All posts by Amsterdam Genetics

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When To Harvest Cannabis Plants?

So you patiently waited and made it through the vegetative and flowering phases of your cannabis plant… Whereas the plant’s job is now (almost) done, your biggest task is about to start. Because as soon as the plants are done flowering it’s your turn to cut the crop. But how exactly do you know when to harvest cannabis plants? Read on to find out!

The Cannabis Harvest

Obviously, raking in a cannabis harvest only comes after the full germination, vegetative, and flowering phases of the plant’s life cycle are complete. Once you’ve worked your way through these, however, that glorious bounty of freshly harvested flower is drawing closer day by day. The only thing left to do now is timing your harvest to perfection, making sure you get exactly what you’ve been growing for all these weeks.

Harvesting cannabis plants is all about timing. Since there is only a relatively small timeframe wherein a bud is ‘perfectly ripe’. This has everything to do with the plants trichomes, the glistering glands that make cannabis flowers so damn sticky.

These trichomes house the plants active components: cannabinoids, like THC and CBD as well as terpenes that raise a bud’s scent and taste to perfection. When they’re harvested at the right time, that is. Because if you cut the crop too early, these cannabinoids won’t develop to their full potential, resulting in weed lacking psychoactive effects.

Harvesting Cannabis trichomes
When to harvest? These sticky glands tell it all. [Photo: Flickr]

Harvesting a cannabis plant too late though, is a recipe for finding mold on your buds or even self-pollination. Besides that, it will definitely make the effect of your crop sedative and sleep-inducing. Find more on that subject below, under ‘Trichome Colour, which details what we consider the best methods to determine if your flower is ready to be harvested.

Harvest Cannabis By Trichome Colour

The most accurate way to determine when to harvest your cannabis, is to have a close look at the trichomes. A very close look – using a magnifying glass, macro lens, or microscope – will show you when the time is right to bring in the bounty. As mentioned before, these small trichomes house the plants cannabinoids. These compounds are the key to the cannabis ‘high’ or ‘stone’, as well as to the plant’s potential for medical relief.

By looking at the trichome heads with a magnifying tool, you can see how far along the cannabinoids are in their development. This is possible because the resin glands change colour as they mature; from transparent to opaque milky white, and then on to yellowish brown shades.

Right, so here comes the tricky bit. As happens with natural products, not all of a cannabis plant’s trichomes change colour at the same time. The maturing of trichomes is a gradual process. Furthermore, not all buds on a single plant mature at the same pace – if you grow multiple plants, the matter becomes even more complicated. That makes it difficult to pinpoint the perfect moment to harvest those cannabis colas.

The key here is keeping a close watch on trichome progress. Just give your plants a loving close-up inspection every day, and you’ll know when the time is right. Do most of the trichomes look watery or transparent with only a few milky ones, like in the picture above? Then the THC and CBD (or their cannabinoid acid precursors, to be precise) haven’t fully developed yet, and the flower won’t provide its full scope of effects.

Harvesting weed at this early stage can be beneficial for some, though, as people may intentionally seek a mild high rather than an intense one, or aim specifically for THCA and CBDA cannabinoid acids. For most growers, however, buds with mostly transparent trichomes are not yet matured to perfection.

Pinpointing That Peak THC Cannabis Harvest

If you’re looking for the potency peak – the moment where the THC level in the plant is at its highest – for a heavy psychoactive effect. Then you’re looking to harvest your plant when around 70-80 percent of the trichomes look milky; and some already appear amber/orange/brownish. In the milky trichomes, the THC and CBD molecules are perfectly developed and at their full potential.

For most growers, this is the moment they have been waiting for since the first signs of flowering emerged. Watching those buds frost over with crystal-like trichomes can be a challenge for those who just want a taste of their cherished flowers, but as they say, all good things come to those who wait. The one thing left to avoid now is waiting too long.

After turning milky white and opaque, trichomes eventually take on shades of yellow, amber, orange, and brown. The amber trichomes indicate that most of their THC content has been metabolized into another cannabinoid known as CBN (cannabinol). This cannabinoid has been classified as extremely sedative; more so than THC, in fact. Some even claim that CBN is twice as effective as Diazepam, a pharmaceutical sedative.

Harvesting plants at a later stage, when most of the once-milky trichomes have turned amber, will therefore result in a predominantly sleep-inducing, narcotic stoned effect. This change even occurs in sativa-dominant strains such as Lemon Ice, despite their reputation for delivering uplifting, energizing highs.

Again, such late-harvest flower buds may be exactly what some growers seek. Then again, those who aim for a more sedative and narcotic effects should consider growing one of our strains intended for promoting good sleep or deeply relaxing effects instead.

harvesting marijuana buds
Waiting for the perfect moment to harvest those buds…

How To Harvest Cannabis By Pistil Hair Colour

Another indicator of when to harvest cannabis plants is the colour of their pistil ‘hairs’ instead of the trichomes. The trick is waiting until the right percentage of pistils turns brown or orange. This approach is slightly less acuurate, but easier to do with the naked eye. These tiny hairs are the first signs that announce the start of the flowering stage in female cannabis plants. Pistils are in fact reproductive organs intended to catch male pollen for fertilization and production of seds. However, most growers want female flowers without seeds for bigger buds. Still pistil colour is a good indicator for determining when to harvest and when to wait a little longer.

harvesting marijuana plants
White pistil ´hairs´ on a flowering female specimen.

If you decide to use the pistil hair method, use the following percentages as your guideline:

  • Once 40% of the pistils have turned brown, your harvesting window of opportunity opens. The plant contains enough THC to produce a high, but she hasn’t reach her peak yet. At this point, the weed will produce an energetic high;
  • Once 50 to 60% of the pistils turn brown, your cannabis plant is at her best! Her buds are rich in THC (well, THCA to be precise) and this is the perfect time to get that harvest in;
  • Once 80 to 90% of the pistils turn brown, your weed has flowered for too long. Most of the potential THC has now turned into CBN. This produces a sedative effect, but it will not get you high as it would when the plant was at peak THC capacity.

High Or Stoned On A Cannabis Harvest?

As you can see, a strain’s effects are ultimately determined not just by its cannabinoid and terpene profile and genetic quality, but also by the moment when it is harvested. That makes it so crucial to harvest cannabis with perfect timing. With this knowledge, it is safe to say that not only the strains genetics, but also the moment a plant is harvested can have impact on a particular strain’s effect.

Harvest too early and you’ll experience a light headbuzz high effect, even from a heavy indica strain. Harvest too late and find yourself knocked out by the couchlock effect you might not expect from a sativa-heavy hybrid. Of course, you could time your cannabis harvest ‘wrong’ on purpose to achieve precisely these effects. Feel free to do whatever suits your needs!

harvesting weed nugs

How To Harvest Cannabis

So now that you know when to harvest cannabis, it’s time we took a closer look at how to go about it. Read our blog on how to harvest cannabis in 5 easy steps, and get all the information on flushing the plant, trimming the colas and then drying and curing that big yield of buds.

Ah yes – for all you outdoor growers, here’s a quick guide on protecting your cannabis right before harvest time, which is when your colas are at their most vulnerable.

Of course, if you haven’t started that grow yet, this is the perfect time to order your premium seeds and commence the grow that will get you your much-anticipated cannabis harvest – let’s go shopping…

Pick The Best Seeds To Harvest

Know a better way of determining when to harvest your weed, or want to share cool harvest pictures? Let us know through social media or better yet: find out how to join our Amsterdam Genetics Harvest Contest and win €100 shop credit with your most deliciously awe-inspiring harvest cannabis pictures as you log your AG seeds grow on!

harvest contest cannabis

Find out how to enter here, and read up on some quick tips for shooting the most eye-wateringly gorgeous flower bud photos!

purle cannabis

Purple Cannabis Strains

These days, growers and connoisseurs look for much more than just THC when picking their favourite weed. The dazzling flavours and sophisticated effects of terpenes are an important new focus. Recently, though, growing plants with amazing new colours is becoming all the rage. This blog explores purple cannabis, explaining how buds can change colour as well as providing growers with tips for raising their own purple, blue, or even pink plants!  

How Green Cannabis Turns Purple

In order to understand how some cannabis develops purple, blue, or pink flowers and sometimes leaves instead of the usual green, we need to understand some basic physics of colour and light.

We can see the myriad dazzling colours of the plant kingdom because light reflects off the various pigments that plants contain. In essence, we see a given colour when our eyes detect light of a certain wavelength, or frequency. Sunlight contains all colours and wavelengths of the spectrum, yet our eyes are able to take in part of that spectrum.

When light hits a surface that ‘has’ a certain colour, say, green, the green part of the spectrum is reflected off the surface. The other colours of the spectrum are absorbed. A green cannabis leaf, then, absorbs all colours except green, and then reflects that green light onto the retina of our eye.

If a cannabis plant somehow managed to reflect another part of the spectrum, we would see a different colour. That is what happens with purple, blue, and pink cannabis plants. As it turns out, these unique strains have different compounds in their cells due to external factors like temperature as well as their genetics.

purple cannabis weed buds color

Purple Cannabis Phenotypes

Most cannabis strains with deviant colours only have the potential to turn purple or blue – they don’t do so by default. Usually, their grow environment has to meet certain criteria to change their appearance. This is because of genetics. A given strain may carry a propensity for blue, pink, or purple shades in its genetic codes but never show its ‘true colours’. In geneticist’s  terms, we say that purpleness is in the strain’s genotype, but its individual phenotype does not show it. Phenotype (or ‘pheno’) denotes how an individual plant expresses all the various genetic possibilities it carries in its DNA.

This explains how a cannabis grower could raise five plants of the same strain, with only one or turning pink and two others turning purple while the rest stays mostly green. Working with nature is always a bit of a gamble – but that’s all part of the natural charm!

The Taste Of Green

Most plants, including weed plants, are green. The pigment that makes cannabis green is pretty well known: chlorophyll. Apart from the visual aspect, this pigment is recognizable by a bitter, taste – found in cheaper CBD Oils for example. Chlorophyll also conveys an acrid, unpleasant taste to cannabis if smoked; this is why growers trim excess leaf material and ‘sugar leaves’ from their harvest before consumption.

This green plant colourant is the same substance that gives lettuce and other vegetables their green colour. Anyone with a varied vegetable diet eats plenty of chlorophyll every month, although our human metabolism can’t do much with this substance.

purple pink blue cannabis

Why Purple Cannabis Is Still Green

For plants, though, chlorophyll is absolutely vital. Photosynthesis would be impossible without the green chlorophyll in the leaves of (cannabis) plants. In photosynthesis, sunlight is converted into energy ready for use in plant growth, development, and flowering. The green leaves of our weed plants are like the solar panels of the species, and so, if cannabis weren’t green, it could never grow in the first place.

Okay, so weed plants need to be green in order to get energy and grow. Well, you may wonder, then why are some cannabis strains purple, or pink for that matter? Interestingly, purple cannabis derives its colour from another plant compound than chlorophyll. The substance that makes weed plants turn purple is called anthocyanin. Anthocyanins or anthocyans form a group of around 400 water-soluble pigments, belonging to the ‘flavonoids‘ category of plant compounds. After cannabinoids (like THC and CBD) and terpenes, flavonoids are one of the most important components that make cannabis such a versatile, unique, and much-loved plant species.

Don’t think, however, that purple cannabis strains have somehow ditched their obligatory chlorophyll content. All strains need their photosynthetic energy, so even purple weed is still green at heart.

blue monkey purple cannabis
Ever seen a Blue Monkey go purple?

Purple Cannabis & More

Anthocyans do not always manifest themselves in purple hues, though. Depending on the acidity of the plant’s grow environment, this pigment can show different colours. In acidic environments these anthocyans turn red or pinkish. More neutral pH levels make anthocyans appear purple, whereas alkaline environments turn this cannabis pigment blue.

Pink Cannabis Strains

Cannabis with pink rather than purple shades can present growers with spectacular sights. Even so, pink and red cannabis strains are much harder to find than purple ones. In their ongoing quest for genetic excellence, however, our breeders have developed Candyfloss, a deliciously sweet sativa hybrid that can turn bright pink with hints of purple if treated just right. This is quite a rarity in the world of weed; however, with popular demand for exotic colours on the rise, don’t be surprised if we come up with new innovations to expand the cannabis palette

candyfloss sativa pink
Candyfloss – pretty in pink.

The word ‘anthocyanin’ comes from Greece. German botanist Ludwig Marquart first discovered the pigment in 1835. He named it after anthos (flower) and kyanos (blue). However, this doesn’t mean the purple in cannabis only shows on the flowers of the plant. Even the leaves, stems and branches can show the beautiful colours of anthocyanine. But what exactly triggers a cannabis plant to turn pink, blue, or purple?

Cold Nights & Genetics

The most important element in growing purple cannabis is genetics. Some cannabis strains simply produce more anthocyanins than others, though these colours are not always visible throughout the plant’s lifecycle. Nor does a strain’s name carry any guarantee, as any experienced grower will confirm.

In outdoor grows, anthocyanins become more prominent when cold nights make chlorophyll break down into sugars used for cannabinoid production. It is thought that cannabis turns purple as a survival mechanism. When temperatures drop, a darker hue may allow the plant to trap more warmth in its tissues. Purple cannabis could also attract other insects than green variants, possibly to accommodate for changing needs related to cool weather.

Chlorophyll is a dominant pigment. Its green hue often obscures any hints of purple or blue. However, as soon as the days and nights turn colder, the cannabis plant starts turning chlorophyll into sugars. These sugars power the production of flowers, cannabinoids and seeds. Once enough chlorophyll is broken down, any purple, blue, or pink shades will start to shine through.

best seeds amsterdam genetics

Purple Genetics From Amsterdam

As we have seen, finding purple cannabis strains is a matter of matching the right genetics with the right circumstances. At Amsterdam Genetics, we develop award-winning strains to suit any grower’s desires. That means we usually aim for great cerebral and body highs based on genetic stability and descent, balanced terpene profiles, and novel hybrid crossbreeds. So yes, most of our weed is green. Still we do have several premium cannabis strains with distinctly colourful phenotypes, including purple and pink flowers. With a touch of luck and the right grow conditions, any cannabis grower can use our strains their green thumbs to grow purple flowers!

Discover The Colours Of The Amsterdam Genetics Range

As mentioned, our deliciously sugar-sweet Candyfloss strain tends to develop distinctly pink phenos. Even if she stays green, though, her lovely flavour and profound sativa high are more than enough to make that grow worth a try.

As their names suggest, our Blue Amnesia Haze and Blue Amnesia Autoflower strains have a tendency to show some blue in their buds too. This can result in a cannabis harvest with a purple sheen, again depending on grow environment. Double Blue is known to carry purple in its genetics too, and our Blue Monkey CBD cannabis may combine its unusual cannabinoid profile with surprising colours as well!

Adding Colour To Those Flowers

Growing cannabis specifically for purple flowers, or any other deviant colour, can be a bit of a challenge without guaranteed success. Still, just to show you how amazingly beautiful the results can be, we close off with this stunning picture of an Amsterdam Genetics Pineapple Kush grow.

pineapple kush purple cannabis
A Pineapple Kush grow in a glorious array of colours.

The point is that even though this strain is famous for its amazing taste rather than any exotic colours, getting those grow perimeters just can make a purple, pink, or rainbow-coloured plant out of just about any cannabis strain!

cannabis zaden ontkiemen

How To Germinate Cannabis Seeds

Growing your own weed is fairly easy, as explained in our article ‘All You Need For Growing Weed At Home‘. The hardest part for some growers though, is germinating their newly bought cannabis seeds. After all, the vulnerable seedlings are easily damaged. However, making sure your cannabis seeds survive germination is essential for a successful grow. In this blog, we highlight three tested methods that let anyone germinate cannabis seeds with minimal effort.

How To Germinate Cannabis Seeds, Step 1: Get Good Genetics

We cannot stress this enough. If you want good results, you are going to need good materials to start with. In case of growing cannabis, the first thing on that list are good cannabis seeds, of course. Besides high quality cannabis seeds all you need is some water, a warm environment (between 20-25 degrees Celsius) and – lack of – light to start germinating your future cannabis plants.

Even though living weed plants love (and need) a lot of light, germinating cannabis seeds thrive better in a dark environment. And just like there are different methods of growing your own cannabis, there’s also a choice in how to make your seeds sprout.

germinate cannabis seeds
Want good cannabis? Get good seeds!

Germination is actually a process where you activate a dry seed that is in a ‘sleeping state’. By adding water to the seed, a small root that is inside the seed-shell will want to come out in search for more water. This will make it develop into a big taproot that’ll serve as an anchor for the plant and from which more roots will sprout. Read more about root-development in this article: ‘Clones vs. Seeds: What Grows The Best Cannabis?


Germinate Cannabis Seeds In Water

The easiest way to germinate your cannabis seeds is to let them soak in a glass of water. The seed will absorb the water and due this process hormones will make the seed start to grow: expansion and elongation of seed embryo.
You will see them sprout after 24 to max. 48 hours. Note that you need to store the glass of water in a dark place on roomtemperature. After sprouting they are ready to plant in soil, 1cm to max 2cm deep. All they now need is love, light, water and heat! 😉

Cannabis seeds
Ready to sprout!

How To Germinate Cannabis Seeds: Wet (Paper) Towel Germination

The best known way of germinating cannabis seeds is to put them on or between wet paper towels or cotton wool. This method exists in different varieties, as it’s not so much about the paper itself, but more about the absorbency of the material. It’s very easy to make sure the ‘medium’ doesn’t get too soggy and doesn’t dry out easily. If it does dry, you can effortlessly add a few drops of water to immediately re-moisten it.

how to germinate cannabis seeds
Wet paper towels are probably the most common way of germinating cannabis seeds

The goal here is to balance out the moisture so it’s not too dry, nor to wet. Go for a piece of paper that is moist all over, but doesn’t drip when you pick it up. If the seeds stay to dry, the root that’s supposed to sprout won’t be able to make it out of its shell in search for water. If the paper is too wet though, the root will come out and quickly stop looking for water; as it’s already soaked in it. This stops the development of the root, delays the growth and might even cause the seeds to rot after a while. So, be careful not to give too much water as this is one of the most common rookie mistakes when it comes to growing weed high country casino!

leaflett 2022 web Tekengebied 1

Transplanting In Soil

After the root has sprouted and has gained a few millimetres in length, it’s time to transplant the seedling into its soil and put it under a light-source. As a rule, a small 1cm deep hole made with your fingertip should do. Gently pick up the seeds one by one, taking care not to touch the root. Use a clean pair of tweezers and don’t squeeze. Make sure that the roots don’t cling to the paper or cotton wool. Lovingly cover the seed with a little (loose) soil and add a few drops of water. Now, all you can do is wait whole the story continues below the surface. As soon as the seedling pops her head above the ground and green leaves emerge, she’ll needf light to continue growing.

germinating cannabis seeds

This is the part where most growers (especially the hasty ones) sometimes lose a seed. Remember that you are handling a baby plant here. The vulnerable root is easily damaged during the transplant. If you don’t trust your steady hands, it might be better to choose another germinating method.


How To Germinate Cannabis Seeds In Soil

Another common method of germinating cannabis seeds, and probably the most natural one, is to stick the seeds directly in their intended medium: the soil. You can do this with or without soaking it in root stimulator for a few hours first.

By planting cannabis seeds directly in their soil or coco – or whatever other medium you might be using – growers cause the minimal amount of stress for the plant. Direct planting also allows the taproot to immediately dive as deep into the ground as possible. Furthermore, its leaves can enjoy the light as soon as they emerge from the developing seed. This way the seedling can start its growth with a fair chance, providing you with a steady, high-yielding cannabis plant.

Cannabis seeds and sprouted seedlings require constant temperatures of around 20-25 degrees Celsius

For this method, simply prepare your medium by moisturizing it, again, without soaking the soil completely. Then take your flower pots and use your finger to make a small hole about 10-15mm deep in the top layer to put the seed in. Cover the seed up loosely and top it off with a little water. Be careful not to give too much at once though! A stream of water can cause the seed to travel further down the pot where it’s too moist – and too deep to travel back up again.

The top layer is the perfect place to germinate cannabis seeds, as it dries out faster than the soil further down the pot. This makes it easier to ensure the right level of moisture for the seed to germinate. If it gets too wet, the seeds will rot in the soil. If it stays too dry, the plant will not be triggered to emerge from its shell. Again, it’s all about finding the perfect balance between too wet and too dry.

How To Germinate Cannabis Seeds in Plugs

Last but not least on this list is the germination of cannabis seeds in special plugs. These plugs are available in various materials, especially designed for quick and efficient germination of cannabis seeds.

germinate cannabis seeds grow plugs
Plugs are a practical way to germinate cannabis seeds

Most plugs are dry blocks of (usually) coco fibre. Peat plugs are an interesting alternative, as these contain some initial nutrients to help the seedling along. After fully absorbing about 500ml of moisture, or 250ml of a root booster and another 250ml water, they slowly turn into a moist, soil-like plug. Grow plugs usually have a premade hole in which to place the seed. After sticking the seed in the top of the plug, cover it lightly with a little leftover plug fibre. It takes a few days at maximum before you see the first heads pop. As soon as the roots grow out of the bottom or the side of the plug, you can stick the entire plug, complete with its seedling, into your intended medium. These plugs make germination and the initial transplant a piece of cake.

Ontkiemen cannabiszaden
A fantastic view on this seedling with it’s shell sticked to her leaves

After Germination: Growing Your Seedlings

So there you have it: whichever method you chose, germination should now be underway. Remember that even the best seed banks work with organic, natural materials, so 100% germination rates can never be guaranteed. If you get your technique right, though, most or all of your seeds should germinate according to plan. Once your seeds have become seedlings, the next steps of your grow await. There’s a lot of choices to make from here to harvest time: indoor or outdoor, which spot to pick, what nutrien犀利士
ts to use, and so on. Keep an eye on our expanding grow blog collection if you want to learn more!


free cannabis seeds


amsterdam genetics seeds outdoor

Kickstart Your Outdoor Grow!

Each year, when February tips over into March, we see the first signs of spring emerging. That’s a breath of relief for us all after the grim realities of a harsh winter, but spring is especially heart-warming for cannabis growers! Now is the time to start planning new grow adventures, starting with picking the best cannabis seeds to work with. Of course, we are here to help you make the most of every last ray of sunlight once this year’s outdoor grow season kicks off!

The Outdoor Grow Season: Cannabis Gardening

No matter how fancy and high tech grow rooms or tents may be, most growers agree that nothing beats weed raised on the pure, raw power of nature itself. On top of that, cannabis as a species has evolved out in the open for millions of years. Obviously, every last shred of cannabis genetics is meant to thrive in its original habitat, which makes the case for growing weed outdoors perfectly clear. Less sun in the season? Choose an Autoflowering strain. Perfect climate? Feminized is the right choice. With prime genetics like Amsterdam Genetics cannabis seeds, anyone can prepare for a great kickoff to the outdoor grow season!


We’re all aching to catch a bit of a tan and soak up some much-needed vitamin D under the prevailing lockdown conditions. Gardening is a great way to do just that – including cannabis gardening, obviously. As the spring equinox approaches, it’s time to pick that perfect strain and start preparing to germinate and grow some plants!

When Does The Outdoor Cannabis Grow Season Start?

Several factors determine the perfect timing for the start of the outdoor grow season. Geographic location matters, as spring doesn’t bring warmth and sunlight to all regions simultaneously, or in equal measure. Still, from a global perspective, the spring equinox is an important point on any grower’s calendar. The spring equinox officially marks the first day of spring; in the Northern Hemisphere at least. Every year, around March 20, the Sun crosses the equator parallel, promising more hours of daylight and warmer weather to come. For the southern half of the planet, the March equinox hails the start of autumn, as the annual seasonal cycle proceeds in the exact opposite direction.

outdoor weed grow season spring

The Outdoor Grow Season, Step By Step

Let’s see how you can best prepare for the oncoming grow season. If you know what to do and when to do it for perfect timing, you can spend all spring and summer dreaming of that glorious harvest time as you watch your grass grow. Here’s our month-by-month guide to the ultimate outdoor grow season!

Late February Through March: Planning For Planting

Picking An Outdoor Grow Location

By late February, as the first brave snowdrops and crocuses burst from the soil, it’s time to stock up on seeds and pick the cannabis genetics that best match your taste and grow goals. This is the time for planning ahead – don’t forget that the time for planting is drawing closer every day now…

outdoor cannabis seeds grow season
It all starts with great seeds…

Try to decide on the best spot to plant or pot cannabis plants after germination. Our outdoor grow locations blog helps weigh all the relevant factors and pick the prime weed growing spot in any garden. Aim for the optimal combination of sunlight, shelter from bad weather, and a stealthy spot to avoid unwanted detection. Growers who have found found that sweet weed spot are good to go. Start by loosening up the soil and add some organic fertilizer to optimize your natural open-air grow medium. Read up on the best soil for growing weed here.

Find The Perfect Match In Outdoor Cannabis Seeds

Picking the right cannabis seeds is possibly the most important step on the road to the harvest of your dreams. There are many things to consider here. Are you looking for specific genetics, such as sativa seeds or indica-dominant strains? Are you growing for specific effects, or a favourite flavour? Perhaps you want to grow medicinal cannabis for stress relief, to combat depression, or to treat (chronic) pain issues? You’ll find all of this and more among the thirty-plus world-class strains in our online seeds catalogue.

free cannabis seeds

Growing Weed In Warmer And Cooler Areas

In the northern parts of the Northern Hemisphere, including Canada, US states up north and Northern Europe, summers tend to be rainier, cooler, and shorter than those in more southern regions. That is why southern growers can start germinating and pregrowing their seeds in March, planting them once the April sunshine comes. In northern areas, May is the best month to plant germinated seedlings outside. Growers could can decide to pregrow seedlings indoors as early as late February to give their weed a head start for when spring arrives.

outdoor grow season north south
The start of the outdoor season varies between regions.

Feminized, Autoflower, Or Regular Seeds?

Then there’s the choice between photoperiod seeds or autoflower strains that start flowering automatically. Regular seeds can grow into male or female plants, giving you extra options and flexibility, but feminized seeds maximize your grow efficiency by yielding 99% feminine plants with harvestable flower buds. That’s a lot of choices to make – better start picking the best feminized, regular, or autoflower seeds to order. Give the delivery guy or girl enough time to ship them over, because once you see the first signs of spring, April is just around the corner!

April: Germination And Pregrow Time

Come April, even northern outdoor growers can start growing seeds. As the days lengthen and the sun gains strength, this is a good moment to germinate your seeds. If you still haven’t decided, order your cannabis seeds now to make sure they arrive in time. Germination, as this blog explains, is the moment when a tiny weed seedling emerges from its protective seed shell. The first root and leaves peep out, ready for their first drink of water and touch of sunshine.

outdoor grow season
Germination: a special moment both indoors and outdoors.

Growers working in Mediterranean climates can start planting seedlings and pregrown cannabis plants outside in April. For the northern parts of the US, Canada, and Northern Europe, this is the time to start germinating the seeds you bought. Once they pop, put them in small flower pots in the window sill where they get lots of early sun. Another option is to set seedlings off in a (pregrow) tent under artificial lighting. That way, your young plants are stronger once you take them outside in May. Having a little greenhouse available makes it safer to plant outdoors in late April, but even then, the option to bring fragile sprouts back inside if a late frost spell hits is a safe bet.

May: Time To Plant Your Outdoor Cannabis Grow!

Yay – you’ve made it to May! This is when spring peaks all over the northern half of the world, ready to tip over into summer warmth. June and July are the most prolific growing months of the year, so planting young plants in May lets them make the most of the summer throughout the vegetative stage of their life cycle. By now, your pregrow should be past its infancy, with the first real branches and characteristic weed plant leaves starting to shoot upwards to the heavens. If you haven’t germinated your seeds yet, you’ll want to do so now, preferably planting them outside as soon as they pop without further delay.

Outdoor grow season garden weed seeds

Useful Tips For Your Outdoor Grow Season

If you’re not sure which seeds to pick for this year’s outdoor grow season, we have a few suggestions to help you on your way.

Outdoor Indicas & Indica Dominant Strains

Our seeds catalogue indicates the average flowering times of every strain we have. As a rule of thumb, cannabis with more indica-dominant genetics tends to flower faster. They evolved in mountainous Asian regions where they had to flower quickly before the cold weather returned. That makes them great for northern climes and their shorter summers. Added benefit: indica strains tend to grow short and bushy, making them easier to hide and manage in gardens with limited space. Pineapple Kush is a good example of a heavily indica-leaning strain, as are Strawberry Glue and our sweet-tasting Chocolato. Broadly speaking, these same considerations also apply to hybrids with dominant indica genetics.

strawberry glue indica dominant outdoor strain
Strawberry Glue is a nice indica-heavy outdoor strain.

Outdoor Sativas & Sativa Dominant Strains

Sativa genetics evolved in warmer equatorial regions, enabling them to enjoy long, hot summers and loads of sunshine. That is why sativa strains tend to have longer flowering times than indicas, making them more suited for sunny, southern areas closer to the Mediterranean, or the southern coastal areas of the US. If you are growing weed up north and you’re after typical sativa highs and their cerebral, energizing head buzz effect, try finding a strain with a nice balance of indica and sativa genetics. Cannabis seeds such as White Choco, Tangerine G13, or Choco Cheesecake are good examples. Sativa genetics tend towards tall plant growth, which can make stealthy growing tricky. On the other hand, sativa strains usually feature open, airy bud structure. That can help prevent mold damage from culprits like bud rot or mildew. Indicas tend to have more compact buds that can prove risky during the cool, damp conditions associated with harvest time up north.

white choco outdoor grow season
White Choco: legendary hybrid outdoor genetics.

Autoflowers Make The Most Of The Cannabis Grow Season

Autoflower strains are a brand apart when it comes to outdoor growing. These plants carry cannabis ruderalis genetics in the mix, which enables them to start flowering at their own preferred time rather than waiting for the days to grow shorter around midsummer. If you play your cards right, planting autoflower strains early in the season (preferably pregrown indoors for a solid start outside), you could squeeze in two or even three grows into a single cannabis grow season. Depending on your location and the weather conditions, you could take autoflower plants outside in April (if there’s no chance of late frost).

outdoor grow season autoflower
Choco Kush Autoflower in full bloom.

Pick an autoflower with a very short flowering and grow phases and you should be able to harvest in late June or July. That gives you enough time to get another grow going before it gets too cold – even if you don’t have much space. Do keep in mind, though, that the speed at which the automated beauties develop limits your options to guide them or correct your mistakes. Try to pick a robust, rugged strain with high resistance to pests and fungi. Milkshake Kush Auto and the hugely popular White Choco Autoflower strain are our prime suggestions for your automated outdoor grows. Autoflowers are usually vulnerable to overfeeding, so go easy on the nutrients and keep them close for daily inspection.

Time To Start Picking Those Seeds!

As you can see, there’s plenty to consider before getting that fresh outdoor grow season started. Whichever approach fits your location, taste, and garden options best, now is the time to start shopping for seeds that will make the most out of your grow. The better you’re prepared, the more time you’ll have to soak up that spring and summer sunshine while your crops shoot up around you…

outdoor grow season garden weed seeds
Better get that hammock ready – enjoy watching that grass grow!

You now know all you need to kickstart your outdoor grow season. Remember: summer is approaching fast… Grab those seeds and enjoy your outdoor grow season!

topping cannabis plants

Topping Cannabis Plants: Easily Increase Weed Yields

Topping cannabis plants is a well-known method used by experienced growers to increase the number of buds on one plant. It is a simple and above all cost-effective way of stimulating a higher yield with minimum investment. But what exactly is topping and how do you top a weed plant?

Topping Cannabis Plants

Topping is an old and proven technique, applied to a number of different plants. Take a boxwood for example. To ensure a full and thick boxwood hedge, this plant has to be trimmed down once or twice a year. For every branch that’s cut off, at least two new ones appear. Filling up the bush until it becomes impossible to see through it, be it for privacy or decorative reasons. These pictures below show how topping just one time can create a bushier and bigger plant!

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Obviously cannabis plants are topped with a different motive; though the technique stays unchanged. Pruning the main branch of a weed plant gives the underlying side shoots the opportunity to take over.

So one branch turns into two, giving you not one but two main colas. And instead of focusing all energy on one tall main cola, the energy is divided to the sides of the cannabis plant. Ensuring more ‘lateral’ growth, so a wider and bushier specimen. Moreover, this can be done with all branches on the cannabis plant, not only the main one.

Buy cannabis seeds
Shop your favorite Cannabis Strains here!

Why Top Weed Plants?

Pruning a weed plant’s main branch doubles the amount of growth tips it can support. Naturally, this also increases the topped plant’s yield in comparison to a cannabis plant that is not topped. And although the two new buds are smaller than the original bud could have been without topping the cannabis plant, their total weight should be higher.

cannabis plant topped weed
Two new branches fork out from where the original stem was cut.

Topping cannabis reshapes the plant in a way that greatly benefits the light distribution. Cutting away one tall branch for several new ones at the same height, ensures lowers (buds on lower branches) get more light too. Considering light equals weight when it comes to cannabis cultivation, this is definitely one of the main advantages of topping weed plants. As you might have guessed, increasing yields is the most important reason for cannabis growers to top their plants.

Another big reason to top your cannabis, is height-management. Logically, the two new branches do not grow as fast as the one would. Topping a weed plant divides the growth of one branch over multiple ones. Making the plant grow less in height, but push more energy into growing wider. This is very convenient for growers, especially for indoor grows in confined spaces. Height-management and wider development is the second biggest reason to top your cannabis plant.

When To Start Topping Cannabis Plants?

As you may have expected, you can’t randomly start chopping away at your cannabis plant to top it. It is advised to wait until it has enough side branches to form new buds. These side branches sprout from the nodes of the plant (see below). This also allows for the plant to grow mature enough to quickly recover from the stress it encounters. No matter how well-performed, topping always remains a stressful event for cannabis plants. Too much stress can turn them into hermaphrodites, or worse, ruin them completely.

nodes node internodes internode Amsterdam Genetics
The ‘nodes’ are the parts of the plant where branches emerge. The parts in between are known as ‘internodes’.

If even mature plants can turn hermaphrodites after the stress from topping. Imagine the harm it would do to a seedling with just 3 – 4 side shoots. Besides the possible stress, the (still baby) plant would need too long to recover from the operation for it to be profitable at all.

For the best results, wait until the plant is big enough to have developed a substantial root system. The bigger the roots, the less time a cannabis plant needs to recover from topping (or any other stress causing factors). So whatever you do, make sure your plant has at least developed three healthy nodes; but preferably more.

How To Top Marijuana

The main danger in topping marijuana plants is going too far. In other words: knowing how to top is knowing when to stop. To determine how far to prune a cannabis plant, it is important to know why you’re topping it. If you’re topping your weed to simply get two buds on the site where you used to have one, it’s best to leave as much from the top-growth on the plant as possible. Wait until the plant has around four nodes and cut the plant off high at the stem – to only take off the top part of the growing point. This ensures a quick recovery while doubling the growing points.

Some growers like to cut back their plant by more than one node, to create a firm base and bring down the height of the plant. This can be handy when you have only a limited space to grow in, indoors, but still want a firm stem and healthy root system before you switch to the flowering stage. This is sometimes used with mainlining, a variation of low stress training (LST) methods similar to Sea Of Green (SoG) and Screen of Green (SCRoG) techniques.

topping cannabis
Increasing yields by topping your cannabis plants!

Mainlining: Topping And Low Stress Training Combined

In mainlining, growers us topping as the starting point of low stress training (LST). First, the growth tip is cut as with regular topping. Then, once the plant has recovered from the stress, the two new shoots are bent sideways, using special benders or wire. This spreads out the canopy, providing better circulation, allowing more light to reach lower branches, and ultimately supports growth of more buds on the newly created side branches.

The Limits Of Topping Cannabis Plants

It is important to remember that the more you cut away, the longer the plant needs to recover. When applying this technique, make sure the plant is mature enough to handle the stress. There are also certain chemicals to help the plant recover faster and eliminate the chances on developing hermaphrodite cannabis plants. Ask for them in your local gardening store or grow shop.

Not all cannabis plants tolerate stress equally well. In addition, topping takes a bit of finesse – it’s something you’ll just have to learn by trial and error. Once you’ve got the hang of it, though, you’ll find it is one of the easiest ways to improve the results of your grows, whether indoors or outside. Another variation of this technique is known as FIMming. Here, the growth tip is cut in half. This creates extra stress, but it can trigger plants to grow up to four new branches instead of just two. Read all about FIMming in this dedicated grow blog.

Also interesting: ‘How To Spot: Male, Female and Hermaphrodite Cannabis Plants

cbd oatmeal

CBD Oatmeal: Cereals, Only Healthier

Oatmeal is making a comeback! This cereal champion is all the rage these days, quickly regaining its leading position as a popular breakfast staple for people of all ages. So how great would it be if you could get your daily dose of CBD along with all the good stuff of an oatmeal breakfast? Well, that’s just what we thought, and guess what? We’re making things easy for you with our CBD Oatmeal portion packs enriched with first-class cannabidiol. That way, you won’t have to worry about the right dose anymore. So what makes oatmeal so super healthy? And what can CBD add to that health boost for you? Read on to find out, because we’re spelling it out for you, along with a nice and quick Overnight CBD Oatmeal recipe to set you up!

All The Best Of Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a plant-based product loaded with rolled or ground oats. Oats are a wholesome type of cereals as they contain all the fibres, vitamins, and minerals, in contrast to processed cereal products. However, full oatmeal has another advantage over other oats. Oat fibres contain lots of beta glucans that can lower cholesterol. This beneficial effect does require at least 3 grams of beta glucans, however, which equals 75 grams of oats. Still oatmeal is packed with natural goodness even without counting the CBD!

Moreover, research shows that oats can prevent blood sugar levels from rising quickly, and slow the rate at which you digest food, improving the digestive result. On top of that, fibre is good for your bowels by contributing to wholesome bacterial cultures. And they keep you feeling full for longer, too!

cbd oatmeal cereal breakfast healthy
A very healthy start of your day!

There are signs indicating that beta glucans also have anti-inflammatory properties too, although we have to wait for further research to explore this in detail.

However, since our CBD oatmeal is already enriched with all the benefits of cannabidiol, you know you’re getting all the best of oatmeal and the best of CBD to support your health in one go!

What CBD Can Do For Your Health

When you eat CBD Oatmeal, you allow cannabidiol to help you from the inside out. CBD can help you live a healthy lifestyle in many ways. CBD works together with your own endocannabinoid system (ECS), which regulates the internal processes in your body. The ECS strives to maintain a state of homeostasis in the body: the mechanism by which the body keeps itself healthy by preserving a balance between all our vital functions.

SupMedi CBD Oatmeal can contribute to your health in many ways, with the full potential to help relieve specific symptoms. One of CBD’s many benefits is its anti-inflammatory potential. However, CBD can be an analgesic as well, helping control various kinds of (chronic) pain.

Furthermore, CBD can help reduce problems related to emotional and mental health. CBD can help reduce anxiety and depression, for instance, or improve your quality of sleep and reduce stress-related issues.

CBD Oatmeal: Deliciously Healthy!

The internet is full of recipes you can use for CBD Oats. One example is Overnight Oats: oatmeal left in the fridge overnight. If that sounds easy, it’s because it is. Just mix all the ingredients in a bowl and leave it in the refrigerator until next morning. This is a superbly easy way to start your day right with a solid, wholesome breakfast. Of course, you can also take it with you for a ready-made and healthy overnight CBD Oatmeal snack.

CBD Oatmeal Sports Shake

Another great idea is making your very own CBD sports shake. It’s child’s play, really: just make the CBD Oatmeal cording to the instructions and check whether it’s liquid enough to drink. Add milk or a vegan alternative of your choosing until your CBD shake is ready to drink (even through a straw). There you are: you’ve just made your own instant healthy refill after an intense workout at the gym – with enough CBD to ensure better muscle recovery and many other CBD exercise benefits!

cbd shake oatmeal sports
Perfect after your workout: a CBD Oatmeal Shake!

Tip: Overnight CBD Oatmeal

Mix these basic ingredients, stir them well. and cover them before leaving them in the fridge for a night:

30g CBD Oatmeal (1 bag)

150ml (skimmed) milk; or soy, almond, or oat milk

Pick your tasty extras to add a personal flavour boost:

Spicy: cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, or aniseed

Sweet: honey, cane sugar, agave syrup, or your personal favourite sweetener

Fruity: squashed banana or strawberry, or grated apple or pear

Nutty: peanut butter, nut paste, or tahini

If you like, sprinkle on one (or more!) of these toppings the next morning:

Fresh fruit

Grated coconut or CBD Chocolate

Seeds and nuts

Raisins, dates, or goji berries

cbd oatmeal
Packed with goodness…

Wake & Bake With Your CBD Oatmeal Bowl Or Shake

True cannabis connoisseurs will have noticed how CBD Oatmeal makes for the perfect Wake & Bake breakfast. Did you know that CBD can regulate the (negative) effects of a THC high? So how great is that on your easy morning off work, gobbling away at a wholesome bowl of CBD Oatmeal? That’ll have you sorted for a full day of natural chills…

Although obviously, the very best way to complete that responsible wake and bake is by brewing your own fresh cup of our gourmet CBD Coffee… Enjoy!

co2 en o2

Photosynthesis, Cannabis, And How Marijuana Grows

Looking at a cannabis plant, it all seems so simple… Give it some water and nutrients, and just watch that marijuana crop grow into a fine harvest full of big flowers buds. Inside those cannabis plants, however, there’s a lot going on to make all of that happen. In addition to water and nutrition, light is another crucial ingredient needed to make them grow. It is the key ingredient for photosynthesis, by which cannabis turns light into energy needed for growing and flowering. This blog teaches you how photosynthesis works, and how it affects the production of cannabinoids.

The Magic Of Cannabis Photosynthesis

Plants can do something that people can’t: they are able to live on light. Of course, plants also need water and nutrients to grow, but light is just as essential for the process. This light is provided by the sun, or by artificial lighting in case of growing cannabis seeds indoors. But what actually happens inside a cannabis plant when photosynthesis occurs? Here’s the lowdown:

Plants are capable of turning light into energy and nutrition by merit of their internal biochemistry. Looking at a plant of any species, the first thing to stand out is its green colour. This is an important fact in terms of photosynthesis, since the green colour of cannabis and all other plants is caused by a substance called chlorophyll. In addition to giving plants their lovely green hues, though, chlorophyll can also absorb light.

cannabis photosynthesis light

The process of photosynthesis in cannabis takes place in the leaves; specifically, in their mesophilic cells. These cells are located right underneath the surface of the leaves, allowing them to capture the maximum amount of (sun) light. Chlorophyll in leaves can absorb red and blue spectrum light, freeing it up for energy storage through a complex chemical reaction. Photosynthesis consists of two steps: the light reaction and the dark reaction.

Light Reaction:

This reaction occurs when sunlight is available during the day; or when the lights are switched on in case of indoor grow rooms. At this stage, CO2 enters the leaves through the tiny openings called stomata located on the leaf, while the roots absorb water and nutrients. The plant transports these ingredients to the cells. During the daytime (or light time, if you will), weed plants catch the light emitted by grow lights or the sun. This light energy hits the leaves in the form of photons, crashing into the chlorophyll molecules. This triggers reactions in the plant cells that eventually allow for storage of energy in ATP and NADPH molecules.

Dark Reaction:

After sunset, or after a grower turns off the lights, another process begins. The energy that was stored during the day can now be used to turn CO2 into glucose, in a process known as the Calvin cycle. This enables plants to feed off of light: glucose is a sugar used both as an energy source and for building larger carbohydrate molecules.

How Much Light Does Cannabis Need For Photosynthesis?

When growing cannabis seeds, there are major differences between indoor and outdoor grows. Outside, cannabis plants get natural sunlight by following the seasonal rhythms. They grow and flower in accordance with a life cycle dictated by the hours of sunlight they can catch. Indoor growers can adjust the amount of light received by their plants. In the vegetative stage, indoor growers usually give 18 hours of light a day; sometimes even 24 hours. The flowering stage is usually marked by 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark. Plants grown outdoors start to flower after the summer solstice, as the days grow shorter and the plant responds by producing flowers.

The big exception to this rule are autoflowers. Autoflower marijuana seeds contain cannabis ruderalis genetics, allowing them to decide for themselves when it is time to flower.

fotosynthesis cannabis cannabis seeds

Photosynthesis And Cannabinoid Production

With light being such a dominant influence on the growth and flowering of cannabis plants, you might expect photosynthesis to be a determining factor in cannabinoid production. So is that true? Can faster photosynthesis give a plant more energy to produce more cannabinoids? This is not an extensively studied topic. However, one study by Canadian Guelph University’s School of Environmental Sciences seems to indicate that lighting type and intensity can alter photosynthesis speeds. Still, this has not been clearly demonstrated to affect the quality or quantity of cannabinoids produced by the plant.

Whether cannabis seeds are grown outdoors or in, light is a vital resource for marijuana plants. Out in the open air, they get to enjoy the sunlight all day long, whereas inside, growers need to use artificial lighting. These will make cannabis crops thrive just the same, however. Did you know that certain grow techniques can help your plants make the most of all available light? You can read all about in in our Grow Blogs, such as the ones on Low Stress Training, or on trimming and defoliation.


thc effects

THC Effects On The Cannabis High

It’s just another one of life’s fascinating mysteries: the myriad effects of certain plant-based compounds like THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), capable of causing a high in humans (and other animals). Despite the sense of wonder, we do have some idea of what happens in the brain and beyond when we get high or stoned. THC interacts with certain receptors throughout the body, influencing processes ranging from emotion to pain perception. Even if you’ve never been high, and have no interest in getting high, you may still wonder what it might feel like. In this blog, we give you a glimpse of what being high means, and what effects THC has on a cannabis high.

THC And Brain Biology

Our brains consist of nerve cells (neurons) that convey information to one another, as well as to certain muscular and glandular cells. Recent studies point out that humans have over 86 billion neurons each! Brain cells communicate by means of neurotransmitters produced by the brain. Neurotransmitters convey messages by connecting with molecules called endocannabinoid receptors. Our body generates its own endocannabinoids whenever our internal balance is disrupted. This natural state of equilibrium between all the various processes of the body is called homeostasis. Our balance can get disrupted by external factors like cold or heat as well as by internal ones like stress, inflammation, pain, or fear. When that happens, our endocannabinoids contact our endocannabinoid receptors to try and restore the balance. We call this interaction between receptors and endocannabinoids the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Intriguingly, these endocannabinoids are highly similar to another type of cannabinoids, which are produced by the cannabis plant.

THC is a plant-based cannabinoid: a phytocannabinoid. Our body respond to these in the same way it would to endocannabinoids. In other words, the body regards THC (and other cannabinoids in cannabis) as its own. That means THC from weed plants can also bind to ECS receptors. Two such receptors exist:

  • CB1 receptors mainly located in the brain and peripheral nerve system;
  • CB2 receptors situated in the immune system and surrounding tissues all throughout the body.

thc high effects marijuana seeds

When using cannabis, the (phyto-) cannabinoids connect with these two types of receptors. This is why THC can have all sorts of effects on us, as can other cannabinoids including CBD, CBN, CBG, and THCV. The anti-inflammatory effect of cannabis, for instance, is due to CB2 receptor connections. The effects of THC on the cannabis high stem from the substance’s similarity to the neurotransmitter anandamide. This is one of the reasons why cannabis can cause feelings of euphoria, just like anandamide can.

THC Effects On The Brain

Cannabis contains a variety of cannabinoids, but THC produces many of the special psychoactive effects of a high through the ECS. Other cannabinoids as well as vegetal flavonoids and terpenes all add their own twist to the experience through the entourage effect. That makes every high unique, depending on the composition of a cannabis strain and the consumer’s personality traits. CBD can influence a THC high in its own particular way, for instance. The specific effect depends on which CB receptors are activated in the brain; particularly by THC. Someone using cannabis can experience this both mentally and physically.

CB1 receptors are spread all over the brain and the wider nervous system. The effects of THC vary according to the exact location of receptors.

thc effects brain
How THC Works In The Brain
  1. Neocortex: The neocortex is involved in complex thought, feelings, and movement. The impact of THC on this part of the brain alters the way we think, judge, and feel;
  2. Basal ganglia: This part of the brain helps plan your actions and initiate motion. THC can delay response times here;
  3. Nucleus accumbens: This brain structure controls motivation and rewards. Here, THC causes the sense of euphoria many people seek in cannabis;
  4. Hypothalamus: Controls appetite and libido. THC binding to local receptors can increase cravings for food and sex;
  5. Amygdala: this part of the brain governs emotions like anxiety and avoidance of pain. Here, THC can cause paranoia and anxiety;
  6. Hippocampus: This bran structure processes and stores new information. The hippocampus governs learning. One of THC’s effects here is reduced effectiveness of short term memory;
  7. Brain stem: The brain stem relays messages between the brain and the spinal cord. THC binding to these receptors can reduce feelings of nausea;
  8. Cerebellum (hind brain): Coordinates physical balance and movement. The effect of THC on the receptors of this area can reduce motion control;
  9. Spinal cord: The spinal cord relays messages from the brain to the rest of the body. When THC connects to the receptors located here, it can change perception and sensitivity to pain.

The Effects Of THC On Being High

The experience of a cannabis high is personal and subjective. Every particular weed strain affects everyone differently at different moments in time. The effects of THC depend heavily on the sensitivity of your own ECS, the method of using cannabis (smoking, vaping, or edibles), dosage, and prior experience or expectations. Furthermore, cannabinoids are biphasic, meaning that they have only a small window of positive effects. Use too little and you won’t notice any effect. Taking too much, however, risks overburdening your ECS. That can make you feel nauseous, dizzy, or paranoid, for example. This is why it is wise to know your ideal personal dose – if you want to try it in the first place, that is.

THC Effects At The Right Dose And Mood

Once you find that personal dose, though, cannabis can have a positive effect on your mood. Experiences range from feeling at ease and relaxed to an overwhelming sense of euphoria and joy. Do remember that any cannabis THC high is subjective: you can’t really predict how you will respond personally. As mentioned, your basic mood and the configuration of your ECS are key factors here. That’s why we recommend not trying cannabis when you are in a low, sad, or unstable mood, even though people report positive effects of cannabis on depression and anxiety, for instance.

cannabis stoned high thc effects

Every Strain Has Different Effects

The composition of specific weed strains codetermine your experience of the high. The (crude) distinction between indica and sativa cannabis strains can be a useful to know, for instance. Compounds like CBD and terpenes also strongly affect a high and any underlying emotions.

THC can make you feel uplifted, but it can also stimulate your creativity, making you feel like painting, writing, or making music. You could also feel the urge to engage in deep conversations on the meaning of life. And we’re not even mentioning all the reasons for using or growing medicinal weed… Still, this doesn’t mean everybody ought to try weed for themselves: ultimately, the choice is yours alone!

Handling The Effects Of THC Responsibly

No matter how interesting the effects of a THC high may sound, you always stay in control over what you will and will not do. Never let others talk you into using cannabis, and always be honest about it to yourself and people around you. There’s much more to tell about responsible use of cannabis, be we will have to return to that in other blogs. At least now you know more about the effects of THC on your brain, your feelings, your perception, and everything associated with these.

You can read more about the specific effects of cannabis strains in the description of our marijuana seeds in the web store.



CBN In Cannabis: What Is Cannabinol?

Cannabis is an incredibly complex species; one could spend a lifetime studying the effects, uses, and cultural impact of this special plant. Marijuana contains more than its fair share of extraordinary compounds, boasting a bewildering array of potent ingredients that includes cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and more. Each of these substances has its own special properties, and we zoom in on one of them here: CBN. Although CBN only occurs in small quantities in cannabis plants, this cannabinoid brings a unique set of benefits, both for recreational and for medicinal use.

Cannabinol Characteristics

When it comes to cannabinoids, CBN (cannabinol) is a bit of an odd one out. You’ll only find it in well-matured plants, after THC has oxidized to form CBN. CBN is present in younger plants, but concentrations are exceedingly low there.

CBN is mildly psychoactive, and it appears capable of triggering modest euphoria. Still, your chances of getting high from CBN are slim at best. Its most probable noticeable effect is the intensification of THC’s euphoric high.

In contrast to THC, CBN has no direct influence on the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Scientists suspect that CBD may be capable of toning down the effectiveness of marijuana. Although the characteristics of CBN are still largely unclear, lacking the extent of research enjoyed by CBD or THC, it does appear to confer several potential health benefits.

cannabis cbn

The Benefits Of CBN In Cannabis

Research indicates that CBN has powerful therapeutic potential, just like CBD, CBG, THCV, and other cannabinoids.

Soothing, Sedative Effect

Of all the compounds found in cannabis, CBD has the strongest sedative properties. This explains its use against insomnia, particularly when combined with delta-9-THC and CBD. A 1995 study on insomnia in mice proved CBN’s effectiveness in this respect.

This cannabinoid helps people fall asleep sooner as well as promoting continued sleep throughout the night. As an important benefit, consumers will wake up clear-headed afterwards. By contrast, regular sleep medication usually causes drowsiness that many people experience as an undesirable side-effect. Scientists involved in these studies indicate that CBN is probably most effective when combined with other cannabinoids and terpenes in cannabis, due to the entourage effect. Strains containing high levels of THC and myrcene appear particularly promising in treating sleeplessness issues. Of course, combinations that include THC are not an ideal solution for everyone, but full spectrum CBD supplements containing CBN can be a good non-psychoactive alternative.

The sedative properties of cannabinol appear even stronger than those of traditional tranquillizers such as Valium. Some people have claimed that the soothing effect produced by CBD can feel similar to a 10mg dose of diazepam.

cbd cbg cbn cannabis oil full spectrum
Full Spectrum CBD and CBG Oil with CBN.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Like several other cannabinoids, CBN has potential as an anti-inflammatory agent. Inflammation can arise after injuries, but they can also be caused by chronic conditions like rheumatoid arthrosis, asthma, or eczema. CBN does not interact with the receptors of the ECS; instead, it regulates endocannabinoid levels produced by the system. Moreover, CBD directs certain immune cells to act against inflammation. It can also impair certain substances that cause inflammation if left unchecked.

CBN In Cannabis To Treat Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a condition that causes skin inflammation associated with red, flaky spots. Initial study results indicate that CBD can curb excessive growth of keratinocyte skin cells. These cells are hyperactive in case of psoriasis, which causes the chafed, flaky skin symptoms. That marks CBN as a potential treatment for this highly common skin disease.

CBN Has Antibacterial Properties

Several studies have been conducted in an attempt to map the effectiveness of cannabinoids against certain bacteria; particularly of the MRSA variant. This type of bacteria is increasingly problematic in hospital settings: they can cause deadly infections that resist treatment with existing antibiotics. The resistance of these bacteria is caused by the constant, widespread use of antibiotics. Studies demonstrate that CBD is highly effective against bacteria, including high risk ‘superbugs’ such as MRSA.

cbn cannabinoid marijuana weed

Chronic Pain Treatment

Weed is often used to treat chronic pain. CBN could add a new dimension to this tried use of marijuana compounds. Cannabinol appears to promote production of peptides in nerve cells that can reduce sensitivity to pain. New studies indicate that these analgesic effects occur without involvement of the CB1 or CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoid system. Further research will have to identify how this effect occurs.

The Possibilities Of Cannabis With CBN

As we have seen, CBN shows potential for use with pain, insomnia, inflammation, and infection. Further benefits of CBN include potential as an appetite stimulant, possible protection against epileptic seizures, and vasodilatory properties. This means CBD could help lower blood pressure. All things considered, there appears plenty of reason to keep a close eye on this cannabinoid, no matter how hard it is to isolate cannabinol in large amounts.

cannabis cbn

Most cannabis strains contain CBN, and even though percentages are usually much lower than those of, say, CBD, we always stand to profit from its presence at least in theory. Growers can of course try to increase CBN percentages in their own harvests. That will take quite some time, however: wrapping fresh buds in plastic and storing them in a dry place for about three years is the customary advice. After that, a plant that originally contained about 20% THC should hold between 3 and 5% CBN. We’ll leave it up to you to decide whether that is worth the wait.

At any rate, our Full Spectrum CBD and CBG Oil contain small amounts of cannabinol for anyone intent on finding CBN. In our online seeds catalogue, you can find strains averaging about 1% CBN content like Dutch Duchess and Grapefruit Superstar. After a 9 to 10-week flowering time, they will yield flower buds containing THC, CBN, and a whole host of other valuable cannabis compounds for any grower to enjoy.


duurzaam cannabis growen

Organic Nutrients For Cannabis Growers

Generally speaking, cannabis plants have a natural tendency to thrive as long as they get enough light and water. Still, growers can lend a natural hand by providing organic nutrients. These will promote their development, helps protect against pests and disease, and encourage more big flowering buds. The better cannabis seeds grow, the more joy they provide in the end! Best of all, though, is the fact that all this natural growth and flower power can be unleashed without chemical assistance, using only organic means. This blog explains how any grower can use organic products to create their own additional nutrients, for all-natural marijuana harvests without a single unnecessary addition.

Organic Nutrients For Cannabis Plants

Let’s be frank here: growing cannabis isn’t hard. A bit of fresh air, some light, and a regular splash of water go a long way towards everything a marijuana plant needs. It helps to pay extra attention to the type of soil a plant grows on, and to check the pH value. Growers who want to treat cannabis plants right and make sure they get all they need should consider feeding them the right mix of nutrients. Then there’s the option of keeping it nice and eco-friendly, however, and actually, growing organic weed isn’t difficult at all. Growers who want to keep things perfectly natural can make it from germination to harvest using only nutrients of certified organic origin.

This type of nutrition gives a plant added minerals, amino acids, and enzymes. These can help boost a plant’s resistance to pests and fungi, as well as increasing resilience for repotting, training interventions, and transplanting, but it also helps them grow bigger and stronger. We want to stress, though, that growing organic cannabis is by no means mandatory: any grower if free to make things as easy or as complicated as they want.

organic cannabis nutrients
Amsterdam Genetics seeds: full of organic goodness by default!

Bio For Outdoor, Or For Indoor As Well?

Most growers think that organic cannabis nutrients only work for outdoor marijuana grows. This is not true, even though it’s usually easier to manage outdoors. Still growers working in tents or other interior spaces can try to work as organically as possible, too. Sure, artificial lighting and mechanical ventilation are hardly natural, but even partially organic nutrients will make any grow more bio to some extent.

Watering Cannabis With Organic Nutrients

Below, you’ll find some elegant, simple ways to add your own organic cannabis nutrients to your water supply. Growers without the for doing so, or who like to keep things simple, can fast forward to the section on our Biotabs nutes below.

Aloe Vera

Small doses of aloe vera can be added to any water supply a weed plant receives, including water containing the extra nutes mentioned below. Aloe vera has long been recognised for its beneficial properties for humans, other animals, and plants alike. This useful plant contains a wealth of micronutrients, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.

aloe vera organic cannabis nutrients
Aloe vera is healthy for more than just us humans.

For marijuana grows, aloe vera is particularly useful during germination and for root system development. It can also help reduce the shock of transplanting while stimulating the immune system. That will bolster a plant’s defences against disease, drought, and stress.

Use freeze-dried aloe vera powder to mix 1/8 tablespoon and 3.5 litres of water. This mix is suitable for regular watering or as a leaf spray.


Silica can help plants grow stronger, and there are other benefits to using organic silica for cannabis nutrients:

  • Helps build stronger cell membranes, allowing weed plants to grow taller;
  • Plants grow more resilient to external influences such as heat, cold, and drought;
  • Increased resistance to germs and fungal infections;
  • Silica helps plant form a protective layer on leaves against insects and mites;
  • Promotes metabolism, ramping up chlorophyll production for lush, healthy leaves.

Add ½ tablespoon of organic silica to 3.5 litres of water (follow product instructions).


Mulch helps keep the top soil layer healthy. It forms a thick layer (about 5cm) that helps retain moisture in the soil. As an added bonus, the mulch layer slowly decays, providing extra organic nutrients to a cannabis grow. Anyone can make their own brand of mulch using common ingredients like dandelion leaves, yarrow, or comfrey, although weed leaf trimmings or finely chopped pruning leftovers will do fine as well. Mulch is available in regular gardening centres too, although it’s wise to keep an eye on pH levels acceptable to cannabis plants.

organic cannabis mulch soil
Good organic mulch.

Using Meal For Organic Cannabis Nutrients

Certain kinds of meal can provide additional organic nutrients for (cannabis) plants, too. Kelp meal and alfalfa meal are good examples. Ground kelp contains over 70 different vitamins and minerals that promote plant health and increases resistance to stress and disease. Alfalfa contains high concentrations nitrogen and has great nutritional value (containing phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, and more). It also provides triacontanol, a natural growth hormone that promotes root development.

This meal is only used sporadically; once a month is enough. The meal is most readily absorbed if it is just strewn over the mulch layer or soil. After that, watering will do the rest, because that will gradually dissolve the nutrients into the substrate. Young plants need less meal than mature specimens.

Spraying Organic Nutrients On Cannabis Leaves

Another way of giving extra nutes to marijuana plants is by spraying them onto the leaves. This enables quick absorption as well as giving added protection against disease and pests.

grow bio weed

Kelp Spray

This spray is made by making tea out of kelp leaves. Place two teaspoons of kelp meal in a tea ball (or use special filters instead). Place this in 3.5 litres of water and leave it to soak for 24 hours before filling a regular plant sprayer with the resulting mix.

Aloe Vera And Silica Sprays

Spraying aloe vera onto cannabis plant leaves adds additional organic nutrients. Adding silica grants further protection against pests. The above approach for silica to watering cans also works for sprays.

This plant-based suspension must be applied evenly on all leaves until they drip with moisture. Outside, these organic cannabis nutrients should be sprayed either early in the morning or after sunset. Always remember to only spray the leaves; skip the flower buds! These should never get too damp, because that leads to fungal issues like bud rot. It’s best to only use these sprays during the growth stage, before the plants start flowering.

Keep an eye on your personal health and safety, too: even sprays made of organic, natural ingredients aren’t necessarily safe to breathe in.

Ordering Ready Made Organic Cannabis Nutrients Online

As wonderful as homemade organic nutrients are, they do take time to make, store, and use in the right way. Fortunately, natural cannabis growers with busy schedules can rely on some great alternative ready-made organic nutrients. Our best tip is the Biotabs product range, which allow even beginner growers to get great results with minimal effort.

bio tabs organic fertilizer

The Amsterdam Genetics Web Store makes it very easy for any grower to add some BioTabs products when they order cannabis seeds. Our grow accessories range includes the following BioTabs products for fully balanced organic cannabis nutrients:

Biotabs Organic Fertilizer Tablets

These handy tablets provide any indoor and outdoor grower with a one-stop solution. Biotabs gradually release a wide range of organic cannabis nutrients into the soil, resulting in a slow-release process that can last up to eight weeks.

BoomBoom Spray

The BoomBoom Spray rescue booster was specifically developed as a rapid-effect organic leaf spray. Spray the solution onto the leaves for more growth, better nute absorption, and a natural buffer against stress. Also available in convenient BoomBoom Spray sachets with soluble powder.

Bio PK

Bio PK contains a full mixture of organic nutrients to give any cannabis grow the right N/P/K mix from square one. This will encourage root development, growth, and flowering to full natural effect while buds get more fragrant, right down to the last week of the flowering stage!

Fertilizer Starter Pack

The BioTabs Fertilizer Starter Pack contains everything a grower needs when it comes to organic cannabis nutrients and more. Micotrex, Bactrex, and Orgatrex will have any weed grow sorted from germination to final flowering; especially by adding the extra BioTabs that complete this great package deal. Highly recommended!

organic cannabis nutrition
The glory of bio…

Organic Cannabis Nutrients: Naturally Easy

As you can see, anyone who likes to keep things natural has plenty of options to try when it comes to growing marijuana. Our grow blogs contain enough useful tips and tricks to start out with organic cannabis nutrients, but there’s so much more to explore! The whole internet is bursting with fascinating techniques and golden tips for bio growers. Always remember that organic nutrients for tomatoes or roses often work equally well for cannabis. That means it really pays off to check a few gardening and vegetable plot websites – or just pick up a good old-fashioned book…

In the meantime, however, be sure to keep following the Amsterdam Genetics blogs and subscribe to our newsletter – you’ll get a 20% discount on your next seeds purchase as a bonus. It’s the easiest way to stay up to date on all the best genetics from our cannabis capital, as well as the best info that allows any grower to make the most out of all that glorious organic potential!