The Best Start Of The Outdoor Cannabis Grow Season
Most growers worldwide are getting restless now the new year is underway… With the right preparations, anyone can get well-prepared for the new outdoor cannabis grow season. We’re making a good start with a quick list of easy tips for the best start of growing weed outside!
A Great Start Of The Outdoor Cannabis Grow Season
Every year, after the darkest days of winter have passed, most growers start to get naturally itchy. Can we see the first spring flowers pop up yet? Is that am early bird chirruping in the yard? Will there be another cold snap, or are the first signs of spring here to stay?
Even though growing weed outside truly peaks under the warm summer sun, preparations can start as early as February. And being prepared means improving the chances of a bountiful harvest when autumn arrives. That makes a nice and early start a great idea for a successful outdoor cannabis grow season!
Our collection of Grow Blogs includes a handy cannabis calendar for the outdoor grow season, but wait – the step-by-step guide below will make sure any grower’s spring and summer planning comes to full fruition.
There’s a few essential basics to consider before we head for April, and ideally, every grower should have plans in place as well as have the best cannabis seeds at home by that time. That’s why the steps below help anyone make the best start before the garden weed growing season kicks off.
Step 1: Order The Best Cannabis Seeds For The Outdoor Grow Season
We can’t repeat this often enough: the best grows always start with ordering the very best cannabis seeds. That means it pays off to consider the perfect match in top notch marijuana seeds. No matter how experienced growers may be, and regardless of this year’s outdoor grow conditions, it all starts and ends with premium cannabis genetics.
Luckily, the Amsterdam Genetics collection contain nothing but the very best cannabis seeds, so we have that covered. Even so, there’s plenty to choose from – and we’re happy to help out when it comes to picking seeds.
Is it going to be a fast and easy autoflower to make timing less essential? Or are robust, stress and mold resistant genes the main concern? Or are taste preferences leading, such as sweet, fresh and fruity, chocolate, or some dank skunky tones?
Is the time right for a sativa cannabis grow this outdoor season, or is a forgiving indica strain a better choice? No matter what, there’s plenty to consider in advance…
Step 2: Picking The Best Grow Spot
Cannabis is a tough plant that is pretty well-suited for outdoor grow plans if you wait for the season, unless you’re living in the tropics. In cooler northern regions like the Netherlands, the UK, and similar latitudes, the sunshine weed season extends from around May through October, which does call for some planning. Of course, bad weather and wet summers can ruin any grow. Still, a well-chosen outdoor location in the garden or on a balcony can be a great place for growing pot.
The fresh outside air provides ventilation to help prevent mould. The sun is the best grow lamp ever invented – as long as it’s not hidden by clouds, of course. It’s also important to decide whether to grow in pots or in open soil, as is the use of a greenhouse if available. Good, rich dirt offers naturally balanced organic soil life that can support growth and flowering to full effect; even if you want to add only a bare minimum of nutrients.
Optimal locations are different for every individual grower. Finding the perfect grow spot for every single ganja gardener takes a bit of deliberation, but this blog explains which places to keep in mind. Tip: be sure to check this info on all sorts of useful plants that make great companions for marijuana crops. These can help protect cannabis against pests and other unwanted elements, making a unique contribution to the outdoor grow season – and they do so 100% organically, too.
Step 3: Theory Of The Outdoor Cannabis Grow Season
Optimal preparations for the outdoor grow season rest on a solid foundation of cannabis knowledge. That’s why our expanding selection of Grow Blogs makes a fine theoretical start for any spring grow.
Watering, adding nutrients, low stress and high stress grow techniques, and tips for organic outdoor cannabis grows: all the time invested in theory is ultimately worth it by the end of the season!
Step 4: Germinating And Pregrowing
Before the grow stage and subsequent flowering phase can start, cannabis seeds first need to germinate in the proper fashion. Cannabis seeds are very fragile at this stage, so be sure to read this blog for tested guidelines on optimal germination results – outdoor grow season essentials! After germinating, indoor pregrows in the window sill, a greenhouse, or a special grow box are good options. These are all choices that can prove critical for the rest of the season!
Step 5: Let The Outdoor Season Begin!
With all these steps covered, it’s time to get the real party started: by mid-May, even northern climes can launch the full onslaught of the annual outdoor weed growing season.
Now that we have all the knowledge and tips from this story and the underlying Amsterdam Genetics Grow Blogs in mind, there’s nothing to hold us back… High time to take that all-important first step: on to our collection of superior cannabis seeds to order the very finest genetics for the new outdoor grow season!
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