Category Archives: Strains

Have a look at some of the best cannabis strains Amsterdam has to offer.

cannabis eetlust

Cannabis To Boost Or Curb Your Appetite

Many people are familiar with the phenomenon of sudden cravings for food after consumption of weed (an effect known as the munchies). Cannabis has long been known as a natural appetite stimulant, but few people know that it can also be used to suppress the urge to eat. Clearly, there is much still to discover about how cannabis affects our appetite: read all about it here.

Cannabis And Appetite

If you’ve ever had the munchies, we don’t need to explain the intense craving for food tempting people to loot the nearest fridge. Obviously, cannabis affects our appetite, with plain capacity to increase it. This explains why weed has been recommended for – and grown by – people who lose weight too fast, as can happen in case of cancer treatment, AIDS, or anorexia, to name but a few medical applications.

That doesn’t automatically mean, however, that smoking a joint or even eating cannabis edibles will get everyone hungry all the time. In some cases, cannabis can suppress appetite as effectively as it can increase it. The outcome depends on various factors, including the cannabinoids and terpenes that specific strains contain. To understand how this works, we need to find out more about how cannabis affects the human body.

Cannabinoids And The Urge To Eat

Our appetite is just one of many processes governed by our own internal endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system works by means of a network of receptors reaching all throughout the body. It relays messages by self-produced cannabinoids called endocannabinoids. However, our body’s ECS also recognises plant based phytocannabinoids found in – you guessed it – cannabis. That means cannabis compounds can also convey messages to our cells.

Let’s start out with what happens when you start to grow hungry in the usual way. If your stomach is empty, the ECS sends a signal to your hypothalamus. This in turn triggers the brain’s limbic system, signalling you to start looking for something to eat. The ECS affects both the emptying of the stomach and the production of hormones responsible for our sense of hunger. When food we eat fills the stomach, our body produces leptin, a hormone that makes us feel full and content. This hormone signals the brain to let it know we have had our fill, and this in turn decreases ECS activity. After consuming cannabis, however, cannabinoids can potentially affect your appetite by influencing the natural cycle of feeling hungry and feeling full after eating.

How Cannabis Stimulates Appetite

Of all the different cannabinoids found in marijuana, THC is the one suspected to increase our appetite the most. Recent studies show that smoking weed can increase one’s daily caloric intake by up to 40%. THC can cause people to eat more snacks, both when alone and in social settings. In addition to improving appetite, THC also makes food seem to taste better, making you enjoy eating more than you would when sober.

This stimulating effect on appetite explains how people undergoing chemotherapy can benefit from using cannabis, particularly from high THC strains. People suffering from anorexia could stand to benefit from cannabis consumption in similar ways, although unfortunately, research on this subject is still scarce. Positive effects of cannabis use on eating behaviour could allow them to gain weight. In addition, the soothing properties of cannabis could help them cope with the stress and anxiety associated with anorexia and other eating disorders. On the other hand, anorexia tends to go hand in hand with a sensitivity to dependency issues, which makes cannabis use in such cases a subject to discuss with your doctor or therapist.

In addition to THC, other cannabinoids such as cannabigerol (CBG) also appear to have appetite increasing potential. CBD was demonstrated to improve appetite in rats, without producing any psychoactive effects. Clearly, cannabis shows serious potential when it comes to increasing appetite for medical or other reasons.

Inhibitory Effects On Appetite

Cannabis contains about 400 different components that have their own unique effects on human physiology. In addition to a range of cannabinoids, terpenes are another group of compounds capable of influencing our urge to eat. Studies by the National Institute of Health revealed that both CBD and CBN are examples of cannabis components capable of inhibiting our appetite. Moreover, CBD decreases the appetite-stimulating potency of THC present in cannabis strains. THCV is another cannabinoid with potential to decrease appetite, even though it is one of the less common cannabis compounds which is notoriously difficult to produce synthetically.

Terpenes are natural aromatic substances found in many pant species. One common cannabis terpene affecting our appetite is humulene. A 2009 study investigated the effect of humulene on obesity. It turned out that people who frequently use cannabis (at least three times a week) are less likely to be obese than the general population.

Such findings are striking; particularly so when the general consensus is that cannabis causes the munchies rather than decreasing appetite. Humulene appears to be another cannabis compound that would make a fine candidate for countering weight gain and excessive eating behaviour.

Indica And Sativa Genetics

Although decades of crossbreeding have blurred the lines between typical sativa and pure indica genetics, both types of cannabis are thought to have a distinct effect on appetite. Indica-heavy marijuana often produces more physically oriented bodybuzz highs with deeply relaxing and often more sedative results. Near-pure sativa weed, by contrast, tends to focus on the mental aspects of a high, associated with waves of euphoria and energetic, creativity-inspiring headbuzz effects.

Traditionally, indica-dominant strains are considered extra effective for increasing appetite, provided they tick the other boxes discussed in this article. Getting the munchies is largely considered to be a body-based phenomenon, so inducing the feeling with indica genetics seems to make intuitive sense.

On the other hand, sativa strains could provide interesting options for controlling appetite without making consumers too sleepy, stoned, or couchlocked to do anything else. In fact, we all know that getting exercise and having a physically active lifestyle active is a tried and tested way to achieve and hold on to weight loss. Here too, then, it seems as though both ends of the cannabis sativa and indica divide have their own appetite controlling benefits to offer.

Cannabis And Controlling Appetite: Finding The Right Strain

All things considered, cannabis offers interesting potential for controlling appetite for either weight gain or weight loss. The underlying mechanism, based on the CB1 and CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoid system, can be directed either way. The trick, then, is to find the best cannabis strain to nudge your appetite in the right direction. Triggering ravaging appetite for those struggling to get enough daily calories requires other genetics than keeping the urge to munch under control. The strains you’ll find below are our personal suggestions to affect your appetite in either direction by growing and consuming the ideal cannabis strain.

Appetite Promoting Cannabis Strains

Anyone looking to increase their appetite to gain weight or prevent losing (more) weight could give the following strains a try.

Top Munchies Booster: AK-OG Kush

AK-OG Kush cannabis seeds tick all the boxes for a true appetite booster strain. THC content is pretty solid at around 22%, while CBD levels are kept to a minimum. Offset by significant CBG presence and a remarkable 80% indica heritage, this is our perfect Amsterdam Genetics munchies booster.

Growing these seeds is not too difficult, especially indoors, as long as growers are prepared to observe the extended flowering time before they invite this buxom lady to the table – bon appetit!

Second Place: Fatkid’s Cake

Anyone looking for maximum THC potential to fire up that appetite ought to give Fatkid’s Cake cannabis seeds a try. If this strain’s name doesn’t convince you, perhaps we should point out that its parent strains are Cherry Pie and Girl Scout Cookies – a pedigree to get the mouth watering for sure.

The obese-sounding seeds pack almost 30% THC with 60% indica genetics for maximum munchies potential paired with 1.6% CBG readings. Topped off with great flavour and fine growing credentials, you know you’d better put out that extra plate when this obese baby stays over for dinner.

Appetite Reducing Cannabis Strains

For those who are looking to lose a bit of weight or stay in control of a rogue appetite, we have two fine cannabis menu suggestions. One leans heavily on CBD slimming potential, whereas the other employs sativa energy boosters and secondary cannabinoids to burn calories while burning leaves.

Weight Loss Sativa Heavyweight: Quicksilver

Make no mistake: at 23% THC content, you could be forgiven for thinking Quicksilver cannabis genetics ought to get the appetite going. However, she is a real uplifting sativa stimulant that will see most people off for a gym workout rather than camping in front of the fridge and vegging out. Her cannabinoid profile adds CBD, CBN, and THCV to the mix; each of which has its own weight loss potential to contribute.

Warmly recommended for active cannabis connoisseurs looking to maintain an active daytime lifestyle, combining this easy-growing sativa with plenty of fibre, vitamins and vegetables could be your ticket to that low BMI high!

CBD Appetite Suppressor: Blue Monkey CBD

Of all the cannabinoids discussed, CBD is widely regarded as the most readily accessible appetite suppressing cannabis compound. That is why growers aiming for weight loss can’t afford to overlook our Blue Monkey CBD seeds. Adding a serious spoonful of relaxed vibes to the non-psychoactive buzz, Blue Monkey CBD seeds are well-suited for daytime use. Designed for maximum CBD benefits, these cannabis seeds support an active, health-conscious lifestyle to complement any attempt at keeping appetite under control.

Growing Cannabis For Appetite Control

The relationship between cannabis and appetite is as fascinating as it is complex and nuanced. On top of the above, our best advice to growers is to try and find out what works best for every unique personal situation. Our prime quality seeds collection awaits: feel free to dig in and help yourself!


cannabis headbuzz

What Is A Cannabis Headbuzz?

A headbuzz, brainbuzz, or in posh terms, a cerebral effect: all are common concepts in the world of cannabis. You’ll regularly encounter them to describe strains that focus their effects on the mental or brainy aspect of the high. We’ll explain just what a headbuzz is, and why some strains are more likely to produce them than others.

Which Strains Produce A Headbuzz?

Roughly speaking, we can distinguish between three main cannabis varieties: indica, sativa, and ruderalis. Of these three, cannabis sativa strains are the ones most closely associated with a headbuzz, and so the plants discussed in this blog are mainly from this part of the cannabis family tree. Indica strains, by contrast, tend to lean towards the physical end of the effects spectrum: they are commonly associated with bodybuzz effects. However, decades of crossbreeding indica and sativa genetics have blurred the line that used to separate the two types.

Of course, percentages in strain descriptions are still an indication, but pure sativa strains are exceptionally hard to find these days. It’s a bit like what happened to chocolate in a sense. Although dark chocolate is delicious, it isn’t very original. People like to explore new things by nature, and so they will try and combine dark chocolate with other ingredients, such as cream and milk. That’s how we ended up with milk chocolate and a million in-between flavours. Something quite similar happened to cannabis strains.

haze strain headbuzz effect

Headbuzz Nuances

Growers are an inquisitive kind of people, and their thirst for experimentation has obscured the origins of cannabis by mixing genotypes together. Apart from percentages indicating the ingredients of these mixtures, specific parent strains produce new genetic recipes, too. Take Super Silver Haze and Amnesia Haze, for instance; two sativa strains that are quite similar in terms of their genetic background. Super Silver Haze is celebrated by connoisseurs for its uplifting effects; and even though Amnesia Haze has these qualities, too, it is considered more ‘trippy’ by consumers. That makes its headbuzz distinctly unique. Whether ‘trippy’ is good or bad is of course a matter of taste.

In spite of these ever-expanding differences and nuances, however, these strains are still united by their tendency towards a headbuzz effect. The differences become quite delicate, and subjective preference becomes ever more important. It’s a bit like chocolate, really: even an expert will only know which they like best after they’ve had a taste for themselves.

Haze Headbuzz Effects

Okay, so we have three main cannabis types. But what about haze? Isn’t that the type of weed most people associate with a headbuzz? This is certainly true, and it makes sense as well, because haze is a subcategory of the sativa family branch. By now, haze has claimed its own lineage with so many different strains that sativa and haze cannabis are often confused in terms of their effects. There are sativa strains, however, that are not related to haze strains, such as Grapefruit Superstar, even though it can produce similar effects.

cannabis marijuana seeds headbuzz


THC is the main substance responsible for making you feel the mental psychoactive effects of the high: the brain- or headbuzz, that is. This effect is produced through the human endocannabinoid system, which is capable of responding to THC. THC is a natural phytocannabinoid produced by cannabis plants similar to the endocannabinoids generated by our own cells. Read this blog to learn more about the chemical mechanism responsible for THC and its headbuzz effect.

All cannabis contains a percentage o f THC, and higher THC percentages cause more intense highs. The personal experience of such highs is exceptionally difficult to predict, however. The effects of THC vary according to a host of personal factors. Personal moods, diet, terpene profiles, dosage, and prior expectations, and many other aspects determine the effects of THC including the headbuzz. Figuring out the right THC percentage alone is tricky enough. Just keep in mind that nobody can determine it for you. Starting out slowly and trusting your own experience and judgment is the best strategy we can advise.


CBD And The Headbuzz

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a cannabinoid that has become the focus of attention in recent years. Of course, we have a range of CBD supplements to support a naturally balanced body and mind, but CBD is becoming increasingly popular as an active compound among cannabis consumers, too. CBD can reduce the impact of THC’s effects, which will make any headbuzz feel less intense. Generally speaking, sativa strains tend to contain little CBD, maximizing their cerebral effects as a result. However, in case you find the experience of a particular haze sativa strain too intense, products such as CBD Gummies can help you keep the headbuzz in check.


Terpenes contribute to any given headbuzz as well. Terpenes are cannabis compounds that provide a strain’s characteristic scent. The experts know that terpenes contain a surprising range of aromatic nuance. Pine, mint, lemon, or rosemary are all fragrances you can find in different strains. However, these terpenes can influence headbuzz effects, too.

terpenes cannabis headbuzz

Typically uplifting terpenes include limonene and pinene. Limonene is common in citrus fruits, but in cannabis, it allows cells to absorb other compounds more easily, including other terpenes and cannabinoids. This could help increase the headbuzz effect of cannabinoids.

Pinene is a terpene commonly found in pine needles, dill, rosemary, and other kitchen herbs, which may explain why we find its scent so attractive. Some compare the effect of pinene-rich strains to a walk in a pine forest. They claim it improves mental focus and switches the brain into creative gear. Another potential benefit: pinene is reported to help counter the paranoia effects that heavily sativa-leaning strains may produce in their headbuzz.

Headbuzz Characteristics

Below, we will detail some of the hallmark characteristics of a cannabis headbuzz experience.


Euphoric, uplifting, happy: these are often mentioned as elements of a typical headbuzz experience. Some claim the stress of everyday life fades into the background for a while due to these effects. This helps explain why sativa strains are used for medicinal reasons, such as to counter depression, anxiety, and even fatigue. This may sound surprising as cannabis is thought to make people sleepy; in reality, though, the effects are more complex.

Energy And Creativity

Sativa strains can really get the brain going. Connoisseurs compare a sativa headbuzz to a few cups of coffee, only without the shaking hands. Creative thought is triggered as well, which is an additional motivation to enjoy a headbuzz for many people.

A sativa headbuzz can really jolt the mind into action. That is why connoisseurs often claim headbuzz strains are not the best bedtime choice, advising them for use during the daytime and in social settings instead.

cannabis mental effect


Most sativa fans will recognise fits of the giggles and the urge to keep talking as tell-tale headbuzz phenomena. A surge of uplifting energy can make people much more sociable, encouraging them to mingle and chat with others on any topic that presents itself – or about nothing in particular if subjects are lacking. Regardless, the results of a headbuzz usually work wonders to lift the mood and brighten the atmosphere in the room.


Paranoia is the major drawback of the headbuzz effect. At high doses. The mind can go into overdrive, potentially sparking paranoid or anxious thoughts for those who are susceptible to such notions. This can turn that sociable mindset around if one’s perception of the setting is reversed. Always keep in mind to start out with small doses if you want to try sativa strains. There are so many factors involved in the headbuzz effect that it’s always wise to go easy and see how those first few hits work out.

Growing Headbuzz Cannabis Seeds

Anyone interested in growing cannabis seeds for headbuzz effects will find what they’re looking for at Amsterdam Genetics. We have a world-class selection of haze strains waiting, as part of the sativa-dominant genetics you’ll find in our online collection.



cannabis bodybuzz

What Is A Cannabis Bodybuzz?

Having a bodybuzz or body high means experiencing high that makes the entire body feel different instead of mainly focusing on mental effects. This blog explains just how that different experience works, as well as looking into which specific cannabis strains cause a bodybuzz effect.

Bodybuzz Characteristics

Today’s huge diversity of weed strains can make it hard to describe just what the effects of any specific type of weed are. This makes the notion of bodybuzz a useful concept to try and categorize this cannabis bonanza.

As the name suggests, a bodybuzz chiefly affects the body: a physical high or stone you’ll literally feel from head to toe. Below you’ll find some of the main bodybuzz effects. Keep in mind, though, that every strain is subtly unique, and that your personal experience of any strain is the final berdict. Weed is still a matter of taste; but even so, growers looking for great bodybuzz cannabis seeds ought to keep reading!

Relaxing Muscles

The first noticeable effect of a bodybuzz is manifested as the muscles start to relax, while consumers experience a lazy sensation wash over their body. This is a pleasat experience for most people, right up to the point where they need to get off their sofa. This is where the phenomenon of couchlock takes effect: the muscles become so relaxed that they prefer to remain on the couch rather than getting up and actually doing something.

cannabis bodybuzz sports weed

Bodybuzz And Sports

It’s no secret that cannabis and sports can be a winning combination. Many people with an active lifestyle prefer cannabis strains that trigger a body buzz. This is usually because of the profound sense of relaxation they cause, which helps ease muscles and limbs after serious workouts or intense competition. Strains with high CBD levels can be particularly useful in speeding up muscle recovery after exercise, easing muscle aches and reducing the impact of injuries.

Pain Relief

There is a lot of research going on to investigate how ever more people consume cannabis to reduce or (temporarily) relieve pain symptoms. The effects of CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) can soothe the nervous system, bringing (temporary) relief to patients suffering from (chronic) pain. Cannabis strains that cause a bodybuzz are a popular choice for pain manifesting through physical symptoms.

seeds bodybuzz cannabis


Cannabis strains can be crudely divided into sativa or indica variants. Whereas sativa strains are usually energizing and uplifting in their effects, indica tends to cause a sleepy sensation spread throughout the body. This bodybuzz aspect makes indica strains particularly popular among people with sleeping problems and those seeking to unwind physically before going to bed.

Which Cannabis Strains Cause A Bodybuzz?

As we explain in our headbuzz blog, the cannabis genus can be divided into three subtypes: indica, sativa, and ruderalis strains. Originally, indica cannabis is the variant that mainly causes bodybuzz effects. These days, however, extensive crossbreeding has resulted in an abundance of hybrid indica x sativa strains that tend to blur the lines between types and effects. Opinions differ as to whether this is a god thing or not. It makes a pure body buzz or head buzz harder to find, but on the other hand, the abundance of modern strains has something to offer for anyone, including mixed headbuzz and bodybuzz effects and great terpene flavour combinations.

weed cannabis thc body stone

The boundless creativity of breeders has made any desired effect available. Of course, there are still indica-dominant strains, so growers and connoisseurs looking for bodybuzz effects need to select cannabis strains by their unique specs and genetics.

Our Bodybuzz Cannabis Seeds

Broadly speaking, a bodybuzz can be expected from about 60% indica cannabis genetics, as you’ll find in our Green Magic and Chocolato strains, for example.


Experts claim that Chocolato provides a nice even balance between a strong head and body high experience. This creates a floaty sensation without the lazy vibes that leaves the mind active. That makes it a fine choice for creative and social consumers.

chocolato weed seeds body buzz

Green Magic

Green magic is a more modest choice of genetics, well-suited for use just before bedtime or the ultimate night spent vegging out on the sofa. People widely appreciate her tendency to ease the mind whole allowing the body to relax as well. As you can see, these strains have similar indica x sativa percentages, even though their effects manifest in different ways.

Dutch Duchess

True couchlock fans looking for high-indica strains without letting go of all sativa aspects could opt for our one and only Dutch Duchess genetics. Her 70% indica background is the basis for a firm bodybuzz effect. Regular Dutch Duchess consumers describe her effect as an initially mild kickstart, followed by a lazy, physical sense of contentment. Especially suited for introspective evenings and as treatment for against restless nights.

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Cannabis can be categorized in more than one way. While some prefer the indica – sativa divide, others like to compare kush and haze varieties. Viewed from this angle, kush cannabis tends to contain the most indica genetics, which accounts for a typical bodybuzz effect. People often describe the high associated with kush strains as more sedative and less energizing than typical haze effects. That makes kush best suited for quiet evenings spent alone or with a few good friends – and definitely located on a comfy couch.

For the sake of convenience, most strains mention their kush content in their name to indicate what consumers can expect. On top of the strains we already mentioned above, we simply have to include our absolute indica champion strain AK Choco Kush. At 80% indica content, sativa effects are all but absent apart from the intense sense of satisfaction. This strain is obviously popular for its medicinal potential as a muscle relaxant or analgesic. That makes her an athlete’s favourite, but don’t let her medical appearance put you off – this is a fine choice for relaxed creative use as well.


Put bluntly, THC generally interacts with the human endocannabinoid system to slow down communications between certain cells and the (central) nervous system. This slowness accounts for a large share of that characteristically lazy, relaxed feeling typical of a cannabis bodybuzz. Although some people think that high THC percentages determine only mental effects, THC affects the body’s physiology, too.

thc high effects physical

All cannabis contains THC to some degree, and higher THC levels make for a more intense bodybuzz or headbuzz high. What percentage best suits anyone’s personal needs also depends on other factors, including terpene profiles, CBD content, mood, setting, and more. That means the effects differ between strains as well as between different occasions. Anyone still looking for the perfect match will have to find out for themselves what works best. Of course, this should always be done responsibly, in moderation, and in the right environment to find the perfect personal match.


CBD, or cannabidiol, is a cannabis compound that has become hugely popular in recent years. Although our CBD supplements are used for all sorts of health applications, CBD is also appreciated by more and more regular cannabis consumers. This is mainly due to the fact that CBD can temper the effects of THC. CBD can reduce the THC bodybuzz impact of any given cannabis strain. At the same time, though, CBD has its own relaxing potential to add to the bodybuzz effect. Much depends on the particular bodybuzz you’re after, but CBD is present in all cannabis strains, though usually in lower percentages than THC.


Terpenes contribute to the cannabis bodybuzz too. Terpenes are aromatic compounds that provide the typical scents and flavours of weed. Experienced consumers know how varied these scents can be, and true connoisseurs will recognise the typical myrcene fragrance of indica strains. Myrcene spreads a clove-like sleep-inducing aroma. The entourage effect allows myrcene to boost the intensity of the THC high, which adds to the couchlock effect. In fact, tsome experts claim that a minimum .5% myrcene content is one of the defining criteria of indica strains. By these standards, all cannabis containing less myrcene is a sativa: that’s yet another way of recognising bodybuzz cannabis strains.

kush cannabis bodybuzz pain

Growing Cannabis For That Bodybuzz

As you can see, there’s more than one way to find cannabis with a strong bodybuzz effect. That means anyone looking to grow their own cannabis seeds has plenty of options available. The Amsterdam Genetics collection comprises the very best indica and kush strains in a range of flavours to suit any taste. Our grow blogs provide all the information needed to grow weed seeds at home, including authentic body buzz focused genetics. That means it’s time to check out the full range and order those feminized, autoflower, or regular bodybuzz cannabis seeds!



slapen dromen cannabis

Using Cannabis To Sleep Better

We all know the feeling: you’re tired and all you can think about is that seductively soft pillow. You’re sure you’ll be fast asleep in two minutes – but as soon as you lie down, your mind goes into overdrive. You can’t help dwelling on that important meeting tomorrow, taking your daughter to her swimming class, and oh, did you walk the dog tonight? Some people fall asleep easily, only to wake up ten times each night. Feeling tired and not being able to sleep can be deeply frustrating. So could growing marijuana seeds improve quality of sleeping? Is weed a good way to improve your night’s rest? Read all about how cannabis and better sleeping relate.

Sleeping Better With Cannabis: Indica Or Sativa?

Most weed-savvy people know there are many different types to choose from. All the various strains affect alertness and energy levels in their own particular way. One way to classify these strains is to distinguish between indica strains that make you drowsy and sleepy, while sativa cannabis can boost your 威而鋼
energy by contrast. However, this crude distinction between indica and sativa strains is an oversimplification. Anyone interested in sleeping better with cannabis ought to pay attention to the various cannabis ingredients that strains contain, such as cannabinoids and terpenes. These organic compounds all have their own unique effect on our quality of sleep.

How THC And CBD Affect Sleep

CBD and THC are the two best-known cannabis compounds, and either substance has its own unique impact on better sleeping. CBD (cannabidiol) is know to help people relax, which can be particularly helpful in case of stress or anxiety. This capacity makes it a good aid for falling asleep faster. CBD Oil can help you rebalance your sleeping patterns, making you feel less tired throughout the day and better able to sleep at night.

better sleep cannabis

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) also has soothing properties. These sedative qualities make THC another potential cannabis compound to promote better sleeping. In fact, 70% of all young adults using cannabis indicate doing so because it helps them sleep better. Still, THC can have quite the opposite effect on some people. Particularly in high doses, it can have uplifting, energizing effects, which of course will not help anyone looking for some shuteye. On the other hand, this property makes some cannabis strain very suited to try against fatigue; you’ll learn more about that in this blog.

So what is the best choice when looking for cannabis strains to help you sleep better? The soothing qualities associated with either cannabinoid appear to make genetics with balanced CBD and THC potency a good option. Moreover, CBD is capable of limiting the psychotropic effects of THC to some extent. Anyone looking to sleep better with cannabis without getting high can always choose special CBD cannabis seeds, or simply order CBD Oil or CBD Gummies online.

Other Cannabinoids And Terpenes In Weed

Cannabis has more compounds to offer for better sleep than CBD and THC alone, however. Keep in mind, though, that each individual strain has its own unique cannabinoid profile. Further on in this blog, we present some of our best strains to help any grower sleep better.

One of the cannabinoids that can help people relax is the mildly psychoactive compound CBN (cannabinol). It has soothing, muscle-relaxing, and even analgesic properties. CBG (cannabigerol) is another well-known cannabinoid that can help improve sleeping quality. Until very recently, CBG was very expensive and difficult to obtain, but new technologies have changed that for the better. Thanks to smart crop cultivation, you can now order high-grade Full Spectrum CBG Oil to help you sleep better without the need to feel high or stoned.

Other cannabis ingredients that can help you sleep better are known as terpenes. These aromatic compounds are responsible for the scent ad flavour of weed. They can do much more than that, however. Some terpenes contribute to the soothing and sleep-promoting properties of marijuana strains, such as myrcene, caryophyllene, linalool, and terpinolene, for example. Cannabinoids and terpenes all have their own unique effects, but they can also mutually affect each other. Some combinations actually boost the effects of one another; a phenomenon known as the entourage effect.

cannabis sleep better

How Cannabis Can Help Us Sleep Better

The relaxing effects of cannabis affect sleeping patterns in several ways.

Weed Can Make People Fall Asleep Faster

As cannabis can help us relax both physically and mentally, it is not surprising to find it can help people sleep better. No matter whether you are lying awake due to milling thoughts, pain, or stress; research shows that substances found in weed can help improve the time needed to fall asleep.

Less REM Sleep And Dreams

Regular marijuana consumers will recognise how they tend to dream less compared to sober nights. It turns out that enjoying a bedtime smoke reduces the amount of time spent in the dreaming stage of sleep (REM sleep). This makes the occurrence of dreams less likely as well as decreasing their vividness. That can be a real advantage for anyone suffering from PTSD, a condition associated with intense nightmares. Keep in mind, however, that dreams have their use in maintaining our mental health, making this cannabis effect a factor to consider in trying to sleep better.

Using Cannabis Against Pain And Stress-Related Insomnia

Cannabis can be particularly useful in helping people sleep better in case of conditions such as anxiety disorders, PTSD, chronic pain, or MS. People affected by Restless Leg Syndrome or depression could benefit from marijuana as well. In each of these cases, cannabis can help people sleep better as well as preventing them from waking up at night. Overall, the calming, soothing potential of weed can help improve quality of sleeping in general.

weed against insomnia

Long Term Effects

As explained above, cannabis is an interesting natural candidate to help people sleep better. However, we need to remain critical and mention one of its potential drawbacks as well. Long-term use of cannabis to better sleeping can eventually have a negative impact on quality of sleep. Marijuana may alter sleeping patterns by decreasing the duration of REM sleep while extending NREM sleep.

This is undesirable in the long run, as it can give rise to other sleeping problems instead. That means extended use of cannabis to help you sleep better is not advisable. Nonetheless, limited use can have positive effects on sleeping patterns and help you through periods of (mild) sleeping problems. Moreover, the side-effects of most regular sleep medication and tranquillizers are much more serious than the potential side-effects of cannabis.

Top Cannabis Strains To Help People Sleep Better

After our exploration of how cannabis can help us sleep better, we give you a few tips on finding the best strains to promote a good night’s sleep.

Top Sleep Strain #1: Spicebomb

Spicebomb is one of our latest kush cannabis innovations that seems to have better sleep ingrained in its DNA. This high-THC strain also has above-average CBD content, amounting to a cannabinoid combination that goes way beyond counting sheep.

spicebomb seeds

A serious indica hybrid with a decidedly kushy family history, Spicbomb explodes in a hefty, deeply relaxing body buzz. Any grower spending the night staring at the ceiling due to physical unrest had better give these sleep improving cannabis seeds a go!

Top Sleep Strain #2: Dutch Duchess

Our Dutch Duchess cannabis seeds embody another deeply interesting anti-insomnia strain. This is a 70% indica-leaning hybrid with her own share of kush heritage, providing fast and intense bodily relaxation topped off by soothing cerebral effects to complete a well-rounded high.

Dutch Duchess cannabis seeds also promote better sleep by their markedly high CBN content. The associated sense of lazy satisfaction makes for a smooth transition from couchlock to turning in early, so this strain is warmly recommended for anyone for anyone seeking better sleep with cannabis.

marijuana seeds insomnia sleeplessness

Top Sleeping Tip #3: Full Spectrum CBG Oil

CBG (cannabigerol) is the latest cannabinoid trend when it comes to unwinding, losing stress, and enjoying a good night’s sleep. That’s why we see more and more CBD supplement fans discover our Full Spectrum CBG Oil for better natural sleep without the need for a high.

CBD can help you calm down fast, which promotes faster onset of sleep and reduces the likelihood of waking up at night. Full Spectrum CBG Oil contains all the other cannabinoids found in hemp plants too. The one thing you won’t find inside is an effective concentration of THC, so this oil is perfect for anyone aiming to snooze while staying sober.

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Weed Against Insomnia: We’ll Let You Sleep On It

As you can see, any grower can find the genetics of their dreams in our extraordinary cannabis seeds collection. If you’re not sure which one to try, we suggest you just pick some and then sleep on it. There’s a perfect strain here to match any personal taste and lifestyle, so anyone looking to sleep better with cannabis will find what they need at Amsterdam Genetics!







cannabis ontspannen

The Best Cannabis To Relax Body And Mind

Stress is all around us: it seems an inescapable condition of our time. Stress appears an integral aspect of society, and even though a modest amount of stress can help us stay alert and productive, long-term stress is bad for our mental and physical health. That makes it all the more important to lose that stress and make sure we relax. More and more people discover how cannabis can help them relax. This blog explains all about the relaxing qualities of weed. Below, you’ll see which cannabis strains are best suited to help people relax in times of stress.

Losing Stress With Weed?

Sure enough, in every life there are issues, worries, and negative experiences that will cause stress. Stress is a natural response to help us deal with potentially threatening situations. The body produces three different stress hormones (cortisol, noradrenaline, and adrenaline) that prepare us for action. They raise our pulse and increase awareness while preparing our muscles for action. This physiological state of high alert is demanding, draining energy and causing harm when we experience it over extended periods.

Long-term presence of stress hormones is detrimental to our health. Failure to lose stress can have a negative health impact. Researchers at Buffalo University discovered that chronic stress depletes our natural cannabinoid levels. These findings help explain why cannabis, a natural source of such cannabinoids, could help us keep stress in check.

cannabis relax


Cannabis has been used to help people relax for centuries. The plant contains over hundred different cannabinoids. CBD and THC are the best-known cannabinoids, but other cannabis compounds such as CBG, CBN, and THCV have their own parts to play, too. Although every cannabinoid has its own particular effect on the body’s endocannabinoid system, many different cannabis compounds can help relieve the symptoms of stress and anxiety. In fact, most people who use cannabis indicate they do so to help them relax (55%), lose stress (40%), and reduce anxiety (39%).

Things To Know About Using Cannabis To Relax

To many people, the mere thought of marijuana summons the association of relaxed vibes. Nonetheless, the link between cannabis and the ability to relax is more complex. Cannabis strains differ in the relaxing effects they cause. Broadly speaking, the more indica-dominant strains help us relax and promote a good night’s sleep. On the other end of the spectrum, sativa strains tend to have uplifting effects that boost energy levels. If we make a crude distinction, then, anyone looking for cannabis to help them relax should turn to indica weed first. Still, most of today’s strains are hybrid crossbreeds that combine indica and sativa genetics; each with their own particular pros and cans when it comes to relaxing effects.

cannabis relax

Dosage Matters

Dosage is another factor to take into account. Marijuana tends to become more potent as dosages increase. This is mainly related to THC percentages. A research group at the University of Chicago tried to determine the ideal dose of cannabis to help people relax. A total of 42 subjects aged 18 to 40 participated, all with prior marijuana experience. One group of subjects received 7.5mg THC; another group received 12,5mg, and a control group was administered a placebo. Cannabis was used twice over the course of the study.

The study demonstrated that subjects receiving 7.7mg THC displayed the least amount of stress. They were more relaxed than the control group receiving the placebos, whereas the 12.5mg group were markedly more stressed than either other group. Evidently, simply increasing one’s THC supply is no sure-fire road to reducing stress levels.

Apparently then, finding the right quantity of cannabis to help you relax is related to the amount of THC it contains. Another option is choosing a high CBD containing strain. CBD (cannabidiol) is a cannabinoid that can help relieve stress and anxiety due to its soothing effects. In addition, CBG and CBN are cannabinoids with calming potential too.

The Influence Of Terpenes

In addition to cannabinoids, cannabis contains compounds known as terpenes. These are aromatic organic chemicals that give plants their characteristic taste and scent. However, they can also influence the effects that marijuana causes through the entourage effect. Strains rich in myrcene, for instance, can add to weed’s soothing effects. Linalool is another cannabis terpene with good credentials for stress and anxiety relief due to its relaxing and sedative properties. It appears that linalool can help raise serotonin levels which in turn can have positive effects on overall mood.

cannabis terpenes relax

How Cannabis Can Help People Relax

If you are dealing with stress and anxiety, cannabis may be a natural way to help you relax. By now, several studies support the hypothesis. The Journal of Affective Disorders, for instance, published a study in 2018 that analysed data on medicinal cannabis users. Subjects used a self-indication scale to score the perceived effectiveness of cannabis for their particular conditions.

  • 50% experienced reduced depression symptoms;
  • 58% experienced reduced levels of stress and anxiety.

In addition, subjects indicated not to need large quantities of cannabis to help them relax: two inhalations usually sufficed to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Ten inhalations proved most effective for stress relief. Most subjects indicated they preferred strains with high CBD levels (9.5% or up) and low THC content (5.5% or less).

No Miracle Cure

Always keep in mind, though, that cannabis is no miracle cure. No matter what else you do, you should always try to improve your own capacity to handle stress. Whether you decide to give weed a try or not, always combine cannabis with other relaxation techniques. Meditation and mindfulness are good ways of dealing with adversity or distressing events. These techniques also provide physical relaxation to help lower heart rate and blood pressure. Try yoga, tai chi, massage, or visualization; find something that matches your own style and personality.

relaxing marijuana strains

Ultimately, you don’t want to depend on cannabis alone to relax. Even though there are plenty of people who grow marijuana for medicinal reasons, it’s better when you don’t have to rely on weed for any reason. Having said that, however, the following cannabis strains are well-suited to help you relax. What’s more, any grower will tell you that growing your own cannabis seeds is a deeply relaxing hobby – that only adds to the incentive for giving it a try.

Our Best Cannabis Strains To Help You Relax

Growing marijuana is a very relaxing activity to many people around the world; especially if the resulting harvest adds to the relaxing effect. Moreover, our Grow Blogs will show you how a few easy-going growing techniques like Low Stress Training get you maximum results with minimum effort. Below, you’ll find our top 3 selection of best cannabis strains to help any grower relax.

Top Relaxing Strain #1: Blue Magic

Blue Magic cannabis seeds contain 90% indica genetics, making them our most physically oriented cannabis strain to relax the body. With epic lineage behind them, Blue Magic seeds promise an unparalleled body buzz. The effect makes itself felt right away, making this a great cannabis strain to relax as soon as tension rears its head. Blue Magic cannabis seeds are highly recommended for anyone looking to relax the body, pronto!

blue magic

Top Relaxing Strain #2: AK-020 Autoflower

AK-020 Autoflower seeds add great ease of growing to their potential to relax body and mind simultaneously. The ruderalis genetics incorporated into this strain ensure that plants switch from the vegetative to the flowering stage automatically, just when the time is right. That means less stress for growers, allowing its lovely mix of indica and sativa influences to fully relax any cannabis enthusiast. A firm resilience against fungi and other threats makes AK-020 Auto our prime choice for the ultimate relaxing strain any novice grower could ask for.

cannabis relax chill


Top Relaxing Strain #3: Blue Monkey CBD

Anyone looking to relax with the non-psychoactive effects of cannabidiol ought to give our Blue Monkey CBD cannabis seeds a try. This hugely successful CBD strain was developed by crossing Afghan genetics and a Kompolti CBD parent plant, creating a cannabinoid profile with about 1:30 THC and CBD ratio. That makes Blue Monkey CBD a profoundly relaxing strain without the high associated with THC-rich weed. This unique character makes her a perfect cannabis match for anyone looking to relax while remaining sober throughout the day.

Relax With The World’s Best Cannabis Seeds

As you can see, the Amsterdam Genetics cannabis collection has plenty to offer for any grower looking to relax in style. Take a minute to browse our product range and discover how you’ll start to relax as soon as you order our prime cannabis seeds online!

Happy cannabis strains

Happy Cannabis Strains: Weed With A Smile

Everybody knows that laughing is a healthy habit: being happy is a natural boost for our mind and our body. Cannabis can help promote those happy feelings, as many connoisseurs will confirm. And even though happiness is difficult to measure scientifically (try testing and quantifying an emotion and you’ll see why), it appears that marijuana can help improve our mood. In this blog, we explore why cannabis makes people happy, and which happy cannabis strains give the best chances of the giggles, positive conversations, and happy feelings all around.

Happy Through The Effect Of Cannabis

How does one describe happiness? A positive mood, a tendency to smile and laugh, and a general sense of wellbeing are all part of the answer at least. Happiness is a state most people would like to experience all the time; sadly, though, this is practically impossible. Our moods change continuously: it is just the way things work in life. One of the factors that determine our mood is a regulatory system in the human body called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS affects much more than just our emotional state; it influences many processes, including cycles of sleeping and waking, digestion, memory, and our body’s immune system.

Strikingly, these are all processes that cannabis may affect, too. In fact, the ECS works by means of cannabinoids; both the endocannabinoids produced by the body itself and phytocannabinoids produced by plants: by cannabis plants, to be specific. These plant cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD, are able to bind to cell receptors, allowing them to regulate processes such as our mood.

Positive Vibes And Anandamide

So how exactly does cannabis help people feel happy? Part of the explanation involves the compound known as anandamide; a neurotransmitter produced by our own body. This substance is also known as the ‘bliss molecule’: the compound that helps us achieve a state of bliss. This is arguably a pretty big statement to stick to any one molecule; put simply, however, anandamide improves our capacity to handle stress, and triggers feelings of pleasure and satisfaction.

THC found in cannabis has similar qualities to anandamide, as it can activate the same receptors that the bliss molecule affects. Consuming cannabis flowers can therefore trigger the same sense of bliss, producing happy feelings and smiles just like any other positive stimulus that might otherwise cause happiness.

cannabis happy

This is all well and good in theory, of course, but actual scientific research turns out to support these claims. In one study, mice that were unable to produce their own anandamide were tested for their ability to cope with stress. It turned out that stressful stimuli affected these mice worse than those able to produce anandamide. These mice used the bliss molecule to stay more relaxed, which enabled them to ignore certain stressors. Subsequently, the initial subjects received THC, after which their ability to handle stress improved dramatically. This is a clear demonstration of a strong link between cannabis, anandamide, and happy feelings as caused by the absence of stress.

Anandamide also helps our conscious ability to ‘remain in the present’. The compound affects how new memories are generated, affecting our sense of time. This combination triggers a state of awareness that reduces the urge to dwell on the past or the future. Similar effects can be observed after consumption of THC. Both of these cannabinoids allow us to truly stay ‘in the moment’, which explains how marijuana can improve our ability to be absorbed by a great song, for instance, or to deeply enjoy a conversation with a close friend. As long as you enjoy the moment, feel happy, and having fun, you can let go of any worries that occupy your mind.

Can Cannabis Make Us Happy In The Long Run?

We have seen how cannabis can help us feel happy; but does this effect only last for the duration of a high, or are there long-term benefits as well? Research in fact seems to indicate that cannabis can have a long-term impact on people’s moods. This implies that we could stand to benefit from weed in case of anxiety, stress, low moods, and depression.

A 2013 study demonstrated that THC can positively affect our perception. This can promote the ability of people affected by depression to draw less negative conclusions about their experiences. There is more to cannabis that can help in times of depression and anxiety, however. Limonene, one of the many terpenes found in cannabis, can be quite effective too. This cannabis compound also affects our neurotransmitters, increasing body dopamine and serotonin levels which help promote happy feelings as well.

Cannabis happy

As mentioned above, moods such as happiness are difficult to study in a laboratory. Cannabis marketing agency BDSA tried to gain more insight in the mood of cannabis consumers compared to those of non-consumers. They took a range of other factors into account, including social, financial, and mental health and wellbeing, as determined by employment, sense of fulfilment, and more. The study indicated a striking difference: cannabis consumers turned out to experience more frequent feelings of satisfaction, as well as being more successful, healthier, and more sociable than non-consumers.

These are pretty strong indications of how cannabis can codetermine our long-term sense of happiness, too. If weed can help people enjoy what life has to offer and gain a sense of satisfaction from their achievements and social relationships, as well as making them successful at what they do… Then cannabis could actually be a valuable contribution to a happy, vital, and meaningful life.

Which Cannabis Strains Make Us Happy?

Let’s be very clear here: you obviously do not need cannabis to experience happy feelings. Going out with friends can make you happy, as can cooking a wholesome meal, having great sex, or chewing away at a nice piece f chocolate – there are plenty of things beyond cannabis that can put a smile on your face. Having said that, however, all of the above examples make for fine combinations with weed come to think of it…

Earnestly, though, anyone looking to boost a happy mood could try whether cannabis helps. Still, all cannabis strains are unique, just as no two individual persons are ever completely the same. That means there is an ideal happy cannabis strain for everyone. Here’s a few tips to help you on your way, however.

Happy Strains #1: Candyfloss

The name of this strain is enough to put a smile on your face: Candyfloss is a sweet sativa sensation with strong happy effects that manifest mainly on a mental level. Stress, low moods, and depression tend to melt away like cotton candy as soon as this lady drops by. Her sugar-sweet taste reminds of the traditional treat that is the strain’s namesake.

candyfloss sativa weed

In the right circumstances, Candyfloss can make growers extra happy by displaying pinkish or purple hues as harvest time approaches. Even if she doesn’t, though, this cannabis delight promotes happy grows by just nine weeks’ flowering times. This superfast sativa is every bit as quick as a sugar rush – only without the extra calories!

Happy Strains #2: Lemon Ice

Lemon Ice is a strong sativa strain just like Candyfloss, full of joyful mental vibes. Here too, sweetness is a defining taste element, but Lemon Ice adds a dash of citrus fruit that instantly boosts the uplifting effect. This limonene terpene kick makes for some extra oomph to the happy, fruity high of this established cannabis pick-me-up.

Lemon Ice marijuana seeds

Lemon Ice is fully qualified to tackle tensions and negativity. The main difference with Candyfloss is the extra uplifting creative vibe that tops off the whole. Growers looking for productivity will love how Lemon Ice makes for productive highs as well as productive harvests large enough to make anyone happy.

Happy Bonus Tip: CBD Chocolate!

Anyone who can’t wait for an entire cannabis grow to get happy could try our special tip instead: CBD 24/7 Chocolate Thins! These delicious chocolate treats are made of 70% dark Virunga chocolate. The high quality CBD infusion can be a natural help for a balanced body and mind. This is exactly why so many people use CBD for so many different conditions and symptoms.

The finest Congolese Virunga chocolate is produced sustainably to make local farmers and the rainforest just as happy as you. Chocolate of such premium quality promotes the production of anandamide without negative health effects. That makes for a whole luxury gift box fill of guilt-free CBD cannabis moments to get happy without getting high or gaining weight!

cbd chocolate 24/7

Caution: Cannabis Is No Magic Happy Trick!

Always be aware that what works for one person may not necessarily work for everyone. Cannabis doesn’t magically make everyone happy all the time: it’s not as simple as that. In fact, some people are particularly vulnerable to having ‘bad trip’ cannabis experiences. That means you should always be cautious and take it easy; especially if you’re not all that experienced.

If you are affected by mood disorders (like anxiety disorders or severe depression, for instance) or serious emotional problems, you should treat cannabis with great caution. Chances are it will do more harm than good for you. If you are dealing with severe psychological problems, always seek professional help. And even if you’re feeling just fine, always be sensible and responsible in the way you enjoy cannabis!

Getting Happy Growing Cannabis Seeds

Gardening is another source of happiness for many people. Watching the power of nature at work with your own eyes is an experience that can make anyone happy. Guess what makes it even better? That’s right: getting a whole bunch of flower buds as a reward with the prospect of more happiness to come! This goes a long way toward explaining why so many people have made a hobby out of growing cannabis seeds. Of course, a nice fresh cannabis harvest is enough to make any grower happy, but for some, it’s not about yields – they grow just for the fun of it.

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Growing your own marijuana is not even that hard; with a bit of timing, a simple garden or balcony is all you need. If you make sure you order cannabis seeds of premium quality online from the comfort of your own home, it’s not hard to do the math… Anyone can get happy growing weed – our selection of world-class cannabis seeds is living proof!

skunk cannabis

What Is Skunk Cannabis?

Skunk is a name with a familiar ring in the world of cannabis. Gourmets and connoisseurs love to obtain some when available, but not many people know what it is and where skunk cannabis got its name. In this blog, we take you deeper into the story behind this celebrated marijuana strain, and we show you some of the famous Amsterdam Genetics seeds it sired.

The Birth Of Skunk

Skunk was first created in California, USA, back in the nineteen sixties and seventies. In those days, most of the marijuana smoked in the States was imported either from South America, the Middle East, or India. Some of the pioneers in the field decided to start experimenting with growing ‘bag seeds’: cannabis seeds left over when buds are picked and ground for consumption.

This is how the US grower scene started to, well, grow. One could argue, therefore, that first American home growers were very close to the roots of our Skunk cannabis. The strain name is still connected to some pretty legendary characters.

‘Mendocino’ Joe, Sam ‘the Skunkman’, and ‘Maple Leaf’ Wilson were three of these pot founding fathers. They decided to team up an crossbreed indica genetics from the Middle East with South American sativas. This gave birth to the legendary Skunk #1 strain, mother of all the Skunk strains that were to follow. To be precise, Skunk is 65% Indica and 35% Sativa genetics. And in case you were still wondering: yes, the strain owes its name to the famously stinky animal due to its rich and intense bouquet.

skunk cannabis

Success Story

The operation soon turned out to be a huge success. Skunk seeds were sold across the nation by the Sacred Seeds collective run by Joe, Sam, ad Wilson. In line with War On Drugs of those days, the enterprise was closely watched by the police. As a result, Sam was briefly incarcerated in 1982.

When he was released, The Skunkman noticed that the authorities kept watching him. So, he decided to watch them closely in turn. He soon discovered that his confiscated seeds were not very well guarded. He decided to get them back. He broke in to the holding facility and took thousands of seeds, dozens of clones, and five legendary strains including Skunk #1. Sam decided to cross the Atlantic and find a safe haven in Amsterdam, where the seeds turned out to be an instant smash hit, too.

Skunk Cannabis In The Netherlands

The Skunkman’s escape to Amsterdam was good news for the fast-expanding Dutch grower community. There was one problem, however. The original Skunk mother strain produced such as strong cannabis smell that many growers got caught. You could literally smell the Skunk from across the street, so all the police had to do was simply to follow their nose. That called for some innovative thinking, and soon enough, some of Skunk’s most wonderful offspring saw the light.

growing weed seeds

Joined by Dutch growers Neville Schoenmaker and Shantibaba, Sam developed new cannabis strains including Blueberry Skunk, Lemon Skunk, and Shiva Skunk. That solved the scent issue, but even today, some sources claim that none of these strains were a match for the original Skunk #1. Rumour has it that a few lucky individuals still possess and grow the original Sacred Seeds Skunk genetics in deep secrecy. We cannot confirm whether his is true, but you’ll have to admit that this nice piece of weed history only gets better if we add a mythical twist to the tale.

Skunk Misconceptions

Skunk became a legendary cannabis strain in the US and the Netherlands, but in other countries, it remained much more obscure. The United Kingdom, for instance, traditionally has a smaller grower community due to strict cannabis legislation. Unfortunately, that has done little for the general national awareness of the variety and diverse effects of different marijuana strains. That explains how Skunk became a UK synonym for Spice or K2, a dangerous type of ‘alternative weed’ consisting mostly of dried herbs with added synthetic cannabinoids. This synthetic ‘cannabis’ is illegal across the world, and causes huge health damage on a global scale.

This general confusion and lack of knowledge led to some quite serious journalistic mistakes. In this article by The Sun, for instance, Skunk is depicted as cannabis with four times as much THC as ‘regular weed’. The actual average THC percentage across the UK is about 15%, whereas Skunk #1 clocks in at about 22%. That means that even though Skunk is a pretty potent THC strain, there is nothing to justify the ‘four times as strong’ claim. In fact, no single strain of genuine, non-synthetic cannabis contains so much THC.

skunky strains

The rest of the article is based on a study that links smoking Skunk to changes in the corpus callosum, an important part of the brain. Studies such as these, however, can never establish causality; at best, they can claim that some link appears to exist. In addition, there is no evidence that any of the alleged changes are in fact harmful. For all we know, these could be positive adaptations associated with soothing or analgesic effects, for instance.

Sadly, this type of sloppy journalism has created serious misconceptions about Skunk cannabis in the United Kingdom. Nonetheless, this strain is not linked in any way to synthetic marijuana; nor is it some kind of ‘super weed’ that is far more potent than any other strains.

Growing Skunk Cannabis

In addition to its effects, modern Skunk cannabis is greatly appreciated by their general ease of growing. This collection of strains is best suited for indoor cultivation, although it can thrive outdoors too in the right temperature and humidity conditions. Of course, grow characteristics vary between individual strains. Super Silver Haze, for instance, is a typical indoor plant, while its relatives Lemon Haze and Critical Mass are less fussy as long as they get plenty of sunshine.

We won’t go into the specifics of growing skunk cannabis here; these are detailed in the respective strain descriptions of our seeds catalogue. If you’re looking for further information on expert grow techniques, our selection of Grow Blogs will get you up to speed. Suffice to say for now that Skunk cannabis plants are very well suited for beginner growers, while their time-proven quality and considerable bud quantity continue to please seasoned cannabis cultivators happy, too.

The Effects Of Skunk Cannabis

The original Skunk #1 has calming properties and is known to spark creative thought. Although this legendary strain is hard to come by these days, we have lots of excellent daughter strains to enjoy. Each of these skunky ladies has an individual character, but as these things go, certain traits just keep running in the family.

Amsterdam Genetics Skunk Strain #1: Super Silver Haze

Take Super Silver Haze, for instance; a crossbreed between Skunk #1, Northern Lights (another strain that Sam brought to Amsterdam) and Haze. Here, the creative impulses inherited from Skunk #1 got boosted to a whole new level. This strain is also known for the happy vibes she brings, wiping away stress and depressed vibes while bringing a positive sense of calm instead.


Super Silver Haze amsterdamgenetics


Amsterdam genetics Skunk Strain #2: Lemon Haze

The aforementioned Lemon Skunk, one of Skunk #1’s first daughters, was crossed with Silver Haze (Northern Lights x Haze) in turn. This happy encounter led to the birth of Lemon Haze; and even if you’ve lost track of the lineage here, rest assured that Lemon Haze has a prime Skunk pedigree. With her tendency towards mental sativa effects, complemented by a characteristic indica body high, Lemon Haze is a strain for connoisseurs with great credentials for romantic settings.

lemon haze sativa

Amsterdam Genetics Skunk Strain #3: Critical Mass

Last but not least, there is Critical Mass, the indica counterpart to Lemon Haze. Critical Mass is well-suited for late-night consumption; and this time we do mean for sleepy time purposes. What’s more, a 1.2% CBD content makes this strain a known favourite for medicinal use. She is known for her pain relief and stress busting capacity, making her a great Skunk cannabis descendant for treating conditions like muscle and back aches, for instance. As an added benefit, ordering Critical Mass seeds gets you regular, non-feminized seeds that give breeders every opportunity to crossbreed their own strains.

Critical Mass cannabis skunk

The Future Smells Skunky…

We’ll admit that we’re hopelessly in love with the wonderful history and great sativa x indica traits of our Skunk cannabis genetics. We’re happy to see growers from Amsterdam and far beyond agree time and time again. Judging by her widely appreciated Skunk effects and the ease of crossbreeding that marks her offspring, this Grand Lady of cannabis has a great future ahead of her. As far as we’re concerned, the story of Skunk has only just begun!

skunk cannabis seeds

Anyone aching to get their hands on the fascinating legacy of Sam the Skunkman can get cracking by placing their Critical Mass Regular, Lemon Haze Feminized, or Super Silver Haze cannabis seeds order straight away!



cannabis ontstekingen

Top Cannabis Strains For Inflammation

To the relief of many, the use of medicinal cannabis is becoming more accepted in an increasing number of countries. One area where cannabis is particularly useful is inflammation. Inflammations are surprisingly common: inflammatory reactions are the natural response of our body when injuries or infections occur. Simultaneously, though, they are also the underlying cause of many health conditions, including arthritis, asthma, and Crohn’s disease. Here. you’ll find out how cannabis can help, and discover or best strains to keep inflammation in check.

The Physiology Of Inflammation

Inflammation is usually an unpleasant and painful experience. Basically, however, it is a useful response of the body, signalling that action is needed. Inflammatory responses are triggered by injuries and infections. Viruses, bacteria, or fungi are intruding, or tissue was damaged. The body reacts by sending white blood cells to the affected areas in order to neutralise any external threats.

Infections trigger our immune system. The goal is to prevent viruses and other culprits from penetrating deeper into the body and causing further damage there. In case of injuries, the inflammatory response serves to ramp up damage repair efforts.

All things considered, inflammation is an effective means of preventing escalation. Sometimes, however, inflammation occurs even though no intruder or damage is present. In such events, your immune system attacks your own cells in a random inflammation response. This is what happens in auto-immune diseases such as fibromyalgia, lupus, and arthritis. In these conditions, both the good and the bad cells come under attack from the body’s immune responses.

Inflammatory responses mat involve acute inflammation, in which case an injury or infection may swell up and turn red. The body responds immediately, and a few hours or days later, the inflammation subsides. Chronic inflammation, by contrast, are more persistent in nature; these can last for months or even years. Unfortunately, these chronic inflammations can cause a lot of pain, discomfort, and permanent tissue damage.

cannabis inflammation

The Potential Of Cannabis For Inflammation

Anyone affected by acute or chronic inflammation can resort to painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Research indicates, however, that cannabis is a promising candidate for treating inflammation, too. Many of the compounds found in cannabis, particularly the cannabinoids and terpenes, can influence cell receptors spread throughout our body. Two types of receptors are involved: CB1 receptors mainly found in the central nervous system; and CB2 receptors spread throughout other tissues, organs, and the immune system.

The human body is a highly complex system governed by a wild diversity of physiological processes. The overarching system responsible for regulating these processes is called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system strives to maintain our inner balance called homeostasis by means of cannabinoids. Consumption of cannabis enables plant cannabinoids such as CBD and THC to interact with the ECS. These cannabis compounds are able to bind to CB1 and CB2 receptors and influence systems related to inflammation, including the immune system and our perception of pain.

Studying Cannabis And Inflammation

Studies have demonstrated that CBD and THC are particularly effective at influencing immune responses. These cannabinoids can help suppress inflammatory responses and ease the pain involved.

weed anti-inflammatory

Fighting Inflammation: THC And CBD In Cannabis

Both CBD and THC have multiple properties that can help lessen or even prevent the inflammatory responses of the body. One anti-inflammatory route by which weed’s natural ingredients can help is by limiting C-reactive protein levels. These proteins are one of the underlying causes of cardiovascular disease. Research indicates that people who use cannabis tend to have lower C-reactive protein levels than people who don’t.

Both of these cannabinoids can help control and prevent inflammation by reducing production of inflammatory cytokines. Even though THC and CBD share this useful property, they work differently to achieve this result. CBD is most effective against inflammation in body tissues. It can also support the body’s own production of endocannabinoids, promoting our self-repair ability while boosting the immune system.

THC on the other hand is very helpful through its analgesic effects. It is 80 times as powerful as aspirin, and twice as effective as hydrocortisone (a regular anti-inflammatory drug). On top of that, THC is highly effective at altering our perception of pain, because it affects our mood. This information lets anyone decide their personal cannabis strains against inflammation: high THC or high CBD strains.

Effectiveness Of Terpenes

Cannabis contains more than just cannabinoids when it comes to fighting inflammation, though. Terpenes are aromatic oils that give weed its characteristic flavour and aromas. Terpenes can also bind to certain receptors, but they can also subtly alter the effects of cannabinoids by means of the entourage effect. Science has identified some 100 different cannabis terpenes, each with interesting properties. Several cannabis terpenes have proven highly effective against inflammation.

One of the cannabis terpenes you could try against inflammation is myrcene. It is one of the most common cannabis terpenes found in most of today’s strains. Myrcene has anti-inflammatory as well as analgesic properties. In addition, it can strengthen the psychotropic effects of THC and has muscle relaxing effects.

terpenes cannabis inflammation

Humulene is another cannabis terpene with potential against inflammation. It is nearly as effective as dexamethasone. Strains with high humulene content can also be useful in an anti-inflammatory sense due to their pain relief capacity. Other cannabis terpenes with inflammation relief potential include linalool and pinene.

Cannabis Inflammation Solutions

Research into the use of cannabis against inflammation is making steady progress. We are gradually learning more about how cannabinoids and terpenes can help us control our inflammatory responses. If you are experiencing acute or chronic inflammation yourself, cannabis may be a natural means of easing your pain and discomfort. Of course, you could grow cannabis and smoke or eat the flowers you harvest, but there are other options as well.

People who prefer not to get high can still benefit from the anti-inflammatory effects of CBD. Ordering special CBD cannabis seeds is an option, but supplements such as CBD Oil or CBD Tablets are an easier way to achieve the same effects. In case of skin or joint inflammation, CBD topicals such as CBD Argan Salve or Cream can be highly effective, too.

cbd oil anti-inflammatory

TOP AG Cannabis Seeds For Inflammation

Any cannabis grower looking for a natural inflammation remedy will find what they need in our online seeds catalogue. Whether you prefer the anti-inflammatory potential of CBD, the pain relief capacity of THC, or the added benefits of terpenes, we always have a suitable strain waiting online. Here’s our top tips for cannabis strains against inflammation:

Fatkid’s Cake

Fatkid’s Cake cannabis seeds offer triple effectiveness against inflammation. First and foremost, these babies are packed with THC potential, with contents ranging all the way up to 30%. They pack all the pai relief one could ask for, but don’t overlook their myrcene percentages. The terpene profile of Fatkid’s Cake only adds to both its analgesic and anti-inflammatory options.

The recreational effects of Fatkid’s Cake only add to its potency. A deeply relaxing indica buzz helps tone down the unpleasant effects of inflammation, while a satisfied smile appears to prove that it works.

cannabis seeds inflammation

Blue Monkey CBD

Blue Monkey CBD cannabis seeds were developed especially to grant growers maximum cannabidiol power. Anyone looking for optimum cannabis effects against inflammation ought to give CBD weed a try at least once. At a 30:1 CBD to THC ratio, the emphasis here is on the tried capacity of this hugely popular cannabinoid. This plant provides full anti-inflammatory effectiveness with minimum mental highs for those who would rather stay sober.

Our final suggestion is trying to combine these two strains to mix their effects. This will add the analgesic power of THC to the subtle touch of terpenes and the anti-inflammatory potential of CBD, while Blue Monkey CBD helps control any overly narcotic THC effects of Fatkid’s Cake.

As you can see, the Amsterdam Genetics collection always has the perfect cannabis solution waiting online, whether you’re after natural inflammation relief or other fist class marijuana marvels!



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Can Cannabis Boost Creativity?

Cannabis is used to relax, to spark euphoria, or even for various medical reasons. However, many people turn to cannabis expecting weed to promote creativity. Stories abound of how famous artists (like Bob Marley or The Beatles), painters, and writers indicated that cannabis was a key contributor to their success. But is this just a self-fulfilling prophecy, or does cannabis truly improve creativity? This blog explores how weed affects that ephemeral muse of inspiration and open-mindedness: creativity.

Creativity In The Brain

Humans are creative beings by nature. Our creativity explains how we live in comfortable, heated homes, talking to friends over ingenious technology while unleashing our inspiration on our favourite dish in the kitchen. Our works of art are testament to our creative spirit, too. But what exactly is creativity? One dictionary defines it as ‘the ability to produce or use original and unusual ideas’. Clearly, although perhaps not very creatively stated, creative thought requires a powerful capacity to create something new.

In psychology, creativity is regarded as the ability for divergent thought. It entails coming up with solutions from various angles, with an open mind able to think spontaneous, nonlinear thoughts. It is the ability to let ideas flow freely. This manner of thinking is used in brainstorm sessions, which aim specifically at generating original, outside-the-box concepts.

cannabis creativity

However we define it, though, some people just seem to be more creative than others. This is linked to the way our brain works. Research demonstrates that creativity originates in the frontal lobes of the brain. Creative thought increases activity in this anatomical structure. Interestingly, cannabis also affects these frontal lobes: consumption of weed encourages the flow of blood towards this region, increasing activity as a result. It appears, then, as if cannabis has a positive effect on creativity.

The Influence Of Cannabis On Creativity

The effects of cannabis on creativity have not been extensively studied so far. That makes it difficult to fully grasp how the plant’s various compounds affect the brain; let alone how cannabis can trigger sudden torrents of brilliant ideas. A research team led by Schafer might reveal a few initial clues, however, based on a 2011 literature study into the effects of cannabis.

The team suggested that weed may produce so-called psychomimetic symptoms. This means that cannabis compounds can cause a mental state that is slightly akin to psychosis. As serious as this may sound, it simply means that a cannabis high may enable people to link concepts and events that seem unrelated at first glance. This is a concrete example of divergent thinking we mentioned earlier as a defining feature of the creative process.

The use of psychoactive substances is known to stimulate open-mindedness. It allows thoughts to run more freely, opening up space for associative thinking that can lead to new ideas. Such substances reduce the inhibitions and limitations of established notions, which allows our thoughts to wander. No matter whether we look at tribal people using peyote, or modern westerners smoking cannabis; many people have noticed first-hand how a change of perspective and their emotional state can come with concrete advantages. Such alterations seem to increase and improve the capacity for creativity.

cannabis creativity

Studying How Cannabis Affects Creativity

A Dutch study from 2014 demonstrated that the influence of cannabis on creativity tends to vary. The research involved two sets of subjects: one group with high creativity characteristics and another group with less exceptional scores on this dimension. Strikingly, use of cannabis hardly affected the creativity of the group that was more creative to begin with. Apparently, the effect of cannabis can only elevate creativity to a certain point. However, those subjects who weren’t very creative initially did notice a marked difference. Their creative performance improved to almost the same level as those who were creative by nature. Evidently, marijuana could prove useful at least to some of us in this regard.

Dosage seems to be another determining factor, though. Modest dosages of THC (5.5mg) appear to encourage divergent thought. This manifested itself in two ways: increased frequency of creative ideas, and improved flexibility and variety of such ideas. Subjects also improved in terms of originality. Increasing dosages to higher levels (22mg) appeared to reverse these effects, however, lowering scores across all variables measured.

creative weed
Quantity matters.

There is one other factor to consider in using cannabis to boost creativity. No matter how creative it might make us, THC is known to disrupt both short-term and long-term memory function. Should you be struck by sudden gems of cannabis induced wisdom and creative thought while you are high, do remember to write them down on a piece of paper. You may find that by the time you return to sobriety, you have no idea what went though your mind as your creativity peaked.

Tips For Boosting Creativity With Cannabis

With the following tips in mind, anyone can try to make the most out of the creative booster potential of weed.

1. Start Out With Small Doses

As you have read above, more cannabis does not necessarily make us more creative. If you are looking to crank up your creativity with cannabis, start out with a modest dosage. If the strain of your choice contains too much THC, or if you simply take too much, you run the risk of either running out of creative steam or failing to complete your creative act altogether. On top of that, you may run into some of weed’s less attractive side-effects.

2. Pick The Right Cannabis Strain For Creativity

Although some cannabis strains just tick all the right boxes for boosting creativity, you should still try to find your best personal match. Are you looking for tranquil, philosophical meditations, or do want a mental state that leaves the doors of perception wide open, ready to let in a flood of wild inspiration? You could opt for an activating sativa strain or go for a soothing indica instead. In very general terms, you could say that haze strains tend to produce activating headbuzz effects, whereas kush strains may leave you stranded on the sofa, way too relaxed to permit ideas more inspiring than clearing out the pantry.

Creative With Weed: Growing The Seeds Of Inspiration

Obviously, truly hardcore creative spirits prefer to grow their own cannabis seeds. This allows anyone to create their own cannabis creativity. Our catalogue of premium quality cannabis seeds has plenty of inspiration to suit any grower, but here’s a few tips for the finest seeds of homegrown cannabis creativity:

Cannabis Creativity Top Strain #1: White Choco Haze

White Choco Haze is what happens when you cross White Choco with hardcore haze genetics for added mental activity. This 80% sativa hybrid is not hard to grow, which is a real perk for genetics this hazy.

cannabis creativity haze

In terms of flavour, the taste of chocolate and a twist of melon amount to a shot of inspiration all on their own. Still, the uplifting creative vibes of her excellent high are the real secret driving your pen, brush, or DJ set to a whole new level!

Cannabis Creativity Booster #2: Chocolato

Chocolato approaches creativity from the indica side of the cannabis spectrum. She sparks creative and productive urges, making her excellent for daytime productivity. At the same time, Chocolato embodies a pleasantly floaty buzz that lingers somewhere in between the mind and the muscles. And since creativity and taste were always closely related, her delicious Gelato pedigree lends this Homegrown strain just that bit of added inspiration to kick off your inspiration!

chocolato marijuana seeds amsterdam genetics

Cannabis Creativity Genetics #3: Blue Amnesia Haze

Blue Amnesia Haze is a real must-try creative inspiration cannabis strain that keeps on fizzing for hours. These potent sativa cannabis seeds of Amnesia Haze descent pack enough creativity to get some concrete results, no matter what your artistic goals may be. Blue Amnesia Haze is also a fine choice for social settings such as jam sessions or joint creative projects, because her uplifting streak keeps conversations and inspirations flowing simultaneously.

Blue Amnesia haze wiet creatief

Blue Amnesia Haze may not be the easiest strain to grow, but then again, that is precisely why we created Blue Amnesia Autoflower cannabis seeds to unlock creativity for beginner growers, too.

As you can see, the Amsterdam Genetics collection has something wonderful to grow for anyone. Anyone looking to explore the links between cannabis and creativity for themselves will always find a suitable strain in our expanding seeds range!

anandamide cannabis

Anandamide, The Bliss Molecule And Cannabis

Many people are aware that weed contains cannabinoids such as THC and CBD. Yet even seasoned cannabis consumers often don’t know that the human body produces its own cannabinoids, too. This intriguing fact was discovered quite recently. One of these endocannabinoids is anandamide, a substance also known as the ‘bliss’ molecule due to its positive mood effects. Just like CBD and THC in cannabis, anandamide can bind to cell receptors. Structurally speaking, it is in fact quite similar to THC. But what can this molecule do for cannabis enthusiasts? Can you use marijuana to make you happy?

The Properties Of Anandamide

Cannabis is back in the spotlights: recently, scientists have been busy mapping the plethora of compounds weed contains, with a heavy focus on their medicinal properties. Nonetheless, it is amazing to realize that plant-based cannabinoids like THC and CBD were discovered in 1964 and 1942, respectively; long before we came across the endocannabinoids that we produces ourselves. It was not until the start of the nineties before scientists found that weed phytocannabinoids can bind to human receptors.

The first endocannabinoid was discovered as recently as 1992, and this was coined anandamide. This body-made cannabinoid is generated in the cellular membranes and tissues of the brain. Normally speaking, natural anandamide levels are low. The compound does not remain stable for long inside the body, where it is quickly broken down into arachidonic acid and ethanol amine by the enzyme FAAH (fatty acid amide hydrolase).

This makes anandamide a fragile endocannabinoid, and in a poetical sense, that seems quite fitting. Anandamide is the Sanskrit word for joy and happiness, which is why it is known as the ‘bliss molecule’. Anandamide produces a blissful, satisfied state of mind. It is also involved in learning, motivation, memory, appetite, and happiness.

cannabis anandamide

Low Anandamide Levels

Somehow, one would hope that the body produces copious amounts of this precious compound. Sadly, however, this is not the case. Perhaps that would simply be too good to be true. After all, bliss and happiness are equally transient in everyday life. Nonetheless, scientists are deeply fascinated by the substance, with a particular focus on the link between this neurotransmitter and FAAH.

As stated above, FAAH breaks down anandamide. Theoretically, then, inhibiting the activity of FAAH should raise natural body anandamide levels. That could have important therapeutic implications. However, other factors also influence anandamide’s effects: it can also affect the phytocannabinoids found in weed. To find out how this works, we need to explore the functioning of the human endocannabinoid system (ECS).

Anandamide, Cannabis, And Your Body

The human body is host to a bewildering diversity of processes, including the cardiovascular, digestive and immune system. In a way, the body is much like a complex factory in which all processes must run in mutual harmony to function. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is like a supervisory overseer that ensures everything remains balanced. To this end, the ECS uses two types of cell receptors, known as CB1 and CB2. Our own body’s cannabinoids, including anandamide, can bind to these receptors to convey messages to the cells.

However, phytocannabinoids found in marijuana, including THC and CBD, are also capable of conneting to these receptors. This allows them to affect your mood, appetite, memory, and more. So what are the effects of CBD and THC on anandamide? Can you use weed to find bliss and feel happy?

anandamide cannabis

THC And Anandamide

Both THC and anandamide are able to connect with CB1 receptors, partly due to their chemical similarity. THC turns out to make stronger connections with CB1 receptors than anandamide, though. If someone uses cannabis, THC will have a strong influence on that person’s body and mind through specific chemical changes. This causes the famous high or stoned effects people experience while consuming cannabis. This implies that in a very real sense, anandamide is outclassed by THC, losing its ability to affect CB1 receptors as a result.

The effect of THC is noticeable in the way the brain works. THC affects memory, but it also promotes production of dopamine, another important neurotransmitter. This raises dopamine levels in the body beyond the usual thresholds. Similarly to anandamide, dopamine also causes feelings of pleasure; it is also involved in appetite and our sense of reward.

Anandamide And CBD In Cannabis

The effect of CBD on anandamide is much more direct. This is due to CBD’s inhibitory effect on FAAH’s capacity to break down anandamide. That allows anandamide to remain present in the brain for longer durations, which in turn extends our opportunities to benefit from the bliss molecule’s effects. Research has demonstrated that people with high anandamide levels stand to benefit from this effect. They experience improved mood, decreased anxiety, and greater pain relief.

anandamide thc weed

Happier Because Of Weed?

Of course, it is impossible at this point to conclude that weed makes people happy, period. The phenomenon of happiness is governed by so many factors that we are unlikely to pinpoint any single factor responsible for our sense of bliss. In addition, we need more research to further clarify the relationship between anandamide and the effects of cannabis. Still, consumption of marijuana could potentially contribute to general improvement of mood. Part of the explanation could be that THC increases dopamine production; CBD’s inhibition of anandamide breakdown could be another aspect. Research appears to point in similar directions: cannabis consumption in a male penitentiary facility turned out to reduce levels of violence and improve inmate’s social cohesion.

The best cannabis strains to use for improving people’s positive moods would appear to be strains with relatively low THC levels (below 20%) and relatively high CBD content. That would maximise the benefits either cannabinoid contributes in this regard.

There are other ways to naturally increase your anandamide levels, though. Regular exercise is known to help, and both dark chocolate and truffles are natural anandamide sources, too! Moreover, happiness amounts to more than a mere matter of anandamide, or of cannabis for that matter, and that is probably for the best. Reading a good book can make people happy, as can a lovely stroll in the countryside, or the smiling face of someone we love. Fortunately, we all have myriad personal ways to boost our happiness and wellbeing. The trick is finding out what works for you, and what doesn’t.

marijuana seeds amsterdam genetics

Anandamide, Cannabis, And A Personal Path To Bliss

No matter how we look at it, the pursuit of happiness appears more complicated than the chemistry of a single cannabinoid like anandamide. Bliss turns out to be every bit as ephemeral and transient as the presence of these molecules in anyone’s bloodstream. Perhaps this is for the better: it would probably feel like cheating if ordering cannabis seeds or simply rolling up brought instant bliss for anyone.

Nonetheless, our Amsterdam Genetics community proves that growing marijuana and enjoying its results makes people happy every day. So regardless of your anandamide levels, perhaps now is a good time to see whether the cannabis grower’s hobby is a step on the way to finding your personal sense of bliss!