Category Archives: Growing

Everything you need to know to start growing your own cannabis.

q4 Indoor Growth The Future of Cannabis Cultivation

Indoor Growth: The Future of Cannabis Cultivation

So, you’ve nailed the basics of indoor cannabis growing. Now, it’s time to take your home grow to the next level by incorporating some of the latest developments in cannabis cultivation.

Growing cannabis is forever evolving, with new techniques constantly arising that help you achieve your growing goals. Staying on top of these trends is beneficial to all growers. It gives new growers more efficient ways to cultivate at home and seasoned growers ways to boost their productivity.

We’ve compiled a few of the latest trends that keep you on the cutting edge of indoor cannabis growing.


Benefits of the Latest Indoor Cannabis Growing Trends

It takes practice to get good at growing your own cannabis plants. They require lots of attention and care to produce the best results. But there’s no better feeling than completing your first successful harvest and enjoying the fruits of your labour.

We all love our routine growing processes. However, there are advantages to exploring new trends in cannabis growing. The latest updates can help you improve:

  • Growing efficiency
  • Increasing yield from each cannabis plant
  • Improve the quality of your cannabis

If you’re excited about how you can take your home-grown cannabis to the next level, here are the latest innovations you should know about.

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Latest Indoor Growing Trends and Advancements


  1. Hydroponic Indoor Cannabis Cultivation

The medium you select to plant your cannabis seeds is essential. Hydroponics is quickly becoming a preferred method compared to the traditional soil method. This unique medium replaces soil with a special solution containing all the vital nutrients cannabis plants need to thrive.

Many growers are adopting a hydroponics growing method for its improvement in growth rate and yield. It’s one of the most exciting new developments in cannabis cultivation, and we explore this method more in-depth in this blog post.

  1. Automated/Smart Systems

News flash! We’re in the age of technology, and it comes in handy for indoor cannabis growing. Automated and smart systems are your personal assistant in managing some of the growing processes.

One example of these systems includes automated lights that work on a timer. Cannabis plants require various amounts of sunlight depending on their stage. Take the guesswork out of it by setting an automated light to give your plant the exact amount every day.

Smart systems also work great with monitoring and controlling the temperature of your growing space. You can keep your plants at the optimal temperature at each stage and balance with heat from the lights to ensure they thrive.

As AI tools continue to develop, we can look forward to them being incorporated into various Smart tools. They can provide valuable data and other analyses specifically tailored to your plants and growing setup.

  1. Vertical Farming

One of the biggest challenges to indoor cannabis growing is finding an appropriate space for your operation. It’s an important step because it can affect how big your plants can grow, regulating the cannabis smell, and even concentrating resources like light and temperatures. 

Vertical farming has taken root in many urban areas. As the name suggests, cannabis seeds are planted vertically to save space. It gives more flexibility in how many plants you can grow in smaller spaces like a closet or tent. In addition to saving space, it’s a more efficient use of water since it can trickle down to your plants.

  1. Sustainable Growing Techniques

Climate change is big news regardless of which corner of the world you live in. Cannabis growers worldwide are doing their part to help by incorporating sustainability practices into their growing methods.

The top trends in sustainable growing trends include water conservation, organic nutrients, and renewable energy. These resources are necessary for every grow. However, being more mindful of them can simultaneously improve the planet and your cannabis growing.

  1. New Science and Research

The science of cannabis evolves daily. The global boom in cannabis has led to lots of research to continue exploring its effects, best uses, and ways to improve growing. The latest scientific research reveals that cannabis plants benefit from certain nutrients and enrichments. Incorporating these into your grow process can give your plants exactly what they need to flourish in an indoor setting that they may otherwise miss out on.

In addition to introducing product enhancements to your plants, you can start at the source. There’s lots of science involved in improving cannabis seed genetics and creating new strains.

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Experimenting with new growing trends

Everybody’s indoor cannabis growing setup is different. Not all trends may be useful to your current process. However, they’re a good place to start if you’re looking for ways to improve your grow. You can also check out some of these tips to elevate your grow.

Our premium cannabis seeds are a great place to start to achieve a high-quality grow. Also, stay up-to-date with our blog posts to keep learning about new ways to improve your grow and the latest growing trends we’re seeing in the industry.


amsterdam genetics The Influence of Terpenes and Cannabinoids on Your Cannabis Experience

The Influence of Terpenes and Cannabinoids on Your Cannabis Experience

We all enjoy cannabis for different reasons, and its effects on our bodies differ for everyone. The effects of cannabis terpenes and cannabinoids play major roles in our consumption experience. They are both chemical compounds in the cannabis plant that directly interact with properties in our bodies that produce unique highs, aromas, and flavours. 

We’ll explore what terpenes and cannabinoids are used for and how they influence your high.

Cannabis Terpenes

The scent and taste of your plant are the physiological effects of cannabis terpenes. However, plants also use these chemical properties for repealing or attracting insects and more. More than 20,000 terpenes exist for all plants, although cannabis plants contain just a fraction of these. We use a handful of the most common terpenes to help define a strain by its smell and taste.

The most common cannabis terpenes you should know are:








Each of these terpenes gives strains their unique properties. Plants that give off a floral lavender smell like the Amnesia Haze strain have lots of linalool terpenes, and the pine aroma from Magic OG Kush is the result of a pinene terpene presence. 

In addition to the smell, terpenes have distinct flavours that help tell them apart. Cannabis strains with a citrus flavour profile like the Tangerine G13 have large amounts of limonene. The earthy taste of the buds produced from our Fatkid’s Cake seeds shows high amounts of myrcene.

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Understanding Cannabinoids

How does your favourite weed strain make you feel? Do you prefer sativa like the White Choco Haze that gives a serendipitous euphoria and creativity? Or perhaps an indica-dominant like the Dutch Duchess strain that helps you relax after a long day. Maybe even someone who appreciates cannabis for its medical benefits, like easing pain and inflammation.

Each of these effects—and more—are the result of cannabinoids. Like Terpenes, cannabinoids are another chemical compound in the plant produced as the plant’s defense mechanism against insects, bacteria, and UV ray protection.

The most common cannabinoids associated with cannabis are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). When we consume these cannabinoids, they cause many of the psychoactive effects we consider the high. But how does it work?

Did you know that humans already have natural cannabinoids in our system? Cannabinoids in plants are identified as phytocannabinoids, and those found in humans are called endocannabinoids. These endocannabinoids work in our Central Nervous System to regulate and maintain homeostasis. Receptors in this system affect our mood, appetite, stress, memory, and more to keep our bodies balanced.

When you consume cannabis, cannabinoids produced in the plant interact with our own endocannabinoid system to stimulate our receptors. It’s why marijuana use is excellent for reducing stress, making us happy, and also hungry.

Terpenes and Cannabinoids Create the Entourage Effect

With 200+ terpenes and 100+ cannabinoids, each strain genetic features a unique combination of them. Together, it’s what makes each strain different and have its own effects on you.

Consuming cannabis creates the entourage effect—when all a plant’s terpenes and cannabinoids interact with the chemicals in our bodies to create a multi-sensory experience. 

Thanks to the effects of cannabis terpenes, you get the smell and flavour. And the cannabinoids that alter the high you’ll have. Terpenes and cannabinoids can also affect each other. For example, the herbal scent and taste of myrcene also have properties that allow your body to absorb more cannabinoids. It’s why strains like AK-OG Kush that have a lot of myrcene make you feel higher—also, eating mangoes that contain lots of myrcene! Alternatively, strains with more CBD cannabinoids help reduce your high feeling since it depresses the effects of THC.

Mastering the art of cannabis tasting will enhance your experience with weed. Mindful consumption will help you appreciate the bouquet of aromas, the rich flavours, and discover new highs from each grow.

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How You Can Change Its Effects

If you thought the genetic properties were enough to differentiate cannabis, think again! As growers, we have a significant impact on our plants and how they will affect us when consuming them. From our grow techniques to how we consume them, you can help shape any plant into your perfect strain.

Terpenes are found in your plant’s trichomes—the sticky, crystal-like properties located on your buds. You can increase the effects of cannabis terpenes by maximizing the trichomes of your grow. Steps to improve the taste and smell of your weed happen before or after harvest. For example, you can increase terpene production by adjusting temperatures or optimizing your cure time.

There are different ways to consume cannabis—smoking, digesting, topicals, etc. Each delivers the cannabinoid effects differently. Smoking cannabis with rolling papers delivers a faster high effect compared to eating edibles since it must be digested first before entering your system. Also, CBD topicals that don’t give any high effect but are used for their therapeutic benefits.

Cannabis terpenes and cannabinoids are two essential parts of a marijuana plant that give it the physical and psychoactive properties. At Amsterdam Genetics, we provide details of odour and taste for a strain’s terpene profile. Also, a percentage breakdown of a strain’s cannabinoids to determine the kind of high it delivers. Browse our premium cannabis seeds for more information.

Have A Look At Our Best Selling Strains

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Developing A Nose For Cannabis: Understanding Aroma Profiles

It takes a successful grow and harvest to achieve the maximum aroma potency from your strain based on its genetics. However, now, it’s time for you to do your part to develop your sense of smell to appreciate the vast cannabis aroma profiles. Awareness of its smell helps with categorizing different strains, providing details of its effect, determining its freshness, and more.

Let’s explore how you can use cannabis aromas to improve your consumption experience!


Indica vs. Sativa Aromas

Knowing what scents to look for can help significantly in identifying them in your strains. Indica and sativa strains differ in more than just the kind of high they give you—they also give off different aromas. This is due to the chemical properties called terpenes, which are responsible for each strain’s unique aromas (and taste). All cannabis strains have terpenes, with approximately 200 different kinds discovered so far in the plants. 

Common terpenes that you can find in Indica-dominant strains are myrcene, humulene, and caryophyllene. These strains are best characterized by heavier scents of earthy, woody, musk, and nature tones. The skunky bouquet of spicy aromas from the Blue Magic strain and the potent earthy profile in the AK-OG Kush are good examples that both deliver the intense body high noted in indica strains.

For the uplifting highs associated with sativa strains, the aromas you should be looking for are a more light, refreshing scent. Think fruity, sweet, and floral tones for the cannabis aroma profiles. These aromas come from seeds producing high amounts of limonene, terpinolene, and linalool terpenes. With these scents in mind, your nose can pick out strains with these dominating terpenes, such as with our sweet-scented Candyfloss and citrusy Lemon Haze strains.

As you develop your nose for smelling cannabis, noting these broad scent categories will provide a good starting point for determining whether a strain belongs to the sativa or indica family.

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How Cannabis Aroma Profiles Can Indicate Their Effects

Not only do terpenes create different aromas in cannabis, but they also are associated with their effects. An entourage effect is a term used to describe how terpenes found in your plant interact with your body when consumed to create their unique highs. Every strain is different and can also affect each person differently. Therefore, understanding a strain’s aroma can give you an idea of the effects you’ll experience once consumed. 

We’ve covered how certain scents provide details of the family of strains your plant belongs to. Additionally, certain terpenes are known for producing specific kinds of effects. For example, a high presence of the pinene terpene can lead to an uplifting high while simultaneously improving memory and concentration. If you’re seeking these effects, you should be looking for a piney aroma—think pine trees!

Caryophyllene is a terpene great for consumers who don’t like to experience the couch-lock stoned feeling after a session. This terpene specifically counteracts some of the effects of THC. If you’re an infrequent consumer or want to mellow out your high, you can determine strains high in this terpene based on an herbal or peppery scent.

On the other end of the spectrum, those looking for more of a couchlock and laidback body high should look for strains with a more earthy scent. It’s a sure sign of high levels of myrcene. It’s one of the most common terpenes in almost all strains. However, the more dominant this scent is compared to other aromas, the more relaxed you can expect to feel with it.

Developing your nose for picking out specific cannabis aroma profiles is highly beneficial when examining your strain for its effects.

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Using Aromas for Quality

The third pillar that weed aromas help determine is the freshness of your strain. From the growing process to examining your harvest, the potency of the scent is a good indication of the quality of your grow.

Your plant will start to produce the familiar weed smell within a few weeks of starting your grow. It’s a good sign to look for that your plant is developing correctly. It’s important to note that both male and female cannabis plants have a weed scent, so you won’t be able to tell the gender based on this trait. Also, as the smell becomes more potent from your plant, it’s a sign of the flowering stage.

Fresh buds will have their most potent smell once properly harvested, dried, and cured. Proper storage is recommended to preserve the aroma until you’re ready to consume them. Buds that begin to lose their smell potency are a sign that the quality is decreasing compared to when you first harvested them. This happens when the terpenes on your buds weaken—not only does the scent diminish, but also the effects caused by the terpenes.

If you find that your plant isn’t producing as potent of a smell, you can implement various techniques during and after a grow to boost the terpenes in your plant. This will improve the smell and taste of your buds.

Our premium seed genetics feature a wide variety of aromas. Experiment with different strains to train your nose to recognize different cannabis aroma profiles. A general rule of thumb is if it smells good to you, it will have favourable effects when consuming it.

View Our Best Selling Strains


Q3 From Terpenes to Tones Discovering Cannabis Aromas

From Terpenes to Tones: Discovering Cannabis Aromas

The pungent aroma coming from your cannabis plants is a sign that your grow is progressing successfully. But have you ever wondered how cannabis gets its distinctive smell? The dominant aroma that comes to mind when most think about weed is a pungent skunk odour. However, with a trained nose and awareness of the myriad aromas that cannabis can produce, you’ll discover the many rich scents coming from your plant.

Discovering cannabis aroma starts with the basics of what gives each strain its unique scents. Then, we’ll explore how different scents can affect your overall experience when consuming, from the taste to the kind of high it delivers.

Introduction to Terpenes

Aroma is a byproduct of chemical compounds in cannabis known as terpenes (or terps for short). These same properties giving weed its earthy or sweet aromas also contribute to its effects of euphoria or couch lock. Understanding terpenes, the effects they yield, and the aroma produced by them will help identify the unique characteristics that define each strain.

Terpenes exist in all plants and even some animals. They’re part of a plant’s chemical makeup that aids with attracting bugs, repelling bacteria and predators, and other uses. For cannabis plants, they’re more commonly known for creating different smells and, as a result, effects once consumed. There are hundreds of terpenes discovered in cannabis plants; however, we only need to examine a handful of the most common terps to help understand them better:

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Myrcene – although this terpene is found in most strains, the main difference is how dominant its presence is compared to other terps. It’s responsible for heavy, earthy notes, similar to what you’ll smell in cloves, thyme, and even beer. 

Strains with high concentrations of myrcene typically fall in the indica category with effects of relaxing and sedated effects. Our Green Magic strain is a good example, which has an herbal taste and intense body high.

Limone – one of the most common terpenes in sativa strains that has fresh lemon and citrusy notes. Strains like our Grapefruit Superstar are sativa-dominant with a heavy citrus fragrance and are known for delivering a euphoric high. 

Pinene – if the scent of your grow reminds you of walking through a forest, it may be high levels of pinene terps. This terp also has a beta-pinene version, similar in smell and taste to hops and basil. 

Strains like Critical Mass Regular make for excellent outdoor grows thanks to the scent blending in with nature. As with other heavy earthy-type scents, it’s an indica-dominant that helps with relaxation and a pleasant body buzz.

Linalool – the smell of lavender can also be found in cannabis thanks to this terpene. Plants with a flowery bouquet of aromas will likely have high percentages of linalool, such as our Amnesia Haze.

Caryophyllene – growers looking to produce strains with a dominating peppery and herbal scent should find plants with high levels of caryophyllene. When consumed, it gives a spice herb flavour, like you’d experience eating pepper and oregano.

AK-OG Kush is a prime example, with a spicy and earthy taste while delivering a heavy indica body effect.

You can learn more about the most popular terps on our terpene profile guide.


Floral vs. Fruity vs. Earthy

With some practice, you’ll soon be able to determine different terpenes in each strain by its scent alone. However, while you’re still developing your sense of smell for cannabis, A great way to categorize aromas is with three categories: floral, fruity, and earthy. Strains with these fragrances tend to have similar terpenes and effects.

Cannabis plants with fresh floral fragrance tones tend to contain a high percentage of linalool or terpinolene terpenes. These terps have a phenomenon of enhancing other cannabis effects. Therefore, the relaxing and pleasant head buzz effects of consuming our Blue Amnesia Haze will have its effects heightened by the linalool present in it. And the cheerful feeling after consuming the Strawberry Glue strain will also be escalated thanks to its terpinolene.

Fruity scents are commonly found in sativa strains. Smelling this aroma signals a heavy presence of myrcene or limonene. These have great tastes and Pineapple Kush, Tangerine G13, and Banana Slush are just a few of our best cannabis fruit strains.

Any strain delivering earthy tones that make you feel like you’re in nature will have concentrations of pinene or humulene. The heavier this aroma, the more Indica-dominant it will be. Popular strains like Chocolato and Dutch Duchess have strong natural scents, but combining them with other terpenes yield unique flavours like chocolate.

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Influence of Growing Conditions on Cannabis Aroma

Growers can look forward to the undeniable weed smell during the budding stage, although it can arrive as soon as a few weeks before your plant begins to flower. It’s the first time you’ll be able to start examining your plant for different terpenes present based on the smell they give off.

How and where you grow your plant can significantly impact the smell. Similar to improving the taste, certain conditions can help bring out the full genetics of your seeds for maximum aroma and flavour. For example, implementing a low stress training technique during the flowering stage will help boost the amount of terpenes on your buds. Also, proper curing methods will enhance terpenes for a stronger aroma (and effects).

While you can’t smell a cannabis seed to determine the aroma once it begins producing buds, our genetic details and flavour/aroma provide excellent information on what to expect from each strain. Browse out premium cannabis seeds to find your perfect strain.

Have A Look At Our Best-Selling Strains

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Cannabis Tasting 101: A Guide for Beginners

You’ve been anticipating your grow for months, and now it’s time to finally consume your home-grown cannabis. We’ve come a long way from simply consuming cannabis for the high. True connoisseurs treat it like whiskey and wine tasting—incorporating all their senses to appreciate the full tasting experience. From the appearance to the scent to the final taste, there’s a true art to cannabis tasting. 

You’ll be amazed at the different flavour profiles present across the range of strains available at Amsterdam Genetics. This guide will help you get the most out of your cannabis consumption experience—exploring how strains achieve their unique flavours, choosing which strain to grow based on the flavour it will produce, and the best ways to consume it to taste them.


Understanding Cannabis Strains

Do you prefer uplifting sativa strains or sway more towards the relaxing indica strains? While these two pillars divide the weed community based on the high they give, they also vary significantly in their flavours when consumed. This is caused by the particular chemical compounds that categorize them as sativa or indica.

Cannabis tasting starts with the scientific makeup of each strain. You’re probably already familiar with the counter effects of THC and CBD on the type of high a strain produces. However, its flavour (and aroma) are attributed to the combination of terpenes and flavonoids found in them.

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Terpenes and Flavor Profiles

All plants, from trees and flowers to vegetables and cannabis, have terpenes. Of the 30,000 different compounds, cannabis plants have approximately 100-200 found in their chemical makeup—some more dominant than others, depending on whether it’s an indica or sativa strain.

For example, our popular indica strains like Fatkid’s Cake and Royal Choco have a terpene called Myrcene, which creates their earthy/herbal scent and flavour. Also, the woody profiles of the AK-OG Kush thanks to the presence of the Caryophyllene terpene.

Sativa strains have a dominant presence of popular terpenes like Limonene. It produces the citrus flavour in strains like Super Silver Haze and Grapefruit Superstar, and Lemon Ice.

Cannabis plants contain these compounds to aid with attracting certain insects for reproduction while repelling others, fighting against bacteria, protecting against harmful UV rays, and more. However, when they interact with the human body, we get something known as the entourage effect that creates unique flavours that we can enjoy while consuming them. 

The Art of Cannabis Tasting

Now that you know ‘why’ and ‘how’ cannabis plants get their flavour, it’s time to learn the art of cannabis tasting. We provide a flavour profile for each of our cannabis seeds to select which to grow based on your preference. However, actually tasting these myriad flavours depend on how you consume them. Like ageing fine wine, there’s a lot that happens to your plants during those months of the growing process to get them ready to deliver their awesome taste once consumed.

Start with your nose! Not only is the scent an indication that your grow is almost ready for harvest, but it’s also a hint at the flavour your buds will have when you’re ready to consume them. Our sense of taste directly correlates with smell, which is why the way a plant smells is a good indication of how it will taste when consumed. Does it smell citrusy? Piney? Earthy? 

Some experts suggest involving your sense of touch to enhance the smell. Give the bud a slight squeeze to pump out a bit more of the rich aroma. Be delicate and leave in a bag if possible to avoid rubbing off the delicious flavours onto your hands.

The initial scent of the pure flower buds is typically our first sensory interaction with cannabis before consuming it for taste.

Next, take a moment to examine your buds in detail. The way it looks once harvested also hints at the flavours you’ll experience because you can easily differentiate these buds from other strains. Strains with a chemical compound called Anthocyanins create those unique purple or blue hues. Our strains, like the Blue Amnesia Haze and Blue Amnesia Autoflower, are excellent examples that have a sweet, berry-like taste. With the right grow techniques, you can even achieve a pinkish hue, like in our Candyfloss, which tastes as sweet as it sounds.

Finally, it’s time for the moment you’ve been highly anticipating—consuming for taste!

Consuming pure cannabis, instead of mixing it with tobacco, is the best way to get the full flavour effect from your plant. Using glass is also an effective way to maximize the amount of taste you’ll get with each hit. If you’re using rolling paper, give it a ‘dry hit’ and chew on the flavour a moment before lighting it.

You can use the same ‘chewing’ motion after exhaling to see how close your other senses were to guessing the exact flavours you experience.

Note that cannabis interacts with our bodies differently, and perceived flavours can vary as much as their effects.

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Choosing Seeds Based on Flavour Preference

The beauty of cannabis is that each strain has its own unique flavour profile. You’ll be surprised at the flavours you’ll experience once you master the art of cannabis tasting. Chocolate lovers have a variety of seeds to choose from to obtain the taste, like when consuming our Milkshake Kush Autoflower and White Choco Autoflower. Our Banana Slush and Tangerine G13 are great for a fruity boutique of flavours. Or for a punchier fuel flavour, we recommend the Dynamighty Autoflower or Spicebomb.

The art of cannabis tasting is a delicate process that can enhance your overall consumption experience. Just like wine, true cannabis connoisseurs take time to enjoy the full sensory effect of their weed—it’s much more than just searching for the highest THC percentage to get high. Browse our different cannabis seeds to see which flavour you’d like to experience next!

amsterdam genetics blog Q2 what kind of effect does the climate have on my outside grow

What Effect Does Climate Have On My Outdoor Cannabis Grow?

Many people are concerned about climate change, and if you’re growing cannabis outdoors, you may wonder how the climate affects your plants. Cannabis loves warmth, but global temperatures are shifting, affecting where cannabis can thrive. In this blog, we explore the changing climate and how you, as a grower, can adapt.

Choosing the Right Strain for Your Climate

You’ve probably heard and noticed that the climate is changing. Some areas have become much hotter, while others have seen increased rainfall. If you grow cannabis outdoors, it’s crucial to adapt to these climate changes.

First, select strains that suit the climate of your region. Consider the amount of sunlight your plants will receive. You can do this by tracking it yourself or by doing some internet research. Once you understand how much sunlight your plants will get during the growing season, you can select the most suitable strains.

If you live in Northern Europe, look for strains that can endure cooler climates and harsher conditions. They should also have a shorter flowering time. Consider autoflowering strains or varieties specifically developed for colder climates (mainly Indica-dominant strains).

In Southern Europe, you have a lot of choices due to long sunny days. You can take advantage of a long growing season from March to November. Many strains are suitable, especially Sativa-dominant ones.

For those living along the Mediterranean coast, go for strains resistant to mold. High humidity can lead to mold growth here. Sativa strains, which form airy buds, are better at handling moisture.

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Climate Change and Cannabis Production

When cultivating cannabis outdoors, you must adapt to a changing climate. The growing cycle could become shorter, necessitating timely harvests before unexpected frost or prolonged rain sets in. However, the shifting weather also means that some regions have become warmer than they were a few years ago, thus becoming suitable for cannabis cultivation.

In the Netherlands, autumn and winter have become warmer; snowfall is rare, and spring can bring a lot of rain. The weather has become increasingly unpredictable. We have no choice but to try to adapt, choosing strains that are suitable for current climatic conditions. Cannabis is a robust plant, but even it can be overwhelmed by heavy rain, wind, or scorching temperatures.

Adapting Your Growing Techniques to Changing Climates

Changing weather patterns compel us to modify our cultivation techniques. Fortunately, there are ways to protect your plants, ensuring good yields despite climatic changes. Unstable weather can shorten the growing and flowering seasons, making it vital to opt for autoflowers or strains with shorter flowering periods. This allows for earlier harvesting before you face rain or cold.

Due to climate change, pests and diseases are spreading. You can counter this by using companion planting, which attracts beneficial insects that can combat pests. You can also use eco-friendly pesticides.

What immediate actions can you take for extreme weather? Ensure you provide enough shade during hot summers. Keep your plants well-watered to prevent drying out.

If it rains extensively, you can shake the buds dry every day. Good ventilation is essential, as heavy rain can result in bud rot. Remove any affected buds as quickly as possible.

Wind can also damage your plants. Shield them by placing them between tall bushes or by installing a windscreen.

Unpredictable weather can be challenging, but climate change is still ongoing. It’s uncertain what weather conditions we’ll face in the future, but that doesn’t mean we should give up. We’ve dealt with changing weather before.

Cannabis development continues to evolve, geared toward adapting to the changing climate.

amsterdam genetics what kind of effect does the climate have on my outside grow

The Influence of Climate on THC and CBD Levels

The changing climate can also have benefits for outdoor cannabis cultivation. Higher temperatures and increased CO2 levels lead to more trichome production. These glands produce resin, which helps protect the plant against insects, fungi, and UV radiation.

When faced with environmental threats, the plant produces more trichomes, which leads to higher resin production, meaning higher cannabinoid concentrations, primarily THC.

Studies have also shown that exposure to more sunlight and some drought can lead to a 50% increase in THC and a 67% increase in CBD. Even the size of the buds increased. Therefore, climate change could have a positive impact on the medicinal properties of cannabis.

So, climate change will force plants, animals, and humans to adapt. You can surely do this too, especially with the tips provided in this blog.

Check Out Our Best-Selling Strains

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Growing Cannabis Outdoors: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re considering growing cannabis outdoors, you might think it’s quite challenging and that you need to have a green thumb. However, virtually anyone can start cultivating weed outside. Cannabis is a sturdy plant that requires minimal care. In fact, you can follow a simple step-by-step plan, letting the cannabis plants do the heavy lifting and reward you with a generous harvest.

Introduction to Outdoor Cannabis Growing

Perhaps you’ve contemplated growing cannabis outdoors and would like to give it a try. Many believe it requires extensive knowledge about plants and demands a lot of time and effort. But the truth is, you can make outdoor cannabis growing as simple or as complex as you wish.

For beginners, it’s advisable to keep things straightforward. Weed is a resilient plant. All it needs are water, sunlight, and nutritious soil. It’s not hard to provide these essentials. The Dutch climate often supplies everything cannabis requires, whether you grow it on a balcony or in a garden.

Typically, there’s no need for additional nutrients, especially for novice growers. Opt for rich potting soil or garden soil, ensuring the plants receive all the necessary nutrients. Initially, pruning or training isn’t essential, but if desired, you can gently remove old leaves or trim the plants, ensuring they get adequate light and fresh air.

Growing cannabis outdoors can sometimes seem challenging because there’s a lot to monitor. Maintaining a cultivation diary can provide insights into the entire process. Should something go awry, you can review your notes and make improvements next time.

Want more insights on outdoor cannabis growing? Read on for a comprehensive list of helpful tips to get started.

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Basic Principles of Outdoor Cultivation for the Upcoming Season

If you’re planning to cultivate cannabis outside, you have some crucial decisions ahead. As previously mentioned, weed isn’t demanding. However, deciding on the best location for your plants and choosing between planting in the ground or pots is essential.

If you have a garden, you can sow your seeds directly into the ground or use pots. Both methods have pros and cons. Direct sowing benefits from a rich soil ecosystem and offers roots ample room to spread. However, once planted, they’re immobile.

Using pots offers flexibility, enabling relocation if needed (to shelter from wind or maximize sunlight). You’ll also have greater control over growth. Consider the space available in your garden or balcony, and decide if you value the mobility of pots or if your garden is perfect for direct sowing.

When you’ve decided, follow some basic steps to determine the best planting spot. Ideal locations for cannabis plants have ample sunlight, easy water access, and fertile soil. If you plant in your garden, choose a sunny spot. Make sure it’s easily accessible for watering, and assess the soil quality. If the soil isn’t ideal, you can enrich it with extra garden soil or nutrients.

Once the seeds are in the soil, it’s exciting to watch for the first green shoots. Cannabis plants undergo various growth stages, each having specific needs.

The first stage is the seedling phase (lasting 2-3 weeks), followed by the vegetative phase where plants grow vigorously. Lastly, there’s the flowering phase, which lasts 6-8 weeks, during which the buds form and can eventually be harvested. Proper harvesting timing is crucial. Monitor the trichomes and the color of the pistils.

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Maintaining a Successful Growing Cannabis Outdoor

Before it’s time to harvest, naturally, you’ll want to take good care of your plants. When growing cannabis outdoors in Dutch conditions, rainfall might provide ample water. However, this isn’t always the case: it’s essential to administer the ideal amount of water, which can vary depending on the growth phase.

Seedlings require less water than plants in the growth phase, and during the flowering stage, they need the most. Both under-watering and over-watering can harm your plants. With a few helpful pointers, you’ll know what to watch out for when watering. For instance, only water when the top layer of soil is dry, and observe your plants for signs of thirst or excess water (like yellow or drooping leaves).

For beginners aiming to get a bit more from their outdoor grow, implementing pruning and training techniques can be beneficial. Such methods can aid cannabis plants in becoming larger, stronger, and yield a higher harvest.

Various methods are available. Some are tailored for experienced growers, so you might want to steer clear of those initially. You can start with basic pruning: removing wilted leaves so that more energy goes to healthy ones.

Low Stress Training involves directing growth by bending branches. Topping, another technique, entails cutting off the main stem. This encourages side branches to grow more vigorously. All pruning techniques aim to offer better control over the canopy, growth, and the distribution of light, air, and nutrients.

It’s also crucial, for successful growing cannabis outside, to keep a close eye on your plants. While cannabis is resilient, neglect can lead to issues, and you might realize too late that something’s amiss.

Regularly inspecting your garden or balcony helps in early detection and management of problems like diseases or pests. Examine the buds and leaves for signs of fungi, insects (such as mites or spider mites), or nutrient deficiencies.

If you spot an issue, intervention is key. Insects, for instance, can be combated with natural predators or organic pesticides. Plants affected by fungus should be pruned and isolated from healthy ones.

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The Impact of Weather on Your Cannabis Grow

Weather is notorious for its unpredictability. Even though cannabis is quite resilient, it’s important to protect your plants against excessive heat or cold.

In high temperatures, cannabis can suffer from heat stress. Leaves might curl up, and buds might not be as dense. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to support your plants during hot spells. Water them more frequently and occasionally mist the leaves for extra cooling. Guard the roots (especially for potted plants) and provide additional shade with a shade cloth.

If you frequently experience hot summers, it could be wise to base your choice of seeds on that fact. Choose seeds that are resilient to high temperatures; often, seeds from the Haze family are suitable.

Conversely, you might encounter cold weather during summer. When temperatures drop, your plants’ growth may be stunted. They might not uptake nutrients efficiently, which can adversely affect bud formation.

Try to shield your plants from drastic temperature changes. If it suddenly turns cold, using heat mats can keep the roots warm. Mulch can also serve as protection against the cold. Keep seedlings indoors if it’s too chilly for them. If your plants are potted, move them to a sunny spot or bring them indoors.

Of course, this isn’t an option for plants in the ground. If cold springs or summers are frequent where you live, considering greenhouse cultivation might be a good choice. While it’s a substantial investment, a greenhouse allows you to cultivate cannabis outdoors all year round.

Weather significantly influences outdoor cannabis cultivation. If you’re keen on learning how to grow cannabis outdoors, consider these 10 tips:

  1. Choose the right cannabis strain.
  2. Plan your growing season carefully.
  3. Pay attention to soil quality.
  4. Water and feed on time.
  5. Guard plants from wind and sun.
  6. Inspect plants for pests and diseases.
  7. Employ pruning and training techniques.
  8. Have an action plan for sudden weather shifts.
  9. Harvest at the right time.
  10. Develop a care schedule.

We’re here for you this coming season

If you’re contemplating growing cannabis outdoors, it all begins with the seeds. You’ll want high-quality seeds, of course. Amsterdam Genetics is renowned for its continuous development and for providing customers with reliable quality seeds. For years, the company has been pioneering autoflowering, feminized, and medicinal cannabis seeds.

They always strive to stay attuned to societal needs, including the impacts of climate change. Whether you’re in search of high-CBD seeds or seeds resistant to heat or cold, Amsterdam Genetics has you covered. Their expert, enthusiastic team consists of passionate cannabis aficionados.

When selecting the best seeds, it’s recommended to consider the changing climate. Given the cooler tendencies in the Netherlands, opting for an Indica strain might be best. These strains originate from mountainous regions and are better equipped to handle cold than Sativas. They also flower faster, allowing you to harvest before autumn’s chill sets in.

But climate change also makes weather more unpredictable. Autoflowering varieties are another excellent choice: they have a much shorter growth and flowering phase and bloom regardless of light patterns, enabling earlier yearly harvests.

Climate change necessitates proactive adaptation. Protect your plants from extreme weather, perhaps using shade cloths, strategically positioning pots, employing wind barriers, watering strategies, or practicing companion planting.

Fortunately, there are many ways to adapt and ensure a bountiful harvest despite the unpredictable weather. However, if you encounter issues or have queries about growing cannabis outdoor, you can always reach out to us. We have a wealth of knowledge and experience and are eager to assist. Let us know if you need guidance. You can always contact us.

Check Out Our Best Selling Strains


amsterdam genetics blog Q2 top 10 to keep in mind when growing outside

10 Tips to Consider When Growing Weed Outdoors

Do you already consider these 10 tips when growing weed outdoors? Anyone can grow weed outdoors. Our climate is well suited for it, and outdoor growing requires only a small financial investment. Whether you’re an experienced grower or just starting, these tips will always get you off to a good start.

1. The right cannabis strain

Your first step in outdoor growing is choosing the best cannabis strain. Photosensitive strains are light-dependent and often need a longer time before they start flowering (five to six months), but they do have high yields.

Autoflowering plants bloom faster, so you can harvest before it gets cold. These plants also stay a bit smaller, which might be more convenient in a garden.

In our cooler climate, choosing an Indica strain is the best. They bloom faster and can withstand colder weather better than Sativa strains.

2. Sowing: timing and location

One of the tips for growing weed outdoors is to start sowing at the end of April or beginning of May. Then there’s no more chance of frost, and you can sow your seeds directly into the ground or in a pot.

Choose a spot where the plants can fully enjoy the sun but are protected from strong winds. The advantage of pots is that you can move your precious plants if the weather becomes too hot or windy.

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3. Consider soil quality

Soil quality plays a significant role in growing cannabis. Here you can pay attention to the pH of the soil. The pH of the soil indicates how acidic the soil is, and this value influences how well your plants can absorb nutrients.

The ideal pH value for weed plants is between 6.0 and 6.8. You can measure this value with tests you can buy in a garden center or with a pH meter. Drainage is also important as it determines to what extent the soil quickly dries out or becomes waterlogged.

The soil can be a mix of, for example, clay and sand. It is important to ensure an optimal texture with the right combination of soil types.

4. Water and nutrients

Plants need water and nutrients to thrive properly. But their need for water and food changes, depending on what growth stage they are in. Seedlings and young plants need less water than mature plants. The weather, of course, also plays a significant role. If the sun is shining brightly and it’s not raining much, you will need to give more water.

Your plants can also benefit from nutrition. Think about minerals like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. These support good growth and are building blocks for your weed plants. Note that here too, the need for nutrients changes depending on the growth phase.

5. Protect your plants from cold and heat

Cannabis is a robust plant, but your weed can still get damaged by extreme weather. Too much heat can curl leaves and deform buds. If it’s too cold, your plants can absorb nutrients less well.

So, it’s a good idea to protect your weed. If it’s very hot, use a shade cloth against the bright sunlight. You can also provide some extra cooling by spraying plants with water.

During cold weather, protect your plants by temporarily placing them in a greenhouse or indoors. Another option is to provide more insulation. This can be done with a layer of mulch on the ground or by using heat mats.

6. Prevent diseases and pests

One of the other useful tips for growing weed outdoors is to prevent pests and diseases. You do this mainly by regularly checking your weed plants for the first signs of disease. Pay attention to common molds and insects, such as powdery mildew, spider mites, and aphids.

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The best way to protect your plants is to fight these with environmentally friendly methods. In many cases, you can use the natural enemies of insects. There are also natural-based pesticides, such as neem oil, garlic, and diatomaceous earth.

7. Apply training techniques

Training techniques are also important for promoting the growth and flowering of your weed plants. If you don’t pay attention to this, your plants might invest more energy in forming a dense canopy of leaves than in the buds.

With training techniques, you can steer the growth so that light, air, and nutrients are used as efficiently as possible. For instance, you can use fimming, topping, Low Stress Training, and Screen of Green. Some of these techniques are easy to apply; others require more practice.

8. Make use of the benefits of pruning

Our eighth tip for growing weed outdoors is to prune regularly. Not only can this help to prevent your plants from getting too big, pruning is also the perfect way to stimulate your plant to put energy into the buds. So, pruning can lead to a bigger harvest.

When pruning, you make a deliberate choice to remove leaves at certain spots. As a beginner, for example, you only remove already wilted and yellow leaves. If you have more experience, you can also remove fan leaves. This ensures that the plant invests more energy in the buds and that more light and air can reach other parts of the plant.

9. The best time to harvest

The timing of harvest is very important if you want to enjoy a good harvest. If you do it too early, the buds do not yet contain enough active substances. If you do it too late, THC is converted into CBN, a substance that won’t cause a high.

You can determine the right moment by closely looking at the buds, especially the trichomes. The pistils can also be a good indicator.

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10. Be flexible and enjoy the journey

It’s vital to remember that this is all about you. Your involvement and the effort you put into growing cannabis are driven by your own passion for this plant. This is a personal journey, wherein you have the opportunity to learn, grow, and experience the fruits of your labor.

Fortunately, growing your plant in pots provides a wonderful solution. When you plant a cannabis plant in a pot, you gain a degree of control and flexibility. You can easily move the pot to different locations depending on the conditions and needs of the plant, without inconveniencing others.

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amsterdam genetics blog Q2 best seeds for growing outside

The Best Cannabis Seeds for Outdoor Growing by Amsterdam Genetics

When you’re planning to grow cannabis outdoors, it’s only natural that you’ll seek the best cannabis seeds, and that road leads straight to Amsterdam Genetics! At Amsterdam Genetics, true cannabis enthusiasts work who have been dedicated for years to developing the best genetics. In this blog, you’ll read about how to pick your seeds for outdoor cultivation from the wide range of options, and which ones we recommend.

Why Choose Seeds from Amsterdam Genetics?

Why pick for Amsterdam Genetics? This company has been busy with the development of high-quality cannabis seeds since 1985. The folks working here are passionate about plants and have made it their goal to develop the best, most reliable, and noteworthy seeds for you.

Over the years, Amsterdam Genetics has developed a long list of medicinal, feminized, and autoflowering seeds, from their own tradition but also making use of the latest top genetics from both domestic and foreign sources. This company has a big name in the cannabis world. They are known for the high quality of their seeds and their mission to continually innovate.

Whether you want to grow cannabis seeds outdoors or indoors, you have a wide selection of famous names like Royal Choco, Quicksilver, and Amnesia Haze to choose from.

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How to Choose Cannabis Seeds for Outdoor Growing?

Are you planning to grow cannabis outdoors? It’s not difficult and can be quite rewarding. Many strains from Amsterdam Genetics are well-suited to the Dutch climate. Here are some factors to consider when choosing seeds for outdoor growing:

Climate Resilience

Choose strains that can withstand the Dutch weather. Indicas, originating from colder, mountainous regions, are generally more tolerant of cold than Sativas.

Flowering Time

Indicas also tend to flower more quickly than Sativas, allowing you to harvest before the cold and harsh weather sets in.


The average yield of a strain can influence your choice. Some strains produce more and denser buds than others.

THC or CBD Content

Each strain has its unique cannabinoid profile. You may want buds rich in THC or prefer a high percentage of CBD, or a combination of both. If you prefer more CBD, then look for CBD cannabis seeds.

Here, we give you a brief explanation of two popular strains suitable for outdoor cultivation.

Super Silver Haze

Super Silver Haze is a highly popular strain, for both indoor and outdoor growers. This strain has parent strains of Haze, Skunk #1, and Northern Lights. If you want to grow this cannabis type outdoors, it’s particularly well-suited for warm summers. But the Netherlands has not been lacking warm summers lately, and Silver Haze does well even at around 20 degrees Celsius.

It’s a Sativa-dominant strain, but the flowering time is reasonable, between 9 and 11 weeks, and it’s easy to grow. When you grow these cannabis seeds outdoors, you can count on big, dense buds that look silvery (hence the name) due to the large amount of trichomes.

These plants will yield buds with a high percentage of THC, at 19%. The scent of Super Silver Haze is also delightful: a mix of sweet fruit, fresh pine, and a hint of diesel.
Super Silver Haze seeds

White Choco


White Choco is also a popular strain, especially if you want to grow cannabis seeds outdoors. The parent strains are White Russian and Chocolope. This strain is balanced with as much Sativa as Indica and performs well in Dutch summers.

Be mindful of the height, as this sturdy grower can easily reach three meters. Of course, you can apply training techniques to control the growth if needed. What makes White Choco attractive for outdoor growers is its short flowering time, between 8 to 9 weeks. You’ll definitely harvest before the colder and wetter autumn weather arrives.

Generally, the yield is large, and you can also count on these buds having a high THC percentage (19%) and 1.8% CBN. If you’re looking for an easy-to-grow strain for outdoors, then White Choco is a good choice. Be enticed by the delicious, rich scent of chocolate with a spicy undertone.
White Choco best cannabis seeds 2023

Cannabis Seeds for Outdoor Cultivation

Hopefully, this information is sufficient for you to make your choice of cannabis seeds for outdoor cultivation. Now you know what to look out for when making your selection. And in the webshop, you’ll find a handy overview of the properties for each strain, like yield, height, medicinal use, and effects.

What is our favorite for outdoor cultivation? We end up picking White Choco, an absolute winner! With its nearly perfect mix of 50% Sativa and 50% Indica, this is a robust plant that can withstand the Dutch climate well. It’s also popular among outdoor growers, especially due to its shorter flowering time.

Moreover, its effects are not to be scoffed at. White Choco is known for its positive impact on mood and offers a wonderful, relaxed feeling, which can also come in handy if you have trouble sleeping. But whatever your choice, you’re always in good hands with cannabis seeds from Amsterdam Genetics.

Check Out Our Best-Selling Strains

amsterdam genetics blog Q2 what to do with cold weather and growing outside

Growing Cannabis In Cold Weather: What To Do?

Cannabis plants thrive in warm conditions, but in countries like the Netherlands, you may face the challenge of cold weather if you’re growing cannabis outdoors. Cold temperatures can lead to issues such as stunted growth and less robust buds. However, with the helpful tips provided in this blog, you can still ensure that your plants thrive in colder conditions.

Cannabis Growth and Cold Weather Don’t Mix Well

Cannabis plants prefer warm climates. They grow and flourish happily in warm summers and long hours of sunshine. So what happens when you face a chilly, cold spring or a gray, gloomy summer? Can cannabis grow in cold weather?

Fortunately, cannabis is a resilient plant that can tolerate cooler weather. Even in colder climates, you can grow cannabis. However, your plants will benefit from your close monitoring, especially if the temperatures drop significantly. Cold can negatively impact the growth and flowering of your cannabis plants.

Negative Effects of Cold

Two primary outcomes of cold weather on cannabis plants need to be monitored. The first is the impact of low temperatures on the roots and growth.

If the temperature falls below 12 degrees Celsius, the plant’s metabolism will slow down. In cold weather, cannabis can either grow very slowly or even halt growth altogether. The plant will struggle to absorb nutrients and oxygen, and enzymatic processes crucial for growth come to a standstill.

This results in halted growth, and your plants may begin to wilt. Additionally, a sudden drop in temperature can shock the roots. Freezing is, of course, extremely harmful to the root system.

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Another issue in cold weather is mold formation. This is particularly common in cold and damp conditions, a weather pattern that the Netherlands often experiences. Water droplets can cling to leaves and buds, creating ideal conditions for mold. This can lead to rotting of buds and leaves, putting your yield at risk.

Tips for Handling Cold Weather

Since cold weather is detrimental to the growth and flowering of cannabis, it is crucial to monitor temperature closely. Below are some useful tips to protect your plants from low temperatures.

1. Pay Attention to Temperature Fluctuations

When growing cannabis in colder climates, it’s important to focus on significant temperature differences between day and night. The more consistent the temperature, the better your cannabis plants will thrive. Aim to minimize these fluctuations as much as possible, particularly in the second and third weeks of the flowering period. Keep the temperature differences to a maximum of 2 to 4 degrees Celsius.

If temperatures drop below 12 degrees, you can use heat mats to prevent the soil from cooling too much. This can avoid cold stress on the roots. If heat mats are not an option, protect your plant roots with a layer of mulch.

2. Keep Seedlings Indoors

Seedlings and young plants are particularly sensitive to cold. It’s a good idea to sow indoors and keep the seedlings indoors until they are strong enough to transition outside. Wait until there is no longer a risk of frost.

3. Grow Cannabis in Pots or a Greenhouse

Using pots can help protect your plants against the cold. If your plants are in pots, you can easily move them. You can follow the sunlight and, in case of frost, move your plants indoors.

A greenhouse is another way to ensure your cannabis plants continue to grow despite cold weather. It is a significant investment, but it allows you to enjoy your cannabis plants year-round. Make sure to provide adequate lighting and control temperature and humidity in the greenhouse.

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4. Force the Flowering Phase

Is the weather looking bad? If you can’t adequately protect your cannabis plants, you can try to trigger the flowering phase sooner. You can achieve this by covering your plants with a tarp that blocks light.

This reduces the number of hours your plants are exposed to light, encouraging them to enter the flowering phase. As a result, you can harvest earlier before bad weather sets in.

Best Cannabis Strains for Cold Weather

If you live in a colder climate, growing cannabis is still possible. However, certain strains are particularly well-suited for cold conditions. Indica strains are generally better adapted to cold than Sativas.

Choose strains with genes from Canada, the Himalayas, the Netherlands, or Afghanistan. If your summers are short, go for strains that flower quickly or opt for autoflowers. They have a short life cycle and flower earlier, allowing you to harvest before autumn and winter set in.

Check Our Indica Strains