal and controlled authorization of production, Germany is planning a total solution. Burkhard Bliener wants the production, distribution, and sale to be entirely under legal control. The production of cannabis for the recreational market should represent 400 to 600 tons of weed per year, which implies the necessity to import and involve other European countries in this huge network.

European Regulations

As more and more European countries are considering legalizing the consumption, production, sale, and distribution of cannabis, legislation will have to change drastically to find a consensus. The prospects for commercialization of cannabis in Germany and many other countries are extremely encouraging and stimulating, allowing the creation of jobs, and finding efficient systems of production and distribution with a focus on quality and public health.

cannabis in germany europe

Will the consequences be always favorable and homogeneous in all countries? Each country has different standards of living, structures, and cultures and will not face the same challenges. One can think for example of the level of criminality linked to drug trafficking and the social consequences for those who live from the clandestine sale of weed. Is the exposure of young people to cannabis loaded with more than 20% THC desirable and will legalization not facilitate access to cannabis for minors?

All those questions are carefully examined by experts in Germany but in all the countries where legalization is taking place. This will probably bring new insights to find the best way to legally include cannabis in modern society, enhancing the bright side and controlling the dangers of weed legalization.

Signs Of Impending Legalization

The unanimity of CBD legalization is a model that can serve as a basis for regulating the medical and recreational markets for cannabis in Germany. 2024 seems to be the first date on the horizon when Germany will officially start producing and selling recreational cannabis. In the meantime, the Hanfparade in Berlin in August 2022, a demonstration in favor of the legalization of recreational cannabis, was held to confirm the tug-of-war between liberals and conservatives.

It remains to be seen which way the balance will be tilted, but although Germany, like France and Belgium, is not in favor of cannabis decriminalization, there is hope for a happy ending. When we see the wave of cannabis legalization worldwide, the resistance against legal cannabis in Germany will probably not hold too long and compromises will have to be found.

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Preparing For Legal Cannabis In Germany

If you live in Germany, or if you plan to do business with this changing country by 2024, follow the info on our blogs to be sure not to miss the boat! And above all, develop your know-how by growing the best cannabis seeds: visit our online store and stock up!

Order Your Seeds Online From Germany

If you are ready to grow premium cannabis in Germany, then by all means, go right ahead. We have been shipping first-class genetics to German clients for years, so we wouldn’t be surprised to see little pieces of Amsterdam growing in Germany if we looked closely!

cannabis in belgium

Cannabis In Belgium

If you are living in Belgium and you happen to love cannabis, you may wonder what the local legal and cultural status of weed is. This blog explores the current situation for our southern neighbours, as well as explaining whether it is possible and indeed legal to order Amsterdam Genetics cannabis seeds from Belgium.

Cannabis In Belgium

As part of the Benelux, Belgium is a close, close neighbor of the Netherlands. And we could assume that the cannabis regulations would be similar in both countries. But in theory and practice, the legal situation regarding cannabis is really different on both sides of the border. Although the Belgian government is examining the possibilities of weed legalization, it is not yet a reality.

Possessing, cultivating, and selling cannabis is still penalized by law in the whole country. Some gray areas exist though, and it is sometimes difficult to understand what is allowed or not regarding cannabis in Belgium. This blog will give you some directions in the labyrinth of Belgian cannabis regulations. And we will look for the signs of a Belgian weed legalization in the future.

cannabis in belgium

Is Cannabis Allowed In Belgium?

In Belgium, as in all European countries, CBD products are totally legalized, under the condition that the plant has a maximum of 0,3% of THC. Hemp is considered a legal substance and has been cultivated in Belgium for hundreds of years for construction materials and clothes, among other things. It means that you can possess, consume, and sell CBD in Belgium and fully enjoy the numerous benefits of cannabidiol for your health and well-being.

As you probably know, however, CBD is but one of the many useful and sought after compounds derived from cannabis, so we still have to figure out the situation for other weed-related consumer products and medicinal options.

Cannabis Above 0,3% THC

Once cannabis has more than 0,3% THC in its composition, this is another story. It gets more complicated, and when crossing that line, you risk being caught as an outlaw. Of course, there are nuances, and some situations have a minimum of consequences while you should absolutely avoid others. The quantity of weed you own is a determining factor for the penalization, but most importantly the disturbance of public order and the trafficking activities are severely reprimanded.

cannabis in belgium
Belgian beer? Yes indeed! Belgian weed? Not so much…

History Of Cannabis Legislation In Belgium

Let’s have a look on the relationship between cannabis and Belgium law through the different stages in history and we might get closer to the truth. Since 1921, several laws have been applied and changed to regulate cannabis consumption. Consequently, the whole picture has become rather ambiguous for the user as well as for the jurists. One thing, however, is quite clear in 2022, you may possess up to 3 grams of marijuana and grow one female plant for your own consumption without risking too much.

Evolution Of Belgian Cannabis Laws

Until 2003, having or growing cannabis in Belgium was not legal at all, and any consumption or possession was forbidden by law. In 2003, some flexibility was introduced: the police force did not have to systematically report the consumer up to 3 grams of weed in his/her possession. You could even grow one female plant for your personal use without risking anything.

In 2005, due to some disagreements among political members in the government, the reporting of cannabis below 3 grammes is reactivated. You only must pay a symbolic fine (up to 100 euros), the reporting is not anonymous anymore, but you still can keep your weed if you are reported.

In 2018, the reporting is still mandatory, and your cannabis, no matter the quantity, can be seized by the police.

order weed seeds belgium

Cannabis In Belgium At A Minimum Risk

Following the actual regulation, it is relatively safe to possess up to 3 grams of cannabis with a higher THC percentage than 0,3% and grow one female plant at home for your own consumption. But, and this is essential, you must be above 18 years old. The other restriction is that you can have a personal stash of cannabis in Belgium of up to 90 grams at home but it should be from the same plant.

The police have the right to proceed with test analysis to make sure the stash is from the same plant. And if not you could face unpleasant consequences and be suspected of trafficking which is not advisable.

More Severe Consequences

In some cases, though, the law is more restrictive and punitive even for small quantities when:

  • Displayed in presence of children under age 18, within or around schools’ precincts, educational and leisure institutions for the youth
  • Possession of cannabis in a sports club or sportive structures
  • Consumption in any public place
  • Having at-home gear that suggests growing and trafficking weed with the intention to sell cannabis in Belgium
  • Any commercialization of cannabis, no matter the quantity

cannabis in belgium

So When Will They Legalize Cannabis In Belgium?

In July 2022, the Mayor of Brussels restarted the debate regarding the legalization of cannabis in Belgium or at least that it could be decriminalized. But it seems that the country is once more divided on the question: Wallonia is rather pro cannabis legalization while the Flemish part is against the idea.

The Mayor would prefer to free his police force to focus on hard drug traffic and possibly reduce criminality related to trafficking of cannabis in Belgium as a whole. With the elections coming in 2024, cannabis legalization is clearly a target of some political parties, pro or against, it cannot be avoided.

Hoping For The Best

Some people who wish to freely enjoy cannabis in Belgium are obviously envious of Canada and some states of the US that took recent steps toward legalization. Some cannabis lovers also wish that growing weed for medicinal or recreational use would be allowed in their own country. Numerous Belgian documentaries on the web show the great cannabis culture breakthrough in other nations compared to the old school restrictions of Belgium. That just about says enough…

The debate is also very passionate in France for similar reasons although the French law is much more severe. Belgium as a progressive country should win this race against the conservative voices or be taken into the international stream of cannabis legitimization soon enough.

ordering amsterdam genetics cannabis seeds

Growing Dutch Cannabis In Belgium

In case you travel through Belgium though, be careful with your cannabis consumption in public spaces. And if you live there, stay calm and grow your one and only plant until it gets better! Quality is as important as quantity, and if you grow one plant choose the best genetics in our online store.

Obviously, if you have only one shot at growing your beloved plant, you want the finest quality there is – and luckily, you don’t have to go far abroad for that living in Belgium. All you need to do is check the Amsterdam Genetics collection and pick your favourite seeds to order premium cannabis in Belgium.

Pick The Best Seeds For Your Belgian Grow

Buying cannabis seeds is allowed in Belgium as it is in France, so it is maybe the right time to collect cannabis seeds “best of” for the next 420 Day! The legalization of growing and selling weed is maybe not so far away, so get ready!

cannabis france

Cannabis In France

Amsterdam Genetics has a loyal community of fans and followers in France. But many people wonder whether ordering cannabis seeds and then growing them is legal under French law. Consumption is (still) banned, but change seems to be in the air, and after all, connoisseur has definite French roots… This blog explores the legal aspects of l’herbe and the lively cannabis culture in France today.

Cannabis In France: Liberté, Fraternité, Légalité?

With one of the highest numbers of consumers in the EU and paradoxically the most restrictive policy, cannabis in France is a delicate business. In the 19th century, cannabis was the recreational drug of the bohemian elite but is nowadays a highly controlled substance. Law enforcement can severely sanction consumers and growers. Growing hemp (under 0,3% THC) on an industrial scale and selling CBD is nevertheless legal. And, in February 2022, the French government officially authorized the consumption of medicinal cannabis under strict control. What does it mean exactly? Can you grow medicinal cannabis and sell it in France? What is legal and what is reprehensible as a consumer and/or grower? Although the legislation is not crystal clear, this blog will, for your own sake, guide you through the French cannabis jungle.

cannabis in france legal
Liberté, fraternité, légalité?

Is Cannabis Legal In France?

NO: consumption, possession, sale, and growing of psychoactive (above 0,3% THC) recreational cannabis is not legal in France. As a consumer, depending on circumstances and the quantity of weed in your possession, you will have to pay a lump sum and/or will face a short jail sentence, up to 1 year.  As a seller or distributor, the stakes are higher: you risk a prison sentence of up to 10 years, plus a fine of €7,5 million. And if you are growing cannabis illegally in France, you must be prepared to end up in an overpopulated dungeon for about 20 years. And the fine is still €7,5 million.

YES: you may use, grow, and distribute hemp on any scale and open a CBD shop. In 2021, the legislation authorized the production and commercialization of CBD products although you cannot sell hemp flowers and leaves. And to remain legal, CBD should have a maximum percentage of 0,3% THC.

In other words, THC is clearly the devil here. The psychoactive substance whose potency scares the French government is not welcome in France.

What About Medicinal Cannabis In France?

Recently, medicinal cannabis is on the rise everywhere in the world. Numerous scientific studies have proven the potent effect of cannabinoids, including CBD and THC to relieve many symptoms. As a result, many countries have legalized cannabis. Now, people who chemical drugs cannot treat can benefit from medicinal cannabis.

In February 2022, the French government launched an experiment for the use of medical cannabis until March 2023. This program is meant to treat a maximum of 3000 patients for specific conditions: neuropathic pain, epilepsy, spasticity, palliative care, MS, and chemo patients. A patient can benefit from a cannabis prescription of cannabis oil capsules and vaporized dried flowers, only if other treatments have no effect or undesirable side effects. The therapeutic impact of cannabis is thoroughly examined and the evaluation will determine the outcome of the experiment.

weed leaf seedling
Seeds, oui – plants, non…

Growing Medicinal Cannabis

Officially since the decree of 17th February 2022, it is legal to grow medicinal cannabis in France under precise regulations different from growing hemp due to the presence of THC in cannabis. Until March 2023 though, the legislation for the production and distribution of medicinal cannabis is still to be determined. It is not yet the moment for potential cannabis growers in France to make big plans.

The History Of Cannabis In France

Hemp seems to always have been part of the French landscape on an industrial scale for different purposes such as paper, natural oil, textile, building isolation, and much more. France is still today a leader in the market of hemp production with 50% of the world’s seeds.

Psychoactive cannabis, on the other hand, is forbidden since 1916. It was first mentioned in Egypt by Napoleon in 1800 and was consequently considered a narcotic substance.  The colonial past of France has promoted the illegal importation of hashish from north Africa, but domestic demand for ‘l’herbe’ was already present before those days.

Cannabis has inspired renowned French poets such as Baudelaire, Balzac, and Gérard de Nerval to write their prose. There was even a chic Club des Hashishins created in Paris in the 19th century where the intellectuals and artists of the time could experiment freely with the effects of cannabis and other substances such as opium. It seems cannabis had sadly suffered the same prejudice as absinth which was the favorite alcoholic beverage among European artists in the 19th century. It was subsequently forbidden in France due to obscure reasons in 1915.

Between strict regulations, pressure from the consumers, and the international legalization of cannabis, France seems to be at a crossroads that will determine the future of cannabis legalization on its ground.

cannabis seeds france amsterdam genetics
Nevermind the French proclivity for fresh herbs…

The Future Of Cannabis In France

Optimism must prevail, hang in there, as they say…But even with a good dose of genuine hope, let’s face it, the legalization of cannabis in France is not yet a reality. French president Macron persists in sticking to the actual legislation about recreational cannabis despite the out-of-hand criminality around cannabis in Paris suburbs and cities like Marseille.

Moreover, as everybody knows strict regulation does not curb cannabis consumption. On the contrary, the taste of the forbidden is attractive and it encourages underground traffic. We might think that the intolerance toward cannabis is an authoritarian decision of the government. But most of the conservative French are against legalization. Even the CBD “coffeeshop” must face complaints from the neighborhood.

The only solid hope lies in the full legalization of medicinal cannabis after March 2023. If the experimentation is successful, it will generate new opportunities for growers and seed banks as well as create employment. And the most important is that cannabis will be available to relieve many patients from pain and discomfort.

Ordering Cannabis Seeds From France

Okay, so we hear you thinking: “sure, but can I order Amsterdam Genetics cannabis seeds from France?” Well, YES, you can, but NO growing allowed: if you are in France, you are allowed to purchase any cannabis seeds online in the EU, for instance from Amsterdam Genetics in the Netherlands. But it is for collection purposes only. You may receive cannabis seeds per post, but it is not legal to germinate them or grow weed plants from them…

Theoretically, it is not possible for the French authorities to prove that the cannabis seeds you order are for growing purposes except if the “gendarmes” discover a hidden weed plantation, even if it’s just a little tent or personal garden project. And then you could be in big trouble. Obviously, we discourage anyone from violating their local laws, so there you have it: you can order, but you can’t grow cannabis in France!

order weed seeds from france

Growing Cannabis In France

French people have a reputation to follow the rules their own way, and regarding growing cannabis, especially since the pandemic, things have evolved. More and more people are growing cannabis for different reasons. And it is becoming increasingly complicated for the authorities to penalize a grower. You can even buy any grower gear legally in France.

According to the statistics, three profiles of growers are increasingly active:

  • the trendy people who want to grow their own cannabis and be able to have the best quality on hand for recreational use or medicinal reasons. They generally grow 3 to 5 plants at home for their personal use.
  • The cannabis lover who grows for his or her own consumption, and wants to spread the love by generating a secondary income, selling to friends and acquaintances: 20 to 30 plants.
  • The industrial ambitious grower who has solid distribution and buyer’s network: 100 plants and above.

In fact, although no one should go purposely against the law, each potential grower balances the risks and make his own decision. In France as in other countries, this game of cat and mouse on the verge of legality is puzzling and who knows how it will evolve…

Stock Up On Quality Seeds

Anyway, you may already build a beautiful collection of the best strains just in case, and order in our online shop your favorite weed varieties!  Our team is always there to guide your choice if you hesitate, but you can also read our detailed grow blogs with enlightening tips from the experts. The wind might change direction…and you will be ready to grow wonderful cannabis in France, too!

cannabis water taste

Water Makes Cannabis Taste Better

Did you know that water can make a huge difference in the taste and your experience of cannabis? Weed is typically associated with deep cravings for sugary drinks, but the taste of the cannabis community is changing. This blog explains how a glass of water gets you the purest taste of cannabis  – with some nice aquatic perks to boot!  

Cannabis Needs Water, Always

Cannabis and water belong together. A cannabis seed cannot grow without it; even the first step of germination will fail if H2O is lacking. Growing marijuana just doesn’t work without watering the roots all throughout the growth and flowering stages. Hydroponics based cannabis growing relies almost entirely on water, and flushing a plant before harvest adds to its distinct taste and purity.

But the deep bond shared by weed and water goes even further. Did you know that drinking water gives you the purest, fullest, most original taste of any cannabis you grow or buy? As cannabis lovers around the world focus more on flower flavour and terpene profiles, water is a great, easy, and healthy companion for all your first-class weed experiences.

Fine Liquids And Premium Herbs

The Amsterdam Genetics collection of high-quality cannabis seeds typically attracts a community of refined connoisseurs and gourmet growers. When it comes to matters of taste, we tend to focus on terpenes for flavours, delicate strains with aromatic bouquets, and recipes for delicious edibles. We often overlook the importance, however, of the beverages we consume alongside our beloved buds. Join us for a deep dive into the joys of pairing premium cannabis with quality water, aided by the expertise of London-based water sommelier Milin Patel, of the Fine Liquids water enterprise.

water cannabis taste
Water and weed are a natural match.

A Taste For Water And Cannabis

Just as with any other delicacy, the right type of water can lift the taste experience of quality cannabis to another level. Compare it to picking the right wine to accompany your favourite dish: knowing which bottle to pop can make a big difference.

Wait – hang on. We can hear you think: the right type of water? Surely any plain glass of H2O will do? Well, the kind of water you pick adds another level to your cannabis taste experience – but we’ll get to that later.

Pairing cannabis with water elevates the taste experience, making it more comfortable, healthy and inspiring. Water can carry and uplift the flavour profiles of cannabis while keeping your mouth, palate and body hydrated. This unlocks the taste nuances of both water and cannabis strains. Just like weed – or wine, for that matter – water can have ‘terroir’: the unique qualities it gets from the soil from which it came. Natural water from a spring, artesian aquifer, well, rain, glacier, iceberg, lake stream reservoir – they’re all uniquely different.

water cannabis taste
Water can really make cannabis ‘pop’.

This just makes water ring with so much history and a mystique that creates great conversation – again, just like quality cannabis. On top of that, water contains healthy natural minerals from the soil that help keep your health and wellbeing in balance.

The Flavour of Water, The Taste Of Cannabis

For thousands of years, philosophers claimed that water had no flavour. As Aristotle wrote: “What water is to tongues, as darkness is to eyes and silence is to ears. The natural substance water per se tends to be tasteless.” In his view, water is just a vehicle for flavour. Most people still think along the same lines today.

“Aristotle wrote: What water is to tongues, as darkness is to eyes and silence is to ears. It’s time to move past Aristotle, though.”

It’s time to move past Aristotle, though. Today’s many types and brands of water are a match for the myriad strains available for cannabis growers and connoisseurs. The trick, Milin says, is finding the best combinations. Water and cannabis can amplify each other’s unique flavour and effects, while their respective potential health benefits can add up in interesting ways as well.

Tasting Buds Like A Boss

The goal when creating a cannabis and water pairing is for all of the components to enhance each other. You might even be surprised if the combination creates an entirely new flavour not yet experienced with cannabis alone. This is what Milin calls ‘discovering your herbal palate.’ Much like evaluating wine, you can also use sensory evaluation techniques to prep your nose and palate for interpreting cannabis.

Next time you harvest and cure your lovingly grown flower, put it in a wine glass and begin to smell the different aroma layers that jump out of the glass. Try to evaluate the cannabis. Inhale several times, making a mental imprint of what you’re perceiving. Compare and contrast against other strains. What are the differences? The more you practice, the easier it will be to identify your favourite terpenes, which will lead to harmonious cannabis and water pairings.

water cannabis taste
Fine Herbs deserve Fine Liquids!

Water And Cannabis: Taste, Terroir & Vintage

So water is the new wine, and like wine – or cannabis for that matter – water has its own particular terroir. The literal meaning of terroir in French is “soil” or “earth.” However, the word carries a much deeper connotation in water and tasting.

Water gets its unique terroir as it journeys through the deep layers of the earth. All water started out far in the galaxy as cosmic juice with the very simple H2O formula: two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Water came from outer space and helped to create planet Earth.  Water is a universal solvent and dissolves just about anything it encounters. So when it travels under the earth, it enocounters minerals and trace elements in the geological strata, which water absorbs into its terroir.

In cannabis growing, these terroir minerals are the building blocks of the plant, with a definite impact on taste and plant health. Where and how you grow makes as much difference as what you grow. It’s the same with water.

The vintage of water does not define its quality or taste but pays attention to the waters age and journey enjoying the backstory of the source that contributes to the experience. For example, when sharing your favourite cannabis strains and sipping fine water with friends, the journey and taste of both will definitely hydrate the imagination and keep you engaged with mother nature. It’s like knowing about the different origins of haze or kush cannabis strains: knowing their vintage adds depth to the experience of weed.

cannabis water taste

Pairing Buds And Drinks

The flavour of cannabis largely depends on the terpenes a strain contains. Water’s taste is determined by the variety of minerals it contains. This is measured by Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) measured in milligrams per litre (mg/l) or parts per million (ppm). A water’s TDS is made up of a variety of minerals; Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, Sulfates, Bicarbonate, Silica and trace elements like Iron, Iodine, Copper.

The higher the TDS level the more distinct a waters taste can be. Low TDS waters will have more subtle neutral taste. Compare it to cannabis strains: the higher the trichome, terpene and cannabinoid count, the more distinct its smell, taste, high or desired medical benefit. Still, all of these require minerals to grow, which are carried by the water a plant drinks throughout its life. Maybe you recognised some of the essential minerals listed above from your growing adventures. If you did, you’ll know what we mean: water determines the taste of cannabis from Square One.

fine liquids cannabis water
Water sommelier Milin Patel of Fine Liquids.

How Water Improves The Taste Of Cannabis

The naturally occurring mix and composition of minerals makes each source of water completely different and this is based on geographical and geological formation in the area the water flows.  For example, waters that are sourced from volcanic regions of the world have a different mineral composition to waters that are sourced from glacial melt water.

That determines the taste of weed while growing. Still, the subtle taste of water also affects the flavour of cannabis when its flowers are finally ready for consumption.

Natural minerals in water contribute to the taste and mouthfeel of the water as well as the cannabis you pair it with. Water can be smooth and silky, sweet, or chalky, for instance, and the carbonation level of sparkling water only adds to the variety. Water can make a much more neutral taste background for cannabis, but it definitely adds its own twist to the mix.

Tackling Cottonmouth And The Munchies With Water

Yet water has more to offer cannabis lovers than just an improved flavour experience. Anyone familiar with the cottonmouth phenomenon will appreciate the fact that nothing works better for a dry mouth – or xerostomia as our water expert knowingly calls it – than plain old aqua. If smoking cannabis gives you that parched palate, your taste perception dries up along with it. That’s a real waste!

Don’t reach for a cold beer or sugary drink after smoking cannabis. That will only make matters worse. You should try and avoid drinking things like tea, heavy wines and fruit juices as they are attributed to dry mouth because the tannin contained within these beverages add to the dry mouth sensation. There is a simple solution. Just sip tap water or naturally sourced water frequently while consuming your premium cannabis strains and it will fight against the dry mouth and help enjoy the terpene flavour profiles.

Water can even help counter the all-consuming cannabis induced sense of hunger known as the munchies – and it does so calorie-free, too! Choosing a nice and sparkling carbonated water for your cannabis tasting helps tame those fridge-clearing urges, on top of cleansing the palate for elevated taste perception. That’s yet another great reason to pick fine liquids alongside your fine herbs, fellow connoisseurs!

water cannabis taste

Pairing Water And Cannabis: Tips For Taste

Of course, a blog on cannabis and water would not be complete without some expert tips from Milin:

Drinking water at room temperature will let you explore the taste of water. If the water is served chilled it can provide a refreshing sensation but limits the taste of water (and cannabis!) as the taste buds are chilled numb.

A variety of ways of consuming cannabis leads to a variety of ways to pair water and cannabis.

Traditional combustion, i.e., smoking a joint: start with low mineral content water. This allows the cannabis terpenes to be discovered with subtle mouthfeel of water. Afterwards, a medium or high TDS’s sparkling water helps reduce the harshness of the smoke on the palate, while the bubbles uplift the flavour and reset your taste buds.

When vaping cannabis concentrates or extracts, drink still water with low mineral content at room temperature. This will help improve the flavour profiles and keep the mouth hydrated and reduce the onset of dry mouth. This can be followed by a chilled sparkling water to re-calibrate the palate, delay cottonmouth, and help reduce the munchies.

Sativa-dominant strains that have fruity terpene scent like limonene (natural lemon scent) will pair very well with low to medium TDS mineral waters, preferably still or lightly carbonated (effervescent)

Indica-dominant strains that have dark fruity linalool and earthy profiles will pair very well with medium to high TDS  mineral waters with large round bubbles that will elevate deep flavours of blackberry, pepper, cloves and cinnamon.

After consuming cannabis your taste buds are activated. So why not just sit back and savour the flavour of the water and try and describe the taste and mouthfeel you experience? As we discussed each water will have a completely different profile. Maybe you will discover a favourite water to enjoy with cannabis during your consumption or after just to sip and relax.

watering marijuana seeds plants

Watering Tips For Cannabis Growers

Obviously, growing cannabis seeds on exclusive spring water would be too expensive for anyone below Snoop Dogg or Jay-Z income levels. Nonetheless, water is crucial for growing weed, so surely, a water expert might have a splash of wisdom to add here, too.

It starts with understanding the composition of the water you use. It could be freshly harvested rainwater, tap water, or reverse osmosis filtered water. Whatever you use, try to keep the following pro tips in mind:

  • Use water at room temperature. Cold water can shock the roots and stress out your plant.
  • If your local tap water is chlorinated, just let the water sit in an open bucket to let the chlorine evaporate before use: 24 hours will be sufficient.
  • Measure the pH and TDS to make sure they are within the control limits for your set up, whether soil or hydro based.

Deep understanding of the incoming water and what is required to polish the water to meet the plants specific requirements is the key to success: “All water is not created equal”. Always keep in mind that water is different wherever you go or grow, even if you use only the finest genetics.

Pairing cannabis strains with natural mineral waters is a future trend. As the cannabis community is learning to appreciate the pure and healthy joys of water, you can stay ahead of the curve and enjoy its aquatic benefits right now. Drinking water can really improve your cannabis taste experience, and since neither weed nor you can go without water for long, pairing the two just seems to make intuitive sense on so many different levels!


Order Connoisseur Genetics Here

cannabis tolerance break

How To Handle A Cannabis Tolerance Break

Long-time cannabis consumers may notice that the highs start to feel less sensational than they used to. Fact is, your body gradually gets used to the compounds cannabis contains, which limits heir effectiveness. You start to need more to achieve the intended effect. This can be a reason to consider a cannabis tolerance break. Taking a break from regular consumption patterns can come with substantial benefits. This blog explains what to expect from your cannabis tolerance break, as well as how to handle it.

Why Consider A Cannabis Tolerance Break?

Frequent cannabis users will recognise how their experience of the effects vary over time. No matter whether you use weed for medicinal or recreational purposes, at some point, your body may develop a level of tolerance for cannabis and its active ingredients. This tolerance explains why the high starts to feel less intense after repeated use.

Incidentally, tolerance and addiction are two very different things. Whether weed is addictive, and how such addiction expresses itself, is still hotly debated around the world. This special blog addresses the matter in detail, but for now, let’s return to the phenomenon of the t-break, or tolerance break.

A tolerance break is a tried and tested method to counter the body’s increasing cannabis tolerance. Put simply, it is a temporary pause aimed at cleansing the body and mind of cannabinoids, with particular emphasis on THC.

By not using weed for a set period of time, the body returns to its original sensitivity to the various compounds found in cannabis. Ultimately, this makes you respond to weed the way you used to before tolerance set in. In effect, a tolerance break reverses your tolerance to cannabis, which allows you to enjoy its effects like you once did.

tolerance weed marijuana

How Long Should A T-Break Last?

Anyone trying to take a break from cannabis is free to do so however they wish. Some people just use less weed for some time, while others decide to quit altogether for a few weeks or longer. Depending on how much cannabis you use and how you expect your body to react, you should decide on your own preferred method.

You will notice an increased responsivity to cannabis even after a few days’ tolerance break. The general advice, however, is to take at least two weeks for the tolerance to subside. Feel free to use you own feelings as a guide, though. You will notice how your mind becomes clearer as your body adjusts to the new weedless reality. These are sure signs that your cannabis tolerance break is working.

If you really want a full body cleansing that rids your whole system of cannabinoids, a 30-day cannabis tolerance break is the recommended minimum.

How To Handle A Cannabis Tolerance Break

1. Timing Is Everything

If you plan to put your cannabis intake on hold, it helps to determine beforehand how long your tolerance break should last. Twenty-one days is a good place to start. Make sure you pick a period without any major changes or events that could disrupt your usual structure of living. Also, try not to plan too far ahead by delaying the start of your cannabis tolerance break. That will only undermine your will to make a start. Once you plan your t-break, you made a deal with yourself: take it seriously and stick to the plan – you’ll thank yourself later!

stash tolerance break weed
Time to trash that stash!

2. Your Stash

Once you have planned your cannabis tolerance break, it helps if you make sure your stash is finished before you start. Having your stash nearby during your t-break will make it more difficult to pull through, especially if you can see or smell it – although knowing you could just reach in and grab some poses enough temptation for most.

The best thing to do is making sure there is no weed left around the house. In fact, that applies to all cannabis-related items: your lighter, papers, pipes, and other smoking gear. Pack it all up and ask a friend to keep it safe for you, or give it away for an added sense of finality.

3. Ask Your Friends For Support

Speaking of friends, you have a choice to make. During your tolerance break, your friends, especially the cannabis loving ones, can be either a valuable source of support, or a complicating factor keeping you from the finish line. Ask yourself which of your friends are likely to support you and tell them what you’re planning. Most of them will understand and try to support you if the going gets tough. Do you feel as though certain people may want to undermine your attempt? Then try to avoid them until you finish your break.

4. Keep Yourself Occupied

Bear in mind that not using cannabis will leave you with extra time on your hands. That makes it essential to find something to keep you occupied. You could try new forms of exercise, such as running, indoor climbing, or yoga. Finding a nice creative hobby can work wonders too. It will prevent you from getting bored and tempted to turn back to that weed habit. Perhaps more importantly, it can give you a sense of doing something constructive with the time you manage to free up, and perhaps pick up some new skills along the way.

cannabis tolerance break

During Your Tolerance Break: Handling Cannabis Cravings

No matter whether you consumed a little weed or lots of it, it will have had some effect on you. For some, it’s about the relaxed feelings it brings; for others it’s a means to control anxiety or a source of cheer. That means taking a temporary break can make feelings of boredom, anxiety, or irritation resurface.

Even if you were just using cannabis for fun, for the flavour, or out of sheer habit, your tolerance break is bound to trigger moments when the longing for some weed (‘just a few quick puffs…’) suddenly seems overwhelming. This is most likely to happen on moments and in situations where you’d normally be likely to light up. You can try to avoid these situations of course, but you are bound to run into these fleeting moments of deep cravings one way or another.

Positive Challenge

And yet, finding ways to handle these moments of temptation is a key positive challenge during your cannabis tolerance break. Even though you may dread the prospect of these cravings, knowing what lies ahead is a big advantage. Use it to anticipate the challenge, and think about how you can make it through these difficult moments. It will strengthen you in your resolve to resist temptation whenever it presents itself.

The first few days of a tolerance break can be particularly tough. Many people indicate that the fourth day is the hardest. If you feel the urge to quit your tolerance break, resist it. You can make it through these first few days, and from there on, things will start to get easier. The following tips can hep you deal with cannabis cravings and overcome the desire to quit your tolerance break prematurely.

  • Get moving: get some exercise, take a walk, or do some ironing instead;
  • Distract yourself: do something creative or listen to good music;
  • Be aware that cravings are just emotions – they will pass after a while;
  • Try to feel what is going on, both in the physical and the emotional sense;
  • Learn to detect situations that trigger cravings, and use this knowledge to your advantage;
  • Ask a close friend to act as backup, so you can call or text them when things get tough. It can really help to have someone you appreciate talking you through the most difficult moments, by reminding you of why you started this cannabis tolerance break in the first place.

Bonus tip: If your tolerance break is making you feel sad, stressed out, or anxious, you can try using CBD Oil to lift your mood and regain your balance. Our online store has a full range of hemp oil supplements to choose from, so order now to prepare for that upcoming t-break!

cbd tolerance break

After Your T-Break

Did you last long enough to make it through your cannabis tolerance break? If so, congratulations! You have every reason to be proud of yourself for your solid demonstration of discipline. So no what, you may wonder? Well, there’s several things you can do from here. You could decide to extend your break just a little while longer, or maybe you’ll take it easy from here, going slow on the herb now that you’ve spent a few weeks being sober. Then again, you could feel it’s time to get back on track and start working on your former favourite pastime again.

Obviously, the choice is all yours. Whatever you decide, though, keep in mind that you’re going to be much more sensitive to cannabis than you were before your tolerance break. The longer the break, the bigger the difference. If you underestimate your reduced tolerance, you may find your first high way too intense. If it does become a bit overpowering, you’ll find some useful tips on keeping the high in check in this blog.

And while we’re at it… If you do decide to go ahead with your tolerance break, perhaps this is the right time to start a new cannabis grow! That way, you’ll be able to reward your effort with a batch of freshly harvested weed that’s bound to taste better than ever before!

Pick Seeds For After That T-Break