Your Cannabis Horoscope
Here at Amsterdam Genetics, we tend to keep things scientific. But for today, we’ll explore the spiritual side. We’re going to figure out your cannabis horoscope! Some people despise horoscopes, others swear by them. Wether you believe in them or not, it can always be interesting. What did the stars tell us about you, and what kind of strain would suit you best? Let’s find out!
Which Cannabis Strain Suits Your Horoscope?
You might have never linked the lineage of the stars with what you like to grow or consume. Even though, many people base a lot of important decisions on their horoscope. So why not base you cannabis choices on your zodiac sign? We will not be discussing the logic or science about astrology, as there is not much to discuss on that front. Instead we’ll be heading straight into the cannabis horoscopes for every zodiac sign, so be sure to use it to your advantage!
Aries (21st of March – 20th of April)
Aries is definitely a spicy zodiac sign, and knows all about ups and down. Aries can be the very happiest zodiac sign, but can get extremely mad when things aren’t going their way. Aries is a real go-getter, which can have it’s down sides. Sometimes they just want a little too much, resulting in lots of frustration. Luckily, our cannabis horoscope can help!
For those moments, a nice indica strain would be very suitable. With a heavy bodybuzz, Critical Mass (Regular) can help you calm down to the fullest. Believe us, a few hits of this amazing strain will cool down your nerves and lock you to your couch. But don’t worry, you’ll still be able to focus, so Aries can plan and analyse all their thoughts and idea’s.
Taurus (21st of April – 21st of May)
Tauruses just love their comfort. Laid back on the couch, with a Netflix show on, and lots and lots of snacks. Taurus won’t be needing an indica strain, that would just lock them on the couch forever!
Besides all this, Tauruses are know to bottle up their feelings, resulting in an explosion sometimes. When Tauruses want to feel energetic to chat and socialize with friends, the Grapefruit Superstar will help with that. A whopping 90% sativa-dominant strain will help Taurus to be more social and active, as long as they don’t over do it!
Gemini (22nd of May – 21st of June)
Gemini is an impulsive one, that’s for sure. Apart from being very social, Geminis love to take on new challenges and projects. Finishing them, however, is not their strong suit. Due to their short concentration span, Geminis will often loose focus before finishing something off.
That won’t stop them from taking on a challenge, but since Gemini’s can easily lose their focus, we recommend a strain that won’t need as much time and attention. There’s not too much time for that in the busy and buzzing life of a Gemini. That’s why we would recommend an easy Autoflower strain. Our Choco Kush Autoflower won’t need too much care, and it’s effect is perfect for Geminis to relief their active brains and enjoy a nice calm down.
Cancer (22nd of June – 22nd of July)
This is one of the most empathetic zodiac signs out there. A sensitive, sequestered type that can easily tell how people around them are feeling. Their shy characters prevent them from expressing their feelings, even if they’re feeling down. This makes Cancer a true homester, but one who won’t doubt to go out to support friends and family. Therefore, Cancer is one of most caring and selfless zodiac signs of all.
Taking all this into account, we hope that the Cancers out there reading this will excite themselves, which is why we would recommend our Sketch cannabis strain. The happy and uplifting effect this strains gives is perfect for fighting the blues. Beside this, it’s can help fight depressive feelings too.
Leo (23rd of July – 23rd of August)
Just like a movie star, Leos love their attention, and it won’t cost them much effort! With a social character and a great sense of humor, most people see Leo’s as pleasant company. When Leo’s aren’t getting all the attention they desire, or if someone disagrees with them, it can result in some repercussion. Sometimes even resulting in theatrical situations, where Leo’s can stay irritated for days on.
Leo’s don’t like sitting about, and don’t really need much relaxation. They can, however, use a strain to cool down their spicy temper. Quicksilver is the perfect combination of being stress relieving, while keeping a cheerful and energetic effect for the perfect mix. With this strain, Leo will keep the social spirits high, whilst quenching their spicy temper.
Virgo (24th of August – 22nd of September)
Virgo is an earth sign, meaning they like to keep both feet on the ground. Besides this, they are friendly, tidy and economical. Because of their sobriety, it often seems as if Virgo’s are simple and straight forward people. This is not the case at all, Virgo’s remain a mysterious existence.
Virgo’s will only show their real selves to the people they let in, meaning not everyone knows them as well as they might think. Letting go of their control, if something Virgo’s find very hard to do. When it comes to cannabis strains, Virgo’s still cherish being in control. Spicebomb gives a perfect balance between a calm body buzz with a subtle head high. Thanks to it’s indica-dominant ancestors, this strain won’t give the trippy effects other Zodiac signs might be looking for!

Check out this beautiful and dense Spicebomb bud!
Libra (23rd of September – 22nd of October)
This Zodiac sign, Libra, is the most diplomatic one of all. Thanks to their abilities to look towards situations from all angles, they are the perfect mediator to resolve conflicts of people around them. Libra is definitely not easily upset, and very hard to impress. This special look towards life sometimes make them forget other people can be more easily upset or hurt. Sometimes this can cause some unpleasant situations, when the Libra is mainly focussed on their own needs. Libra’s also like to joke around behind people’s back, and being surprised that people don’t appreciate that. Luckily, thanks to their happy en fascination personality, Libra’s are really easy to forgive.
We’ve chosen a strain to help all Libra’s out there that seek a little more balance, and recommend our Magic OG Kush for this. This hybrid strain balances out evenly and will hit with a light head buzz first, followed by heavy stoned feeling that won’t allow you leave to your couch.
Scorpio (23rd of October – 21st of November)
Scorpio is definitely the most intense Zodiac sign of all. That sure says something! With their mysterious aura and high intelligence, Scorpio has no trouble contouring the heart of people around them. Anyone who enters the life of a Scorpio will be shocked by what’s waiting for them. What’s guaranteed is a good dose of dark humor and immersion, and a Scorpio will remember everything.
The down side of all this is the possessive and jealous side of Scorpio’s. When a conflict occurs, they will do anything to be on the winning side. This doesn’t exclude verbal aggression. That’s why we’d recommend a strain that triggers the sensual emotions, and won’t make Scorpio’s too talkative. An indica dominant strain would be the most suitable for Scorpio’s, like our Dutch Duchess strain. With genes from sunny California, this plant gives a mellow effect along with a long lasting euphoric sensation.

Shop Dutch Duchess Seeds and order online!
Sagittarius (22nd of November – 22nd of December)
Sagittariuses are adventurous by nature, and smoothly sways through life, thanks to their radiant optimism. This makes their cannabis horoscope extra interesting. Sagattariuses like to expend their knowledge and tend to have a passion for nature, animals and philosophy. They prefer to be around people with the same mindset, and talk about their passions for hours. Not all of Sagattarius’ traits are positive, they get bored easily and can’t stand obligations. Don’t expect them to be in time, Sagattariuses will arrive when they desire.
If a Sagittarius is looking to make their friends as philosophical as themselves, some Super Silver Haze might do the trick. This strains gives an explosive creatieve and energetic effect, guaranteed to trigger some profound conversations!
Capricorn or Ibex (23rd of December – 20th of January)
The Capricorn is an intelligent and attractive Zodiac sign. Thanks to their perfectionism, Capricorns often look very fashionable. They demand the best of themselves, good is never good enough: it has to be perfect. This might give the impression that the Capricorn is very individualistic, they like to solve their problems on their own. Despite their blunt character, a Capricorn can be a great friend. They will always be there for you, no matter what.
Even though the Capricorn won’t easily show their own emotions, they will always be there for others. We want to advice all Capricorns to reach out to others more often, and to open up. That’s why our strain recommendation is our very own Lemon Haze, a classic happy strain that will put life a in new perspective. Besides this, this strain is guaranteed to make you laugh and chatter. It might even trigger the romantic side of the rigid Capricorn.
Aquarius (21st of Januari – 19th of February)
Just like a river stream, Aquarius has an unpredictable and eccentric personality. One thing is for certain, Aquariuses will not be bored easily. They are open for new ideas, as long as they contain fun. Because of their versatile personality, Aquariuses are keen to experience and learn new things. This, combined with their social character, makes a great conversation partner.
There is a downside to all this, Aquariuses can be incredibly stubborn and can even get mad when things aren’t going their way. During a situation like this, Aquariuses can use some alone-time. The perfect company for this would be our Green Magic cannabis strain, which suits Aquariuses cannabis horoscope perfectly. Thanks to its indica dominant side, this strain will put the body and mind at ease in a pleasant way.
Pisces (20th of February – 20th of March)
A spiritual, soft hearted, and dreamy personality, that’s how we would describe the Pisces Zodiac sign. They usually have an artistic side to, that can result in beautiful pieces of art when accompanied by their profound way of thinking. Even though Pisces are very compliant people, they value their own strong opinions. They don’t necessarily feel like proclaiming their opinions all the time, but when someone goes over the line, they won’t hold back. Pisces have to learn how to do this in a calm way, they’d rather avoid harsh confrontations.
The worst case scenario is that Pisces will avoid others. They are merciful, but don’t expect them to make the first move. To support their creative and social side, we would advice our Blue Amnesia Haze strain. Get your brushes and tools ready after smoking this strain, Pisces will bring them to use!
Your Horoscope And Your Perfect Personal Cannabis Match
And..? Can you feel the stars’ inspiration for your next grow? Take this Cannabis Horoscope and set sail to our webshop to shop the perfect cannabis seeds, for you! Or check out this blog to dive even deeper into the sea of personally matched cannabis seeds!
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