Category Archives: Strains

Have a look at some of the best cannabis strains Amsterdam has to offer.

cannabis geheugen

Cannabis And Paranoia

When you are high or stoned, your brain works differently. This can be a good thing, for people who use cannabis to counter stress or to cope with negative thoughts. For others, cannabis can cause and trigger paranoia. This can be a very unpleasant side effect and for a lot of people, it’s a reason to quit cannabis or not to use it at all. One of the possible causes are high THC percentages, combined with very low CBD and/or CBG percentages. In this blog, we’ll explain how cannabis can cause paranoia and how you can prevent it from happening during your next sesh.

Cannabis Paranoia: What Is It? 

When someone is paranoid, they are convinced that others are against them. They become suspicious and look for reason behind everything. Some might think they are being followed or that there’s a big conspiracy going on. A person that’s paranoid, will always think someone or something is trying to bring them down. The most normal and harmless comments can suddenly be interpreted as an attack or a clue that suggests someone is trying to swindle them. 

Paranoia is not the same as anxiety. There are some similarities, but it’s important to explain the difference. Anxiety or ‘angst’ is a normal emotion, especially when someone has experienced something that was frighting or drastic. Anxiety can make people feel worried about what people think of them. This will likely make them even more stressed or fidgety. The main difference here is that someone who’s feeling anxious might doubt, stress, and feel insecure about what people think about them. When you are paranoid, you are not in doubt, but completely convinced by your own irrational thoughts. Paranoia can be seen as the extreme version of anxiety. 

paranoia cannabis

This is the case for paranoia in general, as a personality disorder. It also applies to paranoia that’s triggered by the consumption of cannabis. In this instance someone is usually not paranoid, but feels this way throughout their high. The paranoid thoughts will fade away as the high fades. When someone experiences paranoia from cannabis, it’s usually not a pleasant or happy time. They feel suspicious, anxious and stressed. Some people never experience these kind side effects, others can’t avoid them. How does this work and how can you prevent paranoia from taking over your high?  

Cannabis And The Brain: Why Does Paranoia Occur?

When consuming cannabis, the active components enter your bloodstream. Cannabis is rich in a variety of cannabinoids, like THC and CBD. As most of you will know, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the psychoactive substance and CBD (cannabidiol) has a calming non-psychoactive properties. When it comes to paranoia, THC is the most important component. 

When trying to understand where paranoia comes from, it’s good to understand a little about the endocannabinoid system in your body. This system in responsible for a lot of different functions throughout the human, and a lot of animal’s, bodies. It makes sure that endocannabinoids, produced by the body, can transfer information to cells. The ECS is in the nervous system, the immune system, the brains, and many organs. Paranoia is caused by the connection that THC can make within the brain, in particular, the neurons of the amygdala. 

cbd cannabis
Read our blog about the endocannabinoid system here!

Cannabis And The Amygdala

One of the taks of the amygdala is to experience, process, and direct emotions, mostly anxiety and stress. Endocannabinoids are involved in this too. They are produced by your body to regulate certain emotions, like anxiety. These endocannabinoids are broken down by enzymes once they’ve done their job. Vegetal cannabinoids like CBD and THC can cooperate with the ECS in the same way. What stands out, is that these cannabinoids are not broken down by the designated enzymes. THC and CBD can stay connected with the ECS, much longer than is needed. This can be the reason why some people experience paranoia after consuming cannabis. 

Above all, THC connects with the GABA receptors in the brain. This causes the brain to stop releasing dopamine. This leads to an amplification of the dopamine levels which causes a euphoric feeling. When consuming cannabis for a longer period of time, the area in the brain that’s responsible for dopamine levels becomes overstimulated. This results in lower dopamine levels, which can result in social anxiety, which can lead to paranoia.

How To Prevent Cannabis Paranoia

Paranoia from cannabis has two sides: cannabis can also be used to battle anxiety. Research shows that THC has anti-anxiety properties within the amygdala. It can even be used in therapy against PTSS. For some people however, cannabis can trigger anxiety and paranoia. Luckily, there are multiple ways to prevent cannabis paranoia. 

Firstly, choose the strain you’re consuming wisely. The more THC that’s consumed, the more likely someone is to experience paranoia or other unwanted side effects. A strong strains or even concentrates can make dosing a lot harder. Apart from this, the ratio of CBD:THC can also be of influence. Not much research has been done on this front, but from experiences and some small researches, it looks like strains with more balanced CBD:THC rations can drastically decrease the psychoactive effects, therefore minimizing the chance of feeling paranoia. CBD:THC balanced strains are becoming more popular in the legal states of the US too. CBD can ‘mute’ the psychoactive effects of THC to give a more calm, relaxing, and body high. 

Another import factor you should weigh in: your own mood. If you are sensitive for anxiety or even paranoia, cannabis can amplify these feelings, especially when using cannabis for the first time. If you are diagnosed with paranoia, we recommend talking to your doctor first, cannabis might not be the ideal flower for you. 

As discussed before, CBD can also minimise the chance of feeling paranoia or anxious. Using CBD Oil might be a useful and natural solutions to combat paranoia, because it defuses the functioning of the CB1 an CB2 receptors. THC, on the other hand, activates these receptors. You could choose to consume a more balanced THC:CBD strain, or mix a THC-dominant strains with a CBD-dominant strain like Blue Monkey CBD. This way, you can enjoy the psychoactive and relaxing effects from THC, while minimizing the chance that you get paranoid.

Probeer bijvoorbeeld onze Blue Monkey CBD!

What To Do When You’re Feeling Paranoid?

What if you used cannabis and you start to feel paranoid? First of all: ask help from a friend or someone you trust. Your brain is not thinking rationally, let them explain that to you! Also, don’t forget to remind yourself that the high is temporary, and so is the anxiety. Make sure to head to a ‘safe space’, put on some relaxing music and try to chill out. If you know cannabis can cause paranoia for you personally, make sure pick strains you’ve had comfortable experiences with, and keep some CBD Oil within your reach. This can help you with calming down whenever the high is a little too much. 

cannabis nutrition

Cannabis Nutrition For All Grow Stages

Growers come in all shapes and sizes and the same is true for cannabis nutrition. Whether you choose to minimize intervention and let the plants grow on their own, or go for a well thought-out strategy using specialized fertilizers and boosters, there are many great products out there, suitable for every phase in the life of your cannabis plant. We’ll give you a quick review of all these options, so, when growing weed, you can decide for yourself what your ladies are needing.

For Every Phase The Best Cannabis Nutrition?

Every cannabis plant needs nutrition to grow, to bloom and to develop their full potential. Water and (sun)light are crucial for photosynthesis, but without the proper nutrients the grow just won’t make it to harvest time. Some growers swear by a laissez-fair approach and use a mixture of compost, garden soil and other types of soil for their outdoor grow. This way Mother Nature will ensure a natural and rich soil life outdoors. A strong plant can come a long way with this, but there are many more options to use the right cannabis nutrition and take your grow to new heights!

organic cannabis fertilizers
Read this blog about the organic nutrition from BioTabs.

Many growers have their own habits and use regular nutrition for their plants, but wouldn’t it make more sense to choose the right nutrients for every different stage of the grow? Let’s take a look to the possibilities, so you can decide for yourself which choice fits you the best!

Does Germinating Cannabis Need Nutrients?

The cannabis seed provides everything that’s needed for the first step in the life cycle of the plant: germination. So, while it’s theoretically true you don’t need to add anything more that water and kitchen paper, there are some ways to support or speed up the process.

germinating cannabis seedRead our blog about the germination process of cannabis seeds!

If you use a germination accelerator or seedbooster, some special enzymes and other substances enhance the germination rate and help to accelerate the germination process. This way you can give your super seeds the perfect start they deserve. The first phase of your seedling is more likely to be successful in sprouting a strong root and to get a green start while the first cotyledons reach towards the light!

You can buy this kind of cannabis nutrients – that boost the germination process – in a formula that provides everything a young plant could ever wish for. There are also special germination boosters that need to be mixed with the water you use for the germination process of your seeds.

The Best Cannabis Nutrients Per Growing Phase

Once the seeds have germinated and the seedlings are starting to grow, the growth stage has arrived. We also call this phase the vegetative (‘veg) stage. During this time, the plant needs very specific nutrition because of the explosive growth and the leaves and roots start to grow. You can compare this phase with a teenager eating everything that’s in the fridge. You don’t really want to feed the kid fast food, the thing it needs is healthy food and vitamins.

cannabis nutrition npk

There are some essential ‘meta nutes’ the plant needs during the vegetative stage: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (‘N-P-K’). The one that’s especially important is nitrogen (N), the plant needs this for the chlorophyll in the chloroplasts. Phosphorus is also a very critical substance though. Besides this, calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) are useful booster nutes that you can add to the right cannabis nutrients to support the growth.

You can find many products of different brands that offer reliable cannabis nutrition for the growth stage, so it’s important to look around for yourself. Add a drop to the water that you feed your plants and you are ensured of the right dose of organic booster nutrients. Another great example of specific cannabis nutrition to support the growth are biocatalysts. These substances release extra nutrients and protect the plant from diseases, just like a rich soil life would do this in a natural environment.

cannabis bodemleven mycorrhyza

During this phase it’s also important to think about controlling the acids or add a root stimulator, which improves the nutrient absorption of the root. There are many products who can help you achieve this.

Important Nutrients During The Flowering Stage

During the flowering stage, the cannabis plant changes its strategy: the goal now is not to grow and increase leaf surface. From now on every drop of energy goes to the flower buds: exactly the stuff that makes a grower very happy after harvesting! The buds of a weed plant need other nutrients though. During the flowering phase the plant needs less nitrogen, but the demand for phosphorus and potassium is growing. This way your buds can’t just get bigger and more compact, the flowers will also start to shimmer from all the trichomes filled with THC and aromatic terpenes for maximal effect and a great taste.


Many different blooming enhancers can help you out here, like a completely organic PK booster. Of course you can also try to use your own homemade recipes or regular products from the garden centre around the corner: you wouldn’t be the first to try these! However, it’s good to know that there plenty of specialist cannabis nutrition products to support every stage of the cannabis plant, whether she grows inside or outside!

Flushing Before Harvest

All these extra nutrients can really boost your cannabis grow, result in strong plants and a big harvest. Even though your plant needed this nutrition until this point, it´s important you make sure there won’t be too many nutrients left – especially in the buds – when you start harvesting. You can do this by flushing your grow when the blooming stage comes to an end.

Just feed the plants water, without any additions or nutrients, so your plant gets detoxed and all the excess substances flush away. Even if you only gave your plant 100% organic nutrition, it can help you to end up with a clean batch and nicely cured buds at the end of the grow.

water nutrients cannabis

Organic Cannabis Nutrition For Every Stage

You probably have noticed that every stage of the plant’s life cycle requires the appropriate nutrition. Still, it’s up to the grower himself to make decisions about what to feed your plants: in the end this is the charm of your own grow, indoors or outdoors. Whatever you want, the possibilities to only use organic nutrients are endless and many growers are taking this path very deliberately.

In the end it all comes down to this: so many growers, so many wishes. Every grower has its own desires when it comes to growing cannabis. That’s why it’s great to see there is an abundance of nutrition products to choose from. Whether you like to raise your plants with homemade nettle tea, your own secret compost mixture or you order a big box with pots, drops and tablets, it’s all up to you. Besides the nutrients you use, we probably don’t need to remind you that even a truckload of pills won’t get you a great result if you don’t start the grow with the best cannabis genetics!

Keep in mind the there are many ways to parent your beloved cannabis seeds, whether you go for fully organic indoor, completely natural outdoor or ultramodern hydro!

fast growing cannabis seeds

How To Grow Cannabis Faster

There are many different kinds of growers. Some enjoy the slow, long lasting proces that the plants go through and just love the gardening. This has resulted in some awesome bonsai projects, where growers form and train their cannabis plants to create the most amazing structures. Some, however, don’t care so much about the proces, and are more result-oriented. They just want big buds in the shortest time possible. This could be because growing cannabis is still illegal in most countries, or they might grow commercially in countries where growing in cannabis is already legalized. Luckily, growing cannabis quickly is not so difficult! We’ll explain how to grow cannabis faster in this blog. 

It All Starts With Genetics

Some genetics need a longer flowering phase faster than others. Indica-dominant genetics, for example, flower for about 45-60 days on average. Sativa-dominant genetics can flower for 60-90 days! This makes a big difference, considering the total flowering time could differ up to 45 days. Sativa-dominant strains grow taller and bigger buds, but not as dense as most indica-dominant strains. Although sativa-dominant strains grow bigger and taller buds, the yield are usually comparable, since the buds are not that dense. For people who want to grow cannabis faster, strong indica-dominant strains are a good option. 

cannabis seeds
Shop high quality cannabis seeds at Amsterdam Genetics!


With a total lifespan of 10-17 weeks, even indica-dominant strains require some patience. If you are a die-hard sativa fan, but still want to grow faster: autoflower strains might be the perfect solution. These plants start flowering when they reach a certain size, and are not dependent on a change of light hours. They usually start pre-flowering after 2-5 weeks of vegetative growth. Some very fast autoflowers can even be harvested within 10 weeks. Beside all this, since autoflowers are not dependent on the change of light hours, growers can keep their lights on a 18/6, 20/4, or even a 22/2 light schedule throughout the complete grow. This has a huge impact on the pace of the grow. 

outdoor grow season autoflower
This Choco Kush Autoflower Strain might be the perfect option for you!

Indoors Or Outdoors? 

The ever-lasting debate among growers: is growing indoors is better than outdoors? When growing indoors, you will have much more control on your grow and the different phases a cannabis plant goes trough. You can easily change the lights, temperatures and humidity. With the right knowledge, it is definitely possible to accelerate the growth of your outdoor cannabis plants. Read on to find out more about this!

Changing The Light Schedule Indoors

Photoperiod plants start flowering as soon as the hours of light decline, this tells the plant that summer is ending, which triggers to plant to start flowering. This can easily be done indoors, by changing the light schedule from 18/6, 20/4, or even 22/2 to 12/12. This gives a lot of freedom: you could choose to keep your plants in the vegetative phase for just a few weeks, or for a very long time. This will result in bigger plants with higher yields. The SOG method is a technique that profits from this. With this technique, many individual plants are grown on a relatively small surface. Each individual plant will grow for just a few weeks before initiating the flowering phase. This is one of the popular methods to grow cannabis plants faster. Read more about this method in our blog:

sea of green cannabis weed
Learn all about the SOG method here!

Another option, is to keep the lights on for 24 hours a day during the vegetative phase. This will make your plants grow way faster, as they are forced to constantly keep growing. This means you can initiate the flowering phase sooner. Be aware that a 24/0 light schedule can induce stress. Cannabis plants naturally need sleep, just like all living organisms!

The Right Nutrition Indoors 

Cannabis plants require different kinds of nutrition during the different growth phases. During the vegetative phase, it’s import to feed them nutrition with enough nitrogen. Nitrogen induces the production of chlorofyl, which is key to converting energy (light) to sugars, and helps the plants grow faster. Plants need nitrogen during the flowering phase too, but way less than during the vegetative phase. Be sure not to overfeed your plants with nitrogen, this can weaken the stems of your plants and gives the flowers a weird taste. Overall, bad nutrition will slow down the growth of your cannabis plants, good nutrition will help you grow your cannabis faster.

During the flowering phase, cannabis plants mainly need phosphorus and potassium. Phosphorus helps with releasing nutrition for the plant, so the plant can absorb other nutrients efficiently. Potassium helps with many things, such as strong stems, the production of ATP for energy storage, a strong immune system, and sturdy buds. If you want to learn more about nutrition for cannabis plants, check out our blog that discusses this subject thoroughly. 

stikstof kalium fosfor
Check out this blog for more info about nutrition!

Growing Hydroponic Indoors

Growing hydroponic means that your plants’ roots are not settled in soil, but directly in the water. This makes it possible to feed your plants more precisely, and uses less water. When growing hydroponically correctly, it can help with growing cannabis faster. Growing hydroponic is not as difficult as it might seem, which is why it’s becoming more popular among hobbyists as well. Learn more about hydroponic growing in this blog!

hydroponics diagram
Click here to read the blog!

Changing The Light Schedule Outdoors

For those who want to grow photoperiod plants outdoors, it’s a takes a lot of effort to increase the pace of the growth. An option is to put the plants under a light during the night, which is a hassle. Apart from this, it’s not a real outdoor grow anymore. 

What might be easier, is to force your plants to start flowering sooner. This can be achieved by covering your plants, or putting them in the dark somehow, before the sun sets. When the plants receive 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness, they will start flowering. You’ll have to check when the sun rises and sets, so you can time this trick perfectly and force your plants to start flowering sooner. This will shorten the overal time of the grow, and help you grow your cannabis faster. 

Pollinate Your Buds

The cannabis plant forms her buds to produce enough aroma’s, in order to be pollinated by a male cannabis plant. Usually, growers try to avoid this, because the plant will transfer her energy from producing big buds to producing seeds. When you manually pollinate your ladies about a week before harvest, this will accelerate the maturation of the buds. Make sure to harvest your plants before the seeds develop.

make your own cannabis seeds

Back To Genetics

It turns out that there are many things you can to make sure you can grow your cannabis plants faster. However, the main influence is the genetics you’re growing. With photoperiod, sativa-dominant plant, you’ll need to put in a more of an effort than with photoperiod indica-dominant plants. Autoflower plants remain the quickest of all. For a good results, without too much effort, our Blue Amnesia Autoflower is a good option. This sativa-dominant autoflower strain will finish her growing cycle quickly. Apart from this strain, we have many indica-dominant autoflower strains to choose from, such as: Choco Kush Autoflower, Milkshake Kush Autoflower, and many more! 

If you’d rather grow photoperiod plants, Dutch Duchess might be the perfect option for you! 

cannabis horoscoop

Your Cannabis Horoscope

Here at Amsterdam Genetics, we tend to keep things scientific. But for today, we’ll explore the spiritual side. We’re going to figure out your cannabis horoscope! Some people despise horoscopes, others swear by them. Wether you believe in them or not, it can always be interesting. What did the stars tell us about you, and what kind of strain would suit you best? Let’s find out!

Which Cannabis Strain Suits Your Horoscope?

You might have never linked the lineage of the stars with what you like to grow or consume. Even though, many people base a lot of important decisions on their horoscope. So why not base you cannabis choices on your zodiac sign? We will not be discussing the logic or science about astrology, as there is not much to discuss on that front. Instead we’ll be heading straight into the cannabis horoscopes for every zodiac sign, so be sure to use it to your advantage!

Aries (21st of March – 20th of April)

Aries is definitely a spicy zodiac sign, and knows all about ups and down. Aries can be the very happiest zodiac sign, but can get extremely mad when things aren’t going their way. Aries is a real go-getter, which can have it’s down sides. Sometimes they just want a little too much, resulting in lots of frustration. Luckily, our cannabis horoscope can help!

For those moments, a nice indica strain would be very suitable. With a heavy bodybuzz, Critical Mass (Regular) can help you calm down to the fullest. Believe us, a few hits of this amazing strain will cool down your nerves and lock you to your couch. But don’t worry, you’ll still be able to focus, so Aries can plan and analyse all their thoughts and idea’s. 

Taurus (21st of April  – 21st of May)

Tauruses just love their comfort. Laid back on the couch, with a Netflix show on, and lots and lots of snacks. Taurus won’t be needing an indica strain, that would just lock them on the couch forever! 

Besides all this, Tauruses are know to bottle up their feelings, resulting in an explosion sometimes. When Tauruses want to feel energetic to chat and socialize with friends, the Grapefruit Superstar will help with that. A whopping 90% sativa-dominant strain will help Taurus to be more social and active, as long as they don’t over do it!

wiet sterrenbeeld

Gemini (22nd of May – 21st of June)

Gemini is an impulsive one, that’s for sure. Apart from being very social, Geminis love to take on new challenges and projects. Finishing them, however, is not their strong suit. Due to their short concentration span, Geminis will often loose focus before finishing something off. 

That won’t stop them from taking on a challenge, but since Gemini’s can easily lose their focus, we recommend a strain that won’t need as much time and attention. There’s not too much time for that in the busy and buzzing life of a Gemini. That’s why we would recommend an easy Autoflower strain. Our Choco Kush Autoflower won’t need too much care, and it’s effect is perfect for Geminis to relief their active brains and enjoy a nice calm down. 

Cancer (22nd of June – 22nd of July)

This is one of the most empathetic zodiac signs out there. A sensitive, sequestered type that can easily tell how people around them are feeling. Their shy characters prevent them from expressing their feelings, even if they’re feeling down. This makes Cancer a true homester, but one who won’t doubt to go out to support friends and family. Therefore, Cancer is one of most caring and selfless zodiac signs of all.

Taking all this into account, we hope that the Cancers out there reading this will excite themselves, which is why we would recommend our Sketch cannabis strain. The happy and uplifting effect this strains gives is perfect for fighting the blues. Beside this, it’s can help fight depressive feelings too.

Leo (23rd of July – 23rd of August)

Just like a movie star, Leos love their attention, and it won’t cost them much effort! With a social character and a great sense of humor, most people see Leo’s as pleasant company. When Leo’s aren’t getting all the attention they desire, or if someone disagrees with them, it can result in some repercussion. Sometimes even resulting in theatrical situations, where Leo’s can stay irritated for days on. 

Leo’s don’t like sitting about, and don’t really need much relaxation. They can, however, use a strain to cool down their spicy temper. Quicksilver is the perfect combination of being stress relieving, while keeping a cheerful and energetic effect for the perfect mix. With this strain, Leo will keep the social spirits high, whilst quenching their spicy temper. 

Quicksilver seeds
Shop Quicksilver Cannabis seeds here!

Virgo (24th of August – 22nd of September)

Virgo is an earth sign, meaning they like to keep both feet on the ground. Besides this, they are friendly, tidy and economical. Because of their sobriety, it often seems as if Virgo’s are simple and straight forward people. This is not the case at all, Virgo’s remain a mysterious existence.

Virgo’s will only show their real selves to the people they let in, meaning not everyone knows them as well as they might think. Letting go of their control, if something Virgo’s find very hard to do. When it comes to cannabis strains, Virgo’s still cherish being in control. Spicebomb gives a perfect balance between a calm body buzz with a subtle head high. Thanks to it’s indica-dominant ancestors, this strain won’t give the trippy effects other Zodiac signs might be looking for! 

Spicebomb seeds
Check out this beautiful and dense Spicebomb bud!

Libra (23rd of September – 22nd of October)

This Zodiac sign, Libra, is the most diplomatic one of all. Thanks to their abilities to look towards situations from all angles, they are the perfect mediator to resolve conflicts of people around them. Libra is definitely not easily upset, and very hard to impress. This special look towards life sometimes make them forget other people can be more easily upset or hurt. Sometimes this can cause some unpleasant situations, when the Libra is mainly focussed on their own needs. Libra’s also like to joke around behind people’s back, and being surprised that people don’t appreciate that. Luckily, thanks to their happy en fascination personality, Libra’s are really easy to forgive. 

We’ve chosen a strain to help all Libra’s out there that seek a little more balance, and recommend our Magic OG Kush for this. This hybrid strain balances out evenly and will hit with a light head buzz first, followed by heavy stoned feeling that won’t allow you leave to your couch. 

Scorpio (23rd of October – 21st of November)

Scorpio is definitely the most intense Zodiac sign of all. That sure says something! With their mysterious aura and high intelligence, Scorpio has no trouble contouring the heart of people around them. Anyone who enters the life of a Scorpio will be shocked by what’s waiting for them. What’s guaranteed is a good dose of dark humor and immersion, and a Scorpio will remember everything.

The down side of all this is the possessive and jealous side of Scorpio’s. When a conflict occurs, they will do anything to be on the winning side. This doesn’t exclude verbal aggression. That’s why we’d recommend a strain that triggers the sensual emotions, and won’t make Scorpio’s too talkative. An indica dominant strain would be the most suitable for Scorpio’s, like our Dutch Duchess strain. With genes from sunny California, this plant gives a mellow effect along with a long lasting euphoric sensation. 

dutch duchess strain
Shop Dutch Duchess Seeds and order online!

Sagittarius (22nd of November – 22nd of December)

Sagittariuses are adventurous by nature, and smoothly sways through life, thanks to their radiant optimism. This makes their cannabis horoscope extra interesting. Sagattariuses like to expend their knowledge and tend to have a passion for nature, animals and philosophy. They prefer to be around people with the same mindset, and talk about their passions for hours. Not all of Sagattarius’ traits are positive, they get bored easily and can’t stand obligations. Don’t expect them to be in time, Sagattariuses will arrive when they desire. 

If a Sagittarius is looking to make their friends as philosophical as themselves, some Super Silver Haze might do the trick. This strains gives an explosive creatieve and energetic effect, guaranteed to trigger some profound conversations!

Capricorn or Ibex (23rd of December – 20th of January)

The Capricorn is an intelligent and attractive Zodiac sign. Thanks to their perfectionism, Capricorns often look very fashionable. They demand the best of themselves, good is never good enough: it has to be perfect. This might give the impression that the Capricorn is very individualistic, they like to solve their problems on their own. Despite their blunt character, a Capricorn can be a great friend. They will always be there for you, no matter what. 

Even though the Capricorn won’t easily show their own emotions, they will always be there for others. We want to advice all Capricorns to reach out to others more often, and to open up. That’s why our strain recommendation is our very own Lemon Haze, a classic happy strain that will put life a in new perspective. Besides this, this strain is guaranteed to make you laugh and chatter. It might even trigger the romantic side of the rigid Capricorn. 

Aquarius (21st of Januari – 19th of February)

Just like a river stream, Aquarius has an unpredictable and eccentric personality. One thing is for certain, Aquariuses will not be bored easily. They are open for new ideas, as long as they contain fun. Because of their versatile personality, Aquariuses are keen to experience and learn new things. This, combined with their social character, makes a great conversation partner.

There is a downside to all this, Aquariuses can be incredibly stubborn and can even get mad when things aren’t going their way. During a situation like this,  Aquariuses can use some alone-time. The perfect company for this would be our Green Magic cannabis strain, which suits Aquariuses cannabis horoscope perfectly. Thanks to its indica dominant side, this strain will put the body and mind at ease in a pleasant way.

Pisces (20th of February – 20th of March)

A spiritual, soft hearted, and dreamy personality, that’s how we would describe the Pisces Zodiac sign. They usually have an artistic side to, that can result in beautiful pieces of art when accompanied by their profound way of thinking. Even though Pisces are very compliant people, they value their own strong opinions. They don’t necessarily feel like proclaiming their opinions all the time, but when someone goes over the line, they won’t hold back. Pisces have to learn how to do this in a calm way, they’d rather avoid harsh confrontations. 

The worst case scenario is that Pisces will avoid others. They are merciful, but don’t expect them to make the first move. To support their creative and social side, we would advice our Blue Amnesia Haze strain. Get your brushes and tools ready after smoking this strain, Pisces will bring them to use! 

beste wietzaadjes cannabis horoscoop

Your Horoscope And Your Perfect Personal Cannabis Match

And..? Can you feel the stars’ inspiration for your next grow? Take this Cannabis Horoscope and set sail to our webshop to shop the perfect cannabis seeds, for you! Or check out this blog to dive even deeper into the sea of personally matched cannabis seeds!

cannabis muscle cramps spasms

Cannabis For Cramps And Muscle Spasms

Muscle spasms and cramps are a fairly common problem. Most people experience them after prolonged fatigue or dehydration. Muscle contractions can feel uncomfortable or even painful, but fortunately, they are usually innocent and fleeting. However, muscle spasms can also result from chronic conditions like MS, ALS, Parkinson’s, or cerebral palsy. Whether you experience harmless cramps after exercise or more permanent symptoms, though, cannabis may have a positive effects on muscle spasms and related problems.

Muscle Spasms And Cramps: What Are They And Could Cannabis Help?

In the event of muscle cramps or muscle spasms, the fibres of our muscles contract suddenly and uncontrollably. They are usually quite harmless, but they can be painful nonetheless. Although muscle spasms have different causes than epileptic seizures, these two symptoms are known to coincide. Innocent as regular muscle cramps may be, anyone experiencing their more chronic expressions knows that they can seriously affect one’s quality of living.

We can distinguish three types of muscle tissue:

  • Cardiac muscle tissue: the muscle cells found in the walls of the heart operate beyond our external control. These special muscle cells do not require stimulation by hormones or nerves. Heart muscle tissue appears striped and grooved.
  • Smooth muscle tissue is found in the surface of hollow ventral organs such as the bowels and urinary tract, as well as in arteries. These muscles are also beyond our conscious control.
  • Skeletal or striated muscle tissue can be controlled by conscious willpower. We use them to move our body. Skeletal muscles are attached to our bones by means of tendons, and they amount to about 40% of an average person’s body weight.

Causes And Consequences Of Muscle Spasticity

Muscles may contract uncontrollably for various reasons. In the absence of underlying illnesses, muscle cramps can be caused by heavy burdening (exercise or physical labour), hot and cold weather, poor circulation, lack of fluids, or mineral deficits including potassium and magnesium depletion. The innocent type of muscle spasms can be treated with simple remedies such as eating a magnesium-rich banana, hydration, or using supplements.

However, muscle spasms can also be a symptom associated with a number of chronic conditions, including Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Tourette’s, and cerebral palsy. Each of these conditions can cause severe muscle cramps. Repeated powerful muscle contractions causes muscles to shrink and lose power, as well as decreasing people’s control over their body. Severe spasms can eventually force someone to adopt abnormal postures. That makes such muscle spasms a potential cause of disability with debilitating impact on everyday life.

How Cannabis Could Help With ALS, MS & More

People affected by chronic muscle spasms are usually prescribed medication such as muscle relaxants including Baclofen and Benzodiazepines. These drugs come with multiple serious side-effects, including numbness, dizzy spells, and nausea. These types of drugs can also be addictive.

Current scientific interest is focussing on cannabis in the treatment of muscle cramps and spasms. Researched are particularly excited about the potential of the cannabinoids THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). THC is well-known for causing the psychoactive high associated with marijuana, whereas CBD is non-psychoactive with soothing and analgesic properties. Both cannabis compounds can help reduce muscle spasms and cramps in their own way, however. They act upon the receptors of the endocannabinoid system. This system, which extends all throughout the various tissues, nerves, and organs of the human body, regulates a range of physiological processes as it strives to maintain the biochemical balance of the body as a whole.

ms als weed palsy

Muscle spasms can be caused by inflammation. Studies show that muscle injuries trigger inflammatory responses by the immune system. THC has an inhibitory effect on such inflammation reactions, enabling it to help deactivate inflammatory proteins.

Inflammation recovery can restore regular relay of messenger signals from the brain to the muscles via the nervous system. This can result in reduction of spasms. In addition, cannabis compounds can have analgesic and soothing effects, which can further reduce the impact of muscle cramps and spasms. Chronic diseases such as MS and ALS are also based on inflammation problems.

Studying Cannabis For Muscle Spasms And Cramps

The above explains why we currently have several types of medication based on cannabis extracts. One of these drugs is Nabiximols, developed especially for people suffering from MSS (Multiple Sclerosis with Spasticity). As 90% of all MS patients eventually develop muscle spasms, it is great to see cannabis based medication become available, as holds for cramps as well, of course.

A 2011 Czech study into Nabiximols for MS involved 572 patients. Over half of all subjects reported improvement of symptoms by more than 20% after one month of treatment.

cannabis muscle cramps spasms

A German study conducted in 2014 also investigated the effectiveness of Nabiximols. After one month, almost 75% of participants indicated that the drug relieved their spasm symptoms. On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 indicating the most severe symptoms), average scores dropped from 6 to 2. Subjects also reported drastically improved freedom of movement. The drug was well-tolerated, and no increased muscle weakness was apparent. This is a very common side-effect for most other medication.

Further studies also highlight the potential of cannabis for muscle spasms and cramps. In one 2012 research setup, 37 MS patients received either cannabis or a placebo. Cannabis group participants showed marked reductions in spasticity as well as in pain. Interestingly, cannabis did not cause any detrimental effects. The sole aspect to take into account would be the psychoactive effects of cannabis, which may occur in treating muscle spasms and cramps.

Using Cannabis For Cramps Or Muscle Spasms

It seems as if cannabis has a lot of potential for people suffering from cramps and muscle spasms. Fortunately, research on the matter is well underway, which has already resulted in cannabis-based medication and treatment options.

If you are considering using cannabis for cramps or (chronic) muscle spasms, however, we strongly advise you to consult your doctor on the matter; especially if you are using regular medication. Finding the right dose is important, as is determining the best way to optimally enjoy the potential benefits of cannabis. Still, growing medicinal cannabis is a viable option for many people suffering from cramps and muscle spasms. It doesn’t even have to be difficult to do at home. Our special blog on growing weed for medicinal purposes explains which strains to try for specific symptoms in more detail.

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Growers have access to a full range of first-class cannabis seeds, each with its own particular traits and effects. Our Spicebomb strain is an interesting example: a strong indica cannabis variant with a full compliment of associated bodybuzz effects. Perfect for relaxing the muscles as well as the mind!


View All Bodybuzz Seeds

landrassen wietsoorten

Basic Cannabis Genetics

When it comes to successful cannabis growing and buying the best marijuana seeds, one concept keeps coming up: genetics. All of a cannabis plant’s traits, flavours, and effects are stored in the genes of the strain. But what exactly is cannabis genetics, and what are the basics that any cannabis grower and aficionado ought to understand? Read this blog to find out!

What Do We Mean By Cannabis Genetics?

Let’s start at the beginning. The words ‘genetics’ and ‘gene’ originate from the Greek word genos or γένος. It can be translated as ‘generation’ or ‘lineage’. Genetics is the branch of science dedicated to the study of genes. Genes are a kind of biological code describing all the characteristics of a certain individual; in this case, a cannabis plant. Of course, this code is not written with pen and ink. Instead it uses a specific genetic code consisting of DNA.

DNA (desoxyribonucleic acid) in turn is a very long protein molecule found in the nuclei of all animal and plant cells. If unused, DNA lies ‘curled up’ in its characteristic double helix shape you’ve probably seen before. In fact, the Amsterdam Genetics logo is based on this double helix structure – and with good reason, too. Ultimately, premium cannabis depends 100% on the quality of the DNA contained in the plant’s genetics!

Dna molecule cannabis genetics

The Purpose Of Cannabis Genetics

In a very real sense, cannabis genetics is much like a recipe. The code inscribed in DNA dictates the properties of an individual plant. These properties include things like leaf shape, flavour, the ratios of aromatic terpenes and active cannabinoids produced by the plant, flowering times, height, and many other aspects. The size of the flower buds, and consequently the resulting harvest, largely depends on the genetics that a cannabis plant carries inside.

Whenever plants or animals reproduce, they pass their DNA on to the next generation. This explains why the offspring of marijuana plants resemble their parents. Cannabis is a dioecious plant, which means that a male specimen has to fertilize a female plant by means of pollination in order to produce seeds that grow into new plants.

There are two exceptions to this rule: cannabis can be cloned artificially, and hermaphrodite plants are capable of fertilizing themselves. In regular circumstances, however, the genes of the mother plant are mixed with those of the father, making every new generation a unique combination of the parents’ genetics. This makes genetics the basic mechanism that keeps cannabis plants evolving.

Seeds, Strains, And Genetics: Cannabis Sativa L.

Even though the exact genetics of every individual are unique, all these individuals together make up a collective (animal or plant) species with highly similar DNA. The genetics found in today’s cannabis seeds represent an evolutionary process that has been going on for millions of years. That means millions upon millions of mother and father plants have combined their genetics to produce ever more different offspring. In recent decades, this process was sped up substantially by crossbreeding strains for properties such as more THC, special flavours, or autoflower properties.

Although there are thousands of strains out there, all of these varieties ultimately fall under one single species: Cannabis sativa L. At least, this is the position of most scientists agree on. Cannabis indica and Cannabis ruderalis strains are regarded as distinct varieties, but from a biology perspective, they are all the same species with highly similar genetics. So regardless of whether you order an autoflower strain, indica seeds, or sativa genetics; technically speaking, it’s all good old Cannabis sativa L.

Phenotype & Genotype

In the world of cannabis seeds, you’ll often come across the word ‘phenotype’, or its abbreviation ‘pheno’. Examples include claims that several plants of a given strain X grew into different phenotypes. Actually, when we say phenotype, we mean the entire outward appearance and ‘behaviour’ of the plant. To be more specific, a phenotype is the way in which the genetic properties of a given plant (its ‘genotype’) are expressed. Different phenotypes may, for instance, express themselves as plants with more/fewer or larger/smaller leaves, different heights, or even variations in the colours of the cola buds.

As a rule, all plants of any given strain have the same genotype: the sum total of all the genes in their unique DNA. And yet, this genotype can be expressed in various phenotypes. This is determined by environmental factors (including differences in nutrients, temperatures, or soil types).Whenever the environment is the cause, we touch upon the famous ‘nature vs. nurture’ dichotomy. Nature provides the ‘blueprint’ of the cannabis genetics, whereas the environment (i.e., weather, soil, grower, etc.) supplies the ‘nurture’ part, or, in other words, the ‘upbringing’ of the plant.

As growers, then, we provide a personal dose of nurture full of loving care and attention, while we count on Amsterdam Genetics for the finest touch of nature: premium cannabis genetics!

growing weed seeds

DNA, Cell Division, And New Strains

We have seen how every cannabis strain is uniquely different, due to the singular genetics carried within each and every cell. Once a cannabis seed germinates, the plant starts to grow, driven by a process in which cells replicate by means of cell division. Cells can split in two, copying their DNA in the process, by which two new cells come into being; each with the exact same DNA on board. These two cells then divide into four, and then eight; and so on until you’re looking at an entire cannabis plant bristling with shiny buds – a true miracle of nature.

Leaving mutations aside for now (which usually result from copying errors during cell division) all cells of a cannabis seed or plant share the exact same genetics. All the marijuana seeds and plant within a single strain also share nearly 100% identical DNA in their cells. This is why for instance, all Super Silver Haze grows are alike. If you are looking for variety instead, don’t worry: our expert geneticists are working around the clock to develop new new strains from crossbreeds between our own strains and other cannabis genetics from all over the world!

Hybrid Strains

Another concept that’s hard to miss when looking for cannabis seeds: hybrid strains. Even though the notion of hybrid strains includes a long-standing debate on the differences between sativa and indica strains, among other topics, hybridity is actually very simple when it comes to cannabis genetics.

Hybrid strains are basically all cannabis variants that contain genetics from both indica and sativa type plants. Strictly speaking, any strain with added ruderalis genes is a hybrid too. But how do you know what constitutes a sativa or an indica plant? The short and simple answer to this question is: just assume any strain you order online contains a bit of both.

All the crossbreeding of recent decades makes it extremely unlikely to run into ‘pure’ indica or sativa plants, even though rumour has it they still exist. This would involve either super-rare mother plants kept in a stasis-like condition for years, safely locked away in secret grow rooms. Or you’re dealing with so-called landrace strains: primal forms of feral cannabis, carrying genetics unaffected by humankind’s eager fingers.

Nonetheless, it is safe to assume that any marijuana seeds you can buy online are hybrid strains. These are usually labelled sativa dominant or indica dominant, except when you happen to find a perfectly balanced strain with 50% of either kind.

best seeds genetics cannabis

Getting To Work With The Finest Cannabis Genetics

When it comes to superb genes, you’ve sure hit the sweet spot with the Amsterdam Genetics seeds collection. Our experts have spent the last 25 years dedicating al of their passion and expertise to developing ever better strains. Of course, we direct our efforts at creating the best effects and the most delicious flavours and scents, as well as robust, stable genetics that can take a bit of a beating.

No matter whether you’re looking for an easy-growing autoflower, a sturdy sativa hybrid, or an intense indica-dominant strain, we always have the right premium cannabis genetics ready to order online. That’s what you get when quality is in your genes like we do here at Amsterdam Genetics!

Get The Best Genetics




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Cannabis For Epilepsy

When someone suffers from epilepsy, the brain functions differently. Brain cells are continuously connected with each other. During an epileptic seizure, transmission of signals is disrupted. This expresses itself in compulsory contractions of muscles, or even loss of consciousness. Epilepsy is a serious condition, and sadly there is no treatment or cure for it. The possibilities of medical cannabis for epilepsy are increasingly in the news and other media. In this blog, we’ll look into the possibilities of cannabis for epilepsy: is it safe, and to what extent can it help?

Characteristics Of Epilepsy

Life with epilepsy is not easy, to say the least. Image that you could be struck by a seizure at any moment. During such a seizure, the communication of signals within the brain is temporary disturbed. The duration of a seizure can vary from seconds to several hours. Apart from this, the severity, frequency and the way a seizure expresses itself varies from person to person. This is, among other things, dependent on the part of the brain where the seizure originates from.

Most people think of epilepsy as a disease that triggers seizures, that always results in someone falling over, combined with spastic movements in the legs and arms. This is the case for the tonic clonic seizure, which is the most common and known form of epilepsy. However, there are many different forms. Some result in loss of consciousness; others cause a disrupted sense of smell, being socially absent, or behaving out of the ordinary. If you suffer from epilepsy, you are usually supervised by a doctor or professional. Most patients need medication that can help suppress the symptoms of seizures as much as possible.

Fortunately, medical cannabis can contribute to reducing the symptoms of epilepsy. Research has suggested that epilepsy is one of the conditions that reacts well to the active components in cannabis. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabinol) are the two cannabinoids that have shown the most promising results. Especially when normal medication doesn’t reduce or effect your symptoms much, which is the case for 30% of the people that suffer from epilepsy, trying cannabis can be an effective and natural solution.

cannabis weedt epilepsy

Cannabis For Epilepsy: How Does It Work?

Cannabis is naturally rich in different active components. The most important ones for epilepsy are the cannabinoids THC and CBD. THC is a psychoactive substance, CBD is non-psychoactive. Both cannabinoids are capable of binding to receptors in the brain, hindering or promoting the forwarding of brain signals. Research shows that THC and CBD can reduce seizures for some patients. The effects of cannabis on epilepsy are not yet fully understood, but fortunately, research is still ongoing, and our insights about the disease and its potential treatment are advancing steadily.

Research On Cannabis For Epilepsy

Since THC has psychoactive effects, which are undesirable for some, the main focus of this research is on the effects of CBD. Unsurprisingly, a medicine called Epidiolex has been developed based on CBD. During this research, cannabinol was used alongside regular medication, whichshowed promising results. After 12 weeks, 37% of the participants experienced fewer seizures, and 2% didn’t experience any seizures at all. The only notable side-effects were fatigue, diarrhea, and sleepiness.

CBD has an effect on epilepsy because it influences the CB1 receptors. THC also binds with these receptors (delta-9-THC and it’s synthetic form WIN 55,212-2). The problem with THC, however, is that it can have an agonistic effect, which means it activates the receptors. CBD has a weak agonistic influence and de-activates the receptor’s functions. When cannabis with both THC and CBD is consumed, the two cannabinoids work together. CBD can enhance the effect of THC, while it can also suppress certain other effects of THC. Read more about this in our blog about how CBD can affect the THC-high.

epilepsy cannabis
Epilepsy disrupts the communication between brain cells.

The Genetic Background Of Epilepsy

As explained before, further research regarding the effects of cannabis on epilepsy is still being conducted. Recently, the University of Colorado reported that researchers are keen to find out more about the genetic background of people suffering from Dravet syndrome (a form of epilepsy). Participants of the study consumed a strain called ‘Charlotte’s Web’, which is high in CBD and low in THC. What is especially remarkable, is that some participants noticed a great deal of improvements, while others noticed no difference at all. Researchers are trying to find out why this is the case, and genetic backgrounds might explain thisGenetic research, might reveal in advance whether someone who suffers from epilepsy can benefit from medical cannabis or not.

During a 2019 study conducted by the Children’s Hospital in Colorado, young patients suffering from epilepsy were given a cannabis extract, containing THC and CBD. 57% of those children noticed improvements by experiencing less epileptic seizures. 33% noticed an improvement of at least 50%. This research shows that cannabis can have a considerable positive effect.

The Influence Of The Endocannabinoid System

Cannabinoids like CBD and THC work through the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). This system is responsible for maintaining a natural balance within the body. The ECS could very well play a role in epilepsy. Some researchers think that epilepsy could be caused by a disruption of the ECS, a condition called an endocannabinoid shortage. CBD and THC can recover the balance of the ECS, and help supplement the cannabinoids in the body, which could explain why they can ease the symptoms of epilepsy.

Which Cannabis Strains Are Suitable For Epilepsy?

When using cannabis for epilepsy, you could opt for strains with lower THC values and higher CBD percentages. This way, you can benefit optimally from the effects of CBD on epileptic seizures, while alleviating the psycho-active effects of THC.

Cannabidiol From CBD Oil

If you would you rather not use THC at all, then CBD Oil might be the perfect fit for you. The SupMedi CBD Oilcontains no noticeable amounts of THC (less than 0,2%), and can be a good alternative. Beside our multiple varieties of Full Spectrum CBD Oil, we have many CBD Nutrition products to choose from. The choice is up to know, do you like coffee, oatmeal, or chocolate?

cbd oil cannabis epilepsy

Cannabis Seeds With THC

THC can also be beneficial, especially when just CBD isn’t enough to prevent seizures. In addition to this, different cannabinoids can work together and amplify or alleviate their effects. This is called the entourage effect . This effect explains why CBD and THC can have a more powerful effect when working together, then one would have on it’s own. One option is to combine ‘normal’ higher THC cannabis with your daily dose of CBD. The easiest and best option would be to find a strain that naturally produces a balanced CBD:THC ratio.

Anyone looking for a high quality strain with a high CBD percentage should give our Blue Monkey CBD seeds a try. This special CBD strain produces flowers with CBD:THC ratios of about 30:1. Above all, Blue Monkey CBD is a beautiful, strong, and resilient strain that can cope with challenging environmental factors. The strain can also develop amazing deep purple colours when temperatures drop below 17 degrees Celsius. For anyone who likes a challenge, growing your own Blue Monkey CBD would be the perfect task. If you are looking for more certainty and fast results, you can order our Full Spectrum CBD Oil online instead!

Blue monkey cbd
Shop Blue Monkey CBD Seeds now!

If you suffer from serious conditions like epilepsy, always discuss the use of CBD with your doctor and never experiment without informing them. Amsterdam Genetics and SupMedi advocate responsible and well informed decisions, so make sure to be open and transparent to your doctor about the use of cannabis related products.

opwekkende cannabis

Uplifting Cannabis Strains To Boost Your Energy

Cannabis aficionados are still confronted with outdated stoner stereotypes, permanently couchlocked and mind drifting to faraway places. What many people fail to understand, however, is that cannabis can produce a huge variety of effects. As a consequence, people look to marijuana for all sorts of different reasons. Cannabis can have uplifting qualities, for instance, enabling certain weed strains to help focus attention and boost our energy levels.

The Uplifting Side Of Cannabis

Some days, even getting out of bed can be a challenge. You probably know the experience: a sense of listlessness and a numb sensation just behind the eyes, making it difficult to even move around. Some people feel this way in the middle of the day instead of in the early morning. Even so, a lack of energy can have a profound impact on performance at work or in school. It can make it hard to concentrate and stay focused. It can also make us feel apathetic, tired, lethargic, or even depressed. So what can help to return that vibrant energized feeling? Cannabis may not be the first thing to come to mind, since there are plenty of weed strains that can help people relax and even sleep better. Nonetheless, the uplifting effects of cannabis have been noted by many people; sometimes to their own surprise.

weed cannabis seeds energy boost
Looking for green energy sources?

Of course, we’ll be the first to admit that there are many different ways to boost your energy. Getting regular exercise and a healthy diet are worth trying for sure, as is getting enough sleep. Reducing stress at work can help, too, or enjoying the company of close friends. In fact we very much recommend all of these factors; but that doesn’t mean cannabis growers and connoisseurs can add the uplifting effects of weed to the equation!

Different Strains And Cannabinoids

Anyone planning to try cannabis for its uplifting potential should take note of the following information. Cannabis is best known for two cannabinoid compounds: THC and CBD. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) causes the high; this is the main psychoactive component that causes the famous headbuzz effect. This cerebral and generally energetic effect is mostly ascribed to haze weed strains. CBD (cannabidiol), by contrast, is not psychoactive. It has an inhibitory effect on THC, in addition to soothing properties and mood-lifting potential.

cannabis uplifting high

Even though strains with high THC percentages are best known for their energy-boosting capacity, a powerful high is not always a welcome experience when you have work to do. Finding the right balance between THC and CBD is important to reach the intended effect. Terpenes are another determining factor when it comes to energy levels. We’ll explain what these effects entail below. Further down in this blog, you’ll find some of our most uplifting strains and cannabis seeds.

THC And CBD: Uplifting Cannabis Effects

Cannabis strains with high THC percentages can have uplifting effects, so this is certainly one aspect worth considering. However, high THC levels also produce other effects, which may not be desirable when you’re at work, in school, or otherwise engaged in responsibilities. Another point worth considering, especially for those with little cannabis experience, are the potential undesirable side-effects of high THC doses. Anxiety and paranoia are examples of such side-effects.

Finding the right balance between CBD and THC is certainly a good idea. Either cannabinoid can provide an energy boost in its own way. Their respective concentrations differ between strains. Picking a high CBD cannabis strain can help tone down the effects of the THC it contains. CBD can also help counter the adverse effects THC may have on short-term memory. Obviously, that may prove very helpful for anyone looking to increase mental focus and accurate memory.

No two people are the same; neither in terms of of personal taste, nor in their individual needs; however, finding the perfect uplifting cannabis strain can benefit both medically and recreationally. Weed can help counter fatigue (research even demonstrates its potential to alleviate CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). Cannabis has uplifting potential that may help people face the day with a cheerful mindset, enthusiasm, a sharp focus, and a healthy dose of creativity.

Terpenes For Energy

Terpenes also play an important part in the uplifting potential of cannabis. We keep discovering more about these compounds, which give cannabis its distinctive fragrances and aromas. All terpenes have unique properties and effects; yet many of them are able to influence the way other terpenes and cannabinoids work as well. This is known as the entourage effect. Several cannabis terpenes contribute to the uplifting properties of marijuana.

terpenes weed energy


You probably know the scent of pinene. This is the compound that gives pine needles, basil, rosemary, and dill their pleasant scent. In cannabis, pinene can help keep the mind clear and alert, improving concentration and memory function. Pinene can also have mood-lifting effects. Anyone interested in growing cannabis for its uplifting properties ought to keep an eye on pinene levels when picking genetics.


Growers aiming to elevate their mood and increase their motivation should pick cannabis seeds with plenty of limonene in their genetic makeup. This terpene gives citrus fruits their telltale scents, including lemons, oranges, and limes. Studies have shown that limonene can have positive effects on mood as well as helping to counter stress and anxiety. Limonene can also improve concentration ad help us stay enthusiastic and motivated.

Energy Boosting Weed: Our Best Seeds

There are plenty of growers and gourmets who pick their marijuana seeds specifically for their energy-boosting effects. Growing cannabis for its uplifting effects can be a smart move both from a medical or a recreational perspective. That’s why we present a few suggestions for premium uplifting cannabis seeds that you can order with ease from our award-winning seed bank.

Uplifting Cannabis Seeds 1: Amazing Haze

Since haze strains are known for their uplifting, energy boosting headbuzz, Amazing Haze ought to be our top number one recommendation for growing uplifting cannabis seeds. At 24% THC, this baby is high up in the heavyweight range. Her sweet taste masks the limonene heritage of parent strain Amnesia Haze, with a comparably energizing booster buzz.

Amazing Haze may not be our easiest growing strain, but the ginormous buds she’ll produce in the hands of experienced growers are enough to give you new uplifting energy straight away!

High Energy Weed Strain 2: Grapefruit Superstar

Grapefruit Superstar cannabis seeds are a real battery charger when it comes to issues of energy, fatigue, or lack of focus. High limonene content in the colas of these plants promise a keening of the senses, accompanied by a broad smile due to the euphoric headbuzz this 90% sativa dominant strain conveys.


Her taste is deeply refreshing, with a typical grapefruit twist owing to a dash of caryophyllene on top of her citrus aromas. However, don’t forget that we are still dealing with a 20% THC strain here!

The Best Uplifting Cannabis Seeds To Boost Your Energy

As far as we’re concerned, the old stereotype of the eternal lethargic stoner can be consigned to the annals of history. Modern growers and connoisseurs know full well that that weed contain plenty of uplifting potential, as long as you know which strains to pick.

best seeds cannabis uplifting haze

With our varied selection of first-class genetics, anyone can find a suitable strain to grow. On top of that, our Grow Blogs give you all the knowledge you need to make growing into a positive experience with uplifting effects for anyone willing to give it try!



cannabis euphoria

Cannabis And Euphoria: The Best Strains

People interested in using cannabis obviously prefer to have a positive experience. Most look for a sense of happiness, creativity, and having a few laughs together. The fact that cannabis can produce feelings of happiness is a real attraction to many, but the effect can go one step further, inducing a sense of euphoria. In a way, euphoria is the superlative of happiness. It triggers feelings of bliss and even ecstasy, temporarily pushing worries aside. But how can cannabis cause this sensation of euphoria? Which strains are most likely to produce it? Read on to find out!

Cannabis And Euphoria

Euphoria is a rare experience for most if not all of us. Generally speaking, simply feeling content and positive is a pretty favourable mindset. Euphoria is altogether different. It is described as a worry-free sense of intense joy or an ecstatic rush. You could say that euphoria is happiness in the extreme. Dictionaries even call it excessive happiness, which has a bit of a negative ring to it. That could be due to a conservative touch in popular opinion. Objectively speaking, though, euphoria is a positive phenomenon characterised by deep feelings of joy, satisfaction, and self-confidence. Stress and concerns seem to slip from view, at least for a while.

As mentioned, euphoria is not something you are likely to experience on a regular basis. Luckily, you don’t need to; it would probably become a bit of a drag soon enough. Still, most people do look for ways to feel happy and content. For some, cannabis could help trigger an occasional experience of euphoria as an extreme feeling of joy.

cannabis growing euphoria

How Weed Affects Mood

Our mood depends on a plethora of different factors. Generally speaking, positive moods can range from a pleasant sense of contentment to an uplifted mental state and being over the moon with joy. Normally speaking, we are somewhere along the lower half of this range. Euphoria, by contrast, is a rare experience. It can be triggered by specific events, such as completing a highly challenging task, going through exciting experiences, or enjoying sex. It can also occur during sports, after extreme exertion triggers release of substances called endorphins.

But as this article suggests, euphoria can also be sparked by the use of cannabis. This is due to the fact that marijuana is rich in compounds called cannabinoids and terpenes that can affect our mood. Our body is equipped with a network of receptors known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Various cannabis compounds can interact with these receptors, enabling weed to influence our mood in turn. THC (the main psychoactive cannabinoid) . THC, the main psychoactive cannabinoid, can activate certain receptors that make us feel euphoric. The effect is comparable to that of anandamide, a neurotransmitter produced by our own body. Tellingly, anandamide is known as the ‘bliss molecule’.

cannabis euphoria

Dopamine is another neurotransmitter that can spark such positive sensations. If the body fails to produce enough of this substance, happiness can become a rare feeling indeed. People can have persistent shortages of these neurotransmitters, and this can be a cause of clinical depression. Cannabinoids in weed can affect dopamine release, enabling them to influence our mood in turn.

Euphoria By Cannabis Terpenes

Cannabis contains more than just cannabinoids that can cause feelings of euphoria, however. A 2018 study demonstrated how specific terpenes play a part in experiencing a cannabis high, too. Multiple terpenes appear to have positive effects on anxiety, pain, and depression. This has led scientists to believe that terpenes could also be involved in the sense of euphoria experienced in a cannabis high.

Although terpenes do not usually produce their own mental effects, they often work in concert with the cannabinoids found in specific strains. This type of cooperation is called the entourage effect. Their effects are often subtly expressed in a high, but of all terpenes, limonene is has the best reputation for promoting euphoric bliss. This compound gives weed a refreshing citrus scent that evokes an association with happiness almost by default. There is a good reason why so many detergents, perfumes, and soaps contain citrus aromas, after all.

terpenes cannabis seeds happy

Euphoria Due To Cannabis, Or Your Own Brain?

THC is one of the main marijuana cannabinoids associated with the euphoria you could experience after using cannabis. THC also largely determines the intensity and duration of the high. However, your own unique circumstances obviously determine part of the effect as well. After all, your personal emotional state (are you feeling happy or sad?) and your own ECS affect the experience at least as much, if not more. Perhaps someone you know prefers a specific strain because of its positive effects, but that doesn’t mean it will have the same effect on you. Which strain will make you or anyone else feel over the moon is impossible to predict.

The Risk Of Seeking Euphoria Through Cannabis

Anyone planning to grow and consume cannabis flowers in pursuit of euphoria should be careful not to expect too much. In fact, this advice applies in a broader context that that of weed alone. The quest to find happiness is as old as humanity itself, but it is a path that is fraught with risks. The last thing you want is to become dependent on any specific action or agent to feel happy or euphoric. No matter whether it’s cannabis, candy, sex, or some other means: if this becomes your only way to experience euphoria, you are heading down a slippery slope.

Always make sure you keep multiple roads towards happiness open. Watching a nice movie, reading a good book, an evening spent with good friends, or going for a long walk with your dog: there are plenty of ways to experience happiness, satisfaction, and even euphoria. More often than not, the experience hits you when you least expect it. Actively looking for it is no guarantee of success. That’s why you shouldn’t fall for the temptation of trying to find euphoria by using cannabis or any other kind of ‘trick’.

With these words of warning in mind, let’s now turn to the best Amsterdam Genetics cannabis strains to spark that renowned state of euphoria.

cannabis euphoria

Best Cannabis Strains For Euphoria

Several strains have great credentials for triggering strong euphoric highs. These cannabis variants contain just the right cannabinoids and other compounds to provide that exuberant sense of blissful happiness. We would advise anyone looking to try cannabis for that fleeting, ephemeral, and almost mythical state of euphoria to try the following top strains from the Amsterdam genetics collection.

Top Euphoria Strain #1: Candyfloss

With Candyfloss cannabis seeds, the smiles start as soon as you hear the name. Sweet as cotton candy, this lady hides a truckload of THC underneath her seductive bouquet. If euphoria is mainly caused by this cannabinoid, then Candyfloss manages to link the force of about 23% THC with sweet and fruity candy aromas in a cheerful, uplifting high effect. It’s like a kid in a candy store without the dental cavities – that’s enough to trigger euphoria by itself, isn’t it?

candyfloss sativa cannabis seeds

Even the act of growing Candyfloss seeds tends to make people happy, as this 70% sativa whopper has a nine-week flowering time that’s short enough to make any farmer smile. If you add the fact that these ladies can grow pink buds in just the right conditions, you know you’re in for a euphoric grow experience.

Top Euphoria Strain #2: Lemon Haze

Lemon Haze cannabis seeds also pack plenty of THC, but here, the main euphoria potential is in the terpene profile. Lemon haze owes its lovely refreshing citrus aroma to copious amounts of limonene, the main aromatic compound involved in cannabis euphoria.

Lemon Haze cannabis euphoria

This is another firm sativa lady with a high that focuses on the brain. That’s probably just as well, since euphoric feelings are mostly a cerebral phenomenon. On the other hand, Lemon haze is also linked to physical bliss. Connoisseurs claim this is a bedroom strain par excellence, suited for intense head-to-toe cannabis euphoria moments…

The Euphoria Of Growing Cannabis

As we have seen, cannabis can contribute to feelings of euphoria in several ways, no matter how transient and ephemeral the sensation may be, or is supposed to be. Of course, what applies to weed also applies to many other sources of joy: always enjoy them in moderation. Nonetheless, there is one piece of green happiness that we haven’t even mentioned so far. Judging by what experts say, growing your own cannabis can trigger its own experience of euphoria!

Anyone with a knack for gardening knows that proud feeling of natural joy you get when you see your beautiful home-grown flowers and plants. Of course, if those flowers are full of substances to further boost that happiness, it’s not hard to draw conclusions. Anyone can give a grow a go using our first rate cannabis seeds and the tips and tricks from our grow blogs, so we’re not afraid to finish off with a bold statement. Perhaps growing cannabis is every bit as good a road to euphoria as consuming the fruits of its harvest!





cannabis misselijkheid

Cannabis Against Nausea: Our Best Strains

Anything from a flu infection to eating the wrong type of food can make you feel sick and nauseous, prompting the urge to throw up. Fortunately, the feeling usually passes quickly. But what if you’re affected by nausea for days, weeks, or even longer? This deceptively common condition can make life miserable for basically anyone. Nausea is a constant presence, which can stop you from eating as much as you should. Long-term nausea, as caused by chemotherapy for instance, has made many people turn to cannabis for relief.

What Causes Nausea?

In essence, nausea and vomiting are very useful mechanisms. They help you body to protect itself, and signal potential health or dietary problems. Throwing up is a useful way of purging pathogens and hazardous substances. In normal circumstances, the mechanism serves its purpose to make sure you’ll feel better soon. If symptoms persist, you should always consult your doctor. Nausea can also be a symptom of more serious underlying health conditions.

Potential causes of nausea include:

  • Motion sickness;
  • Appendicitis;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Pain;
  • Migraine;
  • Ear infection;
  • Gastrointestinal issues;
  • Bacterial or viral infections;
  • Medication side-effects (including chemotherapy);
  • Toxins;
  • Liver conditions;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Concussion;
  • Psychiatric conditions;
  • Stress and anxiety.

As you can see, nausea can have many different causes. Nausea itself can make you feel absolutely miserable, bit moreover, it can damage your health if it keeps you from eating (properly). That makes it all the more important to take the symptoms seriously and address the issue.

How Nausea Works

It is striking that we know more about the mechanism of vomiting works than about how nausea works. Nausea is a complex phenomenon involving the brain, the digestive tract, and the peripheral nervous system. Nausea is thought to be connected with serotonin production and its ability to bind to receptors. These receptors are located in the brain and throughout the digestive system.

cannabis nausea

Cannabis To Counter Nausea

As you may know, cannabis is grown for all sorts of medicinal applications. The compounds found in cannabis have properties that can counter nausea. THC appears to be particularly effective in this regard. THC is the main psychoactive cannabis component. Research demonstrates that it affects CB1 receptors found in certain areas of the brain, enabling it to reduce nausea and restore appetite. Previous studies had already indicated the usefulness of THC. In 1988, a study conducted at Georgetown University found that of 36 patients involved, 23 noticed how it helped relieve nausea and the urge to vomit. By contrast, a commonly used drug called prochlorperazine only managed to reduce symptoms in 1 out of 36 patients.

Other Cannabinoids

Cannabis contains other cannabinoids that can help against nausea, however. CBD, which has no psychoactive properties, affects cells that release serotonin. At lower doses, it can help counter both nausea and vomiting. CBDA (the acid form of cannabidiol acid) is a cannabidiol precursor which is itself created from CBGA. CBDA has even greater affinity for serotonin receptors than CBD or THC. Animal studies have show that this cannabinoid acid can be very effective against nausea; perhaps more so than any other cannabinoid. CBDA is most common freshly harvested cannabis plants that are rich in CBD.

Another cannabinoid known to be quite effective against nausea is THCV. Although this compound is present in much smaller concentrations than THC, you’ll still find THCV percentages in our strain descriptions to help you choose. A point for consideration, though, is the fact that THCV can also suppress appetite, making it less ideal for cannabis against nausea to improve caloric intake.

lemon ice limonene feel sick

Cannabis Terpenes Against Nausea

Besides cannabinoids, many experts select their favourite weed strains based on their terpene content. Terpenes are aromatic compounds found throughout the plant kingdom. They account for much of the flavour and scent of cannabis, and so far, more than one hundred have been discovered in marijuana. Cannabis terpenes known for their effectiveness against nausea include myrcene and limonene. You’ll find these in some of our best-known strains, such as those listed further down this blog.

Nausea Caused By Chemotherapy

Nausea caused by chemotherapy is a different order of magnitude than its regular variants. Patients describe its effects as devastating, intense, and extreme. Nausea usually sets in within 24 hours of therapy commencement. Some medication is available to counter the symptoms, but this is not effective for all patients. However, cannabis can also be used to counter this type of nausea with considerable success. Israeli researchers studied the effectiveness of cannabis for CINV (Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting). This study showed that 18mg THC (oral administration) caused total remission of nausea symptoms and vomiting in children undergoing chemotherapy.

Two synthetic cannabinoids, dronabinol and nabilone, were approved for use against CINV by the FDA as early as 1985. Since then, a total of 30 clinical studies have demonstrated these synthetic cannabis compounds to be more effective against nausea than traditional medication.

cannabis weed against nausea

Should You Use Cannabis For Chemotherapy Nausea?

Cannabis is a time-tested natural nausea remedy that may also prove useful in case of chemotherapy. However, there are three important factors to consider when deciding whether to use cannabis for this purpose:

  • The cannabis consumption method used;
  • Strain selection;
  • Interactions with chemotherapy medication.

Cannabis can be used in various ways, including smoking, vaping, or taking edibles, capsules, or tinctures. Each consumption method has benefits and drawbacks. Smoking marijuana, for instance, produces the fastest effects (almost immediately upon inhalation).

The particular strain used makes a difference, too. Sativa strains tend to give more of an energetic buzz, which makes them more suited for daytime use. Indica strains, by contrast, have relaxing qualities that can make you sleepy, making these more appropriate for treating nightly nausea episodes. Hybrid strains that combine both types of genetics offer a mix of these qualities.

marijuana seeds nausea cannabis


Cannabinoids can influence the effects of certain types of medication, which is another factor to take into account. THC and CBD can cause concentrations of certain drugs to increase or decrease, changing their effect in the process. Interaction with medication is most likely in case of oral consumption (i.e., capsules, edibles, tinctures and similar products). Inhaling cannabis (by vaping or smoking) circumvents most of these issues, as does cutaneous application (salve or patches).

Still doctors generally consider cannabis safe to use, even when combined with chemotherapy. This has been done around the world for years, and anecdotal evidence has been mounting ever since.

If you intend to use cannabis against nausea, you could experience significant relief. Always choose a strain that suits your needs, however, and use the most effective method. In case of chemotherapy or other severe medical conditions, always make sure to consult your doctor on using cannabis. They have the expertise to help you consider potential interactions with medication and dosages.

Our Top Strains Against Nausea

You’ll only find the very best cannabis seeds in the Amsterdam Genetics collection. Anyone growing cannabis for medicinal purposes will find the finest genetics here, including against nausea. You’ll find two of our top recommendations below.

Top Strain #1: Fatkid’s Cake

If THC is the most effective cannabinoid against nausea, then Fatkid’s Cake has you covered. In the right grow conditions, THC content can peak at nearly 30%. If the strain’s name doesn’t get your appetite going, the considerable indica content will see to that: this strain is famous for its heavy munchies effect. Moreover, these seeds contain plenty of myrcene potential, and this particular terpene is known for its effectiveness at combating nausea.

Do take care with this strain if you’re inexperienced, as it pack quite a punch: moderate consumption is the way to go. In addition, Fatkid’s Cake can make you quite slow and drowsy, so this is not the best choice for a busy day.

Fatkid's Cake

Top Strain #2: Lemon Ice

Lemon Ice is a sativa-dominant cannabis hybrid with interesting characteristics for fighting nausea. As the name suggests, its citrus scent is caused by limonene, the second terpene renowned for its nausea relief potential.

In contrast to Fatkid’s Cake, the sativa credentials of Lemon Ice are more likely to result in a productive mental energy boost than a sleepy body high. If nausea is keeping you from completing your daily chores, this is a better cannabis candidate to try.

lemon ice cannabis nausea

Find The Perfect cannabis Strain Against Nausea

Nausea can be hard to pinpoint, and even harder to contain. Fortunately, growing cannabis to counter nausea isn’t hard to do at all. Our grow blogs give anyone the knowledge and tips to get started. Our web store is the place to be for the very finest genetics, including strains against pain, depression, insomnia, and more!