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cannabis addictive

Is Cannabis Addictive?

Cannabis is generally regarded as a safe product for recreational or medical use. Yet while cannabis is reasonably safe to use, it does come with certain risks, and it can even be addictive in some cases. Cannabis addiction has a negative impact on physical and mental wellbeing, and it can be harmful for work and study performance as well as relationships. That’s why this blog explores the definition of addiction, and how cannabis use can sometimes become an addictive habit.

Characteristics Of Addiction

Since marijuana is considered a ‘soft’, ‘class B’, or even legal drug in an increasing number of countries, it is often viewed as relatively harmless for consumers. Its effects are milder than those of many ‘harder’ drugs, and it has less harmful consequences for the body and mind. Still, cannabis can prove to be addictive in its own unique way. Such addictions relate to the biochemical compounds in cannabis known as cannabinoids.

In substance addiction, the longing for a certain substance disrupts regular everyday life. It has negative consequences for relationship and work or school performance. Dependence on the substance becomes so great that quitting becomes impossible, even if you want to quit at some level.

weed addiction

Addiction can be divided into three stages that keep repeating in cycles:

  • Stage 1: Using the substance produces a reward, in this case a high, which causes dopamine levels to rise and produce deeply positive feelings. You want to use the substance again;
  • Stage 2: You start to feel worse if you don’t use the substance. Withdrawal symptoms set in, such as feelings of anxiety and depression;
  • Stage 3: Use of the substance is constantly on your mind, tempting you to do so and return to stage 1.

These three stages can observed in problematic cannabis use, too. Cases of addiction are characterised by physical and mental dependency on the substance.

Mental dependency

Mental cannabis dependency generally only occurs after heavy use of weed; usually at least once a week and daily in most cases. Cravings for the substance become ever more intense, and you feel unwell if you are unable to use it.

Physical dependency

Cannabis addiction can also manifest as a physical phenomenon. If you don’t use the substance, withdrawal symptoms occur. The body feels as though it cannot manage without cannabis. Addictive cannabis symptoms are usually mild compared to most other addictions.

cannabis addictive

How Addictive Is Cannabis?

There are many substances that can cause addiction, as ubiquitous products such as alcohol, sugar, or caffeine demonstrate. Since cannabis can influence both the brain and the body, it should not come as a surprise that this substance can be addictive, too. Still, many cannabis consumers deny flat out that their pastime can become addictive; especially in their own particular case, of course.

Nonetheless, we see heavy users who struggle to keep functioning in their daily lives. They have trouble eating regular meals, taking proper care of themselves, or holding on to their jobs. Research also shows that heavy users can experience withdrawal symptoms.

Another facet of cannabis use related to its addictive dimension is the possibility of tolerance buildup. People who light up on a daily basis may find that weed starts to lose its initial impact and effects over time. The body gets used to cannabis, so they need more to produce the same effects, or to notice any effect at all. This is another important indicator for the addictive potential of cannabis.

Anyone trying to quit an addictive substance or habit may experience withdrawal symptoms. Although these symptoms are mild in case of cannabis, they can still make its addictive potential uncomfortably clear:

  • Difficulty falling asleep;
  • Nightmares;
  • Restlessness and anxiety;
  • Headaches;
  • Trembling;
  • Sweating;
  • Reduced appetite;
  • Bad moods.

These symptoms usually start the day after quitting cannabis use. They tend to peak on day two, and gradually subside after that. Cannabis withdrawal symptoms can last for up to two weeks, but they pose no real threat and they are less severe than those of other addictive substances such as nicotine or heroin.

cannabis addicitive dependency

Addictive Cannabis: Effects On The Brain

Just like other addictive substances, cannabis influences the brain’s reward system. Addiction changes the way in which the brain processes stress, self-control, and rewards. Actual cannabis addiction disrupts the part of the brain that governs attention, concentration, planning, and decision making (the so-called executive functions).

Addiction also affects self-regulation: our ability to control our inner urges, emotions, cognitions, and behaviours. In cannabis addiction, the craving for weed can interfere with our decision-making, our emotions, and our thoughts. That is not always a good thing: clearly, deciding to use cannabis instead of going to work or school, or paying your mom a long-overdue visit, can get you in trouble fast.

When cannabis becomes addictive, it can also degrade your response to stressful situations. In potentially dangerous situations, stress levels normally rise, triggering the release of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Long-term use of cannabis can suppress cortisol secretion, which reduces basic alertness.

In stressful situations, cortisol is a very useful hormone that unlocks energy reserves and raises alertness. It’s not hard to see how inadequate stress responses can lead to dangerous situations in real life.

Who Is Most At Risk Of Cannabis Addiction?

Now that you know cannabis can be addictive, you may wonder if certain people are more at risk than others. It helps to know that addiction risk involves multiple factors including genetic predisposition, the environment in which we live, socioeconomic status, and lifestyle.

In spite of these demographics, however, young people seem to be particularly at risk when it comes to the addictive potential of cannabis. Experimenting with marijuana before the age of sixteen seems to be particularly risky. In addition, people who already struggle with other addictions (such as alcohol) are more at risk. Moreover, people with existing mood disorders such as depression are also more vulnerable to addiction problems.

addictied to weed

What If Cannabis Becomes An Addictive Habit?

So what can you do if you think you may be addicted to cannabis? We would advise you first of all to take your problem seriously and to seek professional help. Several therapeutic interventions have proven successful, including cognitive behavioural therapy, which can help reduce the compulsory impulse to use cannabis. Other forms of psychotherapy including systemic therapy can also prove helpful.

Of course, trying to quit or cut down on cannabis use is also an option, as long as you have the mental fortitude and discipline to do so. Temporary tolerance breaks can also be a solution: not using cannabis for about a month will drastically reduce your body’s tolerance to the substance, making you less dependent while decreasing the amount of weed you need to reach the intended effect.

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Another important tip is to talk about your cannabis use with people you trust, such as close friends or family members. Keeping cannabis habits secret or taboo makes it harder to do something about it. You could also decide to talk to your doctor for professional advice, as they may be able to refer you to the best experts in addiction care.

Whatever you do, though, always make sure you stay responsible while enjoying cannabis. Moderation is always a wise approach, and you will notice that cannabis becomes more enjoyable if you use it sporadically rather than chronically. And since Amsterdam Genetics is all about premium quality cannabis, we would advise anyone to go for the kind of quality experiences you get when you know how much is too much!


cannabis glaucoom

Cannabis Against Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a very common condition that can eventually lead to blindness. Cannabis is a plant with many remarkable properties, which in recent years has been demonstrated to offer great potential health benefits. This includes our eye health, regardless of the red eyes typically associated with consumption of marijuana. In fact, the very vasodilatory properties of cannabis are precisely what could help relieve glaucoma symptoms, as this blog explains in detail.

How Cannabis Affects The Eye

Anyone who has ever tried weed has either noticed or had other people point out how it can turn the white of the eyes red. This is caused by its key ingredient THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which decreases blood pressure throughout the body. In the eyes, this pressure drop improves blood flow, which causes the blood vessels to widen in a process known as vasodilation. Obviously, though, cannabis has many other effects; used both for recreational purposes and against insomnia, inflammation, chronic pain, lack of appetite, and more.

The many compounds found in cannabis (the so-called cannabinoids such as THC and CBD) work by influencing an essential communications network that spans the bodies of all vertebrates. This system is know as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Cannabinoids interact with the ECS by contacting cannabinoid receptors lining the outer cell membranes. This ability allows compounds like THC and CBD to regulate multiple important physiological systems.

The cells found in our eyes have receptors too, with a particular prevalence of CB1 cannabinoid receptors. These receptors are also found throughout the brain, particularly in the areas responsible for processing visual stimuli. Preclinical trials have demonstrated that that the ECS is also closely involved in eyesight. A 2016 primate study sought to improve our grasp of the underlying mechanisms.

cannabis glaucoma

It appears that manipulation of cannabinoid receptors changes the way in which electrical signals travel along the retina. Using electroretinogram measurements, researchers found that cannabinoid receptors affect the way the eye responds to light.

Apparently, cannabis affects our eyesight. Although further studies are needed to clarify the precise effects, preliminary research has demonstrated the potential relief that cannabis can bring for glaucoma patients. This is yet another impressive addition to the expanding list of medicinal marijuana applications.

What Is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a remarkably prevalent eye condition that affects about 1 to 1.5% of all Dutch people over 40. Glaucoma is a degenerative condition that worsens over time. It is caused by damage to the optic nerve, which is responsible for our vision by relaying neural impulses from the retina to the visual cortex of the brain. Glaucoma can be caused by increased pressure inside the eyeball, but other factors can play a part, too.

Damage to the optic nerve leads to visual impairment and causes blind spots, either acutely or gradually. Although glaucoma is painless, it can eventually lead to blindness. Fortunately, cannabis may reduce some of the symptoms of glaucoma, or sow down the condition’s progression.

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Studying Cannabis Against Glaucoma

Sadly, there is no cure for this serious condition as of yet. Certain prescription drugs can offer relief in some cases, however, and surgery can prove effective as well. It seems, however, as if cannabis has properties that can also be effective in terms of glaucoma treatment.

Lowering Eye Pressure

Excessive pressure within the eyeball is one of the potential causes of glaucoma. High eyeball pressure can cause pain in addition to damaging the eyeball. The potential of cannabis for lowering inner eye pressure has been studied since the nineteen seventies.

One of these studies was published in the Journal of the American medical Association. THC found in cannabis indeed proves capable of significantly lowering eye pressure by 25% in 60 to 65% of all consumers. Other studies have shown that people affected b combinations of glaucoma and high blood pressure are most likely to benefit from the use of cannabis.

cannabis glaucoma

One drawback of cannabis use for glaucoma treatment is its temporary effectiveness, which lasts up to three to four hours after consumption. Glaucoma treatment requires constant regulation of eye pressure to prevent it from returning to its previous heightened state. Sadly, most people are unable to use cannabis continuously for 24 hours a day, no matter how much some would like to.

Of course, a permanent cannabis high can also have negative consequences for anyone who has work or studies waiting. Cannabis microdosing could be an alternative, although the question remains whether such low doses would suffice for treating glaucoma. Another option would be choosing a high THC strain and combining it with CBD cannabis seeds or CBD Oil if you wish to temper the psychoactive effects of THC.

Protective Properties Of Cannabis

Glaucoma involves the gradual dying-off of optic nerve cells. THC and CBD have been know to offer neuroprotective potential for some time since they can act as antioxidants. The British Journal of Ophthalmology has published studies demonstrating these qualities.

cannabis against glaucoma eye pressure

These studies showed that in addition to protecting cells, CBD and THC can also prevent accumulation of toxins such as glutamic acid, which can kill nerve cells. In case of glaucoma, this could help cannabis compounds delay progression of the condition.

Using Cannabis Against Glaucoma

Sadly, glaucoma is still an incurable condition, and cannabis is not an officially acknowledged medicine. However, cannabis could help relieve some of the symptoms associated with glaucoma, as well as delay the progression of the disease. If you have glaucoma and you are considering trying cannabis for treatment, finding specific advice on how to proceed is difficult. As we have seen, using cannabis multiple times every day may bring relief for glaucoma symptoms, but it can also produce unwanted side-effects.

Since THC seems particularly effective in treating glaucoma, a high-THC cannabis strain like Fatkid’s Cake seems the obvious choice. On the other hand, a strain with lower THC percentages and higher CBD content could be a good option for curbing the high. The same goes for cannabidiol supplements: CBD Oil or CBD Tablets can do the same. Be sure to consult your doctor if you decide to try cannabis for your glaucoma; especially if you’re using specific types of medication.

Anyone attempting to grow cannabis themselves, whether for glaucoma or for other medicinal purposes, should always ensure that they use high quality cannabis seeds to do so. These are the best guarantee for consistency in cannabinoid and terpene profiles. On top of this, finding the best matching cannabis strain is crucial; both in terms of personal preferences and with regard to the symptoms concerned.

Order Premium Quality Cannabis Seeds

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Be sure to read our Grow Blogs to grow seeds using the best techniques for your premium genetics. They tell you all you need to know in order to harvest prime quality cannabis for any purpose, including conditions such as glaucoma.


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Cannabis And Dreams

The ability to sleep is essential for maintaining our good health. Our capacity to dream, however, is not such a clear-cut matter. No matter how much we learn about the human mind, science is still pretty much at a loss s to the true purpose of dreams. As anyone fond of weed will confirm, cannabis has a profound impact on dreams. People often notice they tend to dream less; and not using cannabis can increase both the frequency and intensity of dreams. This blog explores the realm of sleep, to figure out just how cannabis affects our dreams.

Trip To Neverland: Why Do We Dream?

If we want to understand how cannabis affects our dreams, we need to reflect on the phenomenon of sleep. Why do we spend our nights going on dreamtime adventures? Intriguingly, we have been studying the phenomenon of dreaming for ages, without ever grasping what exactly goes on in that grey matter of ours when we drift off to Neverland.

Some believe our dreams contain valuable personal lessons. Allegedly, symbolic dream content holds valuable information that can tell us more about ourselves. Are you getting chased by monsters? Do you keep dreaming about dogs, babies, or walking around naked? Perhaps there is something you are unwilling or unable to face while awake, which yours dreams are trying to bring to your attention.

weed dream

Symbolism And The Subconscious

According to some theories, the images and impressions that our dreams reveal are symbolic. Famous psychologists, including Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung, understood dreams as expressions of our subconscious mind, which we cannot access through rational thought. Such theories are all but impossible to prove, however, and so the debate on the subject is still alive today.

In spite of such theoretical problems, though, it could still be sensible to have a close look at the symbolic interpretation of your dreams and the way they make you feel. If you believe in this approach, that is: so far, nobody has ever proven that dreams are actual messages expressed by the subconscious brain. Dreams could just as well be the mind’s way of processing the dull, impressive, or emotional events of the day. Or perhaps they are the story our brain fabricates out of random activation patterns occurring as a kind of ‘screen saver mode’ sets in while we rest.

Dreams often appear as random images that help us organise the events of the previous day – if we can even recall them when we wake up in the first place. Yet even if they slip through our fingers in the early morning light, some scientists believe that dreams are crucial for keeping our memory intact.

No matter what you think about dreams, we know that the stage of sleep in which we dream is called REM sleep. The abbreviation denotes the Rapid Eye Movement that occurs behind our closed eyelids during this stage. Every night, we go through repetitive sleep cycles, each of which is made up of different stages, switching from REM to N(on)REM sleep as we go. About 20% of all the sleep a healthy person gets is REM sleep; quite a significant portion of our snoozing hours, in other words.

In spite of all that we don’t know about the purpose of dreams, we do know that cannabis has a specific impact on their behaviour.

cannabis dreams sleeping

How Cannabis Affects Dreams And Sleeping

Cannabis aficionados often say that weed affects their dreams and sleeping patterns. Unsurprisingly, many consumers use cannabis for medical reasons related to sleeping problems. These are usually unrelated to dreaming, though; getting more and better sleep is the most common reason, followed by attempts to counter fatigue.

Some frequent cannabis consumers say they dream only rarely. These claims were investigated in a small-scale study conducted by Pivik et al.

The research team administered THC to six participants before scrutinizing their sleeping patterns. It turned out that THC did not affect the first four stages of sleep. What did change, however, was a noticeable increase in brain activity during sleeping stage 4.

This stage is dedicated to deep sleep, a phase in which the body is busy restoring and repairing itself. This phase is essential for waking up feeling fresh and rested in the morning. Stage 5, which is dominated by REM sleep, was also affected by THC. Throughout this phase, THC in cannabis appears to suppress brain activity, which indicates fewer dreams with less intense content.

cannabis dreams sleeping

It seems that the impact of THC on our dreams is twofold: it can suppress REM stage activity while improving stage 4 deep sleep activation. That implies cannabis gives people fewer dreams, but more profound sleep. This could be beneficial in some ways, but it could have its drawbacks, too.

Studies indicate that CBD (cannabidiol) impacts sleep in its own way. Whether this effect also impacts our dreams not yet clear, since this cannabis compound is not psychoactive like THC is. We do know, though, that CBD can reduce the psychoactive effects of THC. Perhaps that is a good reason to opt for cannabis with less THC and more CBD if you want to dream and still sleep soundly. A few drops of CBD Oil right before bedtime should get you the same results.

Fewer Dreams Through Cannabis: Potential Benefits

The obvious effect of cannabis on stage 4 of the sleep cycle is to improve how soundly we sleep. This is the main reason why cannabis is used for insomnia and related sleeping problems. Still, having fewer dreams can be beneficial too in certain cases. People who have frequent or recurring nightmares, such as those suffering from PTSD for instance, often wake up multiple times each night. They can also start to dread going to sleep for fear or reliving their nightmares. The same applies for many people coping with non-PTSD trauma. For some groups of people, then, having fewer dreams due to cannabis can be a distinct advantage.

Frequent nightmares can become a serious obstacle to getting enough sleep to stay sane and healthy. Having fewer dreams by using cannabis can help control disruptive sleep patterns, which can improve overall quality of life. In such cases, marijuana can promote sleeping all through the night to replenish the energy you need to function in the morning.

weed dream less

The Negative Impact Of Cannabis On Sleep

Even though we still have much to learn about our dreams, many scientists agree that one way or another, dreaming is beneficial for our mental health. Our nightly escapades are necessary to keep our memory in working order, they claim, as well as for processing the emotions and events we experience in waking life.

In spite of these assumptions, though, there is little evidence to support the claim that spending less time in REM sleep comes with clear negative consequences. On the other hand, REM is simply part of our usual sleeping cycle, so dreaming is likely to contribute to our health and wellbeing somehow. There is a real chance that having fewer dreams could be detrimental to our health, then; especially for the young brain that is still developing rapidly.

Cannabis Tolerance Breaks And Dreams

There is another way in which you can influence your dreams: having a cannabis tolerance break. Prolonged use of cannabis builds up the body’s tolerance to THC, which gradually reduces the impact of the substance. Having a bit of a break can reverse this process, increasing sensitivity to cannabis including its impact on dreams.

Multiple studies have demonstrated that tolerance breaks lead to more vivid dreams. This phenomenon is known as the REM rebound. Many people admit to noticing its effect. They experience how their dreams become more frequent, more intense, and more vivid during and immediately after cannabis tolerance breaks.

insomnia dreams cannabis

How To Handle Cannabis And Dreams

It seems clear that cannabis affects our quality of sleep as well as our dreams. For insomniacs, weed can be a real solution, improving their chance of sleeping through the night and reducing the likelihood of nightmares. Although this comes at the cost of reducing the amount of REM sleep, cannabis can be very helpful indeed for those whose dreams are a constant source of anxiety.

We do need further research, however,  to improve our grasp on the long-term relationship between dreams and cannabis. The myriad processes of the human body all happen for a reason. We are complex yet efficient organisms with no interest in spending energy on useless activities. Even if we do not yet fully comprehend the purpose of dreams, they are likely to benefit us in ways we may not suspect at this point.

That makes it important to stay aware of how cannabis affects our lives, and of whether having fewer dreams impacts our everyday functioning in society.

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Growing The Cannabis Of Your Dreams

We know plenty of cannabis lovers with ganja growing dreams. But how do you keep your homegrown harvest from robbing you of your dreams in turn? Our main tip: keep an eye on your weed intake, especially right after harvest time. The right drying and curing methods can help you preserve that stash for a very long time, so there’s no need to rush and smoke it all at once. We have plenty of strains to help you sleep well, including our kush range and indica-dominant variants with heavily relaxing bodybuzz effects. Our collection comprises a selection of premium seeds that are bound to send you snoring, pronto.

Check out our indica strains here

No matter what, it’s best if you make sure you have other relaxing activities besides weed, or you may start to rely on cannabis to help you sleep. Enjoy a healthy diet, try to keep some rhythm in your daily activities, and make sure you get enough exercise. Try planning a tolerance break every now and then, and don’t roll up right before going to bed. These measures should enable anyone to enjoy cannabis without watching their dreams go up in smoke!


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How To Discuss Cannabis With Your Doctor

Talking to your doctor about cannabis can be very important. Whether you are looking to obtain a prescription for medical cannabis, want to try cannabis to relieve your symptoms, or simply have questions about weed; it can be reassuring to get medical advice from an expert. In this blog, you’ll find tips to prepare for a talk with your doctor about cannabis, giving you the tools for a fruitful conversation.

Why Discuss Cannabis With Your Doctor?

There are plenty of reasons to discuss cannabis with a doctor. People increasingly turn to cannabis to treat a wide range of symptoms and medical conditions. They benefit from its soothing, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Still talking about cannabis with your doctor is important, even if you’re just using it recreationally. It can be a factor in diagnostics and treatment.

Perhaps you’re just wondering whether smoking a joint could interfere with your current medication. Or you may want to know if your cannabis preferences can go hand in hand with a specific treatment. Don’t just consult your doctor on cannabis from a personal medical perspective; you’re also encouraging medical professionals to educate themselves on the effects of marijuana in general.

medical marijuana

When Will A Doctor Prescribe Cannabis?

In many European and North and South American countries, the use of weed and its active components (such as THC, CBD, and CBG) is on the rise. Moreover, cannabis has been used around the world for centuries to treat a range of conditions and symptoms. Still, most doctors are not keen to prescribe cannabis as medicine; even in relatively tolerant countries such as the Netherlands. A doctor is most likely to suggest medical cannabis as a treatment for:

  • MS (multiple sclerosis);
  • Nausea and vomiting due to treatment of cancer, hepatitis C, or HIV;
  • Muscle spasms caused by spinal injuries;
  • Chronic pain;
  • Nervous tics (as in Tourette’s, for instance);
  • Nerve pain;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Palliative care;
  • Epilepsy

Even if this seems an impressive list, a doctor is not likely to prescribe cannabis t all. The current perspective favours only opting for weed after other treatments prove ineffective, or if the side-effects are too severe. Of course, there are plenty f reasons why anyone would prefer using cannabis for their symptoms. The easiest option is usually to make sure you are well-informed  and pick your own cannabis – by paying for it yourself. If you do want to get a prescription for medical cannabis, however, you will need to talk about it with your doctor.

discuss cannabis doctor

Sometimes, Patients Are The Experts

Doctors are professional experts. They go through years of medical training before they can use their knowledge to help others. Still, in spite of their education, most doctors lack basic knowledge about natural alternatives such as marijuana. Even if a doctor receives basic training on medical cannabis, most either lack in-depth knowledge, or allow bias to guide them.

If we want to improve the image of cannabis as a useful and effective treatment option, we need to change this state of affairs. Talking to your doctor about how you (intend to) benefit from cannabis for your condition could contribute to changing the position of doctors on medical cannabis.

In case you’re hesitant to discuss the subject with your doctor, remember that you are likely to be the expert here. Chances are, as a patient, you know more about the potential of weed and the compounds found in cannabis than your doctor does. The average doctor’s curriculum does not even over the endocannabinoid system, for instance. If you have basic knowledge on cannabinoids and terpenes, you’re in a good position to enlighten your doctor on how cannabis could help you. By using the tips below, you can prepare yourself for that cannabis talk with your doctor. Although we assume you are working from the perspective of using cannabis as medicine, they can be equally helpful if you are simply curious about weed and health in general.

Getting Your Facts Straight

No matter whether you are already familiar with weed or intend to try it in the future, make sure you know enough about the properties and effectiveness of cannabis. Explore the world of cannabinoids and terpenes, focusing on scientific studies providing evidence for the potential merits of these compounds for what ails you. It’s the best way to show your doctor that you are serious, but moreover, you’re likely to give them new cannabis insights while you’re at it.

cannabis doctor
Sometimes, doctors need to Google too…

Emphasise that many people benefit from using marijuana for your symptoms. If you are already using cannabis, be sure to explain how and why it helps you. Your personal experience may help your doctor see how cannabis can be genuinely effective as a treatment for certain conditions. It can contribute to real change in the wider medical community.

Preferring Natural Alternatives

As mentioned above, your doctor is not likely to prescribe cannabis until all else fails. If his is the case for you, you’ve probably tried various types of prescription drugs. You may find that your doctor is open for trying medical cannabis. If, on the other hand, they suggest you try other medication first, you are free to indicate your preference for trying natural alternatives such as cannabis. Weed has the benefit of being unlikely to produce the severe side-effects often associated with regular medication. And know that if your doctor still objects to the use of cannabis, yu’re always entitled to a second opinion.

Which Cannabis Strains Work Best?

If you are already using cannabis to relieve your symptoms, you’ve probably tried different strains to find out which ones work best for you. If you’re not sure, though, t helps get some basic education on the various cannabinoids and terpenes found in weed, your own body’s endocannabinoid system, and the entourage effect.

THC is the main psychoactive cannabinoid produced by the plant. It has properties that can he effective against negative moods as well as against pain, inflammation, nausea, and more. Apart from THC, though, new discoveries about the potential of hundreds of other cannabinoids are being published all the time.

terpenes medicinal marijuana

CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. It also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties as well as soothing effects. Cannabis contains many other cannabinoids, such as CBG, CBN, and THCV, to name but a few.  It can be very helpful to learn more about the specific effects these active ingredients produce. Every individual cannabis strain has its own unique cannabinoid profile. The percentages of these profiles, along with the terpene profile responsible for the taste and scent, determine the specific medicinal potential of marijuana variants.

If you prefer not to get high, your best option is to go for a strain with higher CBD percentages. CBD can ameliorate the effects of THC, and it comes with its own substantial medicinal potential. Microdosing cannabis is also an option. This allows you to benefit from all the active compounds found in cannabis (including THC) while keeping the dosage low enough to avoid most psychoactive effects.

Taking Your Health Into Your Own Hands

Hopefully, your doctor will show an open-minded attitude towards cannabis. If they don’t, however, know that you’re free to get a second opinion. Consulting another doctor may get you a more nuanced opinion. Taking your health into your own hands is important. Always try to find treatments that fit your personal needs. There’s always the option to grow your own cannabis or to visit a dispensary if laws permit, but even then, it is better if your doctor knows what you’re doing. And if cannabis is not an option after all, then you could try CBD Oil as an alternative. A Full Spectrum CBD supplement will get you all the compounds found in cannabis, except for THC in noticeable quantities.

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Growing Or Buying Your Own Medical Marijuana

If you can’t find a doctor willing to listen to your cannabis questions and plans, you still have the options of growing or buying your own cannabis at your disposal. If you decide to go down that road, be aware that local regulations may prevent you from doing so. If the law is no objection where you live, you’ll still have to make sure you pick the right cannabis strain. Some variants are highly suited for pain relief, while others are more effective for psychological and emotional phenomena, for example.

Quality dispensaries will have staff willing and able to inform you on all the pros and cons of particular strains for specific symptoms. Even so, you should go slowly and try small quantities to experience the effects in controlled circumstances. Tip: keep pen and paper handy, or use your phone to take notes. You may find that you can’t recall all the details, which would send you right back to the drawing board.

cannabis doctor

Patient And Doctor Cannabis Information

Growing your own medical cannabis could prove to be easier than trying to convince your doctor. Here, too, picking the right seeds to grow your own medicinal marijuana is essential. So is getting the best information. Our blogs and strain descriptions give growers the information you need to make the right choice. Our Grow Blogs take an in-depth look at the technical aspects of growing cannabis.

Our website contains useful information on the potential of cannabis in case of:

Always remember that cannabis is no miracle cure. Certain psychiatric conditions, for instance, demand extreme caution around cannabis or avoiding it altogether. Moreover, effects can vary from one person to the next, so don’t act upon the opinions and experience of others. Also, don’t believe everything you find about cannabis online. Only trust reliable sources that substantiate their claims with scientific evidence. It’s your best way to maintain the kind of critical perspective on cannabis that will benefit yourself and your doctor.

More info on growing medical marijuana
Meanwhile, science is making steady progress, so we will keep on blogging about the medical potential of marijuana. This will make medical cannabis a more viable, more accessible, and more accepted option – for you, for others, and for your doctor!


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Cannabis And Red Eyes

Have you ever had red eyes because of cannabis? If you have don’t worry: it’s common and it’s harmless, even in the long term. It is, however, a tell-tale sign that you’ve been enjoying weed. That knowledge makes some consumers uncomfortable. Red eyes tend to trigger biases and misconceptions about cannabis use, which can trigger paranoia in turn. So how do those eyes turn red anyway, and why do they affect some people more than others? And what can you do to prevent them? Find out in this blog.

Why Cannabis Causes Red Eyes

If you ever noticed your eyes turned red after smoking cannabis, chances are that you attributed it to smoke irritation. Or maybe you blamed a coughing fit. That’s not what caused that red glaze over your eyes, though – at least not in most cases.

Cannabis can cause red eyes in several ways. We list the most common causes below.

Cannabis lowers blood pressure: THC, the main psychoactive cannabinoid in weed, causes blood pressure to drop. This explains why cannabis is used against glaucoma (cataracts), a condition caused by excessive pressure of the fluids in the eye. If blood pressure drops, eyeball pressure follows suits. This gives the veins in the eye room to expand, which makes them more visible and turns the white of your eyes pink or red.

The low blood pressure effect of cannabis explains more than red eyes alone. It can also make you feel faint or dizzy and turn your skin pale. It is the most common reason why cannabis causes red eyes, but the following factors can contribute as well:

Smoke irritation: if you have sensitive eyes, they can get irritated and red by contact with smoke from any source, be it cannabis or a campfire.

Dehydration: Your body need fluids to metabolize THC. That is why you should drink enough to remain well-hydrated. This can irritate eye tissue and cause redness.

As you can see, red eyes are not necessarily caused by smoke; you can just as easily get them from vaping, edibles, and cannabis oil.

red eyes cannabis

Who Gets Affected By Red Eyes?

It would be nice if we could predict who gets red eyes from cannabis and who doesn’t. Sadly, though, we can’t. Some people only get it after their first few sessions, and some people are never affected. Then again, some people get red eyes every time they try cannabis. And even though it’s completely harmless, many people find it very awkward and uncomfortable.

Getting red eyes or no depends largely on genetics. The strain consumed is also a factor. It could also be a matter of your body getting used to the compounds found in weed. You may adjust over time, reducing your chances of redness and irritation.

Tips To Stop Or Prevent Red Eyes

Red eyes will disappear by themselves after THC is metabolized by the body. Of course, you may not feel like waiting for this to happen. Luckily, there are several ways to try and reduce or prevent the effect.

Trying Another Strain

Red eyes are (usually) caused by the THC that cannabis contains. If you’re consuming a high THC strain and you get red eyes, you may want to try another strain with lower THC levels instead. A CBD-rich cannabis strain can make a real difference if you want to avoid red eyes, for instance. Moreover, CBD (cannabidiol) can be a useful way to ameliorate the other effects of THC, too. By the way, did you know that the intensity of a high is determined by many more factors than THC alone? The other cannabinoids and fragrant terpenes in weed are hugely important, too. More THC is no guarantee for the desired type of high!

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Plenty of choice here…

Try Vaping Or Edibles

If you find that irritation from the smoke itself causes your red eyes, you could try vaping or edibles as an alternative. Keep in mind, however, that if smoke is not the true cause, THC in cannabis edibles can still turn your eyes red if you eat or vape your weed.

Keep Your Fluids Up

Getting plenty to drink is another way to reduce the redness in your eyes. They could be a sign of dehydration, as can happen when you have too much caffeine on a hot day. Drink two glasses of water to replenish your fluids, and you may find that some of the red hue subsides. It’s also the best way to fight down that cottonmouth dryness on the palate. Moreover, water gives you the best blank flavour canvas to taste the full aroma of your preferred strain – and H2O is superhealthy to boot!

Reducing Red Eyes With Eye Drops

You could also make sure you have eye drops handy, but if you do, be sure to get the type intended for red eyes. They make the veins in your eyes contract to reduce the red cannabis glaze. Expert tip: don’t share your eye drops with others; you can get eye infections if you do that.

Cool Down

Red eyes after cannabis consumption can also be reduced by cooling. You can use a soothing cold pack filled with ice cubes (don’t use ice cubes directly on the skin), but a cold wet towel will do the job, too. The cold will make the veins contract and make some of the redness go away. Incidentally, this also a great way of freshening up whenever you need some focus.

Masking Red Cannabis Eyes

If nothing seems to work, or if you don’t have time to relax on the sofa with an ice pack over your face, you can always resort to covering your red cannabis eyes with sunglasses. It’s a classic trick, but you may find it doesn’t work well in some situations.

Sitting behind your office desk with sunglasses on can be a bit suspicious; perhaps more suspicious than having red eyes in the first place. It may help to know, then, that most people don’t pay that much attention to your appearance – they probably don’t even notice your red eyes. And if they do notice, you could always say you haven’t slept well, or spent the whole night gaming. Or that you’ve just been to a chlorinated swimming pool for a healthy morning workout!

mask hide red eyes cannabis

No More Red Eyes From Cannabis?

We conclude with the comforting thought that the problem with red eyes is mainly in the eye of the beholder. Cannabis can give you red eyes, yes; but they’re mainly annoying because they make you feel as though everyone knows you’ve been enjoying weed. Still, while you may get anxious about people noticing, most of them aren’t even paying attention.

Fortunately, the effect wears off by itself, without harming your health in any way. Feel free to use our tips to get rid of your red eyes, or just prevent them altogether by picking another strain. You have plenty of choice there, so from now on, red eyes shouldn’t be a reason to shy away from cannabis any longer.


Pick Your Strain



Cannabis Couch Lock

A deeply relaxing sensation is one of the main reasons why people enjoy cannabis. Couch lock, however, takes relaxing to another level, adding a sedated feeling to that experience of zoning out while you chill on cannabis. Some people love the feeling, while others prefer to avoid it. Couch lock is a side-effect of certain types of cannabis. The term refers to being too stoned to even get off that sofa. This blog explains what the couchlock experience is, why it occurs, and how you can avoid it.

Why Do People Get Couchlock?

We all appreciate spending a lazy afternoon on the sofa every now and then. But what if you started to feel so relaxed that getting up seemed completely impossible? That is exactly how a cannabis couch lock feels. The physical sense of sedation becomes so powerful that you feel unable to move. Unpleasant as this may sound to some, the effect is entirely harmless.

Some people describe couchlock as the sensation of being covered in warm blankets. Your muscles unwind as you feel yourself melting away into the sofa. Mental activity may continue at its own steady pace, but the body just stops complying. Don’t worry, though: the couch lock will fade as soon as the cannabis high wears off.

Some cannabis enthusiasts actively seek out the couch lock sensation, while others want nothing to do with it. Pleasant as it may feel, getting rid of that couchlocked feeling can be tricky once it takes hold.

couch lock cannabis

Some connoisseurs are convinced that couch lock is caused by indica-dominant cannabis strains. Indica genetics are known for their relaxing, narcotic effects. This is part of what we call a ‘bodybuzz‘. Sativas, on the other hand, tend to convey an energy boost and a euphoric high to match. Yet even though this theory may sound plausible, the truth is more complex and nuanced.

All cannabis strains have specific effects determined by the biochemical composition of the plant, our own unique metabolism, and the setting we are in. If you’re looking to prevent couch lock, it helps to know what causes it and what can be done about the effect.

Cannabis Compounds And Couch Lock

Recent studies have identified hundred of different active cannabis compounds. These include the familiar cannabinoids like THC, CBD, and CBG as well as flavonoids and terpenes. At present, it is impossible to pinpoint exactly which of these substances are responsible for all the unique effects of any individual cannabis strain. All marijuana plants contain unique mixtures of these compounds, influenced by factors such as climate, lighting, soil conditions, and grower techniques. As a consequence, terpene, flavonoid, and cannabinoid concentrations vary between strains, and even between plants of a single strain.

Perhaps one day we will be able to pinpoint the specific effects of these distinctive cannabis substances and identify the chemical cause of couch lock. We still have a long way to go before we get to that point, though. This is partly due to the way in which the various cannabis compounds interact with each other. They influence each other’s effects in a process known as the entourage effect. To complicate the matter further, every consumer has their own unique responses to all of these active compounds. All things considered, finding out which cannabis ingredient causes couch lock is a pretty complicated affair.

Could Myrcene Trigger The Couchlock Effect?

Many people suspect that a compound called myrcene is the root cause of couchlock. Myrcene is a terpene produced by all sorts of plants as a means of self-protection from predation, disease, and UV radiation. Terpenes are aromatic compounds, and myrcene gives cannabis its herbal, earthy scent that is reminiscent of cinnamon and cloves. You’ll also find myrcene in plants like lemongrass, hops, thyme, and parsley.

myrcene terpene cannabis amsterdam genetics

Although myrcene definitely contributes to the effects of cannabis, it has not been conclusively linked to couch lock by scientific research. We do know, however, that myrcene has powerful relaxing properties, making high-myrcene strains particularly suited for people suffering from stress. Meanwhile, cannabis research continues apace. The near future may reveal exactly which cannabis compounds cause couch lock.

What To Do When You Get Couchlocked?

If you do get couch lock and you want to get rid of it, you should know that the sedative, heavy sense of relaxation can be countered by doing or eating something with the opposite effect.

  • Act as soon as you start to feel couchlock setting in. Have a sugary drink or brew a strong cup of coffee. These drinks give you a quick energy boost that can help jumpstart your body back into action. If you’re lucky, you may be able to avoid that couchlocked sensation. If you happen to get the munchies too (that strong craving for food and snacks), put it to good use. Have something that packs lots of energy, such as chocolate or other sweet treats.
  • Another option is to fight fire with fire and light another joint. Of course, you shouldn’t take the same strain that sparked the couch lock: choose some CBD cannabis instead. Cannabidiol is capable of countering some of the effects of THC and other cannabinoids. You could also use CBD Oil or other CBD supplements to achieve the same result.
  • Get yourself in motion. Try to stay active and focus on something enjoyable to get off that couch!
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Try our Full Spectrum CBD Oil!

Enjoying The Cannabis Couch Lock

If you do find yourself couchlocked and the above tips don’t seem to work, you’ll simply going to have to roll with it. It may not be what you were looking for, but if you manage to accept it, you may start to enjoy the inevitable and total relaxation it brings. Relaxing on that couch does have its benefits, after all. At any rate, the effect will wear before long, and your health won’t suffer from it.

If you really want to avoid couch lock next time around, try to keep notes of which cannabis strain caused it, and in what amount. Also keep track of the precise moment that couch lock kicked in. This will give you some basic tools to reduce or prevent the impact of this well-known stoner phenomenon.



420 cannabis day

420 Cannabis Day!

420, Cannabis Day, has recently exploded into a genuine international weed holiday. All over the world, the date of 4-20 is being used to promote legalisation and highlight the positive aspects of cannabis. But what are the origins of the four twenty myth? We investigated how three seemingly random numbers evolved into the emblem of World Cannabis Day.

The Origins Of The 420 Cannabis Day Connection

420 has become all but synonymous for cannabis in just about any country you can visit. In the Netherlands, we have coffeeshops with 420 in their name, and if you keep an eye out, you’ll spot 420 cannabis bumper stickers around our nation’s cannabis capital pretty easily. Still, if you ask random passers-by what four twenty means, you’ll most likely get shrugs and frowns for an answer.

The deepest roots of the 420 cannabis myth are shrouded in a haze of cannabis fumes to this day. People tend to think that April 4 must be Bob Marley’s birthday (spoiler alert: it’s not – he was born February 6, 1945). Others guess 420 denotes the number of active cannabis compounds, but that’s not how the day got its name either.

Another common misconception is that 420 marks the best day for planting cannabis seeds. That’s not it, even though the date is actually pretty close as you can read in this blog.

cannabis day 420 seeds

Nor is 420 a police code used for busting people with cannabis on them, as some people claim. Oh, and just to be sure: it’s definitely not some kind of secret code you get by adding up all numbers ever used in Bob Dylan songs…

The truth is in fact much simpler. It all started way back in the Seventies at San Rafael High School, in California USA. A group of friends calling themselves The Waldos simply enjoyed hanging out together, just to smoke some old-fashioned pot and go on groovy adventures around town.

The Waldos And Their 420 Cannabis Adventures

Steve Clapper used to be one of these adventuring pot pioneers. He told international High Life Magazine in 2020 that they weren’t just being classic stoners vegging out on the couch all day. Back then, the Waldos were always making up exciting missions, constantly inventing new weird adventures for themselves.

One day, in 1971, they caught a rumour about a secret spot where cannabis was being grown, somewhere near the San Rafael coast. The friends made plans and set a meeting point to stage their search for the secret ganja treasure.

The agreed rallying point was the Louis Pasteur statue on campus and they set the time for twenty past four. Word soon spread, and before the day was done, the “420 Louis” cannabis hunting keyword was buzzing around the school halls. The Waldo squad soon started to use the code word for all their weed-inspired expeditions, dropping the Louis bit along the way.

spicebomb cannabis day 420

Pretty soon, the number 420 became synonymous for fun afternoon adventures, cruising around town with a joint in hand and radios blasting out loud. This was way before the age of smartphones, of course, and internet was still a long way off. The Waldos simply went wherever the day took them, and a whiff of cannabis smoke was pretty sure to follow in their wake.

So how did 420 grow from a secret code used by a group of stoner friends to a worldwide cannabis day symbol? Well, part of the explanation is that back then, the California pot smoking scene was a still pretty small community.

It just so happened that one of the Waldos had a brother, Dave Reddix, who worked for legendary stoner band The Grateful Dead. One day, he told band member Lesh the story of 420, who then passed it on to his friends, presumably along with some cannabis goodness. Soon, the tale of cannabis 420 began its journey around the world…

When Is Cannabis 420 Day?

Originally, 4:20 used to signify the time of day for cannabis adventures. Obviously, however, the numbers now signify the date of Four Twenty: April 20 now marks Cannabis Day across the world.

You are absolutely free to celebrate this day in any way you like. Many simply light up on their comfortable sofa, possibly joined by their best smoking friends. You could also choose to take your 420 party outside, because it just so happens to coincide with spring sunshine. Now that the days are getting warmer, what could be better than to meet up with your crew somewhere in the park, in the back tard, or even on the beach to enjoy your 420 Cannabis Day party?

420 is also a fine day to stop and reflect on the many joys of cannabis. How good is it to see the love of leaf spreading around the world, making weed a mainstream treat for ever more people? Of course, you should always stick to your local laws when it comes to enjoying cannabis on 420 day – legalisation may be coming your way soon!

This serves to illustrate how weed is still not legal in many places: 420 is also a day to stop and think about all the people still awaiting cannabis liberation back home. Still, if you’re one of the lucky smokers, you may be able to benefit from special 420 deals at your local coffeeshop, dispensary, or seed bank!

cannabis zaden 420

420: The True Meaning Of Cannabis Day

On 420 or any other day, the tokers of the Netherlands are acutely aware of their privileged cannabis position. Of course, the Dutch are famously prone to complain; it’s a bit of a national pastime here. Still, we’re pretty well-off compared to many other countries. People still get prison sentences or worse for being caught with a little pot – and in countries like Indonesia or Singapore, you can still get the death penalty for possession of cannabis, even on 420 Day…

Even in America, weed is still only legal in just over a dozen states. Nonetheless, we are making steady progress: cannabis is becoming more mainstream every day, and the time when we had to use code words like 420 whenever we felt like lighting up may soon become a thing of the past.

Nonetheless, 420 is a fine day to consider the global potential of cannabis. If nothing else, it should be a date used to show that it is time to change the way we look at weed, if only because we keep finding more evidence about its potential health benefits.

Fortunately, the global perspective on cannabis seems to be gradually shifting towards the positive. These days, you can book 420 cannabis friendly hotels in many cities. These accommodations facilitate casual use of cannabis, which is a development the cannabis community can only appreciate. You can find 420 friendly places all over the planet, although you are always welcome to visit Amsterdam and enjoy an entire 420 cannabis friendly city with deep cannabis roots any day of the year!

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All in all, 420 is a day for all cannabis lovers to celebrate and to cherish. Be sure to make the most of it this year, whether by yourself or with your friends, no matter where you are. And don’t forget that it’s almost time to kickstart the new cannabis outdoor season, so grab some serious 420 cannabis seeds discounts on those seeds and celebrate 420 Day in the most fitting way!

Pick Your Seeds And Celebrate The Natural Way!


cannabis geheugen

Cannabis And Paranoia

When you are high or stoned, your brain works differently. This can be a good thing, for people who use cannabis to counter stress or to cope with negative thoughts. For others, cannabis can cause and trigger paranoia. This can be a very unpleasant side effect and for a lot of people, it’s a reason to quit cannabis or not to use it at all. One of the possible causes are high THC percentages, combined with very low CBD and/or CBG percentages. In this blog, we’ll explain how cannabis can cause paranoia and how you can prevent it from happening during your next sesh.

Cannabis Paranoia: What Is It? 

When someone is paranoid, they are convinced that others are against them. They become suspicious and look for reason behind everything. Some might think they are being followed or that there’s a big conspiracy going on. A person that’s paranoid, will always think someone or something is trying to bring them down. The most normal and harmless comments can suddenly be interpreted as an attack or a clue that suggests someone is trying to swindle them. 

Paranoia is not the same as anxiety. There are some similarities, but it’s important to explain the difference. Anxiety or ‘angst’ is a normal emotion, especially when someone has experienced something that was frighting or drastic. Anxiety can make people feel worried about what people think of them. This will likely make them even more stressed or fidgety. The main difference here is that someone who’s feeling anxious might doubt, stress, and feel insecure about what people think about them. When you are paranoid, you are not in doubt, but completely convinced by your own irrational thoughts. Paranoia can be seen as the extreme version of anxiety. 

paranoia cannabis

This is the case for paranoia in general, as a personality disorder. It also applies to paranoia that’s triggered by the consumption of cannabis. In this instance someone is usually not paranoid, but feels this way throughout their high. The paranoid thoughts will fade away as the high fades. When someone experiences paranoia from cannabis, it’s usually not a pleasant or happy time. They feel suspicious, anxious and stressed. Some people never experience these kind side effects, others can’t avoid them. How does this work and how can you prevent paranoia from taking over your high?  

Cannabis And The Brain: Why Does Paranoia Occur?

When consuming cannabis, the active components enter your bloodstream. Cannabis is rich in a variety of cannabinoids, like THC and CBD. As most of you will know, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the psychoactive substance and CBD (cannabidiol) has a calming non-psychoactive properties. When it comes to paranoia, THC is the most important component. 

When trying to understand where paranoia comes from, it’s good to understand a little about the endocannabinoid system in your body. This system in responsible for a lot of different functions throughout the human, and a lot of animal’s, bodies. It makes sure that endocannabinoids, produced by the body, can transfer information to cells. The ECS is in the nervous system, the immune system, the brains, and many organs. Paranoia is caused by the connection that THC can make within the brain, in particular, the neurons of the amygdala. 

cbd cannabis
Read our blog about the endocannabinoid system here!

Cannabis And The Amygdala

One of the taks of the amygdala is to experience, process, and direct emotions, mostly anxiety and stress. Endocannabinoids are involved in this too. They are produced by your body to regulate certain emotions, like anxiety. These endocannabinoids are broken down by enzymes once they’ve done their job. Vegetal cannabinoids like CBD and THC can cooperate with the ECS in the same way. What stands out, is that these cannabinoids are not broken down by the designated enzymes. THC and CBD can stay connected with the ECS, much longer than is needed. This can be the reason why some people experience paranoia after consuming cannabis. 

Above all, THC connects with the GABA receptors in the brain. This causes the brain to stop releasing dopamine. This leads to an amplification of the dopamine levels which causes a euphoric feeling. When consuming cannabis for a longer period of time, the area in the brain that’s responsible for dopamine levels becomes overstimulated. This results in lower dopamine levels, which can result in social anxiety, which can lead to paranoia.

How To Prevent Cannabis Paranoia

Paranoia from cannabis has two sides: cannabis can also be used to battle anxiety. Research shows that THC has anti-anxiety properties within the amygdala. It can even be used in therapy against PTSS. For some people however, cannabis can trigger anxiety and paranoia. Luckily, there are multiple ways to prevent cannabis paranoia. 

Firstly, choose the strain you’re consuming wisely. The more THC that’s consumed, the more likely someone is to experience paranoia or other unwanted side effects. A strong strains or even concentrates can make dosing a lot harder. Apart from this, the ratio of CBD:THC can also be of influence. Not much research has been done on this front, but from experiences and some small researches, it looks like strains with more balanced CBD:THC rations can drastically decrease the psychoactive effects, therefore minimizing the chance of feeling paranoia. CBD:THC balanced strains are becoming more popular in the legal states of the US too. CBD can ‘mute’ the psychoactive effects of THC to give a more calm, relaxing, and body high. 

Another import factor you should weigh in: your own mood. If you are sensitive for anxiety or even paranoia, cannabis can amplify these feelings, especially when using cannabis for the first time. If you are diagnosed with paranoia, we recommend talking to your doctor first, cannabis might not be the ideal flower for you. 

As discussed before, CBD can also minimise the chance of feeling paranoia or anxious. Using CBD Oil might be a useful and natural solutions to combat paranoia, because it defuses the functioning of the CB1 an CB2 receptors. THC, on the other hand, activates these receptors. You could choose to consume a more balanced THC:CBD strain, or mix a THC-dominant strains with a CBD-dominant strain like Blue Monkey CBD. This way, you can enjoy the psychoactive and relaxing effects from THC, while minimizing the chance that you get paranoid.

Probeer bijvoorbeeld onze Blue Monkey CBD!

What To Do When You’re Feeling Paranoid?

What if you used cannabis and you start to feel paranoid? First of all: ask help from a friend or someone you trust. Your brain is not thinking rationally, let them explain that to you! Also, don’t forget to remind yourself that the high is temporary, and so is the anxiety. Make sure to head to a ‘safe space’, put on some relaxing music and try to chill out. If you know cannabis can cause paranoia for you personally, make sure pick strains you’ve had comfortable experiences with, and keep some CBD Oil within your reach. This can help you with calming down whenever the high is a little too much. 

cannabis inflammation

Cannabis Against Inflammation

We’ve known for quite some time that cannabis can help alleviate inflammation. Now, as cannabis legislation is easing around the world, scientists jump at their chance to learn more about the precise relation between cannabis and inflammation. Inflammation is a natural bodily response to disease or injury. But inflammatory reactions can spiral out of control, turning into chronic inflammations and related conditions. Studies indicate that cannabis offers interesting options to help keep inflammation under control.

What Causes Inflammation?

Painful as inflammations may be, they are a sign of important body processes at work. They are part of our natural defence against potential health threats. That means inflammations are meant to help protect the body. Whenever harmful bacteria, viruses, or other external threats enter the body, or after injuries, white blood cells and other defenders rush to the scene. They are tasked with destroying intruders, and to help repair any damage they cause.

Inflammation, therefore, is a sign indicating your body is busy restoring itself: it is vital for our survival. However, if an inflammatory reaction gets out of control, intervention by means of painkillers or other medication may be necessary. This is the case with auto-immune diseases such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus, or Crohn’s. We can distinguish between two types of inflammation:

  • Acute inflammation: these occur immediately following injuries or infections. Your body initiates an inflammatory response and the immune cells start to do their job. A few hours or days later, when you have fully recovered, the reaction stops by itself.
  • Chronic inflammation: these inflammatory responses last longer; in some cases they can go on for months or even years. This can be due to lingering infections, or to the continued presence of immune cells originally activated to stop the initial infection. These immune cells keep on adding up until they may start to attack the body’s own healthy cells. The immune system does not get the ‘all clear’ signal that is meant to stop the inflammation response. This can cause tissue and organ damage if left unchecked.

These chronic inflammations are most likely to undermine your health if they go on for too long. Below, we’ll explore the potential of cannabis when it comes to inflammation.

The Potential Of Cannabis Against Inflammation

Cannabis is a rich source of active organic compounds. These include celebrity cannabinoids such as THC, CBD, CBG and CBN, as well as a host of terpenes and flavonoids. This unique combination of active ingredients explains why the plant has become such a popular natural alternative for treating a broad range of conditions. The potential of cannabis in case of inflammation has been demonstrated by multiple studies. The anti-inflammatory properties of weed are associated with the human endocannabinoid system (ECS) and the characteristics of several cannabinoids found within the plant.

cbd cannabis inflammation
The endocannabinoid system.

The endocannabinoid system is our body’s safeguard that ensures all physiological processes run in smooth unison, which helps maintain our internal balance or homeostasis. The body’s own endocannabinoids interact with receptors found all throughout the body. CB1 receptors are mainly located in the brain and peripheral nervous system, whereas CB2 receptors are chiefly connected to the immune system, indicating that the ECS and cannabinoids are involved in regulating our immune system.

Research has demonstrated how administering the cannabis compound THC to mice caused apoptosis (targeted cell death) in T-cells and dendritic cells, which allowed it to suppress immune responses. In addition, several studies indicated that cannabis compounds inhibit production of cytokines and chemokines, which can further help suppress inflammation reactions.

We now know that two of the best-known plant cannabinoids, THC and CBD, both have immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory properties. These help our nerves and other crucial tissues repair themselves. By interacting with our ECS, they influence the body’s processing of pain stimuli and encourage self-repair.

How Effective Is Cannabis Against Inflammation?

The study mentioned above involved mice as its subjects, but we now have access to a solid evidence base demonstrating the effectiveness of cannabis against inflammation in humans, too. One 2013 study involved 21 Crohn’s disease patients for whom regular medication (steroids and immunomodulators) had proven ineffective. Twice a day, they received either 115mg cannabis with THC or a placebo. Out of the eleven participants in the cannabis group, five showed full remission, compared to just one in ten from the placebo group. Moreover, ten of the eleven cannabis subjects indicated feeling significantly better after treatment. This applied to just four out of ten placebo control group subjects. Three of the cannabis group patients no longer needed any steroid drugs at all after receiving cannabis treatment for their chronic inflammation symptoms.

Other Cannabis Compounds Against Inflammation

Even though cannabis may be somewhat less effective against inflammation than regular opioids or steroids, it has far fewer side-effects than regular medication. THC is known to be 30 times as powerful as aspirin, and twice as effective as hydrocortisone. And in addition to THC, other cannabis compounds including CBD and CBG can also help suppress inflammation. Furthermore, various cannabis ingredients can mutually influence and boost each other’s behaviour through a phenomenon known as the entourage effect, which further adds to the positive potential against inflammation.

entourage effect
Read our blog on the entourage effect here!

To our present knowledge, cannabis is a natural source of around 450 compounds altogether. The psychoactive cannabinoids activate both CB1 and CB2 receptors. These serve different purposes: CB1 receptors in the central nervous system affect perception, while CB2 receptors play an important part in keeping inflammation responses under control. Activation of these receptors reduces the release of inflammation-promoting signal chemicals (cytokines). The involvement of specific cannabinoid acids from cannabis (notably THCA and CBDA) in suppressing so-called cytokine storms is in fact even linked to prevention and potential future treatment of Covid-19 coronavirus infections.

Investigating The Role Of Terpenes

Quite recently, scientists at the Zurich Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences discovered that a cannabis terpene called beta-caryophyllene is able to selectively activate CB2 receptors. Beta-caryophyllene does not connect with CB1 receptors, ruling out any high or psychoactive effects. One of the research team members explained that they had long expected to find non-psychoactive cannabis compounds to be important to inflammation responses. So far, however, we didn’t know which ones to look for. This recent discovery shows how cannabis terpenes may be relevant for treating inflammation, too.

terpenes in cannabis
Read our blog on cannabis terpenes here!

Inflammation, especially the chronic kind, can have a major negative impact on your quality of life. They cause pain and discomfort, but they can also impair your mobility, ruin your sleep, and cause chronic fatigue. Cannabis appears to offer multiple qualities that can help reduce inflammation as well as to alleviate these resulting symptoms. If you intend to try using cannabis against inflammation and you are already on medication, be sure to always consult your doctor first.

If you want to know which Amsterdam Genetics cannabis strains are your best choice for fighting inflammation, check out this blog and try for yourself. Our Grow Blogs will inform any grower on the basic techniques of growing our premium cannabis seeds for medicinal purposes.

cannabis horoscoop

Your Cannabis Horoscope

Here at Amsterdam Genetics, we tend to keep things scientific. But for today, we’ll explore the spiritual side. We’re going to figure out your cannabis horoscope! Some people despise horoscopes, others swear by them. Wether you believe in them or not, it can always be interesting. What did the stars tell us about you, and what kind of strain would suit you best? Let’s find out!

Which Cannabis Strain Suits Your Horoscope?

You might have never linked the lineage of the stars with what you like to grow or consume. Even though, many people base a lot of important decisions on their horoscope. So why not base you cannabis choices on your zodiac sign? We will not be discussing the logic or science about astrology, as there is not much to discuss on that front. Instead we’ll be heading straight into the cannabis horoscopes for every zodiac sign, so be sure to use it to your advantage!

Aries (21st of March – 20th of April)

Aries is definitely a spicy zodiac sign, and knows all about ups and down. Aries can be the very happiest zodiac sign, but can get extremely mad when things aren’t going their way. Aries is a real go-getter, which can have it’s down sides. Sometimes they just want a little too much, resulting in lots of frustration. Luckily, our cannabis horoscope can help!

For those moments, a nice indica strain would be very suitable. With a heavy bodybuzz, Critical Mass (Regular) can help you calm down to the fullest. Believe us, a few hits of this amazing strain will cool down your nerves and lock you to your couch. But don’t worry, you’ll still be able to focus, so Aries can plan and analyse all their thoughts and idea’s. 

Taurus (21st of April  – 21st of May)

Tauruses just love their comfort. Laid back on the couch, with a Netflix show on, and lots and lots of snacks. Taurus won’t be needing an indica strain, that would just lock them on the couch forever! 

Besides all this, Tauruses are know to bottle up their feelings, resulting in an explosion sometimes. When Tauruses want to feel energetic to chat and socialize with friends, the Grapefruit Superstar will help with that. A whopping 90% sativa-dominant strain will help Taurus to be more social and active, as long as they don’t over do it!

wiet sterrenbeeld

Gemini (22nd of May – 21st of June)

Gemini is an impulsive one, that’s for sure. Apart from being very social, Geminis love to take on new challenges and projects. Finishing them, however, is not their strong suit. Due to their short concentration span, Geminis will often loose focus before finishing something off. 

That won’t stop them from taking on a challenge, but since Gemini’s can easily lose their focus, we recommend a strain that won’t need as much time and attention. There’s not too much time for that in the busy and buzzing life of a Gemini. That’s why we would recommend an easy Autoflower strain. Our Choco Kush Autoflower won’t need too much care, and it’s effect is perfect for Geminis to relief their active brains and enjoy a nice calm down. 

Cancer (22nd of June – 22nd of July)

This is one of the most empathetic zodiac signs out there. A sensitive, sequestered type that can easily tell how people around them are feeling. Their shy characters prevent them from expressing their feelings, even if they’re feeling down. This makes Cancer a true homester, but one who won’t doubt to go out to support friends and family. Therefore, Cancer is one of most caring and selfless zodiac signs of all.

Taking all this into account, we hope that the Cancers out there reading this will excite themselves, which is why we would recommend our Sketch cannabis strain. The happy and uplifting effect this strains gives is perfect for fighting the blues. Beside this, it’s can help fight depressive feelings too.

Leo (23rd of July – 23rd of August)

Just like a movie star, Leos love their attention, and it won’t cost them much effort! With a social character and a great sense of humor, most people see Leo’s as pleasant company. When Leo’s aren’t getting all the attention they desire, or if someone disagrees with them, it can result in some repercussion. Sometimes even resulting in theatrical situations, where Leo’s can stay irritated for days on. 

Leo’s don’t like sitting about, and don’t really need much relaxation. They can, however, use a strain to cool down their spicy temper. Quicksilver is the perfect combination of being stress relieving, while keeping a cheerful and energetic effect for the perfect mix. With this strain, Leo will keep the social spirits high, whilst quenching their spicy temper. 

Quicksilver seeds
Shop Quicksilver Cannabis seeds here!

Virgo (24th of August – 22nd of September)

Virgo is an earth sign, meaning they like to keep both feet on the ground. Besides this, they are friendly, tidy and economical. Because of their sobriety, it often seems as if Virgo’s are simple and straight forward people. This is not the case at all, Virgo’s remain a mysterious existence.

Virgo’s will only show their real selves to the people they let in, meaning not everyone knows them as well as they might think. Letting go of their control, if something Virgo’s find very hard to do. When it comes to cannabis strains, Virgo’s still cherish being in control. Spicebomb gives a perfect balance between a calm body buzz with a subtle head high. Thanks to it’s indica-dominant ancestors, this strain won’t give the trippy effects other Zodiac signs might be looking for! 

Spicebomb seeds
Check out this beautiful and dense Spicebomb bud!

Libra (23rd of September – 22nd of October)

This Zodiac sign, Libra, is the most diplomatic one of all. Thanks to their abilities to look towards situations from all angles, they are the perfect mediator to resolve conflicts of people around them. Libra is definitely not easily upset, and very hard to impress. This special look towards life sometimes make them forget other people can be more easily upset or hurt. Sometimes this can cause some unpleasant situations, when the Libra is mainly focussed on their own needs. Libra’s also like to joke around behind people’s back, and being surprised that people don’t appreciate that. Luckily, thanks to their happy en fascination personality, Libra’s are really easy to forgive. 

We’ve chosen a strain to help all Libra’s out there that seek a little more balance, and recommend our Magic OG Kush for this. This hybrid strain balances out evenly and will hit with a light head buzz first, followed by heavy stoned feeling that won’t allow you leave to your couch. 

Scorpio (23rd of October – 21st of November)

Scorpio is definitely the most intense Zodiac sign of all. That sure says something! With their mysterious aura and high intelligence, Scorpio has no trouble contouring the heart of people around them. Anyone who enters the life of a Scorpio will be shocked by what’s waiting for them. What’s guaranteed is a good dose of dark humor and immersion, and a Scorpio will remember everything.

The down side of all this is the possessive and jealous side of Scorpio’s. When a conflict occurs, they will do anything to be on the winning side. This doesn’t exclude verbal aggression. That’s why we’d recommend a strain that triggers the sensual emotions, and won’t make Scorpio’s too talkative. An indica dominant strain would be the most suitable for Scorpio’s, like our Dutch Duchess strain. With genes from sunny California, this plant gives a mellow effect along with a long lasting euphoric sensation. 

dutch duchess strain
Shop Dutch Duchess Seeds and order online!

Sagittarius (22nd of November – 22nd of December)

Sagittariuses are adventurous by nature, and smoothly sways through life, thanks to their radiant optimism. This makes their cannabis horoscope extra interesting. Sagattariuses like to expend their knowledge and tend to have a passion for nature, animals and philosophy. They prefer to be around people with the same mindset, and talk about their passions for hours. Not all of Sagattarius’ traits are positive, they get bored easily and can’t stand obligations. Don’t expect them to be in time, Sagattariuses will arrive when they desire. 

If a Sagittarius is looking to make their friends as philosophical as themselves, some Super Silver Haze might do the trick. This strains gives an explosive creatieve and energetic effect, guaranteed to trigger some profound conversations!

Capricorn or Ibex (23rd of December – 20th of January)

The Capricorn is an intelligent and attractive Zodiac sign. Thanks to their perfectionism, Capricorns often look very fashionable. They demand the best of themselves, good is never good enough: it has to be perfect. This might give the impression that the Capricorn is very individualistic, they like to solve their problems on their own. Despite their blunt character, a Capricorn can be a great friend. They will always be there for you, no matter what. 

Even though the Capricorn won’t easily show their own emotions, they will always be there for others. We want to advice all Capricorns to reach out to others more often, and to open up. That’s why our strain recommendation is our very own Lemon Haze, a classic happy strain that will put life a in new perspective. Besides this, this strain is guaranteed to make you laugh and chatter. It might even trigger the romantic side of the rigid Capricorn. 

Aquarius (21st of Januari – 19th of February)

Just like a river stream, Aquarius has an unpredictable and eccentric personality. One thing is for certain, Aquariuses will not be bored easily. They are open for new ideas, as long as they contain fun. Because of their versatile personality, Aquariuses are keen to experience and learn new things. This, combined with their social character, makes a great conversation partner.

There is a downside to all this, Aquariuses can be incredibly stubborn and can even get mad when things aren’t going their way. During a situation like this,  Aquariuses can use some alone-time. The perfect company for this would be our Green Magic cannabis strain, which suits Aquariuses cannabis horoscope perfectly. Thanks to its indica dominant side, this strain will put the body and mind at ease in a pleasant way.

Pisces (20th of February – 20th of March)

A spiritual, soft hearted, and dreamy personality, that’s how we would describe the Pisces Zodiac sign. They usually have an artistic side to, that can result in beautiful pieces of art when accompanied by their profound way of thinking. Even though Pisces are very compliant people, they value their own strong opinions. They don’t necessarily feel like proclaiming their opinions all the time, but when someone goes over the line, they won’t hold back. Pisces have to learn how to do this in a calm way, they’d rather avoid harsh confrontations. 

The worst case scenario is that Pisces will avoid others. They are merciful, but don’t expect them to make the first move. To support their creative and social side, we would advice our Blue Amnesia Haze strain. Get your brushes and tools ready after smoking this strain, Pisces will bring them to use! 

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Your Horoscope And Your Perfect Personal Cannabis Match

And..? Can you feel the stars’ inspiration for your next grow? Take this Cannabis Horoscope and set sail to our webshop to shop the perfect cannabis seeds, for you! Or check out this blog to dive even deeper into the sea of personally matched cannabis seeds!