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Two Cannabis Grows In One Outdoor Season

The time for growing weed in the open air always seems too short. Cannabis plants simply take time to complete their grow cycle, so avid open-air growers have some tough choices to make every year. So wouldn’t it be awesome if we knew a way to squeeze in a second outdoor cannabis grow into that sunny season? That way, any grower could double their homegrown winter stash to last until next spring. Well, you’re in luck – read on to find out how you can manage two outdoor grows in a single summer cannabis season!

Two Grows In One Outdoor Season – How Great Would That Be?

Every grower knows the feeling: in early spring, as the outdoor cannabis growing season approaches, decisions need to be made. Which strain (or possibly strains, depending on available space and budget) should you pick? The choice is important: once you’ve ordered your cannabis seeds online, there’s no going back. After germinating and pregrowing those seeds, they have to be planted. From there on, no matter how enjoyable the process of growing weed in the garden, you are committed to the strain(s) you chose.

Fact is, we only have one summer season every year – just enough time to watch a plant sprout, veg, flower, and mature before autumn arrives. Mother Nature gives us just one annual opportunity, so we only get one shot at that ultimate harvest. Or do we?

How great would it be if there was some way to squeeze in an extra round of growing? Two grows in one season would surely double the harvest results, which is great for anyone looking to make it through the winter on their own homegrown stash of prime cannabis. In addition, it would allow you to enjoy two different strains, offering variation in taste, effects, and medical benefits. If only breeders found a loophole somehow; a type of cannabis plant that would permit two grows in one outdoor season…

Autoflower outdoor season two grows

Great News For Garden Ganja Growers!

You’ve probably felt it coming, but we have some great news for all you garden ganja growers out there. You’ve probably heard of (and likely grown) autoflower cannabis seeds. Well, guess what? The ruderalis genetics bred into autoflower strains offer us exactly what we need to fit two outdoor grows into one sunny cannabis season!

Two Autoflower Grows In One Cannabis Season

Autoflower genetics are best known for their ability to start flowering regardless of lighting conditions. Whereas non-autoflower (or photoperiod) plants are triggered by the summer solstice to switch from the growth to the flowering stage, autoflowers decide for themselves. This is largely due to the harsh conditions and short summers in their original habitats of Central Asia and Russia. Ruderalis crops simply never had time to take it slow like their laid-back indica and sativa cousins. They evolved to be independent of the seasons. That’s a real bonus for outdoor cannabis growers, because having to wait until late June to start flowering means there’s no time left to start a second grow.

There is another big advantage to  growing autoflowering plants, however: they are fast little ladies. This is another consequence of the spartan environment in which they evolved. Short summers and cold autumn winds meant they needed to grow and flower fast before their brief season blew past. As you can see, these speedy genetics come in very handy for anyone looking to manage two consecutive grows in a single cannabis outdoor season.

autoflower garden marijuana grower

Timing Is Everything

Regular seeds, whether sativa, indica, or hybrids, take months to reach their final, harvestable state. Since the open air grow season only starts when spring strengthens its sunny grip on the land, that means we can only get one grow done before the weather turns. That means we get a window lasting approximately from early May through September in most European countries and much of North America.

With autoflowers, though, growers can start early in April (window sill or greenhouse pregrow) or May and watch their plants flower in early June. Theoretically, they could harvest by mid-July. If they play their cards right, though, they can order, germinate, and pregrow another batch of seeds as June passes into July. That would mean the second batch of marijuana genetics is ready to hit the soil right as the first harvest is hung up to dry. Fast autoflower strains could then be ready for another harvest round by mid-September. You’ve guessed right: autoflower cannabis strains give us the means to manage two grows in a single outdoor season!

Fast cannabis seeds

Speeding Things Up

So are there ways to speed things up even further, you may wonder at this point. Well, to be fair, managing three consecutive grows in one summer seems a bit unrealistic (if you figure out how, please let us know), even if climate change should extend the warm weather period a bit. Still, there are a few things you can do to speed up two autoflower cannabis grows in one season:


Rather than being a doomsday prepper, why not become a harvest day prepper? Make sure you make up your mind on which genetics you want to grow in the upcoming outdoor season and order those seeds by February or March. That should give you plenty of time to be fully prepared once you pop those seeds – every day counts when you’re aiming for double grow results!

As always, make sure you buy your seeds from a respected and verified quality vendor. You don’t want your first batch to muck up halfway through the veg stage or even during germination, because it will definitely screw up your planning. Starting early has an added benefit: you have the opportunity to anticipate any spring discounts your favourite seeds suppliers are bound to launch! Don’t worry about storage: cannabis seeds can last for years if you keep them in a cool, dark and dry place.

cannabis outdoor season autoflower

Gearing Up

Make sure you have all the gear you need before you get started. If you like, you can go full minimalist and use only your garden soil, some compost, and regular tap water. If you want to scale things up a bit (for example by trying to speed up your grows even further) make sure you have a pregrow box, possibly a small greenhouse, and the right soil and nutrients ready. Think about pots and locations, too, because a perfect cannabis grow spot can be key to fitting two grows into a single season.

Planning Your Grows

Gather all the know-how you’ll need before starting that first grow. Read up on growing autoflowers, and decide on the grow techniques you want to use. Remember that although autoflower genetics tend to be robust due to their evolutionary history, they will need time to recover from any stress you inflict by HST interventions such as topping or supercropping. That’s going to eat into the time you’ll have left for that second autoflower grow – the outdoor season clock is ticking…

two cannabis grows outdoor season

Picking Two Autoflower Grows For The Outdoor Cannabis Season

So there you have it. You’re all set to squeeze in an extra outdoor weed adventure this year! All that’s left now is ordering the premium autoflower seeds that best match your taste and preferences. Here at Amsterdam Genetics, you have plenty of top notch genetics to choose from.

Pick Your Autoflower Seeds

No matter whether you pick our brand new Dynamighty Autoflower, a time-tested classic like AK-020 Auto, or a high-speed taste explosion like Milkshake Kush Autoflower, you’re all set to double your outdoor efficiency with two Amsterdam Genetics autoflower strains this summer!

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