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BioTabs Organic Cannabis Fertilizers And Boosters

We can’t stress this enough: growing weed is easy. Every day, new first-time growers discover that cannabis seeds merely need soil, light and water to grow. Cannabis buffs looking to grow the biggest, best yielding, or most aromatic flowers, however, might need a little more than that. As you probably know, Amsterdam Genetics is all about eco-friendly, natural, organic growing whenever possible. That’s exactly why we offer our choice selection of premium organic cannabis fertilizers from BioTabs. They’re a great way to seriously increase any organic marijuana harvest with minimal stress and superlow environmental impact.

Organic Cannabis Fertilizers

Weed plants are easy-going organisms. In nature, they can survive and indeed thrive on fresh air, water and sunlight. There is, however, one other vital component that cannabis plants need to truly flourish. Marijuana thrives on healthy, organic, living soil full of micronutrients, provided by millions of tiny organisms that enrich the ground.

Anyone growing weed at home will need to provide these elements for good results. Of course, there are factory fertilizers that will get the job done, but today, natural weed without chemicals is becoming the new standard for many gourmet growers. That makes organic cannabis fertilizers key to superb results, whether that’s bigger yields, pure cannabinoid content, or naturally fragrant flowers with a clean experience to match.

grow organic cannabis fertilizers

BioTabs Organic Plant Feed

Rookie growers and veterans alike often assume that organic cannabis growing is difficult to master. We are here to tell you that it isn’t. BioTabs nutrition tablets are designed for ease of use. In fact, organic cannabis cultivation becomes child’s play with these naturally smart products. As the BioTabs developers stress, proper organic growing is based on the use of compost – and that is precisely how they designed their organic plant feed products.

“BioTabs are your organic ticket to a fair, full and very tasty harvest.”

The award-winning BioTabs range consists of organic cannabis fertilizers that harness the natural power of soil organisms. According to the developers: ‘BioTabs stimulate soil organisms by converting organic material into ideal plant food. In this way, plants develop strong root systems and are disease-resistant. BioTabs are your organic ticket to a fair, full and very tasty harvest.’


biotabs organic grow products fertilizers

Plant Fertilizers and Organic Cannabis Boosters

Amsterdam Genetics offers a full selection of BioTabs products, designed to cover all grow stages from germination to harvest. Any grower interested in raising their own organic cannabis can pick their personal mix of BioTabs growth support fertilizers as they order our prime seeds online.

BioTabs Starter Pack

The BioTabs Starter Pack for 5-10 plants contains five different organic products tailored to all aspects and stages of the cannabis life cycle. These are easy-to-use, taking work off growers’ hands and letting nature do the job instead. This cannabis care package full of great organic fertilizers reduces efforts while improving yields. One BioTabs Starter Pack contains: 25gr. BACTREX, 50gr. MYCOTREX, 10 BioTabs, 0,25L ORGATREX and 250gr. STARTREX.

Check the product details for more info. One BioTabs Starter Pack contains all that Amsterdam Genetics Cannabis Seeds need to get the fair start they deserve.

BioTabs Organic Fertilizer Tablets

BioTabs slow release organic fertilizer tablets contain a well-balanced mixture of natural ingredients. These innovative tablets stimulate the soil through microbiological activity while ensuring steady supply of organic nutrients.

BioTabs tablets contain a mixture of slow-acting organic nitrogen, bone meal, blood meal, feather meal, fish meal, natural humic acids and beneficial soil bacteria. This balanced blend improves soil quality and promotes even fertilizer uptake. This promotes steady, healthy growth based on gradual build-up of a balanced nutrient profile. Working in natural unison, the unique BioTabs fertilizer formula and soil bacteria ensure healthy plant growth through healthy soil.


BioTabs BoomBoom Spray (100ml & 5ml Sachet)

BioTabs BoomBoom Spray: Rescue and Booster is a rapid-acting foliar fertilization product. Designed for rapid intervention through leaf spray action, this organic solution grants major benefits to any organic grow approach.

Spraying BoomBoom on plant leaves helps reduce plant stress. Growers planning to use training techniques like topping or supercropping to improve their yields need to take stress reduction into account – and BoomBoom Spray is the recommended organic solution. On top of its plant rescue uses, BoomBoom Spray provides extra organic fertilizer, boosting growth and flowering phase development and results.

BoomBoom Spray is based on a cocktail of vegetal amino acids, peptides, carbohydrates and vitamins. In other words, it contains all the organic fertilizers a cannabis plant needs for healthy, natural growth – and more besides. Moreover, it helps plants develop bigger and more fragrant flowers. It comes in a pre-mixed 100ml ready-for-use bottle or in powder form, prepacked in convenient 5ml sachets.

BioTabs Bio PK 5-8

Last but not least in our BioTabs assortment is Bio PK 5-8. Specifically speaking, Bio PK 5-8 is a fully organic, liquid fertilizer for all-round, natural plant cultivation. It contains all the primary nutrients in well-considered proportions at NPK: 2–5–8. These bio nutes are backed up by a rich, active mixture of seaweed, vitamins, auxins and other phytohormones. In addition to promoting larger yields, Bio PK 5-8 helps develop robust, survivable plants with a maximum payload of healthy, aromatic flowers.

Bio PK 5-8 contains a fully organic boosting formula; complete with trace elements, phosphorus, potassium, calcium (2.5%), molasses, humic acid and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, and B12, designed to have plants flower to their maximum potential.

organic cannabis fertilizers


The Best Cannabis Seeds Deserve The Best Organic Fertilizers

As any grower should know, the basis for any successful grow is working with prime weed genetics. However, quality plant care is step two on the road to getting great, bountiful marijuana harvests at home. Ordering seeds at the Amsterdam Genetics seeds bank is a fine guarantee to make the best possible start – so why not go all the way and get those beautiful buds the best organic nutrient mix our expert geneticists could find? Any natural grower can now order our prime cannabis seeds along with a full BioTabs fertilizers care package and start that organic grow today!

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