Cannabis For Stress And Tension: Top AG Relaxing Strains
The relaxing effects of cannabis in case of stress are a well-known phenomenon. Many people turn to marijuana in times of stress. It can help people unwind, or to handle tensions in their lives more effectively. Weed can also lessen the chances of getting panic attacks. Still, cannabis is no solution to stress in the long run. It will not make the underlying causes of stress go away, and its anti-stress effects differ from one person to the next. Moreover, weed strains vary enormously, with every variant containing different proportions of active components. That means some strains will work better against stress than others for every individual. That means it is wise to read up on the pros and cons of cannabis for stress and tension. Here, you’ll find the best AG strains to tackle stress and anxiety.
How Cannabis Can Help Ease Stress
Cannabis can be helpful in stressful situations because the plant is rich in a broad spectrum of exceptional compounds. The most important ones are the well-known cannabinoids CBD and THC. THC has psychoactive properties. CBD, by contrast, does not alter perception (non-psychoactive), but is can influence the body and mind in other ways. Among the benefits of CBD are relaxing, pain-relieving, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Both substances are cannabinoids that are able to cooperate with our endocannabinoid system (ECS). This is a regulatory system involved in a large number of processes, including emotion, memory, rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, and appetite. This mechanism allows THC, CBD, and other marijuana plant cannabinoids to positively affect your experience of stress.

Cannabis can help people relax.
Advantages Of Weed For Tension And Stress Relief
People are increasingly trying cannabis to cope with stressful times. Regular medication that may be used in such situation, such as benzodiazepines, often come with unwanted side-effects such as drowsiness, poor concentration, and risks of dependency. Cannabis is a natural alternative that does not cause addiction.
The main advantages cannabis offers in times of stress are:
- Improved sense of calm in body and mind;
- Increased ability to relax;
- Improved sleeping.
Cannabis can be used in any situation where you feel tense or stressed out. Those who suffer from specific anxieties such as agoraphobia, social phobias, or performance anxiety may stand to benefit from cannabis. The active components of cannabis can also be used to treat generalized anxiety disorder and PTSD, however.
Studies Into Cannabis And Stress
Research shows that cannabis can be helpful in case of stress, anxiety, and tension. Knowing this, however, we should keep in mind that CBD and THC can do so in very different ways. A 2015 review demonstrated that CBD qualifies as potential treatment for anxiety, and social anxiety in particular. THC showed potential, too, but only in smaller doses.
Using cannabis can temporarily reduce stress symptoms. This could provide some time needed to recover from the consequences of stress and anxiety. Put simply, going through fewer panic attacks on a daily basis means better chances of going out for groceries and staying calm, rather than staying in. This allows cannabis to unlock a step-by-step route to greater freedom for dealing with stress.
Stress Is Personal; So Is The Solution!
Some people, however, report that cannabis actually aggravates their stress symptoms, or produces no noticeable effect. The main culprit here seems to be THC. This cannabinoid can sometimes increase feelings of stress and symptoms of anxiety, such as raised pulse or more anxious thoughts. The effect is related to ‘the fear’; the passing sense of paranoia and raised self-awareness that a THC high can inspire. This sensation can create a feedback loop: increased heart rate = a tense feeling = more stress = even faster heart rate, and so on. As we can see, weed is no magic trick that simply makes stress disappear. If only things were that simple.

There’s a strain for any type of stress!
Every individual is unique. That means anybody can get stressed, tense, and anxious by different triggers. We also respond to stress individually; to stress as well as to the effects of cannabis. That is why everyone should take the time they need to explore which cannabis strain produces the anti-stress effect they seek.
Cannabis As Stress Support; Not As Escapism!
Anyone looking to use cannabis to counter stress must keep in mind that weed will not make the underlying causes go away. It can provide short-term relief, but it offers no permanent solution. It’s important to identify individual causes of stress (such as a demanding job, debt, or relationship issues, for instance), and then doing something about them. For some, finding a long-term solution may involve counselling, psychotherapy, or coaching. There, you can learn alternative and constructive ways to cope with stress, as well as techniques to help you relax more easily.
Picking The Right Cannabis Strain For Stress
Every cannabis strain has its own unique set of properties that may help in times of stress. THC can help people relax, but for some, it can increase a sense of anxiety instead. That is why certain people are more likely to benefit from high CBD, low THC strains. In addition, cannabis contains terpenes that may also prove useful against tension, stress, and anxiety.
Finding The Right Cannabinoids And Terpenes
CBD (cannabidiol) has calming properties. People struggling with anxiety often feel unable to stop their racing thoughts. CBD can help ease the mind and slow down those thoughts, which makes it easier to unwind. That makes CBD a prime candidate to help tackle stress-induced sleeping problems, too. The same is true for certain terpenes, but these compounds can be useful against stress in multiple ways.
Terpenes are cannabis compounds that give weed its characteristic flavour and scent. Cannabis contains well over one hundred different terpenes, several of which appear able to relieve tension, anxiety and stress. All terpenes produce effects of their own. However, they can also influence and boost the effects of cannabinoids through a mechanism known as the entourage effect. The specific combination of cannabinoids and terpenes in a given strain can determine why certain strains help some people deal with stress and tension effectively, while others don’t seem to notice any improvement. That makes it all the more important to discover for yourself what works and what does not.

Stress comes in as many different flavours as our strains.
A Shortlist Of Anti-Stress Terpenes
The main candidates for terpene stress relief include the following:
Linalool: Studies conducted on human test subjects have demonstrated the soothing effect of linalool, without risks of dependence. Linalool, which is also found in lavender, enables cannabis to tone down the symptoms of psychosis, epileptic seizures, and depression. Our Amnesia Haze seeds are a natural source of linalool.
Caryophyllene: This terpene is also found in peppers, providing spicy flavours and scents. Caryophyllene influences the CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoid system, which in turn affect the nervous system. Several studies have demonstrated that caryophyllene can decrease anxiety in mice after stressful experiences. You’ll taste caryophyllene in cannabis variants such as our AK-OG Kush strain.

The smell of relaxation…
Myrcene: Myrcene, a terpene associated with earthy, herbal aromas, has a positive effect on anxiety, too. In addition, it helps other cannabis compounds pass the blood-brain barrier more easily. Myrcene is present in just about any weed strain, but growers looking for high concentrations may want to give our Fatkid’s Cake seeds a try.
Limonene: Limonene operates in the brain by activating adenosine receptors. Once activated, these receptors can promote dopamine production, which in turn promotes regulation of anxiety. The typical citrus scent of limonene is easy to spot in strains like our Lemon Haze seeds.
Sativa Or Indica Cannabis Against Stress?
Although just about all modern-day strains are hybrid crossbreeds that combine indica and sativa genetics in their DNA, the broad differences between these two species are still relevant. If we make a very crude distinction, we could claim that sativas focus their effects on the brain, whereas indicas tend to make themselves felt throughout the body. This can make all the difference when it comes to tackling specific types of stress.

Mental stress is a target for sativas.
Cannabis Sativa Strains For Mental Tensions
Those who stress mainly as a mental phenomenon are more likely to be successful by trying sativa strains. Mental expressions of stress include racing thoughts, a ‘full’ and throbbing sensation in the head, tension-related headaches, and tense, anxious thought patterns. If stress symptoms seem to concentrate on the cerebral level, our collection of cannabis sativa seeds would appear the best place to start your search.
Indica Cannabis Strains For Stress In The Body
Strains with indica-dominated genetics usually express their tension-relieving properties in the body rather than in the brain. Stress and tension can make themselves felt in all sorts of physical ways, including increased muscle tone, trembling hands, excessive sweating, nervous tics, and cramped muscles with an emphasis on the neck and shoulders. Anyone who recognises these bodily stress symptoms should start out by try more indica-dominant strains first.

Body stress calls for indica strains!
CBD, THC, Or Both?
The question remains which cannabinoid is better at relieving stress: CBD or THC. Again, much depends on how stress expresses itself. People struggling with anxious thoughts ought to be careful about cannabis causing paranoia effects. Such paranoia can aggravate stressed-out thoughts instead of toning them down. These effects are chiefly caused by (too) high doses of THC. That might explain why weed helps some people deal with stress in small amounts only, while it worsens their problems when the THC becomes too much. Anyone with heightened sensitivity to such thought patters would do well by avoiding very high THC strains to deal with stress and tensions.

Cannabinoids can help against stress.
CBD Cannabis Seeds And CBD Supplements
CBD does not produce any paranoid thought patterns, and therefore, this compound offers a wholly different set of possibilities for countering stress. This substance can help ease the mind as well as improve sleep. That is an important point, since a good night’s sleep can work wonders in times of tension and stress. For growers, CBD against stress is readily available through our specially cultivated Blue Monkey CBD seeds with THC/CBD rates over 1:30. Those who prefer to use CBD directly as a supplement can try our CBD Oil, CBD Tablets, or CBD Gummies with deliciously fruity flavours.
Cannabinoid Combinations
Then there is the option of combining THC and CBD in the perfect proportions. This seems an interesting option to explore, since both cannabinoids can have positive results for stress and tension. Moreover, they occur simultaneously in nearly all strains of cannabis, where they mutually influence each other’s anti-stress properties through the entourage effect. On top of that, CBD has a restraining effect on the psychoactive effects of THC. These certainly include the potential for paranoid thoughts and anxiety. Growing a strain that contains both cannabinoids, such as Choco Cheesecake, is a way to do just that. It provides a solid dose of THC (20%), but it also comes with an effective CBD content ranging from 1 to 2%. This varied cannabinoid profile gets even more elaborate by the presence of a diverse terpene profile and a striking presence of CBG; yet another cannabinoid with a strong potential for soothing effects.
The Best AG Cannabis Strains Against Stress
As you can see, cannabis offers quite a few options for tackling stress. Although that provides some much-needed perspective, it also makes it difficult to pick the exact right strain, since everybody experiences weed’s effects in slightly different ways. The best advice, therefore is to listen to the messages your own body sends you. Meanwhile, we provide some starting points for any personal quest to find that perfect stress killer by highlighting three of our marijuana seeds; each with their own particular potential for stress and tension relief.
AG Anti Stress Strain 1: Kosher Tangie Kush
Kosher Tangie Kush is an indica-dominant hybrid strain (60%) packing a serious amount of THC. This makes her highly suitable for tackling body stress, while also promoting sleep for relaxed nights. The low CBD content makes Kosher Tangie Kush less suitable for anyone susceptible to rambling thoughts and paranoia.
The THC is accompanied by a diverse terpene profile dominated by caryophyllene and limonene, both of which can add to the anti-stress effect. Add just over 1% CBG to the mix, and Kosher Tangie Kush seems well worth considering as an all-round cannabis strain against stress.
AG Anti Stress Strain 2: Blue Monkey CBD
Our special Blue Monkey CBD strain tackles stress in a completely different way than Kosher Tangie Kush. As the name suggests, Blue Monkey CBD is packed with cannabidiol (well over 10%), while barely containing any THC at all. The spicy and sweet taste of the buds suggests the presence of caryophyllene in its terpene profile, which only adds to the stress-busting potential of these seeds.
Of course, you could very order Blue Monkey CBD seeds and grow a THC-rich strain alongside it. This allows any grower to determine the ideal balance between CBD weed and THC cannabis, even if that balance changes over time.
AG Anti Stress Strain 3: Lemongrass Homegrown seeds
Lemongrass Homegrown seeds are pretty much in the middle of the indica/sativa genetics spectrum (40/60%). That allows the strain to combine bodily and mental stress relief effects, beautifully complemented by a finely balanced terpene profile. Peppered aromas and fresh lime scents mingle in the bouquet, hinting at the uplifting potential of caryophyllene and limonene in the mix.
In addition to its soothing capacity, Lemongrass is also renowned for her cheerful, positive vibes. We would be silly to forget that laughter is still a trusted remedy against any kind of stress and tension, so we fully recommend this positive little lady for these purposes. The ease with which Lemongrass seeds grow is simply an added bonus; you can watch these vegetable stress killers grow without a shred of stress. As we all know, watching nature at work in all of her majesty has been a traditional recipe against stress for ages!
Ordering Cannabis Seeds Against Stress Without Breaking A Sweat
Don’t sweat it when it comes to growing cannabis seeds against stress: we have plenty of choice to find a good match for anyone. Gardening is a great way to relax in and of itself, so finding an effective marijuana strain against stress is a real double whammy for any grower.
If you are looking to grow your own natural stress buster with the minimum amount of stress, make sure to check our collection of autoflower seeds. Autoflowers determine their own perfect moment to start flowering, giving you one less thing to stress about right away. Looking for even more relaxed growing? Then make full use of the information in our Grow Blogs. We have an expanding series of blogs full of valuable tips and info by true cannabis experts waiting for you.
If you are looking for more information on medicinal use of weed, then read up on our best strains against depression, migraine, pain, or fatigue. There’s more to our favourite little plant than most people suspect, as long as you pick cannabis seeds of the highest quality out there!
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