Category Archives: CBD

Support your body and mind with the powerful health-benefits CBD (cannabidiol) has to offer.

CBD Skincare

CBD Skincare: The Benefits

Most people instantly think of getting high when we say ‘cannabis’. Though nowadays weed is much more than a joint or a smoke-filled bong. Cannabis in this day and age means wellness in all forms and ways possible. Mainly thanks to the non-psychoactive cannabinoid CBD (Cannabidiol). Now included in the next generation Skin Care products:

CBD Products

Since the discovery of CBD’s benefits to the body and mind, we at Amsterdam Genetics have actively searched for the best ways of using the plant’s compound to improve our general well-being. Leading us to develop a variety of CBD Supplements for oral use, like CBD Oil and innovative Melt Tablets. Alongside a line of CBD Edibles including our healthy Wünderbars and new CBD Gummies.

Though lately we’ve largely focused on the benefits of integrating CBD into your skincare routine. As we’ve discovered CBD could greatly improve your skins’ health and looks.

CBD Skin Care

Adding CBD to your skincare routine may not be the first thing you think of when you try to upgrade your skin care. Especially as most people are used to consume the cannabinoid orally through CBD Oil, Melt Tablets or CBD Edibles. Though it becomes less surprising when you consider that our skin is covered with receptors of the endocannabinoid-system (ECS). This system helps control all important processes in the body and mind. From hunger and pain to the functioning of our immune-system.

cbd cream skincare
Adding CBD to your skincare routine may not be the first thing you think of when you try to upgrade your skin care

This ECS requires signals to function properly – normally provided by the body’s own cannabinoids (endo-cannabinoids). Though often the body is not able to produce (enough) of these compounds to bring much needed balance to the body and mind. This imbalance can be the root-cause of inflammation, pain, stress and other common ailments. It can also cause irritated, red, itchy and dry or fatty skin. As skin cells rely on cannabinoids to find the right balance to stay healthy.

With a big need for effective CBD cosmetics, our specialists headed to the lab. With the mission to create a number of practical, affordable and above all effective CBD Skin Care products for daily use. After our luxurious and handmade Hemp Oil Soap and ‘White Choco’ CBD Body & Hand Cream with 50mg CBD, we’re proud to present our newest creations in terms of CBD Skincare: SupMedi CBD Argan Salve 30ml (150 mg CBD) and SupMedi CBD Argan Cream 50ml (250mg CBD).

CBD Argan Salve (150mg CBD)

Give your skin cells the power to naturally restore themselves, using a sophisticated blend of organic argan oil, CBD, and vitamin E. SupMedi’s CBD Argan Salve is a natural first aid remedy for minor injuries and damaged, dry or flaky skin. It alleviates and soothes irritation caused by calluses, cracked skin and coarse spots. Moreover, the organic Argan Oil in the salve forms a wafer-thin protective layer over any damaged spots – while it keeps your skin supple and smooth.

cbd Argan Salve Supmedi
CBD Argan Salve with 150mg CBD – Now Available Online

This 30ml Salve is infused with natural vitamin E and CBD by SupMedi as powerful antioxidants. Shielding you from free radicals, while stimulating healing processes and countering skin aging influences. That is how the solely natural ingredients of CBD Argan Salve keep your skin in prime shape. Make sure to always have it ready to provide first aid in case of dry skin, scratches, grazes and other minor injuries.

CBD Argan Cream (250mg CBD)

Treat yourself to a vital, supple and silky-smooth skin by relying on the soft power that nature grants you with this rich blend of organic argan oil, CBD and vitamin A!

SupMedi CBD Argan Cream is a facial cream for daily use for a vital, supple and silky-smooth skin. A mild and nurturing facial cream full of powerful active ingredients drawn from nature’s bounty. Organic Argan Oil protects and relaxes the skin, while the vitamin A profoundly vitalises the cells of the deeper skin layers. We love this CBD Skincare product at Amsterdam Genetics HQ too as a great CBD primer!

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CBD Argan Cream with 250mg CBD – Now Available Online

CBD Argan Cream is infused with natural vitamin A to nourish your facial skin with its stimulating effect. This active component permeates the deeper layers of the skin to reduce and prevent the onset fine lines and pigmentation due to skin aging. Vitamin A promotes the generation of collagen in the skin cells. Confidently boosting your skin’s firmness and elasticity from within. This sophisticated facial cream provides a delicate interplay of natural vitamins, organic oils and the finest CBD by SupMedi for comprehensive care and the silky-smooth feel of a face that shines with healthy looks.

cbd tablets Supmedi

CBD Melt Tablets: CBD Made Easy

If you followed the health-trends over the past few years, chances are you’ve come across something called: CBD. The cannabinoid CBD (short for Cannabidiol) is proven to be effective against all sorts of ailments. It is usually consumed by dropping a few drops of a diluted CBD Oil under the tongue. Though we believe there is an easier way to go about it.

What is CBD?

For those who haven’t heard of CBD before: you’re missing out. Since the discovery of the non-psychoactive cannabinoid CBD as a health-supplement some years ago, people have been using the substance exponentially in order to treat all sorts of ailments. Ranging from (chronic) pain to sleeping disorders and ADD to extreme fatigue.

The reason CBD could help with all these – very different – things, lies within us. And that is not some spiritual saying meant to boost sales. All humans and most animals actually have an endogen (that means body-own) system that is responsible for almost ALL processes in their body. It is the body’s own signaling system, known as the endocannabinoid-system or ECS. By stimulating this systems receptors, found throughout the entire human body, cannabinoids such as CBD (non-psychoactive) and THC (the psychoactive one) are able to regulate these systems.

cbd molecule with hemp on background
CBD, short for ‘cannabidiol’, is one of the main active components in hemp / cannabis.


The usual way of consuming CBD is by dropping a couple drops of a diluted CBD-extract under the tongue. To dilute this extract, companies often use olive oil or something similar. Making the substance hard to absorb by the thick tissue in the mouth, resulting in the absorption of around 6-12% of the active components in the oil. This ‘CBD Oil’ is made with either pure CBD crystals or a full-spectrum extract, from hemp or CBD-carrying cannabis strains.

In contrast to pure crystals, full-spectrum extracts also contain other cannabinoids; and cannabis’ aromatic components terpenes. Terpenes are responsible for the flavor of each cannabis strain, but also determine if it is going to get you high or stoned. Therefore cannabis products that carry terpenes, like our own Amsterdam Genetics CBD Oil, are regularly valued higher than CBD-only products made with crystals. For more information on terpenes, check our article: ‘Choosing the right cannabis strain: it’s all about the smell‘.

CBD Melt Tablets

The latest addition to our range of innovative CBD products are the CBD Melt Tablets, with either 12mg or 24mg active CBD per tablet. In comparison to the CBD Oil, our CBD Melt Tablets are easy and practical to dose and transport and infused with Vitamine C for a more wholesome effect.

CBD Tablets

Use of the CBD Melt Tablets is somewhat cheaper than consuming CBD Oil as well. Because of the microscopical size of the CBD-molecules in the tablets, ALL of it is absorbed through the mouth’s tissue – instead of only 6-12% like with CBD Oil. So you’ll actually benefit from ALL of the CBD in the tablet, as opposed to only 6-12% of the CBD from oils.


Gezondheid en de vele effecten vanCBD

How Does CBD Work For Your Health?

CBD could help you treat a great number of health complaints, but maybe you’re wondering: how does CBD work? How come your he犀利士
alth can benefit from it in so many ways? Cannabidiol can treat both mental symptoms, like anxiety or depression, and physical symptoms like headaches or joint pain. Want to know why? This blog tells you all about the way CBD works in your body.

How CBD Works: Healthy With Cannabinoids

In the human body you find the so called endocannabinoid system. This system is spread out through the body (mainly in the brain and the immune system) and regulates various processes. It makes sure you can feel pain, it influences your mood, keeps your appetite in check and regulates your blood pressure.

This endocannabinoid system (ECS) functions by means of receptors, which are located on the walls of cells. These receptors will only respond to certain molecules, the cannabinoids. Once a molecule binds to a receptor, it can influence the ECS. CBD is a fytocannabinoid, which means it originated from a plant. But the body recognizes these molecules and deems them safe. They can also bind to the ECS receptors.

Because the ECS regulates so many different processes, it has an important function. However, if it were to get out of balance, it would certainly have an impact on how you feel. A number of complaints could arise, like for example trouble sleeping, hormonal complaints like PMS, pain symptoms or a somber mood.

CBD oil in bottle with pipette
So Much Goodness In Such A Small Bottle?


The Positive Effects Of CBD

The moment you take CBD, it is absorbed in the blood. Through the vessels, the molecules are taken to the cells, where they bind to the receptors. These receptors process the signals from the brain. These could signify that you’re hungry, feel pain or emotions. Sometimes, cells respond with great sensitivity to these signals and CBD can help regulate this better. This is how CBD works: it can, for example, ensure that a smaller amount of pain stimuli enter the cell.

When your endocannabinoid system is in balance, this means you yourself will feel more balanced. It’s a natural way to tackle any health problems you have, because the body itself produces cannabinoids. These are a kind of neurotransmitter, that enable communication between nerve cells and other cells. By taking CBD, you give your body a little boost in the right direction, by using a compound that it’s familiar with. 4%

Your Health And CBD

CBD can be used, among others, for the following symptoms:

  • PMS: irritability, crying fits, anger, stress, headaches, mood swings
  • Pain: headaches, migraines, inflammation of the joints, rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sleeping problems: taking too long to fall asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, not sleeping long enough
  • Stress symptoms: feeling restless, worrying, feeling gloomy, feeling tense, not being able to let go of problems
  • Menopause: mood swings, hot flashes, painful joints, headaches
  • Digestive problems: diarrhea, IBS, stomach ache
  • Addiction: binge eating, smoking

How Do I Use CBD?

Now that you know how CBD works, you might want to know how to use it. SupMedi offers a number of different CBD products, so you can choose what works best for you.

SupMedi CBD Oil

CBD oil is easy to take, by dripping the oil under the tongue, by using the pipette. The advantage is that the oil is swiftly absorbed into the body. However, it’s true that some people are not a fan of the taste. SupMedi supplies CBD in two variaties: 4% CBD oil and 10% CBD oil.


SupMedi Melt Tablets

The easiest way to take CBD: SupMedi’s melt tablets! Without having to swallow them, you can simply let them melt in your mouth. They have a pleasant orange flavour and also boost your health because of the added vitamin C. This also helps with the absorption of the CBD. Take your CBD with you in your bag to be able to take your daily dose of CBD at work or on the road. CBD tablets are available in tablets with 12 mg CBD or in tablets with 24 mg CBD.


CBD en sport

CBD & Sport: Can CBD Improve Your Performance?

Do you like to exercise and would you like to get the best out of yourself? You could do what other athletes do: use CBD to help yourself. You don’t need to be a professional athlete to do this. CBD can always give you a nudge in the right direction. It can help you deal with stress, it has analgesic potential and anti-inflammatory properties – all completely natural.

How CBD Could Help Your Sports Performance

Your body was made to move. Long ago, humans were creatures that lived in nature and were actively looking for food, day in, day out. Nowadays, we sit inside every day of the week and most of the time we don’t move a muscle. Exercising is important to get that body moving again. Through exercise, you stimulate blood flow, get muscles and tendons flexible again and you train your hart and lungs. It’s impertinent to get into action on a regular basis, whether you do that by walking or doing an intense HIIT workout.

Still, it’s possible working out causes some complaints. This might be sore muscles or a strained tendon or muscle. Maybe you participate in competitions. Although you might enjoy that, it could also be that competitions cause performance anxiety or cause feelings of stress. You can take CBD (a cannabinoid), like CBD oil, CBD tablets or CBD edibles. Use it to alleviate pain, stress or other symptoms that could occur during or after exercise.

CBD and sports
Helping Natural Recovery.

CBD As An Analgesic

Whatever kind of exercise you do, a long walk, a kickboxing workout, a tennis match or soccer training, there’s always the possibility of sore muscles afterwards. Muscle strain means you taxed your muscles and that caused a buildup of waste products. Your body needs to eliminate this, but that takes some time.

Another reason you can feel pain after exercising, is because you overtaxed a muscle, tendon or joint. This causes inflammation, which can be very painful. Whatever the cause of the pain you feel, CBD has an analgesic effect. That is why it’s a good idea to take it after exercising.

Improve Your Results With CBD

It doesn’t matter which sport you do, CBD can help improve your performance during exercise. Even though scientific evidence is still being gathered, increasing numbers of people experience that CBD works for them; from amateurs to top athletes.

  • CBD may help improve circulation circulation. In that case, CBD helps to get more oxygen to your muscles and organs. It ensures your body can perform better, make a larger effort and also helps improve you reflexes.
  • CBD could help stimulate muscle recovery.
  • CBD can also have a positive influence on your emotions. This makes it easier for you to get in the flow. Being in the flow means you can engage with the here and now and get absorbed in what you’re doing. You’re totally in the moment. This helps improve focus and have faith in what you do. Being in the flow usually allows people to perform just a little better.
  • Positive effects on your mood will improve your motivation in turn.
CBD balance exercise
Go For Natural Balance With CBD

Better Stress Management

Competition is part of many sports. But exercising usually equals a pressure to achieve for many people. This, and being physically active in a group, can easily cause performance anxiety, if you’re prone to that. For both professional athletes and amateurs, CBD can be the solution.

Taking CBD regularly can help you relax. But it’s also possible to just take a single dose before a match. You’ll notice that you start to feel that stress decreases in your body and that you feel less panicky. A body that’s totally stressed out will not be able to perform well. So it’s important to decrease anxiety and tension. And when fear diminishes, there’s room for pleasure. Of course, that’s the most important thing, because you should feel happy and healthy during exercising.


Can CBD And Vitamin C Boost Virus Defences ?

There’s no denying it: all around, people are worried about their health. It’s hardly surprising in times when new viruses like COVID-19 are a global concern. Are you looking for your own way to boost your health? Need a natural means to support your body’s defences? Perhaps it is time you gave our Supmedi CBD tablets with added vitamin C a try.

The Health Effects Of CBD

Amsterdam Genetics knows that the cannabis plant has much more to offer than just THC. Every day, more people experience the health effects of CBD, another compound naturally found in the plant. Now more than ever, we are glad to have Supmedi CBD tablets with added vitamin C in our product range!

cbd vitamin c coronavirus
CBD Supplements come in all shapes and sizes, but CBD Tablets have that extra vitamin C kick!

Progressing Scientific Insights

Scientific research is thorough, and therefore slow. That’s why definitive medical proof for CBD’s effects is still some way off. We can see how medical studies make slow progress in today’s coronavirus crisis as well. A possible vaccine is still months away at least. It explains why everyone is looking for other ways to boost their health. That makes the combination of CBD and vitamin C in a dietary supplement an interesting option for all of us. Whether you’re young or old, fighting fit or out of shape; an added boost for your natural defences always helps – now more than ever.


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CBD Tablets in a new design! Easy dosage and very easy to bring with you everywhere you want to go..!

Does CBD Help Boost Your Natural Defences?

CBD is a plant-based way to help maintain your body’s natural balance. This equilibrium is a vital part of staying in good condition. It’s a good way to keep your own defences against pathogens up and running. Your body’s endocannabinoid system, a part of your nervous system, uses compounds very similar to CBD. This explains its many effects. Here are some of the conditions people use CBD for:

  • Stress-related issues and hypertension;
  • Muscle aches, headaches and (back) pain;
  • Depression, mood swings and eating disorders;
  • Rheumatic symptoms and inflammations;
  • Acne and other skin problems

The list of applications keeps on growing. On that list, CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties are of particular interest these days. Doctors have claimed that Ibuprofen is a risky way to suppress inflammations during this corona epidemic. These suspicions were subsequently toned down, but it goes to show that non-critical use of regular anti-inflammatory drugs is not necessarily as harmless as we tend to think. They suggested paracetamol as a replacement, but CBD hands you a plant-based alternative for inflammations. Nonetheless, it is always wise to consult your doctor if in doubt.

Using CBD gives you a way to bolster your own body’s balance and defences without side-effects. Obviously, that’s a smart move whenever there’s a flu or some other virus going around. So how do you pack some extra punch on top of that? Simple: just add a good dash of vitamin C to the mix! SupMedi CBD tablets with vitamin C are the best we can offer you at this moment when it comes to sensible ways to supplement your diet.

CBD + Vitamin C = A Sensible Combination

Vitamin C is a great companion for CBD. Also known as ascorbic acid, Vitamin C speeds up your body’s capacity to absorb CBD, further adding to the effect. It protects you from free radicals and strengthens your skin, bones, vascular system and your general resistance to disease. Your body can’t produce its own vitamin C. That makes a packet of CBD tablets in your pocket a quick and convenient alternative to hauling a bag of oranges along when it comes to powering up your body. Our SupMedi CBD tablets have a fresh orange flavour and can be taken without water. That’s your personal anytime, anywhere health booster right there. Increasing your natural defences is always a good idea – especially in tough times like these!

TIP: Read here 8 Amazing Facts About CBD Oil